
## 澄清绯闻句子 (77句)


1. 我们只是朋友,没有其他关系。 / We are just friends, nothing more.
2. 我们之间只是工作关系,没有其他。 / It's purely a professional relationship, nothing else.
3. 我们只是同事,没有发展成恋人。 / We are just colleagues and have never been romantically involved.
4. 我们是好朋友,但只是朋友。 / We are good friends, but just friends.
5. 我和ta之间没有任何感情纠葛。 / There is no romantic relationship between us.
6. 谣言不可信,我和ta只是普通朋友。 / The rumors are not true, we are just ordinary friends.
7. 我们的关系很纯粹,请不要过度解读。 / Our relationship is pure, please don't over-interpret it.
8. 我们只是互相欣赏,没有发展成情侣。 / We admire each other, but we are not a couple.
9. 我们只是互相帮助,彼此支持。 / We just help and support each other.
10. 我们只是在工作中接触比较多,私下关系很普通。 / We just interact a lot at work, but our personal relationship is very ordinary.


11. 我没有做过这样的事,请不要造谣。 / I haven't done anything like that, please don't spread rumors.
12. 这件事纯属子虚乌有,没有的事。 / This is completely false, it never happened.
13. 我从未说过这样的话,请不要断章取义。 / I have never said anything like that, please don't take things out of context.
14. 我对这些传言感到很无奈,请大家理性判断。 / I am helpless about these rumors, please be rational in your judgment.
15. 我对这件事感到很委屈,希望大家不要相信谣言。 / I feel very wronged by this, I hope everyone won't believe the rumors.
16. 事情的真相并非如此,请大家不要被误导。 / The truth is not like that, please don't be misled.
17. 我没有做任何违背道德的事情,请大家相信我。 / I have not done anything unethical, please believe me.
18. 我没有必要为了炒作而编造故事。 / I have no need to make up stories for hype.
19. 我已经澄清了事实,希望大家不要再传播谣言。 / I have clarified the facts, I hope everyone will stop spreading rumors.
20. 我对不实传言感到非常生气,保留追究法律责任的权利。 / I am very angry about the false rumors and reserve the right to pursue legal action.


21. 我对此事感到很无奈,只能一笑置之。 / I'm helpless about this, I can only laugh it off.
22. 我对这些谣言不予理会,专注于自己的生活。 / I ignore these rumors and focus on my own life.
23. 我不会因为这些传言而改变自己,依然做我自己。 / I will not change myself because of these rumors, I will still be myself.
24. 我希望大家理性看待,不要被谣言左右。 / I hope everyone will view this rationally and not be swayed by rumors.
25. 我不会被一些不实信息影响,我依然相信我的朋友。 / I won't be influenced by some false information, I still believe in my friend.
26. 我对这种无稽之谈感到可笑,完全不值得理会。 / I find this nonsense ridiculous and completely unworthy of attention.
27. 我对谣言不予置评,专注于自己的工作和生活。 / I will not comment on the rumors and focus on my work and life.
28. 我对此事感到很无奈,但不会被这些谣言影响。 / I'm helpless about this, but I won't be affected by these rumors.
29. 我会用我的行动证明,谣言是不可信的。 / I will use my actions to prove that the rumors are not true.
30. 我对这些谣言感到很无助,只能选择沉默。 / I feel helpless about these rumors and can only choose to remain silent.


31. 我和ta只是普通朋友,没有发展成恋人。 / We are just ordinary friends and have not become lovers.
32. 我们之间没有爱情,只是互相欣赏。 / There is no love between us, just mutual admiration.
33. 我已经有了爱人,请不要再胡乱猜测。 / I already have a partner, please stop guessing.
34. 我们只是在工作中相处很好,私下关系很普通。 / We just get along well at work, our personal relationship is very ordinary.
35. 我对ta没有特殊的感觉,只是普通朋友。 / I don't have any special feelings for them, just a regular friend.
36. 我们只是互相帮助,彼此扶持,没有其他。 / We just help and support each other, nothing else.
37. 我们只是偶尔一起吃饭,没有其他关系。 / We just eat together occasionally, nothing else.
38. 我没有和ta交往,只是普通朋友关系。 / I am not dating them, we are just friends.
39. 我对ta没有好感,只是单纯的友谊。 / I have no feelings for them, just pure friendship.
40. 我们之间的关系很纯粹,请大家不要乱猜。 / Our relationship is pure, please don't guess.


