
## 放假搞笑说说经典句子(94句)

**1. 放假了,终于可以睡到自然醒,然后继续赖床。**

Finally on vacation, can finally sleep in, and then continue to lie in bed.

**2. 放假第一天,我已经把所有计划都打乱了,毕竟快乐才是最重要的。**

On the first day of vacation, I've already messed up all my plans, after all, happiness is the most important thing.

**3. 放假不等于放飞自我,放飞自我等于放飞了我的体重。**

Vacation doesn't mean letting yourself go, letting yourself go means letting go of my weight.

**4. 放假在家,终于可以光明正大地葛优躺了。**

Finally can lie around and do nothing at home during vacation.

**5. 放假了,我要做的事情只有两件事:吃和睡。**

I have only two things to do on vacation: eat and sleep.

**6. 放假终于来了,我准备开启我的“废人”模式。**

Vacation is finally here, I'm ready to enter my"useless" mode.

**7. 放假后的状态:起床困难户,吃饭积极分子,玩手机专业人士。**

My status after vacation: difficulty getting up, active eating, professional phone user.

**8. 放假在家,手机和床是最好的朋友。**

At home on vacation, my phone and bed are my best friends.

**9. 放假后,我终于可以把“早睡早起”这个目标抛之脑后了。**

After vacation, I can finally forget about my goal of"going to bed early and getting up early".

**10. 放假期间,我的体重和我的钱包一样,都在狂飙。**

During vacation, my weight and my wallet are both soaring.

**11. 放假了,终于可以光明正大地追剧了,不用担心被老板发现。**

Finally can watch TV shows openly on vacation, no need to worry about being discovered by the boss.

**12. 放假在家,最大的乐趣就是:吃饱了睡,睡醒了玩手机。**

The greatest pleasure of staying at home on vacation is: eating until you're full and sleeping, sleeping and playing with your phone.

**13. 放假后的我:只想躺在床上,不想动弹。**

Me after vacation: I just want to lie in bed and don't want to move.

**14. 放假期间,我的生活目标就是:吃喝玩乐,不思进取。**

During vacation, my life goal is: eat, drink, play, and not think about making progress.

**15. 放假了,终于可以摆脱工作,尽情享受自由了。**

Finally can escape work and enjoy freedom on vacation.

**16. 放假后的我:除了睡觉,就是吃饭,除了吃饭,就是睡觉。**

Me after vacation: besides sleeping, I just eat, besides eating, I just sleep.

**17. 放假第一天,我就已经开始想念工作了,因为工作至少可以让我不用思考吃什么。**

On the first day of vacation, I already miss work, because at least work can make me not think about what to eat.

**18. 放假了,我要把所有时间都用来追剧、玩游戏、看小说,总之就是放松自己。**

I'm going to spend all my time on vacation chasing dramas, playing games, and reading novels, in short, relaxing myself.

**19. 放假在家,除了睡就是吃,除了吃就是睡,真是一件很幸福的事情。**

Staying at home on vacation, besides sleeping, I just eat, besides eating, I just sleep, it's a really happy thing.

**20. 放假了,我终于可以做自己想做的事情了,不用再看老板的脸色了。**

Finally can do what I want on vacation, no need to look at the boss's face.

**21. 放假期间,我的手机比我的家人还要重要,因为我需要刷朋友圈来证明我的快乐。**

During vacation, my phone is more important than my family, because I need to brush my朋友圈 to prove my happiness.

**22. 放假后,我终于可以摆脱闹钟的魔爪了,可以睡到自然醒。**

After vacation, I can finally escape the clutches of the alarm clock and sleep until I wake up naturally.

**23. 放假了,我要去旅行,去看看外面的世界,感受不同的文化。**

I'm going to travel on vacation, see the world, and experience different cultures.

**24. 放假在家,最幸福的事情就是:可以不用洗头。**

The happiest thing about staying at home on vacation is: not having to wash my hair.

**25. 放假了,我要去吃遍所有美食,把所有好吃的都尝一遍。**

I'm going to try all the delicious food on vacation and taste all the delicious food.

**26. 放假期间,我的目标就是:吃饱睡好,玩好乐好。**

My goal during vacation is: eat well, sleep well, play well, and have fun.

**27. 放假了,终于可以不用早起上班了,可以睡到自然醒。**

Finally can sleep until I wake up naturally on vacation, no need to get up early for work.

**28. 放假后的状态:除了吃饭睡觉,就是发呆。**

My status after vacation: besides eating and sleeping, I just daydream.

**29. 放假期间,我的生活就是:吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐。**

My life during vacation is: eat, drink, play, and have fun.

**30. 放假了,我要去体验一下什么叫做“真正的放松”。**

I'm going to experience what it means to"really relax" on vacation.

**31. 放假后的我:已经忘记了工作是什么东西。**

Me after vacation: I have forgotten what work is.

