
## 怨气满腹句子 (58句)

**1. 心中满是怨恨,挥之不去。**

My heart is full of resentment, it just won't go away.

**2. 这口气,我咽不下去!**

I can't swallow this anger!

**3. 恨不得将他们碎尸万段。**

I would like to tear them limb from limb.

**4. 他们让我伤透了心,我永远不会原谅他们。**

They broke my heart, and I will never forgive them.

**5. 他们所做的一切都让我感到痛苦和愤怒。**

Everything they do makes me feel pain and anger.

**6. 我要让他们为他们的所作所为付出代价。**

I will make them pay for what they've done.

**7. 他们对我的背叛,让我永生难忘。**

Their betrayal will stay with me forever.

**8. 我无法摆脱这种怨恨,它就像毒药一样,不断折磨着我。**

I can't escape this resentment, it's like poison, constantly tormenting me.

**9. 我希望他们能体会到我此刻的痛苦。**

I wish they could feel the pain I'm experiencing now.

**10. 这份怨恨,会伴随我一生。**

This resentment will be with me for life.

**11. 我无法释怀,无法放下这段过往。**

I can't let go, I can't move on from the past.

**12. 他们让我感到绝望,让我失去对生活的希望。**

They made me feel hopeless, they took away my hope for life.

**13. 他们让我尝尽了人世间所有的苦难。**

They made me taste all the suffering in the world.

**14. 我发誓,我一定要报复他们!**

I swear, I will get revenge on them!

**15. 他们让我对这个世界充满了厌恶。**

They made me disgusted with this world.

**16. 我宁愿他们从我的生命中消失,也不愿再见到他们。**

I would rather they disappear from my life than see them again.

**17. 我无法忘记他们对我的伤害。**

I cannot forget the hurt they caused me.

**18. 我的内心充满了愤怒和仇恨。**

My heart is filled with anger and hatred.

**19. 我将永远记得他们的所作所为。**

I will never forget what they did.

**20. 我无法原谅他们,也无法忘记他们带给我的痛苦。**

I cannot forgive them, nor can I forget the pain they brought me.

**21. 我对他们充满了厌恶和憎恨。**

I am filled with disgust and hatred for them.

**22. 他们让我失去了对爱情的信任。**

They made me lose my trust in love.

**23. 我感到被背叛了,被欺骗了。**

I feel betrayed, deceived.

**24. 我无法相信他们会做出这样的事情。**

I can't believe they would do such a thing.

**25. 他们让我感到绝望,让我对未来失去了希望。**

They made me feel hopeless, they took away my hope for the future.

**26. 我对他们充满了失望和愤怒。**

I am filled with disappointment and anger towards them.

**27. 他们让我感到孤独和无助。**

They made me feel lonely and helpless.

**28. 我无法摆脱他们带给我的伤痛。**

I can't escape the pain they brought me.

**29. 我无法忘记他们的背叛。**

I can't forget their betrayal.

**30. 我将永远无法原谅他们。**

I will never forgive them.

**31. 我对他们的所作所为感到无比愤怒。**

I am incredibly angry about what they did.

**32. 我希望他们能够感受到我的痛苦。**

I wish they could feel my pain.

**33. 我无法理解他们为什么能做出如此残忍的事情。**

I can't understand why they could do such a cruel thing.

**34. 他们让我感到无比的愤怒和绝望。**

They made me feel incredibly angry and hopeless.

**35. 我将永远记住他们的所作所为,并将它们铭记在心。**

I will forever remember what they did, and I will keep it in my heart.

**36. 我无法摆脱这种怨恨,它就像一块巨石压在我的心头。**

I can't escape this resentment, it's like a huge rock on my chest.

**37. 他们让我失去了对世界的信任,让我对未来充满了恐惧。**

They made me lose my trust in the world, and they filled my future with fear.

**38. 我无法摆脱这种愤怒,它就像一把烈火,不断燃烧着我的内心。**

I can't escape this anger, it's like a raging fire, constantly burning within me.

