
## 激烈搏斗句子,54句,并翻译成英文,带html标签

1. 拳拳相击,汗水飞溅,两人如同两头猛兽,在擂台上撕咬着对方。

Fists collided, sweat flew, the two men were like two ferocious beasts, tearing at each other in the ring.

2. 他以迅雷不及掩耳之势,一拳击中对方的下巴,将其打得踉跄后退。

With lightning speed, he landed a punch on his opponent's jaw, sending him stumbling backward.

3. 两人你来我往,招招狠辣,打得难解难分。

They exchanged blows, each move fierce, fighting to a standstill.

4. 他抓住对方的手臂,一个过肩摔,将其重重地摔倒在地。

He grabbed his opponent's arm, executed a shoulder throw, and slammed him to the ground.

5. 他的拳头如同雨点般密集地落在对方身上,打得对方连连后退。

His fists rained down on his opponent, forcing him to retreat.

6. 他怒吼一声,用尽全力,一脚踢向对方的面门。

He roared, putting all his strength into a kick aimed at his opponent's face.

7. 他的眼睛里充满了血丝,充满了野性的凶狠。

His eyes were bloodshot, filled with feral ferocity.

8. 他咬紧牙关,拼尽全力,将对方逼退一步。

He gritted his teeth, putting all his effort into pushing his opponent back.

9. 两人扭打在一起,像两条巨蟒缠斗,难分难解。

They grappled, like two giant snakes wrestling, inseparable.

10. 他抓住机会,一记肘击,击中对方的腹部,让对方痛苦地弯下了腰。

He seized his opportunity, landing an elbow strike to his opponent's abdomen, causing him to bend over in pain.

11. 他用尽全身力气,将对方掀翻在地,骑在他的身上,猛烈地攻击着。

He used all his strength to flip his opponent to the ground, mounted him, and attacked relentlessly.

12. 他像一头愤怒的雄狮,扑向对手,挥舞着拳头,试图将对方击倒在地。

He was like an angry lion, lunging at his opponent, swinging his fists, trying to knock him down.

13. 他利用灵活的身手,不断闪躲着对方的攻击,寻找着反击的机会。

He used his agility to dodge his opponent's attacks, looking for an opportunity to counter.

14. 他用尽全力,使出一招绝技,将对方击倒在地,结束了这场激烈的战斗。

He put all his strength into a finishing move, knocking his opponent down and ending the fierce battle.

15. 空气中弥漫着汗水和血腥的味道,他们之间的搏斗已经到了白热化的阶段。

The air was thick with sweat and blood, their struggle had reached a fever pitch.

16. 他的肌肉紧绷,充满了力量,充满了想要获胜的欲望。

His muscles were tense, filled with power, filled with a desire to win.

17. 他用尽全力,一记扫腿,踢中对方的膝盖,将其击倒在地。

He put all his strength into a sweeping kick, landing it on his opponent's knee, knocking him to the ground.

18. 他咬牙切齿,忍着剧痛,继续与对方搏斗,誓要赢得这场胜利。

He gritted his teeth, enduring the pain, continuing to fight, vowing to win.

19. 他的眼神充满了坚毅,充满了对胜利的渴望,充满了不屈的斗志。

His eyes were filled with determination, filled with a desire for victory, filled with indomitable spirit.

20. 他抓住机会,一个漂亮的背摔,将对方摔得四脚朝天。

He seized his opportunity, executing a beautiful back suplex, throwing his opponent on his back.

21. 他用尽全身力量,将对方压倒在地,用尽全力地压制着,不给对方任何喘息的机会。

He used all his strength to pin his opponent to the ground, pressing down with all his might, not giving him a chance to breathe.

22. 他用拳头、脚踢、膝撞,各种招式层出不穷,打得对方毫无招架之力。

He used fists, kicks, knees, a variety of techniques, attacking his opponent relentlessly.

23. 他像一头受伤的野兽,拼命地挣扎着,想要从对方的压制下逃脱。

He was like a wounded beast, struggling desperately to escape from his opponent's grasp.

24. 他抓住了对方的一个失误,一个凌厉的转身踢,踢中对方的胸口,将其打得吐血。

He caught his opponent's slip-up, a sharp spinning kick to the chest, knocking him back and causing him to spit blood.

25. 他的衣服已经被汗水浸透,脸上也布满了汗水和灰尘,但他依然没有放弃,继续与对方搏斗。

His clothes were soaked with sweat, his face covered in sweat and dust, but he didn't give up, continuing to fight.

26. 他用尽全力,一记重拳,击中对方的头部,将其击晕在地。

He put all his strength into a heavy punch, landing it on his opponent's head, knocking him unconscious.

27. 他咬牙坚持,忍着剧痛,不肯放弃,最后,终于战胜了对手,取得了胜利。

He gritted his teeth, enduring the pain, refusing to give up, finally defeating his opponent and winning.