**32. 放假在家,最幸福的事情就是:可以不用出门。**

The happiest thing about staying at home on vacation is: not having to go out.

**33. 放假了,我要去寻找我的快乐,我要去享受我的自由。**

I'm going to find my happiness and enjoy my freedom on vacation.

**34. 放假期间,我的体重和我的心情一样,都在蹭蹭蹭地往上涨。**

During vacation, my weight and my mood are both rising rapidly.

**35. 放假了,我要去学习一项新的技能,比如:如何成为一名“沙发土豆”。**

I'm going to learn a new skill on vacation, like: how to become a"couch potato".

**36. 放假后的我:除了手机,什么都不想碰。**

Me after vacation: I don't want to touch anything except my phone.

**37. 放假了,我要去尝试一些以前不敢尝试的事情,比如:跳伞、蹦极、潜水。**

I'm going to try some things I haven't dared to try before on vacation, such as: skydiving, bungee jumping, diving.

**38. 放假期间,我的生活就是:吃吃喝喝,看看电影,玩玩游戏。**

My life during vacation is: eat, drink, watch movies, and play games.

**39. 放假了,我要去旅行,去看看外面的世界,感受不同的风景。**

I'm going to travel on vacation, see the world, and experience different scenery.

**40. 放假在家,最幸福的事情就是:可以不用化妆。**

The happiest thing about staying at home on vacation is: not having to put on makeup.

**41. 放假了,我要去学习一项新的技能,比如:如何成为一名“美食家”。**

I'm going to learn a new skill on vacation, such as: how to become a"gourmet".

**42. 放假后的我:已经忘记了工作是什么东西,只记得要吃要睡要玩。**

Me after vacation: I have forgotten what work is, I only remember to eat, sleep, and play.

**43. 放假了,我要去寻找我的快乐,我要去享受我的生活。**

I'm going to find my happiness and enjoy my life on vacation.

**44. 放假期间,我的体重和我的钱包一样,都在“飞速发展”。**

During vacation, my weight and my wallet are both"developing rapidly".

**45. 放假了,我要去尝试一些以前不敢尝试的事情,比如:去酒吧喝酒,去KTV唱歌,去夜店跳舞。**

I'm going to try some things I haven't dared to try before on vacation, such as: going to a bar to drink, going to a KTV to sing, going to a nightclub to dance.

**46. 放假期间,我的生活就是:吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐,睡睡懒觉。**

My life during vacation is: eat, drink, play, have fun, and sleep in.

**47. 放假了,我要去旅行,去看看外面的世界,感受不同的生活方式。**

I'm going to travel on vacation, see the world, and experience different ways of life.

**48. 放假在家,最幸福的事情就是:可以不用洗漱。**

The happiest thing about staying at home on vacation is: not having to wash up.

**49. 放假了,我要去学习一项新的技能,比如:如何成为一名“网瘾少年”。**

I'm going to learn a new skill on vacation, such as: how to become a"net addict".

**50. 放假后的我:已经忘记了工作是什么东西,只想做一条咸鱼。**

Me after vacation: I have forgotten what work is, I just want to be a salted fish.

**51. 放假了,我要去寻找我的快乐,我要去享受我的生活,我要去追求我的梦想。**

I'm going to find my happiness, enjoy my life, and pursue my dreams on vacation.

**52. 放假期间,我的体重和我的心情一样,都在“突飞猛进”。**

During vacation, my weight and my mood are both"making rapid progress".

**53. 放假了,我要去尝试一些以前不敢尝试的事情,比如:去蹦迪,去酒吧,去参加音乐节。**

I'm going to try some things I haven't dared to try before on vacation, such as: going to a rave, going to a bar, and going to a music festival.

**54. 放假期间,我的生活就是:吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐,睡睡懒觉,追追剧。**

My life during vacation is: eat, drink, play, have fun, sleep in, and chase dramas.

**55. 放假了,我要去旅行,去看看外面的世界,感受不同的文化,体验不同的生活。**

I'm going to travel on vacation, see the world, experience different cultures, and experience different lives.

**56. 放假在家,最幸福的事情就是:可以不用洗衣服。**

The happiest thing about staying at home on vacation is: not having to wash clothes.

**57. 放假了,我要去学习一项新的技能,比如:如何成为一名“游戏大神”。**

I'm going to learn a new skill on vacation, such as: how to become a"game god".

**58. 放假后的我:已经忘记了工作是什么东西,只想做一条快乐的咸鱼。**

Me after vacation: I have forgotten what work is, I just want to be a happy salted fish.

**59. 放假了,我要去寻找我的快乐,我要去享受我的生活,我要去追寻我的梦想,我要去实现我的价值。**

I'm going to find my happiness, enjoy my life, pursue my dreams, and realize my value on vacation.

