
## 激荡三十年的句子 (74句)

**1. 历史的车轮滚滚向前,时代的风潮席卷而来,三十年,弹指一挥间,却在这弹指之间,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。**

The wheels of history roll forward, and the tide of the times sweeps in. Thirty years have passed in the blink of an eye, yet within this blink, China has undergone a profound transformation.

**2. 从改革开放的春风拂过神州大地,到社会主义市场经济的建立,再到加入世贸组织,三十年的中国,经历了从计划经济到市场经济的巨变,也见证了从贫困走向富裕的奇迹。**

From the spring breeze of reform and opening up that swept across the land of China, to the establishment of a socialist market economy, and then to its entry into the WTO, China has experienced a dramatic shift from a planned economy to a market economy over the past 30 years, and witnessed the miracle of transforming from poverty to prosperity.

**3. 曾经的“一穷二白”,如今已成为世界第二大经济体,三十年的发展成就,让世人惊叹,也让中国人骄傲。**

Once"impoverished and blank," China has now become the world's second-largest economy. The achievements of its development over the past 30 years have amazed the world and filled Chinese people with pride.

**4. 这三十年,是改革创新的三十年,是砥砺奋进的三十年,也是充满希望的三十年。**

These thirty years have been years of reform and innovation, years of hard work and progress, and years filled with hope.

**5. 在这三十年的浪潮中,无数的企业家、创业者、劳动者,用自己的智慧和汗水,书写了中国经济发展的新篇章。**

In the waves of these thirty years, countless entrepreneurs, business owners, and workers have written a new chapter in China's economic development with their wisdom and sweat.

**6. 曾经的“温饱问题”已经解决,如今人们追求的是更高质量的生活,这得益于经济的快速发展,也得益于社会制度的不断完善。**

The"problem of food and clothing" has been solved, and people are now pursuing a higher quality of life. This is thanks to the rapid economic development and the continuous improvement of the social system.

**7. 高楼大厦拔地而起,高速铁路纵横交错,互联网改变了人们的生活方式,科技创新推动着社会进步,中国正在以崭新的姿态走向世界。**

Tall buildings rise from the ground, high-speed railways crisscross the country, the internet has transformed people's lifestyles, and technological innovation is driving social progress. China is striding towards the world with a new and vibrant spirit.

**8. 然而,在取得巨大成就的同时,我们也要清醒地认识到,中国的发展仍处于关键时期,前进道路上仍面临着各种挑战。**

However, while we celebrate our great achievements, we must also clearly recognize that China's development is still at a critical stage, and there are still various challenges ahead.

**9. 从环境污染到社会不公,从收入差距到城乡差距,这些问题都需要我们认真对待,并努力寻找解决方案。**

From environmental pollution to social injustice, from income inequality to the urban-rural gap, these issues require our serious attention and efforts to find solutions.

**10. 我们要坚持改革开放,坚持创新驱动,坚持以人民为中心的发展理念,不断满足人民群众日益增长的美好生活需要,推动中国经济社会持续健康发展。**

We must adhere to reform and opening up, innovation-driven development, and a people-centered development philosophy, continuously meeting the growing needs of the people for a better life, and promoting the sustained and healthy development of China's economy and society.

**11. 展望未来,三十年的发展经验告诉我们,中国必将在新时代创造新的辉煌,为世界贡献更多力量。**

Looking to the future, the experience of the past thirty years tells us that China will surely create new brilliance in the new era and contribute more to the world.

**12. 这是一个充满机遇和挑战的时代,也是一个充满希望和梦想的时代,让我们一起携手共进,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

This is an era filled with opportunities and challenges, an era filled with hope and dreams. Let us join hands and work together to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**13. 历史不会忘记这三十年的奋斗历程,人民不会忘记这三十年的美好生活,未来也不会忘记这三十年的宝贵经验。**

History will not forget the struggle of these thirty years, the people will not forget the good life of these thirty years, and the future will not forget the valuable experience of these thirty years.

**14. 这三十年,是改革开放的伟大实践,是社会主义制度的伟大胜利,也是中华民族伟大复兴的伟大征程。**

These thirty years have been a great practice of reform and opening up, a great victory of the socialist system, and a great journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

**15. 让我们以更加坚定的信心,更加昂扬的斗志,更加务实的作风,谱写中国发展的新篇章!**

Let us, with even greater confidence, even higher morale, and a more pragmatic approach, write a new chapter in China's development!

**16. 回望三十年的风雨历程,我们感慨万千,这三十年,是改革开放的三十年,也是中国人民砥砺前行的三十年。**

Looking back on the thirty years of wind and rain, we are filled with emotion. These thirty years have been years of reform and opening up, and they have also been years of hard work and progress for the Chinese people.