28. 他站在擂台上,喘着粗气,脸上充满了胜利的喜悦,这场激烈的搏斗终于结束了。

He stood in the ring, panting, his face filled with the joy of victory, the fierce battle finally over.

29. 他用尽全力,将对方击倒在地,然后,他跪下来,用拳头重重地击打着地面,发泄着心中的怒火。

He used all his strength to knock his opponent to the ground, then he knelt down and pounded the ground with his fists, venting his anger.

30. 他看着倒在地上的对手,脸上没有任何怜悯,只有冰冷的杀意。

He looked at his fallen opponent, his face devoid of mercy, only cold killing intent.

31. 他抓住对方的头发,用力一拉,将其拖到自己的面前,然后,他用尽全力,一拳击中对方的太阳穴。

He grabbed his opponent's hair, pulled him hard, dragged him in front of him, then he used all his strength, punching his opponent's temple.

32. 他用尽全力,一记扫腿,踢中对方的膝盖,将其击倒在地,然后,他站在对方的身上,用脚踩着对方的脖子。

He used all his strength, a sweeping kick, landed it on his opponent's knee, knocking him to the ground, then he stood on top of him, putting his foot on his opponent's neck.

33. 他像一头被激怒的野兽,疯狂地攻击着对方,不给对方任何喘息的机会。

He was like an enraged beast, attacking his opponent madly, not giving him a chance to breathe.

34. 他用尽全力,将对方掀翻在地,然后,他骑在他的身上,用拳头不停地攻击着对方的头部。

He used all his strength to flip his opponent to the ground, then he mounted him, punching his opponent's head repeatedly.

35. 他抓住对方的拳头,用尽全力,将对方的拳头掰断,然后,他一脚踢中对方的腹部,将其踢飞出去。

He grabbed his opponent's fist, used all his strength to break his opponent's fist, then he kicked his opponent's abdomen, sending him flying.

36. 他用尽全力,一记飞脚,踢中对方的胸口,将其击飞出去,然后,他趁机追上去,用拳头猛烈地攻击着对方的头部。

He used all his strength, a flying kick, landed it on his opponent's chest, sending him flying, then he took the opportunity to chase after him, punching his opponent's head violently.

37. 他抓住对方的手臂,一个过肩摔,将其重重地摔倒在地,然后,他骑在他的身上,用拳头不停地攻击着对方的头部,直到对方昏迷不醒。

He grabbed his opponent's arm, executed a shoulder throw, slammed him to the ground, then he mounted him, punching his opponent's head repeatedly, until he lost consciousness.

38. 他用尽全力,一记重拳,击中对方的头部,将其击倒在地,然后,他站在对方的身上,用脚踩着对方的脖子,直到对方停止呼吸。

He put all his strength into a heavy punch, landing it on his opponent's head, knocking him to the ground, then he stood on top of him, putting his foot on his opponent's neck, until he stopped breathing.

39. 他像一头被激怒的野兽,疯狂地攻击着对方,不给对方任何喘息的机会,直到对方彻底失去反抗能力。

He was like an enraged beast, attacking his opponent madly, not giving him a chance to breathe, until he completely lost his ability to resist.

40. 他抓住对方的头发,用力一拉,将其拖到自己的面前,然后,他用尽全力,一拳击中对方的太阳穴,将其击晕在地,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着昏迷不醒的对手,挥舞着。

He grabbed his opponent's hair, pulled him hard, dragged him in front of him, then he used all his strength, punching his opponent's temple, knocking him unconscious, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the unconscious opponent.

41. 他用尽全力,一记扫腿,踢中对方的膝盖,将其击倒在地,然后,他站在对方的身上,用脚踩着对方的脖子,直到对方停止呼吸,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着死去的对手,挥舞着。

He used all his strength, a sweeping kick, landed it on his opponent's knee, knocking him to the ground, then he stood on top of him, putting his foot on his opponent's neck, until he stopped breathing, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the dead opponent.

42. 他像一头被激怒的野兽,疯狂地攻击着对方,不给对方任何喘息的机会,直到对方彻底失去反抗能力,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着倒在地上的对手,挥舞着。

He was like an enraged beast, attacking his opponent madly, not giving him a chance to breathe, until he completely lost his ability to resist, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the fallen opponent.

43. 他抓住对方的拳头,用尽全力,将对方的拳头掰断,然后,他一脚踢中对方的腹部,将其踢飞出去,然后,他趁机追上去,用拳头猛烈地攻击着对方的头部,直到对方昏迷不醒,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着昏迷不醒的对手,挥舞着。

He grabbed his opponent's fist, used all his strength to break his opponent's fist, then he kicked his opponent's abdomen, sending him flying, then he took the opportunity to chase after him, punching his opponent's head violently, until he lost consciousness, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the unconscious opponent.

