
## 扫黑除恶的句子,58句


1. 扫黑除恶,势在必行!

Sweeping away evil and eradicating crime is a must!

2. 对黑恶势力,绝不姑息!

There will be no tolerance for evil forces!

3. 坚决打赢扫黑除恶斗争!

We are determined to win the battle against evil forces!

4. 扫黑除恶,人人有责!

Everyone has a responsibility to sweep away evil and eradicate crime!

5. 维护社会公平正义,扫黑除恶义不容辞!

Upholding social justice and fairness, we have an inescapable responsibility to sweep away evil and eradicate crime!

6. 打击黑恶势力,维护社会和谐稳定!

Strike down evil forces, and maintain social harmony and stability!

7. 扫黑除恶,永不懈怠!

We will never relent in our fight against evil forces!

8. 扫黑除恶,任重道远!

The task of sweeping away evil and eradicating crime is arduous and long!

9. 扫黑除恶,坚决彻底!

We will fight against evil forces resolutely and thoroughly!

10. 扫黑除恶,警钟长鸣!

The alarm bell against evil forces must always sound!


11. 黑恶势力是社会毒瘤,必须坚决铲除!

Evil forces are a societal cancer that must be eradicated!

12. 黑恶势力危害社会,败坏风气!

Evil forces harm society and corrupt public morals!

13. 黑恶势力欺压百姓,无恶不作!

Evil forces oppress the people and engage in all manner of evil deeds!

14. 黑恶势力扰乱市场秩序,阻碍经济发展!

Evil forces disrupt market order and hinder economic development!

15. 黑恶势力破坏社会和谐,威胁国家安全!

Evil forces undermine social harmony and threaten national security!

16. 黑恶势力是人民的公敌,必须严惩不贷!

Evil forces are the public enemy and must be punished severely!

17. 黑恶势力是法治的敌人,必须依法打击!

Evil forces are the enemy of the rule of law and must be fought against by law!

18. 黑恶势力是文明社会的毒素,必须坚决清除!

Evil forces are a poison to civilized society and must be eliminated decisively!

19. 黑恶势力是社会正义的障碍,必须彻底根除!

Evil forces are an obstacle to social justice and must be eradicated completely!

20. 黑恶势力是社会发展进步的绊脚石,必须坚决扫除!

Evil forces are a stumbling block to social development and progress, and must be resolutely swept away!


21. 人民群众是扫黑除恶的坚强后盾!

The people are the strong backing of the campaign against evil forces!

22. 积极举报黑恶势力,人人有责!

It is everyone's responsibility to actively report evil forces!

23. 群众的眼睛是雪亮的,黑恶势力逃不过人民的监督!

The eyes of the people are sharp, and evil forces cannot escape the people's supervision!

24. 社会各界要积极参与扫黑除恶,形成强大合力!

All sectors of society must actively participate in the campaign against evil forces, creating a powerful synergy!

25. 扫黑除恶,需要人民群众的理解和支持!

The campaign against evil forces requires the understanding and support of the people!

26. 扫黑除恶,依靠人民群众,才能取得最终胜利!

Only by relying on the people can we achieve ultimate victory in the campaign against evil forces!

27. 人民群众是打黑除恶的主角,要充分发挥群众的力量!

The people are the main actors in the fight against evil forces, and their power must be fully utilized!

28. 社会各界要广泛宣传扫黑除恶,提高群众的参与度!

All sectors of society must widely publicize the campaign against evil forces, increasing public participation!

29. 群众参与扫黑除恶,有利于增强人民群众的安全感和幸福感!

Public participation in the campaign against evil forces helps to enhance the people's sense of security and happiness!

30. 扫黑除恶,离不开人民群众的共同努力!

The campaign against evil forces cannot be achieved without the joint efforts of the people!


31. 扫黑除恶取得了显著成效,社会治安明显好转!

The campaign against evil forces has achieved significant results, and social order has improved significantly!

32. 扫黑除恶,维护了社会公平正义!

The campaign against evil forces has upheld social fairness and justice!

33. 扫黑除恶,净化了社会风气!

The campaign against evil forces has purified social morals!

34. 扫黑除恶,营造了良好的投资环境!

The campaign against evil forces has created a good investment environment!

35. 扫黑除恶,增强了人民群众的安全感!

The campaign against evil forces has enhanced the people's sense of security!

36. 扫黑除恶,维护了社会稳定,促进了经济发展!

The campaign against evil forces has maintained social stability and promoted economic development!

37. 扫黑除恶,是深化依法治国实践的必然要求!

The campaign against evil forces is a necessary requirement for deepening the practice of governing the country according to law!

38. 扫黑除恶,是维护社会公平正义,促进社会和谐的重要举措!

The campaign against evil forces is an important measure to uphold social justice and fairness, and promote social harmony!

39. 扫黑除恶,是新时代维护国家安全和社会稳定的重要任务!

The campaign against evil forces is an important task in the new era to maintain national security and social stability!

40. 扫黑除恶,是实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的重要保障!

The campaign against evil forces is an important guarantee for achieving the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation!


41. 黑恶势力头目,终将受到法律的严惩!

Ringleaders of evil forces will ultimately be punished severely by law!

42. 幡然悔悟,弃恶从善,才是唯一出路!

Repenting and turning from evil to good is the only way out!

43. 逃避法律,最终只会自取灭亡!

Evading the law will ultimately lead to self-destruction!

44. 认清形势,悬崖勒马,才是明智之举!

Recognizing the situation and stopping at the precipice is the wise course of action!

45. 悔过自新,争取宽大处理,才是最好的选择!

Repenting and seeking leniency is the best choice!

46. 黑恶势力头目,不要心存侥幸,法律不会放过任何人!

Don't harbor any illusions, ringleaders of evil forces, the law will not spare anyone!

47. 扫黑除恶的决心坚定不移,任何人都不要抱有幻想!

The determination to sweep away evil and eradicate crime is unwavering, and no one should harbor any illusions!

48. 黑恶势力头目,最终必将受到法律的制裁!

Ringleaders of evil forces will ultimately be punished by law!

49. 黑恶势力,绝不姑息,绝不手软!

Evil forces will not be tolerated or shown any leniency!

50. 对黑恶势力,坚决依法打击,绝不手软!

We will resolutely fight against evil forces by law, without any leniency!


51. 扫黑除恶,人人参与,共建和谐社会!

Sweep away evil and eradicate crime, everyone participates, let's build a harmonious society!

52. 扫黑除恶,维护正义,守护平安!

Sweep away evil and eradicate crime, uphold justice, and guard peace!

53. 扫黑除恶,势在必行,正义必胜!

Sweeping away evil and eradicating crime is a must, justice will prevail!

54. 扫黑除恶,警钟长鸣,永不懈怠!

The alarm bell against evil forces must always sound, we will never relent!

55. 扫黑除恶,任重道远,我们一直在路上!

The task of sweeping away evil and eradicating crime is arduous and long, we are always on the road!

56. 扫黑除恶,维护社会秩序,共创美好未来!

Sweep away evil and eradicate crime, maintain social order, and create a brighter future together!

57. 扫黑除恶,永不言败,正义必胜!

Sweep away evil and eradicate crime, never give up, justice will prevail!

58. 扫黑除恶,人人有责,共建美好家园!

Sweep away evil and eradicate crime, everyone has a responsibility, let's build a beautiful home together!

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