41. 这只是误会,希望大家不要再传播了。 / It's just a misunderstanding, I hope everyone will stop spreading it.
42. 这件事被误传了,并非真实情况。 / This has been misrepresented, it's not the true situation.
43. 可能是因为我平时比较低调,所以才会被人误解。 / Maybe because I am usually low-key, so I am misunderstood.
44. 我希望通过澄清,能够消除大家对我的误解。 / I hope that by clarifying, I can eliminate everyone's misunderstanding of me.
45. 我很抱歉因为我的行为给大家造成困扰。 / I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by my actions.
46. 我只是想保护好我的家人,所以才没有公开回应。 / I just wanted to protect my family, so I didn't respond publicly.
47. 我没有恶意,只是想表达我的真实感受。 / I have no ill intentions, I just want to express my true feelings.
48. 我当时太冲动了,说了不该说的话。 / I was too impulsive at the time and said things I shouldn't have.
49. 我没有刻意隐瞒,只是不想让大家过分关注我的私生活。 / I haven't intentionally concealed anything, I just don't want everyone to pay too much attention to my private life.
50. 我对这件事感到非常抱歉,希望能够得到大家的谅解。 / I am very sorry about this and hope to get everyone's understanding.


51. 我会更加注意自己的言行,避免不必要的误会。 / I will be more careful about my words and actions to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.
52. 我会用行动来证明,谣言是不可信的。 / I will use my actions to prove that the rumors are not true.
53. 我会努力做好自己,用实力来回应质疑。 / I will work hard to be myself and respond to doubts with my abilities.
54. 我会继续专注于自己的工作和生活,不再理会这些传言。 / I will continue to focus on my work and life and ignore these rumors.
55. 我会用我的作品来回应一切质疑。 / I will use my work to respond to all doubts.
56. 我会继续努力,用实力来证明自己。 / I will continue to work hard and prove myself with my abilities.
57. 我会更加注重个人隐私,避免不必要的猜测。 / I will pay more attention to my personal privacy to avoid unnecessary speculation.
58. 我会用我的行动来打消所有人的疑虑。 / I will use my actions to dispel all doubts.
59. 我会继续做好自己,让大家看到我的真实一面。 / I will continue to be myself and let everyone see the real me.
60. 我会更加谨慎地处理自己的事情,避免再出现类似的误会。 / I will handle my affairs more carefully to avoid similar misunderstandings.


61. 我希望能够通过澄清,让大家了解事情的真相。 / I hope that by clarifying, everyone can understand the truth.
62. 我希望能够消除大家的误解,维护我的声誉。 / I hope to clear up everyone's misunderstandings and maintain my reputation.
63. 我希望大家能够理性看待,不要被谣言左右。 / I hope everyone can view this rationally and not be swayed by rumors.
64. 我希望能够通过澄清,让大家看到一个真实的自己。 / I hope that by clarifying, everyone can see a real me.
65. 我希望能够让大家知道,谣言是不可信的。 / I hope that everyone knows that rumors are not true.
66. 我希望能够用行动来证明,谣言是无稽之谈。 / I hope to prove with my actions that rumors are nonsense.
67. 我希望能够维护我的家人和朋友的利益。 / I hope to protect the interests of my family and friends.
68. 我希望能够让大家了解我的真实想法。 / I hope that everyone can understand my true thoughts.
69. 我希望能够让大家看到,我是一个负责任的人。 / I hope that everyone can see that I am a responsible person.
70. 我希望能够让大家知道,我是一个正直的人。 / I hope that everyone knows that I am an upright person.


71. 这只是一场误会,希望大家不要再传播了。 / It's just a misunderstanding, I hope everyone will stop spreading it.
72. 这只是一个巧合,并非刻意为之。 / This is just a coincidence, not intentional.
73. 我没有参与这件事,请不要把我牵扯进来。 / I have not participated in this, please don't involve me.
74. 我对这件事感到很无奈,只能选择沉默。 / I am helpless about this and can only choose to remain silent.
75. 这件事只是个人的私事,请大家不要过度关注。 / This is just a personal matter, please don't pay too much attention.
76. 我已经做出解释,希望大家能够理解。 / I have already given an explanation, I hope everyone can understand.
77. 谣言止于智者,希望大家不要轻易相信。 / Rumors stop with the wise, I hope everyone won't believe them easily.