**60. 放假期间,我的体重和我的心情一样,都在“芝麻开花节节高”。**

During vacation, my weight and my mood are both"growing steadily".

**61. 放假了,我要去尝试一些以前不敢尝试的事情,比如:去参加马拉松,去攀岩,去骑行。**

I'm going to try some things I haven't dared to try before on vacation, such as: participating in a marathon, rock climbing, and cycling.

**62. 放假期间,我的生活就是:吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐,睡睡懒觉,追追剧,看看电影,逛逛街。**

My life during vacation is: eat, drink, play, have fun, sleep in, chase dramas, watch movies, and go shopping.

**63. 放假了,我要去旅行,去看看外面的世界,感受不同的文化,体验不同的生活,学习不同的知识。**

I'm going to travel on vacation, see the world, experience different cultures, experience different lives, and learn different knowledge.

**64. 放假在家,最幸福的事情就是:可以不用做饭。**

The happiest thing about staying at home on vacation is: not having to cook.

**65. 放假了,我要去学习一项新的技能,比如:如何成为一名“美食博主”。**

I'm going to learn a new skill on vacation, such as: how to become a"food blogger".

**66. 放假后的我:已经忘记了工作是什么东西,只想做一条自由自在的咸鱼。**

Me after vacation: I have forgotten what work is, I just want to be a free and easy salted fish.

**67. 放假了,我要去寻找我的快乐,我要去享受我的生活,我要去追寻我的梦想,我要去实现我的价值,我要去创造我的未来。**

I'm going to find my happiness, enjoy my life, pursue my dreams, realize my value, and create my future on vacation.

**68. 放假期间,我的体重和我的心情一样,都在“蒸蒸日上”。**

During vacation, my weight and my mood are both"prospering".

**69. 放假了,我要去尝试一些以前不敢尝试的事情,比如:去参加音乐节,去参加演唱会,去参加漫展。**

I'm going to try some things I haven't dared to try before on vacation, such as: going to a music festival, going to a concert, going to an anime convention.

**70. 放假期间,我的生活就是:吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐,睡睡懒觉,追追剧,看看电影,逛逛街,约约朋友。**

My life during vacation is: eat, drink, play, have fun, sleep in, chase dramas, watch movies, go shopping, and hang out with friends.

**71. 放假了,我要去旅行,去看看外面的世界,感受不同的文化,体验不同的生活,学习不同的知识,结识不同的朋友。**

I'm going to travel on vacation, see the world, experience different cultures, experience different lives, learn different knowledge, and make different friends.

**72. 放假在家,最幸福的事情就是:可以不用做家务。**

The happiest thing about staying at home on vacation is: not having to do housework.

**73. 放假了,我要去学习一项新的技能,比如:如何成为一名“摄影师”。**

I'm going to learn a new skill on vacation, such as: how to become a"photographer".

**74. 放假后的我:已经忘记了工作是什么东西,只想做一条无忧无虑的咸鱼。**

Me after vacation: I have forgotten what work is, I just want to be a carefree salted fish.

**75. 放假了,我要去寻找我的快乐,我要去享受我的生活,我要去追寻我的梦想,我要去实现我的价值,我要去创造我的未来,我要去改变我的命运。**

I'm going to find my happiness, enjoy my life, pursue my dreams, realize my value, create my future, and change my destiny on vacation.

**76. 放假期间,我的体重和我的心情一样,都在“芝麻开花节节高,蒸蒸日上,突飞猛进”。**

During vacation, my weight and my mood are both"growing steadily, prospering, and making rapid progress".

**77. 放假了,我要去尝试一些以前不敢尝试的事情,比如:去参加马拉松,去攀岩,去骑行,去跳伞,去蹦极,去潜水。**

I'm going to try some things I haven't dared to try before on vacation, such as: participating in a marathon, rock climbing, cycling, skydiving, bungee jumping, and diving.

**78. 放假期间,我的生活就是:吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐,睡睡懒觉,追追剧,看看电影,逛逛街,约约朋友,谈谈恋爱。**

My life during vacation is: eat, drink, play, have fun, sleep in, chase dramas, watch movies, go shopping, hang out with friends, and date.

**79. 放假了,我要去旅行,去看看外面的世界,感受不同的文化,体验不同的生活,学习不同的知识,结识不同的朋友,感受不同的爱情。**

I'm going to travel on vacation, see the world, experience different cultures, experience different lives, learn different knowledge, make different friends, and experience different love.

**80. 放假在家,最幸福的事情就是:可以不用做家务,可以不用做饭,可以不用洗衣服,可以不用洗漱。**

The happiest thing about staying at home on vacation is: not having to do housework, not having to cook, not having to wash clothes, and not having to wash up.

**81. 放假了,我要去学习一项新的技能,比如:如何成为一名“作家”,如何成为一名“画家”,如何成为一名“音乐家”。**

I'm going to learn a new skill on vacation, such as: how to become a"writer", how to become a"painter", how to become a"musician".

