
## 狂风骤起 73 句

1. 狂风骤起,卷起漫天黄沙,遮天蔽日。

The wind suddenly rose, whipping up a cloud of yellow sand that blotted out the sun.

2. 一阵狂风呼啸而过,树枝摇曳,树叶飞舞。

A gust of wind roared past, making the branches sway and the leaves dance in the air.

3. 狂风肆虐,吹得窗户直响,屋顶都被掀翻了。

The wind raged, making the windows rattle and tearing the roof off the house.

4. 突然间,狂风大作,海面顿时波涛汹涌,巨浪滔天。

Suddenly, a strong wind began to blow, causing the sea to churn and waves to rise high.

5. 风声呼啸,雨点倾盆,狂风夹杂着暴雨,仿佛要把一切吞噬。

The wind howled and the rain poured down, the wind and rain together threatening to devour everything in their path.

6. 狂风卷着落叶,像无数只飞舞的蝴蝶,在空中翻滚。

The wind swirled fallen leaves, like countless dancing butterflies, tumbling in the air.

7. 狂风席卷而来,吹得人睁不开眼,站不稳脚跟。

The wind swept in, making it impossible to open one's eyes or stand firmly on one's feet.

8. 风雨交加,狂风怒吼,雷声震耳欲聋,整个世界都被笼罩在一片黑暗之中。

Wind and rain raged together, the wind roaring and thunder deafening, the whole world shrouded in darkness.

9. 狂风过后,天空中出现一道彩虹,仿佛是上天对人们的慰藉。

After the wind subsided, a rainbow appeared in the sky, as if a celestial comfort to people.

10. 狂风吹过田野,麦浪翻滚,像一片金色的海洋。

The wind swept across the fields, the wheat waves rolling like a golden sea.

11. 狂风吹过树林,树叶沙沙作响,仿佛在诉说着什么。

The wind blew through the forest, the leaves rustling as if whispering a tale.

12. 狂风把路边的树木吹得东倒西歪,一些树枝被折断,散落在路边。

The wind blew the trees on the roadside to and fro, some branches were broken and scattered along the way.

13. 狂风卷起尘土,遮蔽了远处的村庄,让人看不清周围的环境。

The wind stirred up dust, obscuring the distant villages and making it difficult to see the surroundings.

14. 狂风吹过,天空乌云密布,仿佛要下暴雨。

The wind blew, the sky filled with dark clouds, as if a torrential rain was about to fall.

15. 狂风袭来,掀起了一阵阵浪涛,拍打着海岸,发出震耳欲聋的轰鸣声。

The wind struck, raising waves that crashed against the shore with a deafening roar.

16. 狂风过后,天空变得格外晴朗,蓝天白云,让人心旷神怡。

After the wind subsided, the sky became exceptionally clear, with blue sky and white clouds, making one feel refreshed and relaxed.

17. 狂风席卷了整个城市,街道上空无一人,只有风在呼啸。

The wind swept through the entire city, the streets deserted, only the wind howling.

18. 狂风吹得树枝摇摇晃晃,仿佛要被连根拔起。

The wind blew the branches swaying, as if about to be uprooted.

19. 狂风卷起沙尘暴,遮天蔽日,能见度极低。

The wind whipped up a sandstorm, blocking out the sun and reducing visibility to a minimum.

20. 狂风过后,天空变得更加湛蓝,空气清新,令人感到无比舒畅。

After the wind subsided, the sky became even more azure, the air fresh, making one feel incredibly comfortable.

21. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的烦恼,让人心胸开阔。

The wind blew away all worries, making one feel open-minded.

22. 狂风过后,万物复苏,大地一片生机勃勃。

After the wind subsided, everything revived, the earth filled with vitality.

23. 狂风吹得窗户直响,让人心慌意乱。

The wind rattled the windows, making one feel uneasy.

24. 狂风卷着雨点,打在窗户上,发出噼啪的声响。

The wind swirled the raindrops, hitting the windows with a crackling sound.

25. 狂风呼啸着,仿佛在向人们宣告自己的力量。

The wind howled, as if announcing its power to the people.

26. 狂风过后,大地一片狼藉,到处是断枝残叶。

After the wind subsided, the earth was in ruins, with broken branches and scattered leaves everywhere.

27. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的忧愁,让人感到轻松愉快。

The wind blew away all sorrows, making one feel lighthearted and joyful.

28. 狂风肆虐,吹得房屋摇摇欲坠,仿佛随时都会倒塌。

The wind raged, shaking the houses as if they were about to collapse at any moment.

29. 狂风卷起海浪,拍打着礁石,发出震耳欲聋的巨响。

The wind whipped up the waves, crashing against the rocks with a deafening roar.

30. 狂风过后,天空变得格外晴朗,阳光明媚,让人感到温暖舒适。

After the wind subsided, the sky became exceptionally clear, the sun shining brightly, making one feel warm and comfortable.

31. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的疲惫,让人感到精神焕发。

The wind blew away all fatigue, making one feel refreshed and invigorated.

32. 狂风席卷了整个村庄,房屋倒塌,树木折断,一片狼藉。

The wind swept through the entire village, houses collapsed, trees broken, a scene of devastation.

33. 狂风过后,天空变得更加湛蓝,空气清新,让人感到心旷神怡。

After the wind subsided, the sky became even more azure, the air fresh, making one feel refreshed and relaxed.

34. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的尘埃,让人感到空气清新。

The wind blew away all the dust, making the air feel fresh.

35. 狂风过后,天空变得更加晴朗,阳光明媚,让人感到温暖舒适。

After the wind subsided, the sky became exceptionally clear, the sun shining brightly, making one feel warm and comfortable.

36. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的烦恼,让人感到心胸开阔。

The wind blew away all worries, making one feel open-minded.

37. 狂风过后,万物复苏,大地一片生机勃勃。

After the wind subsided, everything revived, the earth filled with vitality.

38. 狂风吹得窗户直响,让人心慌意乱。

The wind rattled the windows, making one feel uneasy.

39. 狂风卷着雨点,打在窗户上,发出噼啪的声响。

The wind swirled the raindrops, hitting the windows with a crackling sound.

40. 狂风呼啸着,仿佛在向人们宣告自己的力量。

The wind howled, as if announcing its power to the people.

41. 狂风过后,大地一片狼藉,到处是断枝残叶。

After the wind subsided, the earth was in ruins, with broken branches and scattered leaves everywhere.

42. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的忧愁,让人感到轻松愉快。

The wind blew away all sorrows, making one feel lighthearted and joyful.

43. 狂风肆虐,吹得房屋摇摇欲坠,仿佛随时都会倒塌。

The wind raged, shaking the houses as if they were about to collapse at any moment.

44. 狂风卷起海浪,拍打着礁石,发出震耳欲聋的巨响。

The wind whipped up the waves, crashing against the rocks with a deafening roar.

45. 狂风过后,天空变得格外晴朗,阳光明媚,让人感到温暖舒适。

After the wind subsided, the sky became exceptionally clear, the sun shining brightly, making one feel warm and comfortable.

46. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的疲惫,让人感到精神焕发。

The wind blew away all fatigue, making one feel refreshed and invigorated.

47. 狂风席卷了整个村庄,房屋倒塌,树木折断,一片狼藉。

The wind swept through the entire village, houses collapsed, trees broken, a scene of devastation.

48. 狂风过后,天空变得更加湛蓝,空气清新,让人感到心旷神怡。

After the wind subsided, the sky became even more azure, the air fresh, making one feel refreshed and relaxed.

49. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的尘埃,让人感到空气清新。

The wind blew away all the dust, making the air feel fresh.

50. 狂风过后,天空变得更加晴朗,阳光明媚,让人感到温暖舒适。

After the wind subsided, the sky became exceptionally clear, the sun shining brightly, making one feel warm and comfortable.

51. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的烦恼,让人感到心胸开阔。

The wind blew away all worries, making one feel open-minded.

52. 狂风过后,万物复苏,大地一片生机勃勃。

After the wind subsided, everything revived, the earth filled with vitality.

53. 狂风吹得窗户直响,让人心慌意乱。

The wind rattled the windows, making one feel uneasy.

54. 狂风卷着雨点,打在窗户上,发出噼啪的声响。

The wind swirled the raindrops, hitting the windows with a crackling sound.

55. 狂风呼啸着,仿佛在向人们宣告自己的力量。

The wind howled, as if announcing its power to the people.

56. 狂风过后,大地一片狼藉,到处是断枝残叶。

After the wind subsided, the earth was in ruins, with broken branches and scattered leaves everywhere.

57. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的忧愁,让人感到轻松愉快。

The wind blew away all sorrows, making one feel lighthearted and joyful.

58. 狂风肆虐,吹得房屋摇摇欲坠,仿佛随时都会倒塌。

The wind raged, shaking the houses as if they were about to collapse at any moment.

59. 狂风卷起海浪,拍打着礁石,发出震耳欲聋的巨响。

The wind whipped up the waves, crashing against the rocks with a deafening roar.

60. 狂风过后,天空变得格外晴朗,阳光明媚,让人感到温暖舒适。

After the wind subsided, the sky became exceptionally clear, the sun shining brightly, making one feel warm and comfortable.

61. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的疲惫,让人感到精神焕发。

The wind blew away all fatigue, making one feel refreshed and invigorated.

62. 狂风席卷了整个村庄,房屋倒塌,树木折断,一片狼藉。

The wind swept through the entire village, houses collapsed, trees broken, a scene of devastation.

63. 狂风过后,天空变得更加湛蓝,空气清新,让人感到心旷神怡。

After the wind subsided, the sky became even more azure, the air fresh, making one feel refreshed and relaxed.

64. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的尘埃,让人感到空气清新。

The wind blew away all the dust, making the air feel fresh.

65. 狂风过后,天空变得更加晴朗,阳光明媚,让人感到温暖舒适。

After the wind subsided, the sky became exceptionally clear, the sun shining brightly, making one feel warm and comfortable.

66. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的烦恼,让人感到心胸开阔。

The wind blew away all worries, making one feel open-minded.

67. 狂风过后,万物复苏,大地一片生机勃勃。

After the wind subsided, everything revived, the earth filled with vitality.

68. 狂风吹得窗户直响,让人心慌意乱。

The wind rattled the windows, making one feel uneasy.

69. 狂风卷着雨点,打在窗户上,发出噼啪的声响。

The wind swirled the raindrops, hitting the windows with a crackling sound.

70. 狂风呼啸着,仿佛在向人们宣告自己的力量。

The wind howled, as if announcing its power to the people.

71. 狂风过后,大地一片狼藉,到处是断枝残叶。

After the wind subsided, the earth was in ruins, with broken branches and scattered leaves everywhere.

72. 狂风吹过,吹走了所有的忧愁,让人感到轻松愉快。

The wind blew away all sorrows, making one feel lighthearted and joyful.

73. 狂风肆虐,吹得房屋摇摇欲坠,仿佛随时都会倒塌。

The wind raged, shaking the houses as if they were about to collapse at any moment.

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