
## 怯懦苟安的句子 (51 句)

1. **他宁愿选择沉默,也不愿面对现实的残酷,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He would rather choose silence than face the cruelty of reality, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

2. **他们对现状感到满意,不愿意为了改变而付出努力,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are satisfied with the status quo and are unwilling to work hard for change, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

3. **他躲在自己的舒适圈里,不愿面对外界的挑战,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He hides in his comfort zone and is unwilling to face the challenges of the outside world, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

4. **他们明知真相,却选择视而不见,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They know the truth but choose to turn a blind eye, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

5. **他为了逃避责任,选择推卸责任,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He chooses to shirk responsibility in order to escape it, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

6. **他们甘愿做沉默的大多数,不愿站出来维护正义,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are willing to be the silent majority and are unwilling to stand up for justice, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

7. **他害怕失败,所以选择放弃梦想,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He is afraid of failure, so he chooses to give up his dreams, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

8. **他们被眼前的利益所诱惑,失去了原则和底线,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are tempted by immediate benefits and lose their principles and bottom line, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

9. **他宁愿选择逃避现实,也不愿面对自己的错误,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He would rather choose to escape reality than face his own mistakes, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

10. **他们对未来充满了恐惧,所以选择安于现状,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are filled with fear of the future, so they choose to settle for the status quo, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

11. **他害怕承担风险,所以选择放弃机会,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He is afraid to take risks, so he chooses to give up opportunities, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

12. **他们被世俗的眼光所束缚,失去了自我,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are bound by worldly opinions and lose themselves, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

13. **他宁愿选择虚假的面具,也不愿袒露真情,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He would rather choose a false mask than reveal his true feelings, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

14. **他们对生活充满了失望,所以选择消极对待,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are filled with disappointment with life, so they choose to be negative, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

15. **他害怕被伤害,所以选择封闭内心,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He is afraid of being hurt, so he chooses to close his heart, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

16. **他们对未来充满迷茫,所以选择随波逐流,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are confused about the future, so they choose to go with the flow, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

17. **他害怕失去,所以选择放弃追求,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He is afraid of losing, so he chooses to give up pursuing, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

18. **他们被眼前的利益所蒙蔽,失去了长远的眼光,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are blinded by immediate benefits and lose their long-term vision, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

19. **他宁愿选择逃避问题,也不愿寻找解决方法,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He would rather choose to escape problems than seek solutions, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

20. **他们被过去所困扰,所以选择停滞不前,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are haunted by the past, so they choose to stagnate, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

21. **他害怕被别人嘲笑,所以选择掩饰自己,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He is afraid of being ridiculed by others, so he chooses to hide himself, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

22. **他们被社会所压迫,所以选择逆来顺受,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are oppressed by society, so they choose to accept their fate, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

23. **他宁愿选择沉默,也不愿表达自己的想法,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He would rather choose silence than express his own thoughts, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

24. **他们对生活充满了抱怨,却不愿意改变现状,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are full of complaints about life but are unwilling to change the status quo, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

25. **他害怕失败,所以选择规避风险,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He is afraid of failure, so he chooses to avoid risks, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

26. **他们被世俗的观念所禁锢,失去了创造力,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are imprisoned by worldly concepts and lose their creativity, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

27. **他宁愿选择放弃梦想,也不愿为了梦想而奋斗,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He would rather choose to give up his dreams than fight for them, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

28. **他们被眼前的利益所迷惑,失去了远大的目标,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are deceived by immediate benefits and lose their grand goals, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

29. **他害怕面对真相,所以选择逃避现实,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He is afraid to face the truth, so he chooses to escape reality, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

30. **他们对未来充满了不确定,所以选择安于现状,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are filled with uncertainty about the future, so they choose to settle for the status quo, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

31. **他害怕失去朋友,所以选择委曲求全,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He is afraid of losing friends, so he chooses to compromise, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

32. **他们被社会的规则所束缚,失去了自由,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are bound by the rules of society and lose their freedom, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

33. **他宁愿选择沉默,也不愿说出真相,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He would rather choose silence than speak the truth, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

34. **他们对生活充满了不满,却不愿意付出努力,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are full of dissatisfaction with life but are unwilling to work hard, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

35. **他害怕承担责任,所以选择逃避责任,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He is afraid to take responsibility, so he chooses to escape it, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

36. **他们被眼前的利益所诱惑,失去了自己的原则,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are tempted by immediate benefits and lose their own principles, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

37. **他宁愿选择沉默,也不愿说出自己的内心感受,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He would rather choose silence than express his inner feelings, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

38. **他们对生活充满了迷茫,所以选择随波逐流,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are confused about life, so they choose to go with the flow, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

39. **他害怕失去爱人,所以选择忍气吞声,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He is afraid of losing his loved one, so he chooses to swallow his pride, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