44. 他用尽全力,一记飞脚,踢中对方的胸口,将其击飞出去,然后,他趁机追上去,用拳头猛烈地攻击着对方的头部,直到对方昏迷不醒,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着昏迷不醒的对手,挥舞着。

He used all his strength, a flying kick, landed it on his opponent's chest, sending him flying, then he took the opportunity to chase after him, punching his opponent's head violently, until he lost consciousness, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the unconscious opponent.

45. 他抓住对方的手臂,一个过肩摔,将其重重地摔倒在地,然后,他骑在他的身上,用拳头不停地攻击着对方的头部,直到对方昏迷不醒,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着昏迷不醒的对手,挥舞着。

He grabbed his opponent's arm, executed a shoulder throw, slammed him to the ground, then he mounted him, punching his opponent's head repeatedly, until he lost consciousness, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the unconscious opponent.

46. 他用尽全力,一记重拳,击中对方的头部,将其击倒在地,然后,他站在对方的身上,用脚踩着对方的脖子,直到对方停止呼吸,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着死去的对手,挥舞着。

He put all his strength into a heavy punch, landing it on his opponent's head, knocking him to the ground, then he stood on top of him, putting his foot on his opponent's neck, until he stopped breathing, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the dead opponent.

47. 他像一头被激怒的野兽,疯狂地攻击着对方,不给对方任何喘息的机会,直到对方彻底失去反抗能力,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着倒在地上的对手,挥舞着。

He was like an enraged beast, attacking his opponent madly, not giving him a chance to breathe, until he completely lost his ability to resist, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the fallen opponent.

48. 他抓住对方的拳头,用尽全力,将对方的拳头掰断,然后,他一脚踢中对方的腹部,将其踢飞出去,然后,他趁机追上去,用拳头猛烈地攻击着对方的头部,直到对方昏迷不醒,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着昏迷不醒的对手,挥舞着。

He grabbed his opponent's fist, used all his strength to break his opponent's fist, then he kicked his opponent's abdomen, sending him flying, then he took the opportunity to chase after him, punching his opponent's head violently, until he lost consciousness, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the unconscious opponent.

49. 他用尽全力,一记飞脚,踢中对方的胸口,将其击飞出去,然后,他趁机追上去,用拳头猛烈地攻击着对方的头部,直到对方昏迷不醒,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着昏迷不醒的对手,挥舞着。

He used all his strength, a flying kick, landed it on his opponent's chest, sending him flying, then he took the opportunity to chase after him, punching his opponent's head violently, until he lost consciousness, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the unconscious opponent.

50. 他抓住对方的手臂,一个过肩摔,将其重重地摔倒在地,然后,他骑在他的身上,用拳头不停地攻击着对方的头部,直到对方昏迷不醒,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着昏迷不醒的对手,挥舞着。

He grabbed his opponent's arm, executed a shoulder throw, slammed him to the ground, then he mounted him, punching his opponent's head repeatedly, until he lost consciousness, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the unconscious opponent.

51. 他用尽全力,一记重拳,击中对方的头部,将其击倒在地,然后,他站在对方的身上,用脚踩着对方的脖子,直到对方停止呼吸,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着死去的对手,挥舞着。

He put all his strength into a heavy punch, landing it on his opponent's head, knocking him to the ground, then he stood on top of him, putting his foot on his opponent's neck, until he stopped breathing, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the dead opponent.

52. 他像一头被激怒的野兽,疯狂地攻击着对方,不给对方任何喘息的机会,直到对方彻底失去反抗能力,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着倒在地上的对手,挥舞着。

He was like an enraged beast, attacking his opponent madly, not giving him a chance to breathe, until he completely lost his ability to resist, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the fallen opponent.

53. 他抓住对方的拳头,用尽全力,将对方的拳头掰断,然后,他一脚踢中对方的腹部,将其踢飞出去,然后,他趁机追上去,用拳头猛烈地攻击着对方的头部,直到对方昏迷不醒,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着昏迷不醒的对手,挥舞着。

He grabbed his opponent's fist, used all his strength to break his opponent's fist, then he kicked his opponent's abdomen, sending him flying, then he took the opportunity to chase after him, punching his opponent's head violently, until he lost consciousness, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the unconscious opponent.

54. 他用尽全力,一记飞脚,踢中对方的胸口,将其击飞出去,然后,他趁机追上去,用拳头猛烈地攻击着对方的头部,直到对方昏迷不醒,然后,他从口袋里掏出一把匕首,对着昏迷不醒的对手,挥舞着。

He used all his strength, a flying kick, landed it on his opponent's chest, sending him flying, then he took the opportunity to chase after him, punching his opponent's head violently, until he lost consciousness, then he took a knife out of his pocket, waved it at the unconscious opponent.

以上就是关于激烈搏斗句子54句(激烈搏斗句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