**82. 放假后的我:已经忘记了工作是什么东西,只想做一条无忧无虑的咸鱼,每天吃饱睡好,玩玩手机,看看电视剧。**

Me after vacation: I have forgotten what work is, I just want to be a carefree salted fish, eat my fill, sleep well, play with my phone, and watch TV series every day.

**83. 放假了,我要去寻找我的快乐,我要去享受我的生活,我要去追寻我的梦想,我要去实现我的价值,我要去创造我的未来,我要去改变我的命运,我要去征服我的世界。**

I'm going to find my happiness, enjoy my life, pursue my dreams, realize my value, create my future, change my destiny, and conquer my world on vacation.

**84. 放假期间,我的体重和我的心情一样,都在“芝麻开花节节高,蒸蒸日上,突飞猛进,一日千里”。**

During vacation, my weight and my mood are both"growing steadily, prospering, making rapid progress, and progressing rapidly".

**85. 放假了,我要去尝试一些以前不敢尝试的事情,比如:去参加马拉松,去攀岩,去骑行,去跳伞,去蹦极,去潜水,去旅行,去探险,去冒险。**

I'm going to try some things I haven't dared to try before on vacation, such as: participating in a marathon, rock climbing, cycling, skydiving, bungee jumping, diving, traveling, exploring, and adventuring.

**86. 放假期间,我的生活就是:吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐,睡睡懒觉,追追剧,看看电影,逛逛街,约约朋友,谈谈恋爱,写写日记,读读书。**

My life during vacation is: eat, drink, play, have fun, sleep in, chase dramas, watch movies, go shopping, hang out with friends, date, write diaries, and read books.

**87. 放假了,我要去旅行,去看看外面的世界,感受不同的文化,体验不同的生活,学习不同的知识,结识不同的朋友,感受不同的爱情,寻找不同的梦想。**

I'm going to travel on vacation, see the world, experience different cultures, experience different lives, learn different knowledge, make different friends, experience different love, and find different dreams.

**88. 放假在家,最幸福的事情就是:可以不用做家务,可以不用做饭,可以不用洗衣服,可以不用洗漱,可以不用出门,可以不用工作。**

The happiest thing about staying at home on vacation is: not having to do housework, not having to cook, not having to wash clothes, not having to wash up, not having to go out, and not having to work.

**89. 放假了,我要去学习一项新的技能,比如:如何成为一名“作家”,如何成为一名“画家”,如何成为一名“音乐家”,如何成为一名“厨师”,如何成为一名“摄影师”。**

I'm going to learn a new skill on vacation, such as: how to become a"writer", how to become a"painter", how to become a"musician", how to become a"chef", how to become a"photographer".

**90. 放假后的我:已经忘记了工作是什么东西,只想做一条无忧无虑的咸鱼,每天吃饱睡好,玩玩手机,看看电视剧,刷刷抖音,玩玩游戏。**

Me after vacation: I have forgotten what work is, I just want to be a carefree salted fish, eat my fill, sleep well, play with my phone, watch TV series, brush抖音, and play games every day.

**91. 放假了,我要去寻找我的快乐,我要去享受我的生活,我要去追寻我的梦想,我要去实现我的价值,我要去创造我的未来,我要去改变我的命运,我要去征服我的世界,我要去创造我的奇迹。**

I'm going to find my happiness, enjoy my life, pursue my dreams, realize my value, create my future, change my destiny, conquer my world, and create my miracles on vacation.

**92. 放假期间,我的体重和我的心情一样,都在“芝麻开花节节高,蒸蒸日上,突飞猛进,一日千里,势不可挡”。**

During vacation, my weight and my mood are both"growing steadily, prospering, making rapid progress, progressing rapidly, and unstoppable".

**93. 放假了,我要去尝试一些以前不敢尝试的事情,比如:去参加马拉松,去攀岩,去骑行,去跳伞,去蹦极,去潜水,去旅行,去探险,去冒险,去挑战,去突破,去征服。**

I'm going to try some things I haven't dared to try before on vacation, such as: participating in a marathon, rock climbing, cycling, skydiving, bungee jumping, diving, traveling, exploring, adventuring, challenging, breaking through, and conquering.

**94. 放假期间,我的生活就是:吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐,睡睡懒觉,追追剧,看看电影,逛逛街,约约朋友,谈谈恋爱,写写日记,读读书,做做运动,学学新技能,看看世界,感受生活,体验人生。**

My life during vacation is: eat, drink, play, have fun, sleep in, chase dramas, watch movies, go shopping, hang out with friends, date, write diaries, read books, exercise, learn new skills, see the world, experience life, and experience life.

以上就是关于放假搞笑说说经典句子94句(放假搞笑说说经典句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