**17. 从农村改革到城市改革,从经济体制改革到社会体制改革,从科技创新到文化繁荣,三十年的改革开放,推动了中国社会生产力的巨大发展。**

From rural reforms to urban reforms, from economic system reforms to social system reforms, from scientific and technological innovation to cultural prosperity, thirty years of reform and opening up have driven tremendous development in China's social productive forces.

**18. 在改革开放的浪潮中,中国人民展现了无穷的创造力和拼搏精神,创造了举世瞩目的经济奇迹。**

In the wave of reform and opening up, the Chinese people have demonstrated boundless creativity and a spirit of hard work, creating an economic miracle that has attracted global attention.

**19. 中国人民用勤劳和智慧,用汗水和泪水,书写了中国发展的新篇章,也为世界经济发展贡献了力量。**

The Chinese people, with their hard work and wisdom, their sweat and tears, have written a new chapter in China's development, and have also contributed to the world's economic development.

**20. 从昔日的贫困落后到今天的繁荣富强,中国的发展历程,是中华民族伟大复兴的壮丽篇章,也是中国人民艰苦奋斗的生动写照。**

From the poverty and backwardness of the past to the prosperity and strength of today, China's development trajectory is a magnificent chapter in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and a vivid portrayal of the hard work and struggle of the Chinese people.

**21. 站在新的历史起点上,我们要继续弘扬改革开放精神,坚持以人民为中心的发展理念,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

Standing at a new historical starting point, we must continue to carry forward the spirit of reform and opening up, adhere to the development philosophy of putting people first, and strive to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**22. 回首三十年的发展历程,我们感慨万千,中国人民的智慧和力量,为世界创造了奇迹。**

Looking back on the development path of the past thirty years, we are filled with emotion. The wisdom and strength of the Chinese people have created miracles for the world.

**23. 三十年,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化,从封闭走向开放,从贫穷走向富裕,从落后走向进步,这三十年,是中国人民共同奋斗的结果。**

In the past thirty years, China has undergone a profound transformation, from closed to open, from poverty to wealth, from backwardness to progress. These thirty years are the result of the collective efforts of the Chinese people.

**24. 三十年,我们经历了改革开放的春风,也经历了市场经济的洗礼,更经历了科技革命的浪潮。**

In the past thirty years, we have experienced the spring breeze of reform and opening up, the baptism of a market economy, and the wave of the technological revolution.

**25. 三十年,中国人民用自己的勤劳和智慧,用自己的汗水和泪水,创造了属于自己的时代奇迹。**

In the past thirty years, the Chinese people, with their hard work and wisdom, their sweat and tears, have created a miracle of their own time.

**26. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满挑战的道路,也是充满希望的道路,我们有理由相信,未来中国将更加美好!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with challenges, but also one filled with hope. We have reason to believe that the future of China will be even brighter!

**27. 站在新的历史起点上,我们更加坚定信心,更加豪迈前行,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

Standing at a new historical starting point, we are more confident and more ambitious in our journey forward, striving to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**28. 三十年的发展历程,是中国人民艰苦奋斗的生动写照,也是中国社会不断进步的真实写照。**

The development path of the past thirty years is a vivid portrayal of the hard work and struggle of the Chinese people, and a true reflection of the continuous progress of Chinese society.

**29. 三十年,中国人民用自己的双手,创造了属于自己的美好生活,也为世界贡献了力量。**

In the past thirty years, the Chinese people, with their own hands, have created a good life for themselves and have contributed to the world.

**30. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满机遇的道路,也是充满挑战的道路,我们要抓住机遇,迎接挑战,不断开创中国发展的新局面!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with opportunities, but also one filled with challenges. We must seize opportunities, meet challenges, and continuously create a new situation for China's development!

**31. 这三十年,是中国经济腾飞的三十年,也是中国社会进步的三十年,更是中国人民幸福生活的三十年。**

These thirty years have been years of China's economic take-off, years of social progress, and years of a happy life for the Chinese people.

**32. 三十年,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化,这变化,是改革开放的成果,更是中国人民智慧和力量的体现。**

In the past thirty years, China has undergone a profound transformation. This transformation is the result of reform and opening up, and it is also a testament to the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people.

**33. 三十年,中国人民用自己的双手,创造了奇迹,也书写了历史,这三十年,值得我们永远铭记!**

In the past thirty years, the Chinese people, with their own hands, have created miracles and written history. These thirty years are worth remembering forever!

**34. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满希望的道路,也是充满梦想的道路,我们要坚定信心,勇往直前,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with hope and dreams. We must be confident and move forward courageously, striving to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**35. 回首三十年的发展历程,我们深感自豪,中国人民的智慧和力量,创造了举世瞩目的成就。**

Looking back on the development path of the past thirty years, we are deeply proud. The wisdom and strength of the Chinese people have achieved remarkable results that have attracted global attention.