## 澄清绯闻句子 (英文翻译)

**Clarifying Relationships**

1. We are just friends, nothing more.

2. It's purely a professional relationship, nothing else.

3. We are just colleagues and have never been romantically involved.

4. We are good friends, but just friends.

5. There is no romantic relationship between us.

6. The rumors are not true, we are just ordinary friends.

7. Our relationship is pure, please don't over-interpret it.

8. We admire each other, but we are not a couple.

9. We just help and support each other.

10. We just interact a lot at work, but our personal relationship is very ordinary.

**Clarifying Events**

11. I haven't done anything like that, please don't spread rumors.

12. This is completely false, it never happened.

13. I have never said anything like that, please don't take things out of context.

14. I am helpless about these rumors, please be rational in your judgment.

15. I feel very wronged by this, I hope everyone won't believe the rumors.

16. The truth is not like that, please don't be misled.

17. I have not done anything unethical, please believe me.

18. I have no need to make up stories for hype.

19. I have clarified the facts, I hope everyone will stop spreading rumors.

20. I am very angry about the false rumors and reserve the right to pursue legal action.

**Clarifying Attitudes**

21. I'm helpless about this, I can only laugh it off.

22. I ignore these rumors and focus on my own life.

23. I will not change myself because of these rumors, I will still be myself.

24. I hope everyone will view this rationally and not be swayed by rumors.

25. I won't be influenced by some false information, I still believe in my friend.

26. I find this nonsense ridiculous and completely unworthy of attention.

27. I will not comment on the rumors and focus on my work and life.

28. I'm helpless about this, but I won't be affected by these rumors.

29. I will use my actions to prove that the rumors are not true.

30. I feel helpless about these rumors and can only choose to remain silent.

**Clarifying Feelings**

31. We are just ordinary friends and have not become lovers.

32. There is no love between us, just mutual admiration.

33. I already have a partner, please stop guessing.

34. We just get along well at work, our personal relationship is very ordinary.

35. I don't have any special feelings for them, just a regular friend.

36. We just help and support each other, nothing else.

37. We just eat together occasionally, nothing else.

38. I am not dating them, we are just friends.

39. I have no feelings for them, just pure friendship.

40. Our relationship is pure, please don't guess.

**Clarifying Reasons**

41. It's just a misunderstanding, I hope everyone will stop spreading it.

42. This has been misrepresented, it's not the true situation.

43. Maybe because I am usually low-key, so I am misunderstood.

44. I hope that by clarifying, I can eliminate everyone's misunderstanding of me.

45. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by my actions.

46. I just wanted to protect my family, so I didn't respond publicly.

47. I have no ill intentions, I just want to express my true feelings.

48. I was too impulsive at the time and said things I shouldn't have.

49. I haven't intentionally concealed anything, I just don't want everyone to pay too much attention to my private life.

50. I am very sorry about this and hope to get everyone's understanding.

**Clarifying Actions**

51. I will be more careful about my words and actions to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

52. I will use my actions to prove that the rumors are not true.

53. I will work hard to be myself and respond to doubts with my abilities.

54. I will continue to focus on my work and life and ignore these rumors.

55. I will use my work to respond to all doubts.

56. I will continue to work hard and prove myself with my abilities.

57. I will pay more attention to my personal privacy to avoid unnecessary speculation.

58. I will use my actions to dispel all doubts.

59. I will continue to be myself and let everyone see the real me.

60. I will handle my affairs more carefully to avoid similar misunderstandings.

**Clarifying Purposes**

61. I hope that by clarifying, everyone can understand the truth.

62. I hope to clear up everyone's misunderstandings and maintain my reputation.

63. I hope everyone can view this rationally and not be swayed by rumors.

64. I hope that by clarifying, everyone can see a real me.

65. I hope that everyone knows that rumors are not true.

66. I hope to prove with my actions that rumors are nonsense.

67. I hope to protect the interests of my family and friends.

68. I hope that everyone can understand my true thoughts.

69. I hope that everyone can see that I am a responsible person.

70. I hope that everyone knows that I am an upright person.

**Clarifying Others**

71. It's just a misunderstanding, I hope everyone will stop spreading it.

72. This is just a coincidence, not intentional.

73. I have not participated in this, please don't involve me.

74. I am helpless about this and can only choose to remain silent.

75. This is just a personal matter, please don't pay too much attention.

76. I have already given an explanation, I hope everyone can understand.

77. Rumors stop with the wise, I hope everyone won't believe them easily.

以上就是关于澄清绯闻句子77句(澄清绯闻句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
