
## 怪钟疑案 句子 (85句)


1. 古老的钟楼里,怪钟发出刺耳的鸣响,惊动了整个小镇。

The ancient clock tower echoed with a jarring clang, waking the entire town.

2. 钟楼的管理员,老先生艾弗里,被发现死在钟楼里,身边是那只怪钟。

The clock tower’s caretaker, old Mr. Avery, was found dead within its confines, the strange clock beside him.

3. 奇怪的钟,指针指向了午夜十二点,时间仿佛静止了。

The peculiar clock, its hands frozen at midnight, seemed to have stopped time itself.

4. 怪钟的指针并非正常旋转,而是以诡异的跳跃方式移动。

The hands of the strange clock didn't rotate normally, but moved in an eerie, jolting fashion.

5. 艾弗里先生的死因不明,怪钟仿佛在诉说着一段诡异的故事。

The cause of Mr. Avery’s death remained a mystery, and the strange clock seemed to whisper a cryptic tale.

6. 侦探柯南被请来调查这起怪异的案件,他敏锐的观察力开始发挥作用。

Detective Conan was called in to investigate the bizarre case, and his sharp observation skills swung into action.

7. 柯南发现怪钟的材质十分特殊,似乎蕴藏着某种神秘力量。

Conan noticed the strange clock was made of a unique material, hinting at a hidden power.

8. 钟楼里弥漫着诡异的氛围,仿佛被某种力量笼罩。

An eerie atmosphere filled the clock tower, as if enveloped by a supernatural presence.

9. 柯南仔细观察钟楼里的每一个角落,试图找到破案的关键线索。

Conan scrutinized every nook and cranny of the clock tower, searching for vital clues to solve the case.

10. 钟楼的墙壁上,刻满了奇特的符号,它们仿佛在诉说着某种秘密。

The clock tower walls were covered in strange symbols, whispering of a hidden secret.

11. 柯南在钟楼里发现了一本日记,记录了艾弗里先生的怪异经历。

Conan discovered a diary within the clock tower, containing Mr. Avery’s unsettling experiences.

12. 日记里描述了怪钟的种种怪异行为,似乎拥有某种邪恶的力量。

The diary detailed the strange clock’s erratic behavior, suggesting a sinister power at play.

13. 柯南意识到,怪钟的秘密与艾弗里先生的死息息相关。

Conan realized the strange clock’s secret was inextricably linked to Mr. Avery’s demise.

14. 为了解开怪钟的秘密,柯南开始寻找与之相关的线索。

To unravel the mystery of the strange clock, Conan set out to find related clues.

15. 柯南调查了艾弗里先生的生活轨迹,试图找到答案。

Conan investigated Mr. Avery's life, searching for answers.

16. 柯南发现艾弗里先生生前曾接触过一些神秘的古董。

Conan discovered Mr. Avery had come into contact with some mysterious antiques during his life.

17. 这些古董可能与怪钟的来源有关,也可能与他的死亡有关。

These antiques might be connected to the origin of the strange clock, or perhaps his death.

18. 柯南开始追查这些古董的来历,寻找破案的关键线索。

Conan began to trace the origins of these antiques, searching for crucial clues to solve the case.

19. 柯南发现这些古董都来自一个神秘的组织,这个组织似乎与怪钟有着千丝万缕的联系。

Conan discovered these antiques all originated from a mysterious organization, seemingly intertwined with the strange clock.

20. 柯南意识到,他所面对的不仅仅是一起普通的谋杀案,而是牵涉到更加深层的阴谋。

Conan realized he wasn't facing a simple murder case, but a deeper conspiracy.


21. 随着调查的深入,怪钟的秘密逐渐浮出水面。

As the investigation deepened, the secrets of the strange clock began to emerge.

22. 柯南发现怪钟的指针指向的不是时间,而是某个特定的地点。

Conan discovered the strange clock's hands didn't point to time, but to a specific location.

23. 柯南根据指针的指向,找到了一个被废弃的古老教堂。

Following the direction of the hands, Conan found an abandoned, ancient church.

24. 柯南在教堂里发现了更多关于怪钟的线索,以及艾弗里先生的秘密。

In the church, Conan found more clues about the strange clock and Mr. Avery's secrets.

25. 柯南发现,艾弗里先生生前曾被一个神秘的组织控制,被迫参与了某种邪恶的仪式。

Conan discovered Mr. Avery had been controlled by a mysterious organization, forced to participate in a sinister ritual.

26. 仪式与怪钟有关,怪钟似乎是某种邪恶力量的媒介。

The ritual was connected to the strange clock, which appeared to be a conduit for some evil power.

27. 怪钟的钟声不再是简单的报时,而是某种邪恶的召唤。

The strange clock's chimes were no longer a simple timekeeping device, but a sinister call.

28. 钟声响彻整个小镇,仿佛在召唤着某种邪恶的存在。

The chimes resonated throughout the town, as if summoning an evil presence.

29. 柯南意识到,怪钟的秘密不仅仅与艾弗里先生的死有关,它可能对整个小镇都构成威胁。

Conan realized the strange clock's secret wasn't solely tied to Mr. Avery's death, but could pose a threat to the entire town.