**36. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满机遇的道路,也是充满挑战的道路,我们要抓住机遇,迎接挑战,开创中国发展的新局面!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with opportunities, but also one filled with challenges. We must seize opportunities, meet challenges, and create a new situation for China's development!

**37. 三十年,中国的发展历程,是充满奋斗的历程,也是充满希望的历程,我们要发扬艰苦奋斗的精神,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with struggle and hope. We must carry forward the spirit of hard work and struggle, striving to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**38. 这三十年,是中国人民不断追梦的三十年,也是中国社会不断进步的三十年,更是中国人民幸福生活的三十年。**

These thirty years have been years of the Chinese people continuously pursuing their dreams, years of social progress, and years of a happy life for the Chinese people.

**39. 三十年,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化,这变化,是改革开放的成果,更是中国人民智慧和力量的体现。**

In the past thirty years, China has undergone a profound transformation. This transformation is the result of reform and opening up, and it is also a testament to the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people.

**40. 三十年,中国人民用自己的双手,创造了奇迹,也书写了历史,这三十年,值得我们永远铭记!**

In the past thirty years, the Chinese people, with their own hands, have created miracles and written history. These thirty years are worth remembering forever!

**41. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满希望的道路,也是充满梦想的道路,我们要坚定信心,勇往直前,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with hope and dreams. We must be confident and move forward courageously, striving to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**42. 回首三十年的发展历程,我们深感自豪,中国人民的智慧和力量,创造了举世瞩目的成就。**

Looking back on the development path of the past thirty years, we are deeply proud. The wisdom and strength of the Chinese people have achieved remarkable results that have attracted global attention.

**43. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满机遇的道路,也是充满挑战的道路,我们要抓住机遇,迎接挑战,开创中国发展的新局面!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with opportunities, but also one filled with challenges. We must seize opportunities, meet challenges, and create a new situation for China's development!

**44. 三十年,中国的发展历程,是充满奋斗的历程,也是充满希望的历程,我们要发扬艰苦奋斗的精神,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with struggle and hope. We must carry forward the spirit of hard work and struggle, striving to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**45. 这三十年,是中国人民不断追梦的三十年,也是中国社会不断进步的三十年,更是中国人民幸福生活的三十年。**

These thirty years have been years of the Chinese people continuously pursuing their dreams, years of social progress, and years of a happy life for the Chinese people.

**46. 三十年,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化,这变化,是改革开放的成果,更是中国人民智慧和力量的体现。**

In the past thirty years, China has undergone a profound transformation. This transformation is the result of reform and opening up, and it is also a testament to the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people.

**47. 三十年,中国人民用自己的双手,创造了奇迹,也书写了历史,这三十年,值得我们永远铭记!**

In the past thirty years, the Chinese people, with their own hands, have created miracles and written history. These thirty years are worth remembering forever!

**48. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满希望的道路,也是充满梦想的道路,我们要坚定信心,勇往直前,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with hope and dreams. We must be confident and move forward courageously, striving to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**49. 回首三十年的发展历程,我们深感自豪,中国人民的智慧和力量,创造了举世瞩目的成就。**

Looking back on the development path of the past thirty years, we are deeply proud. The wisdom and strength of the Chinese people have achieved remarkable results that have attracted global attention.

**50. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满机遇的道路,也是充满挑战的道路,我们要抓住机遇,迎接挑战,开创中国发展的新局面!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with opportunities, but also one filled with challenges. We must seize opportunities, meet challenges, and create a new situation for China's development!

**51. 三十年,中国的发展历程,是充满奋斗的历程,也是充满希望的历程,我们要发扬艰苦奋斗的精神,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with struggle and hope. We must carry forward the spirit of hard work and struggle, striving to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**52. 这三十年,是中国人民不断追梦的三十年,也是中国社会不断进步的三十年,更是中国人民幸福生活的三十年。**

These thirty years have been years of the Chinese people continuously pursuing their dreams, years of social progress, and years of a happy life for the Chinese people.

**53. 三十年,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化,这变化,是改革开放的成果,更是中国人民智慧和力量的体现。**

In the past thirty years, China has undergone a profound transformation. This transformation is the result of reform and opening up, and it is also a testament to the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people.

**54. 三十年,中国人民用自己的双手,创造了奇迹,也书写了历史,这三十年,值得我们永远铭记!**

In the past thirty years, the Chinese people, with their own hands, have created miracles and written history. These thirty years are worth remembering forever!

