
## 扬我中华国威的句子 (61句)

1. **中华民族,伟大复兴!**

The Chinese nation, a great revival!

2. **龙腾虎跃,中华崛起!**

Dragons soar, tigers leap, China rises!

3. **精忠报国,扬我中华!**

With unyielding loyalty, we exalt China!

4. **华夏文明,源远流长!**

The Chinese civilization, long and glorious!

5. **祖国昌盛,民族复兴!**

Our motherland prospers, our nation revives!

6. **炎黄子孙,血脉相连!**

Descendants of Yan and Huang, our bloodline is intertwined!

7. **国泰民安,天下太平!**

The country is peaceful and prosperous, the world is at peace!

8. **强国梦,中华梦!**

The dream of a strong nation, the Chinese dream!

9. **爱我中华,爱我人民!**

Love our China, love our people!

10. **团结一心,共创辉煌!**

United as one, we create glory together!

11. **中华精神,永垂不朽!**

The Chinese spirit, everlasting!

12. **一带一路,共建共享!**

The Belt and Road Initiative, building and sharing together!

13. **科技强国,创新为魂!**

A powerful nation built on science and technology, innovation as its soul!

14. **文化自信,源于强大!**

Cultural confidence stems from strength!

15. **自强不息,厚德载物!**

Unceasing striving, carrying the weight of virtue!

16. **中华儿女,志存高远!**

Chinese children, aspire to greatness!

17. **精益求精,追求卓越!**

Strive for perfection, pursue excellence!

18. **百折不挠,勇攀高峰!**

Unyielding, bravely scaling new heights!

19. **振兴中华,任重道远!**

The revitalization of China is a long and arduous journey!

20. **民族复兴,势不可挡!**

The national revival, an unstoppable force!

21. **中华文明,光耀世界!**

Chinese civilization, illuminating the world!

22. **中华民族,伟大崛起!**

The Chinese nation, a magnificent rise!

23. **中国力量,世界瞩目!**

Chinese strength, a global focus!

24. **中国梦,世界梦!**

The Chinese dream, a world dream!

25. **和平发展,合作共赢!**

Peaceful development, win-win cooperation!

26. **共建人类命运共同体!**

Building a shared future for mankind!

27. **中华民族,屹立世界!**

The Chinese nation, standing tall in the world!

28. **中国精神,照亮未来!**

The Chinese spirit, illuminating the future!

29. **中国力量,改变世界!**

Chinese strength, changing the world!

30. **中华儿女,扬眉吐气!**

Chinese children, hold our heads high!

31. **中华民族,永不言败!**

The Chinese nation, never defeated!

32. **中华精神,万古流芳!**

The Chinese spirit, forever remembered!

33. **中国梦,世界梦!**

The Chinese dream, a world dream!

34. **中华文明,源远流长!**

The Chinese civilization, long and glorious!

35. **中国力量,世界瞩目!**

Chinese strength, a global focus!

36. **中国智慧,惠及全球!**

Chinese wisdom, benefiting the world!

37. **中国故事,世界倾听!**

The Chinese story, the world listens!

38. **中国速度,世界惊叹!**

Chinese speed, the world is amazed!

39. **中国奇迹,世界见证!**

The Chinese miracle, the world bears witness!

40. **中华文化,博大精深!**

Chinese culture, vast and profound!

41. **中国人民,勤劳勇敢!**

The Chinese people, industrious and courageous!

42. **中国精神,永不磨灭!**

The Chinese spirit, never extinguished!

43. **中国梦,世界梦!**

The Chinese dream, a world dream!

44. **中华民族,伟大复兴!**

The Chinese nation, a great revival!

45. **中国力量,世界瞩目!**

Chinese strength, a global focus!

46. **中华文明,光耀世界!**

Chinese civilization, illuminating the world!

47. **中国智慧,惠及全球!**

Chinese wisdom, benefiting the world!

48. **中国故事,世界倾听!**

The Chinese story, the world listens!

49. **中国速度,世界惊叹!**

Chinese speed, the world is amazed!

50. **中国奇迹,世界见证!**

The Chinese miracle, the world bears witness!

51. **中华民族,永不言败!**

The Chinese nation, never defeated!

52. **中华精神,万古流芳!**

The Chinese spirit, forever remembered!

53. **中国人民,勤劳勇敢!**

The Chinese people, industrious and courageous!

54. **中国精神,永不磨灭!**

The Chinese spirit, never extinguished!

55. **中国梦,世界梦!**

The Chinese dream, a world dream!

56. **中华民族,伟大复兴!**

The Chinese nation, a great revival!

57. **中国力量,世界瞩目!**

Chinese strength, a global focus!

58. **中华文明,光耀世界!**

Chinese civilization, illuminating the world!

59. **中国智慧,惠及全球!**

Chinese wisdom, benefiting the world!

60. **中国故事,世界倾听!**

The Chinese story, the world listens!

61. **中国梦,世界梦!**

The Chinese dream, a world dream!

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