30. 柯南必须找到阻止怪钟的办法,否则小镇将面临灭顶之灾。

Conan needed to find a way to stop the strange clock, or the town would face annihilation.

31. 柯南与他的伙伴们一起,展开了调查,试图解开怪钟的秘密。

Conan, along with his companions, launched their investigation, determined to unravel the strange clock's mystery.

32. 他们深入探究了神秘组织的背景,寻找阻止怪钟的关键线索。

They delved into the background of the mysterious organization, searching for the key to stop the strange clock.

33. 他们发现,神秘组织试图利用怪钟的力量来实现某种邪恶的目的。

They discovered the mysterious organization was trying to use the power of the strange clock for their sinister goals.

34. 柯南和他的伙伴们必须阻止他们,否则整个小镇将被黑暗吞噬。

Conan and his companions had to stop them, or the town would be consumed by darkness.

35. 柯南意识到,怪钟的秘密与时间有关,它或许能扭曲时间,甚至改变历史。

Conan realized the strange clock's secret was related to time, perhaps capable of twisting it, even altering history.

36. 柯南必须找到一个办法,在不改变历史的情况下阻止怪钟。

Conan had to find a way to stop the strange clock without altering history.

37. 柯南利用自己的智慧和勇气,一步步逼近真相,最终揭开了怪钟的秘密。

Utilizing his wit and courage, Conan inch by inch approached the truth, finally uncovering the strange clock's secret.

38. 柯南发现,怪钟的指针指向的不是时间,而是某个特定时间发生的事件。

Conan discovered the strange clock's hands didn't point to time, but to events that occurred at a specific time.

39. 柯南意识到,怪钟的秘密与小镇的历史有关,与某个古老的预言有关。

Conan realized the strange clock's secret was tied to the town's history, to an ancient prophecy.

40. 柯南必须找到阻止预言实现的办法,否则小镇将面临灾难。

Conan had to find a way to stop the prophecy from coming true, or the town would face catastrophe.


41. 柯南与他的伙伴们,开始寻找阻止怪钟的办法,他们试图破解预言的秘密。

Conan and his companions began to search for a way to stop the strange clock, trying to decipher the secrets of the prophecy.

42. 他们发现,预言与怪钟的起源有关,与一个古老的巫师有关。

They discovered the prophecy was related to the strange clock's origin, to an ancient wizard.

43. 古老的巫师将自己的力量封印在怪钟之中,希望用它来改变命运。

The ancient wizard had sealed his power within the strange clock, hoping to use it to change fate.

44. 柯南意识到,怪钟的指针指向的不是时间,而是某个特定时间点发生的事件。

Conan realized the strange clock's hands didn't point to time, but to events that occurred at a specific point in time.

45. 柯南通过调查,发现预言的实现需要一个特定条件。

Through his investigation, Conan discovered a specific condition needed for the prophecy to come true.

46. 柯南必须在预言实现之前阻止怪钟,否则一切都将无法挽回。

Conan had to stop the strange clock before the prophecy came true, or everything would be irrevocably lost.

47. 柯南利用自己的智慧,找到了阻止怪钟的方法,他找到了一个能够封印怪钟力量的古老法阵。

Conan, utilizing his intellect, found a way to stop the strange clock, discovering an ancient formation capable of sealing its power.

48. 柯南与他的伙伴们,一起完成了封印怪钟的仪式,阻止了预言的实现。

Conan and his companions, working together, completed the ritual to seal the strange clock, preventing the prophecy from coming true.

49. 怪钟的钟声停止了,小镇恢复了平静,时间仿佛重新流动了。

The strange clock's chimes ceased, the town regained its tranquility, and time seemed to flow anew.

50. 柯南最终解开了怪钟的秘密,化解了小镇的危机,也揭示了时间和命运的奥秘。

Conan finally unravelled the mystery of the strange clock, resolving the town's crisis, and revealing the secrets of time and fate.


51. 虽然怪钟的秘密被解开,但小镇的平静并没有持续很久。

Although the mystery of the strange clock was solved, the town’s tranquility didn't last long.

52. 柯南发现,怪钟的消失,似乎触动了某种未知的力量,时间开始变得混乱。

Conan discovered the disappearance of the strange clock seemed to trigger an unknown force, causing time to become chaotic.

53. 小镇里发生了一系列怪异的事件,时间仿佛在倒流,人们的记忆也开始变得模糊。

A series of strange incidents occurred in the town, as if time was reversing, and people's memories were becoming hazy.

54. 柯南意识到,怪钟的消失,并没有真正的解决问题,而是引发了更加可怕的危机。

Conan realized the disappearance of the strange clock hadn't truly solved the problem, but triggered a more terrifying crisis.

55. 柯南再次踏上调查之路,试图找到解决时间混乱的办法。

Conan once again embarked on his investigative journey, seeking a solution to the temporal chaos.