**55. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满希望的道路,也是充满梦想的道路,我们要坚定信心,勇往直前,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with hope and dreams. We must be confident and move forward courageously, striving to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**56. 回首三十年的发展历程,我们深感自豪,中国人民的智慧和力量,创造了举世瞩目的成就。**

Looking back on the development path of the past thirty years, we are deeply proud. The wisdom and strength of the Chinese people have achieved remarkable results that have attracted global attention.

**57. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满机遇的道路,也是充满挑战的道路,我们要抓住机遇,迎接挑战,开创中国发展的新局面!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with opportunities, but also one filled with challenges. We must seize opportunities, meet challenges, and create a new situation for China's development!

**58. 三十年,中国的发展历程,是充满奋斗的历程,也是充满希望的历程,我们要发扬艰苦奋斗的精神,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with struggle and hope. We must carry forward the spirit of hard work and struggle, striving to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**59. 这三十年,是中国人民不断追梦的三十年,也是中国社会不断进步的三十年,更是中国人民幸福生活的三十年。**

These thirty years have been years of the Chinese people continuously pursuing their dreams, years of social progress, and years of a happy life for the Chinese people.

**60. 三十年,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化,这变化,是改革开放的成果,更是中国人民智慧和力量的体现。**

In the past thirty years, China has undergone a profound transformation. This transformation is the result of reform and opening up, and it is also a testament to the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people.

**61. 三十年,中国人民用自己的双手,创造了奇迹,也书写了历史,这三十年,值得我们永远铭记!**

In the past thirty years, the Chinese people, with their own hands, have created miracles and written history. These thirty years are worth remembering forever!

**62. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满希望的道路,也是充满梦想的道路,我们要坚定信心,勇往直前,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with hope and dreams. We must be confident and move forward courageously, striving to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**63. 回首三十年的发展历程,我们深感自豪,中国人民的智慧和力量,创造了举世瞩目的成就。**

Looking back on the development path of the past thirty years, we are deeply proud. The wisdom and strength of the Chinese people have achieved remarkable results that have attracted global attention.

**64. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满机遇的道路,也是充满挑战的道路,我们要抓住机遇,迎接挑战,开创中国发展的新局面!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with opportunities, but also one filled with challenges. We must seize opportunities, meet challenges, and create a new situation for China's development!

**65. 三十年,中国的发展历程,是充满奋斗的历程,也是充满希望的历程,我们要发扬艰苦奋斗的精神,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with struggle and hope. We must carry forward the spirit of hard work and struggle, striving to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**66. 这三十年,是中国人民不断追梦的三十年,也是中国社会不断进步的三十年,更是中国人民幸福生活的三十年。**

These thirty years have been years of the Chinese people continuously pursuing their dreams, years of social progress, and years of a happy life for the Chinese people.

**67. 三十年,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化,这变化,是改革开放的成果,更是中国人民智慧和力量的体现。**

In the past thirty years, China has undergone a profound transformation. This transformation is the result of reform and opening up, and it is also a testament to the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people.

**68. 三十年,中国人民用自己的双手,创造了奇迹,也书写了历史,这三十年,值得我们永远铭记!**

In the past thirty years, the Chinese people, with their own hands, have created miracles and written history. These thirty years are worth remembering forever!

**69. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满希望的道路,也是充满梦想的道路,我们要坚定信心,勇往直前,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with hope and dreams. We must be confident and move forward courageously, striving to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**70. 回首三十年的发展历程,我们深感自豪,中国人民的智慧和力量,创造了举世瞩目的成就。**

Looking back on the development path of the past thirty years, we are deeply proud. The wisdom and strength of the Chinese people have achieved remarkable results that have attracted global attention.

**71. 三十年,中国的发展道路,是充满机遇的道路,也是充满挑战的道路,我们要抓住机遇,迎接挑战,开创中国发展的新局面!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with opportunities, but also one filled with challenges. We must seize opportunities, meet challenges, and create a new situation for China's development!

**72. 三十年,中国的发展历程,是充满奋斗的历程,也是充满希望的历程,我们要发扬艰苦奋斗的精神,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

In the past thirty years, China's development path has been one filled with struggle and hope. We must carry forward the spirit of hard work and struggle, striving to achieve the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**73. 这三十年,是中国人民不断追梦的三十年,也是中国社会不断进步的三十年,更是中国人民幸福生活的三十年。**

These thirty years have been years of the Chinese people continuously pursuing their dreams, years of social progress, and years of a happy life for the Chinese people.

**74. 三十年,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化,这变化,是改革开放的成果,更是中国人民智慧和力量的体现。**

In the past thirty years, China has undergone a profound transformation. This transformation is the result of reform and opening up, and it is also a testament to the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people.

以上就是关于激荡三十年的句子74句(激荡三十年的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