40. **他们被社会的压力所压迫,所以选择放弃梦想,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are oppressed by societal pressure, so they choose to give up their dreams, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

41. **他宁愿选择逃避现实,也不愿面对自己的缺点,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He would rather choose to escape reality than face his own shortcomings, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

42. **他们对生活充满了恐惧,所以选择躲避现实,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are filled with fear of life, so they choose to avoid reality, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

43. **他害怕被别人抛弃,所以选择迎合他人,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He is afraid of being abandoned by others, so he chooses to cater to them, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

44. **他们被社会的规则所束缚,失去了自己的个性,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are bound by the rules of society and lose their own individuality, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

45. **他宁愿选择沉默,也不愿说出自己的真实想法,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He would rather choose silence than express his true thoughts, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

46. **他们对生活充满了失望,所以选择安于现状,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are full of disappointment with life, so they choose to settle for the status quo, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

47. **他害怕失败,所以选择放弃尝试,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He is afraid of failure, so he chooses to give up trying, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

48. **他们被眼前的利益所诱惑,失去了自己的道德底线,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are tempted by immediate benefits and lose their own moral compass, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

49. **他宁愿选择逃避问题,也不愿寻找解决办法,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He would rather choose to escape problems than seek solutions, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

50. **他们被过去的阴影所困扰,所以选择停滞不前,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> They are haunted by the shadows of the past, so they choose to stagnate, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

51. **他害怕被别人嘲笑,所以选择隐藏自己,这是一种怯懦的苟安。**
> He is afraid of being ridiculed by others, so he chooses to hide himself, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

## 英文翻译

1. He would rather choose silence than face the cruelty of reality, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

2. They are satisfied with the status quo and are unwilling to work hard for change, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

3. He hides in his comfort zone and is unwilling to face the challenges of the outside world, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

4. They know the truth but choose to turn a blind eye, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

5. He chooses to shirk responsibility in order to escape it, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

6. They are willing to be the silent majority and are unwilling to stand up for justice, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

7. He is afraid of failure, so he chooses to give up his dreams, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

8. They are tempted by immediate benefits and lose their principles and bottom line, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

9. He would rather choose to escape reality than face his own mistakes, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

10. They are filled with fear of the future, so they choose to settle for the status quo, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

11. He is afraid to take risks, so he chooses to give up opportunities, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

12. They are bound by worldly opinions and lose themselves, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

13. He would rather choose a false mask than reveal his true feelings, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

14. They are filled with disappointment with life, so they choose to be negative, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

15. He is afraid of being hurt, so he chooses to close his heart, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

16. They are confused about the future, so they choose to go with the flow, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

17. He is afraid of losing, so he chooses to give up pursuing, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

18. They are blinded by immediate benefits and lose their long-term vision, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

19. He would rather choose to escape problems than seek solutions, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

20. They are haunted by the past, so they choose to stagnate, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

21. He is afraid of being ridiculed by others, so he chooses to hide himself, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

22. They are oppressed by society, so they choose to accept their fate, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

23. He would rather choose silence than express his own thoughts, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

24. They are full of complaints about life but are unwilling to change the status quo, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

25. He is afraid of failure, so he chooses to avoid risks, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

26. They are imprisoned by worldly concepts and lose their creativity, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

27. He would rather choose to give up his dreams than fight for them, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

28. They are deceived by immediate benefits and lose their grand goals, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

29. He is afraid to face the truth, so he chooses to escape reality, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

30. They are filled with uncertainty about the future, so they choose to settle for the status quo, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

31. He is afraid of losing friends, so he chooses to compromise, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

32. They are bound by the rules of society and lose their freedom, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

33. He would rather choose silence than speak the truth, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

34. They are full of dissatisfaction with life but are unwilling to work hard, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

35. He is afraid to take responsibility, so he chooses to escape it, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

36. They are tempted by immediate benefits and lose their own principles, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

37. He would rather choose silence than express his inner feelings, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

38. They are confused about life, so they choose to go with the flow, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

39. He is afraid of losing his loved one, so he chooses to swallow his pride, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

40. They are oppressed by societal pressure, so they choose to give up their dreams, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

41. He would rather choose to escape reality than face his own shortcomings, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

42. They are filled with fear of life, so they choose to avoid reality, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

43. He is afraid of being abandoned by others, so he chooses to cater to them, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

44. They are bound by the rules of society and lose their own individuality, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

45. He would rather choose silence than express his true thoughts, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

46. They are full of disappointment with life, so they choose to settle for the status quo, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

47. He is afraid of failure, so he chooses to give up trying, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

48. They are tempted by immediate benefits and lose their own moral compass, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

49. He would rather choose to escape problems than seek solutions, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

50. They are haunted by the shadows of the past, so they choose to stagnate, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

51. He is afraid of being ridiculed by others, so he chooses to hide himself, which is a cowardly way to seek peace.

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