
## 放假了问候句子 (53句)


1. 放假啦!终于可以好好休息一下了,祝你假期愉快!

Have a great holiday! Finally, you can have a good rest.

2. 放假了,别忘了放松身心,享受美好时光!

Have a relaxing holiday and enjoy your time!

3. 放假快乐!希望你度过一个充实而美好的假期!

Happy holiday! I hope you have a fulfilling and wonderful holiday!

4. 放假时间到了,愿你拥有一个充满快乐和放松的假期!

It's time for a holiday. May you have a holiday full of joy and relaxation!

5. 放假了,别忘了和家人朋友一起创造美好回忆!

Have a great holiday and make some great memories with family and friends!


6. 放假了,终于可以睡到自然醒啦!

Happy holiday! Finally, I can sleep in!

7. 放假了,我要开启“葛优瘫”模式!

I'm going to"Ge You Tan" mode during the holiday!

8. 放假了,我要去吃遍天下美食!

I'm going to eat all the delicious food during the holiday!

9. 放假了,我要把手机扔一边,好好休息!

I'm going to put my phone away and relax during the holiday!

10. 放假了,我要去旅行,去看看外面的世界!

I'm going to travel and see the world during the holiday!


11. 放假了,期待着美好的旅行!

I'm looking forward to a wonderful trip during the holiday!

12. 放假了,期待着与家人朋友的团聚!

I'm looking forward to reuniting with family and friends during the holiday!

13. 放假了,期待着可以做一些自己喜欢的事情!

I'm looking forward to doing some things I love during the holiday!

14. 放假了,期待着可以好好休息一下!

I'm looking forward to a good rest during the holiday!

15. 放假了,期待着可以开启一段新的旅程!

I'm looking forward to starting a new journey during the holiday!


16. 祝你假期愉快,一切顺利!

Have a happy holiday and all the best!

17. 祝你假期放松,心情舒畅!

I wish you a relaxing holiday and a happy heart!

18. 祝你假期充实,收获满满!

I wish you a fulfilling holiday and a lot of gains!

19. 祝你假期幸福,平安喜乐!

I wish you a happy, safe and joyful holiday!

20. 祝你假期一切顺利,万事如意!

I wish you a smooth and successful holiday!


21. 放假快乐!

Happy holiday!

22. 祝你假期开心!

Have a happy holiday!

23. 放假了,好好休息!

Have a good rest during the holiday!

24. 放假愉快!

Enjoy your holiday!

25. 放假了,玩得开心!

Have fun during the holiday!


26. 放假了,想去哪里玩呢?

Where are you going to play during the holiday?

27. 放假了,有什么计划吗?

Do you have any plans for the holiday?

28. 放假了,准备做些什么呢?

What are you going to do during the holiday?

29. 放假了,想好去哪里旅行了吗?

Have you decided where you want to travel during the holiday?

30. 放假了,想去哪里吃好吃的呢?

Where do you want to go eat delicious food during the holiday?


31. 放假了,别忘了照顾好自己!

Take care of yourself during the holiday!

32. 放假了,注意安全,玩得开心!

Stay safe and have fun during the holiday!

33. 放假了,注意休息,别累坏了!

Get enough rest and don't tire yourself out during the holiday!

34. 放假了,别忘了多喝水,保持身体健康!

Don't forget to drink plenty of water and stay healthy during the holiday!

35. 放假了,注意饮食,别吃太多!

Pay attention to your diet and don't eat too much during the holiday!


36. 放假了,愿你如沐春风,心旷神怡!

May you be surrounded by spring breeze and feel refreshed during the holiday!

37. 放假了,愿你像花儿一样绽放,充满活力!

May you bloom like flowers and be full of vitality during the holiday!

38. 放假了,愿你拥有一段充满美好回忆的旅程!

May you have a journey full of beautiful memories during the holiday!

39. 放假了,愿你拥有一个轻松愉快的假期!

May you have a relaxing and enjoyable holiday!

40. 放假了,愿你带着满身的阳光和喜悦回到工作岗位!

May you return to work with sunshine and joy all over you!


41. 放假了,想和你一起去旅行!

I want to travel with you during the holiday!

42. 放假了,想和你一起享受美好时光!

I want to enjoy the good times with you during the holiday!

43. 放假了,想和你一起做一些浪漫的事情!

I want to do something romantic with you during the holiday!

44. 放假了,想和你一起创造美好回忆!

I want to make some great memories with you during the holiday!

45. 放假了,希望我们能在一起度过一个难忘的假期!

I hope we can spend an unforgettable holiday together!


46. 放假了,别忘了充电,迎接新的挑战!

Don't forget to recharge and embrace new challenges during the holiday!

47. 放假了,放松身心,为接下来的工作蓄力!

Relax and recharge for the next work challenge during the holiday!

48. 放假了,调整好状态,迎接新的开始!

Adjust your state and embrace a new beginning during the holiday!

49. 放假了,给自己一个机会,重新出发!

Give yourself a chance to start over during the holiday!

50. 放假了,相信你会在假期中收获满满!

I believe you will gain a lot during the holiday!


51. 放假了,祝你一切顺利,生活愉快!

I wish you all the best and a happy life during the holiday!

52. 放假了,愿你一切顺利,心想事成!

I wish you all the best and may all your wishes come true during the holiday!

53. 放假了,祝你度过一个充满幸福和快乐的假期!

I wish you a holiday full of happiness and joy!

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