56. 柯南发现,时间混乱的根源,并非来自于怪钟本身,而是来自于一个更加强大的力量。

Conan discovered the root of the temporal chaos wasn't the strange clock itself, but a more powerful force.

57. 柯南发现,怪钟只是一个媒介,它将某种力量释放到了这个世界。

Conan discovered the strange clock was merely a conduit, releasing a power into the world.

58. 为了阻止时间混乱,柯南必须找到封印这种力量的办法。

To stop the temporal chaos, Conan had to find a way to seal this power.

59. 柯南再次深入研究了巫师的魔法,试图找到封印力量的线索。

Conan once again delved into the wizard's magic, seeking clues to seal the power.

60. 柯南发现,封印力量的办法,并非来自巫师本身,而是来自时间本身。

Conan discovered the method to seal the power wasn't from the wizard himself, but from time itself.

61. 柯南意识到,时间并非线性的,它是一个循环,一个不断轮回的圆圈。

Conan realized time wasn't linear, but cyclical, a constantly revolving circle.

62. 柯南必须找到时间循环的起点,才能找到封印力量的办法。

Conan had to find the starting point of the time loop to find a way to seal the power.

63. 柯南和他的伙伴们,一起追溯时间的长河,寻找时间的起点。

Conan and his companions, working together, retraced the river of time, searching for its origin.

64. 他们穿越了不同的时间点,经历了不同的事件,试图找到答案。

They traveled through different points in time, experiencing different events, trying to find answers.

65. 柯南最终找到了时间的起点,一个神秘的古老之地。

Conan finally found the origin of time, a mysterious ancient place.

66. 柯南在那里发现了封印力量的关键,一个古老的计时器。

There, Conan discovered the key to sealing the power, an ancient timepiece.

67. 柯南通过操控计时器,成功地将时间恢复正常,封印了力量。

By manipulating the timepiece, Conan successfully restored time to its normal flow, sealing the power.

68. 小镇恢复了平静,时间重新流淌,怪钟的秘密也最终被揭开。

The town regained its tranquility, time flowed anew, and the secret of the strange clock was finally revealed.


69. 虽然时间恢复了正常,但柯南并没有放松警惕。

Although time had returned to normal, Conan didn't let his guard down.

70. 柯南意识到,怪钟的秘密可能只是冰山一角,还有更深层的秘密尚未揭开。

Conan realized the secret of the strange clock was just the tip of the iceberg, deeper mysteries remained to be uncovered.

71. 柯南继续调查,试图找到更多的线索,揭开隐藏在背后的真相。

Conan continued his investigation, seeking more clues to uncover the truth hidden behind it all.

72. 柯南发现,怪钟的秘密与一个古老的传说有关,与一个被遗忘的文明有关。

Conan discovered the secret of the strange clock was connected to an ancient legend, to a forgotten civilization.

73. 柯南意识到,怪钟的秘密可能与人类的起源有关,与时间的本质有关。

Conan realized the secret of the strange clock might be linked to the origins of humanity, to the very nature of time.

74. 柯南决心解开最后的秘密,揭开隐藏在时间背后的真相。

Conan was determined to unravel the final secret, to uncover the truth hidden behind time itself.

75. 柯南踏上了新的冒险之旅,他将前往更远的地方,探寻时间的奥秘。

Conan embarked on a new adventure, traveling to distant lands to explore the secrets of time.

76. 柯南最终找到了隐藏在时间背后的真相,一个令人难以置信的秘密。

Conan finally discovered the truth hidden behind time, an incredible secret.

77. 柯南了解了时间的本质,也了解了人类的命运。

Conan learned the nature of time, and the fate of humanity.

78. 柯南意识到,时间并非线性的,而是循环的,一个不断重复的循环。

Conan realized time wasn't linear, but cyclical, a constantly repeating loop.

79. 柯南也意识到,人类的命运并非注定,而是由他们自己选择。

Conan also realized that the fate of humanity wasn't predetermined, but chosen by them.

80. 柯南将自己的发现告诉了世人,希望他们能够珍惜时间,创造自己的未来。

Conan shared his discoveries with the world, hoping they would cherish time and create their own future.

81. 怪钟的秘密最终被揭开,但它留下的思考却永远存在。

The secret of the strange clock was finally revealed, but the thoughts it left behind would forever remain.

82. 怪钟的故事告诉我们,时间是宝贵的,我们应该珍惜每一刻。

The story of the strange clock taught us that time is precious, and we should cherish every moment.

83. 怪钟的故事也告诉我们,我们应该勇于面对未知,不断探索生命的意义。

The story of the strange clock also taught us that we should bravely face the unknown, constantly exploring the meaning of life.

84. 怪钟的故事,只是一个开始,时间的奥秘还有待我们继续探索。

The story of the strange clock was just the beginning, the mysteries of time await our continued exploration.

85. 怪钟的故事,将永远铭刻在人们的记忆中,提醒我们珍惜时间,追寻生命的真谛。

The story of the strange clock will forever be etched in people's memories, reminding us to cherish time and seek the true meaning of life.

以上就是关于怪钟疑案句子85句(怪钟疑案句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