**39. 我无法忘记他们对我的伤害,无法忘记他们带给我的痛苦。**

I cannot forget the hurt they caused me, I cannot forget the pain they brought me.

**40. 我希望他们能够得到报应,希望他们能够体会到我现在的感受。**

I wish they could receive retribution, I wish they could experience what I'm feeling now.

**41. 我对他们充满了愤怒和怨恨,我将永远无法原谅他们。**

I am filled with anger and resentment towards them, I will never forgive them.

**42. 我无法理解他们的行为,无法理解他们为什么能做出如此伤害我的事情。**

I cannot understand their actions, I cannot understand why they could do something so hurtful to me.

**43. 我对他们充满了失望和厌恶,我再也不想见到他们。**

I am filled with disappointment and disgust towards them, I never want to see them again.

**44. 我无法摆脱这种痛苦,它就像一根刺,深深地扎在我的心中。**

I cannot escape this pain, it's like a thorn, deeply embedded in my heart.

**45. 我无法释怀,无法忘记他们对我的伤害,无法忘记他们的背叛。**

I cannot let go, I cannot forget the hurt they caused me, I cannot forget their betrayal.

**46. 我对他们充满了愤怒和仇恨,我发誓,我一定要报复他们!**

I am filled with anger and hatred towards them, I swear, I will get revenge on them!

**47. 我无法相信他们会做出如此残忍的事情,我无法相信他们会背叛我。**

I cannot believe they would do something so cruel, I cannot believe they would betray me.

**48. 我对他们充满了失望,我无法再相信他们,也无法再爱他们。**

I am filled with disappointment towards them, I can no longer trust them, nor can I love them anymore.

**49. 我无法忘记他们对我的伤害,无法忘记他们带给我的痛苦,我将永远记住他们。**

I cannot forget the hurt they caused me, I cannot forget the pain they brought me, I will forever remember them.

**50. 我对他们的行为感到无比的愤怒,我无法原谅他们,也无法忘记他们。**

I am incredibly angry about their actions, I cannot forgive them, nor can I forget them.

**51. 我无法摆脱这种痛苦,它就像一块巨石,压在我的心头,让我喘不过气来。**

I cannot escape this pain, it's like a huge rock on my chest, making it hard for me to breathe.

**52. 我对他们充满了怨恨,我无法忘记他们的背叛,我无法原谅他们。**

I am filled with resentment towards them, I cannot forget their betrayal, I cannot forgive them.

**53. 我对他们的所作所为感到无比的愤怒,我无法忘记他们的伤害,我发誓,我一定要报复他们!**

I am incredibly angry about what they did, I cannot forget the hurt they caused me, I swear, I will get revenge on them!

**54. 我无法相信他们会做出如此残忍的事情,我无法相信他们会背叛我,我无法原谅他们。**

I cannot believe they would do something so cruel, I cannot believe they would betray me, I cannot forgive them.

**55. 我对他们充满了失望和厌恶,我无法再相信他们,也无法再爱他们,我将永远记住他们的所作所为。**

I am filled with disappointment and disgust towards them, I can no longer trust them, nor can I love them anymore, I will forever remember what they did.

**56. 我无法摆脱这种痛苦,它就像一根刺,深深地扎在我的心中,让我无法忘记他们,无法原谅他们。**

I cannot escape this pain, it's like a thorn, deeply embedded in my heart, making it impossible for me to forget them, impossible for me to forgive them.

**57. 我无法释怀,无法忘记他们的伤害,无法忘记他们的背叛,我将永远记住他们,并将永远记住他们的所作所为。**

I cannot let go, I cannot forget the hurt they caused me, I cannot forget their betrayal, I will forever remember them, and I will forever remember what they did.

**58. 我对他们充满了愤怒和怨恨,我发誓,我一定要报复他们!我将永远记住他们的所作所为,并将永远铭记他们的伤害!**

I am filled with anger and resentment towards them, I swear, I will get revenge on them! I will forever remember what they did, and I will forever remember the hurt they caused me!

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