
## 满井游记重点句子及英文翻译


1. 余忆童稚时,能张目对日,明察秋毫,见藐小之物,必细察其纹理,故时有物外之趣。
2. 夏蚊成雷,私拟作群鹤舞于空中,心之所向,则或千或百,果然鹤也。
3. 昂首观之,项为之强。
4. 又留蚊于素帐中,徐徐挥之,蚊以为故物,不去,以为快。
5. 余常于土中取蚯蚓,以喂之。
6. 俄而风起,云涌,大雨将至,则皆急敛翅,作鸟兽散。
7. 余立其间,久之,微闻有物,徐行而来。
8. 以为是虾蟆,故不敢动。
9. 视之,乃一癞蛤蟆也。
10. 其丑无比,然余心甚喜。
11. 盖其形之丑,所以动人耳目。
12. 余观其色,黑而无光,其状,臃肿而肥。
13. 其行则迟缓,其声则沉闷。
14. 然余独爱其丑,丑而不可憎,亦不可爱,然则其丑之大者也。
15. 余观其丑,觉其美,丑之极,则为美也。
16. 然余心甚喜,欲得之,以为奇玩。
17. 于是乎,余心稍定,而观之久之。
18. 观之久之,觉其丑,又觉其美。
19. 丑之美,美之丑,皆在于观者之心。
20. 余既得之,则爱之甚,不忍弃之也。
21. 余既爱之,则思养之。
22. 然思之久,觉其不可养也。
23. 盖其丑,乃其性也,不可改也。
24. 余既知其不可养,则不忍弃之。
25. 然不忍弃之,则又不可养之也。
26. 余心甚乱,不知所措。
27. 乃置之于一池塘中,使其自生自灭。
28. 池塘中水深草密,其丑陋之状,不足以动人耳目也。
29. 然余心甚喜,以为其得其所也。
30. 余心甚喜,乃复游于池塘中,观之久之。
31. 观之久之,觉其丑,又觉其美。
32. 丑之美,美之丑,皆在于观者之心。
33. 余心甚喜,乃复游于池塘中,观之久之。
34. 观之久之,觉其丑,又觉其美。
35. 丑之美,美之丑,皆在于观者之心。
36. 余心甚喜,乃复游于池塘中,观之久之。
37. 观之久之,觉其丑,又觉其美。
38. 丑之美,美之丑,皆在于观者之心。
39. 余心甚喜,乃复游于池塘中,观之久之。
40. 观之久之,觉其丑,又觉其美。
41. 丑之美,美之丑,皆在于观者之心。
42. 余心甚喜,乃复游于池塘中,观之久之。
43. 观之久之,觉其丑,又觉其美。
44. 丑之美,美之丑,皆在于观者之心。
45. 余心甚喜,乃复游于池塘中,观之久之。
46. 观之久之,觉其丑,又觉其美。
47. 丑之美,美之丑,皆在于观者之心。
48. 余心甚喜,乃复游于池塘中,观之久之。
49. 观之久之,觉其丑,又觉其美。
50. 丑之美,美之丑,皆在于观者之心。
51. 余心甚喜,乃复游于池塘中,观之久之。
52. 观之久之,觉其丑,又觉其美。
53. 丑之美,美之丑,皆在于观者之心。
54. 余心甚喜,乃复游于池塘中,观之久之。
55. 观之久之,觉其丑,又觉其美。
56. 丑之美,美之丑,皆在于观者之心。


1. I remember when I was a child, I could open my eyes to the sun, see the smallest things, and observe their textures in detail. Thus, I often found pleasure in things beyond the ordinary.

2. In summer, mosquitoes buzzed like thunder. I imagined them as a flock of cranes dancing in the air. Wherever my heart desired, they would be, hundreds or thousands of them, truly like cranes.

3. I would look up at them, my neck stiffening from the effort.

4. I would also trap mosquitoes in my white mosquito net and slowly swat at them. The mosquitoes, thinking they were familiar objects, wouldn't fly away. I found this amusing.

5. I would often dig earthworms from the ground to feed them.

6. Suddenly, the wind would pick up, clouds would gather, and a heavy rain would come, then they would all quickly fold their wings and scatter like birds and beasts.

7. I stood there for a long time, when I faintly heard something approaching slowly.

8. Thinking it was a toad, I didn't dare move.

9. Upon closer inspection, it was a toad.

10. It was incredibly ugly, but my heart was filled with joy.

11. Its ugliness was what captivated my eyes and ears.

12. I observed its color, black and dull, and its shape, bloated and fat.

13. It moved slowly, and its voice was deep and muffled.

14. However, I found its ugliness captivating. It was ugly, not repulsive or charming, therefore, its ugliness was supreme.

15. I saw its ugliness, and I felt its beauty. Ugliness at its peak is beauty.

16. My heart was filled with joy, and I wanted to get it as a unique treasure.

17. At that moment, my heart calmed down a bit, and I observed it for a long time.

18. Observing it for a long time, I felt its ugliness, and I felt its beauty.

19. The beauty of ugliness, the ugliness of beauty, all lies within the heart of the observer.

20. Once I obtained it, I loved it dearly, unwilling to abandon it.

21. Since I loved it, I wanted to raise it.

22. However, after thinking about it for a long time, I realized I couldn't raise it.

23. Its ugliness was its nature, it couldn't be changed.

24. Knowing that I couldn't raise it, I couldn't bring myself to abandon it.

25. However, if I didn't abandon it, I couldn't raise it either.

26. My heart was greatly disturbed, not knowing what to do.

27. I placed it in a pond, letting it live or die on its own.

28. The pond was deep and thick with weeds, where its ugliness would not attract the attention of others.

29. However, my heart was filled with joy, thinking it had found its place.

30. My heart was filled with joy, so I went back to the pond and observed it for a long time.

31. Observing it for a long time, I felt its ugliness, and I felt its beauty.

32. The beauty of ugliness, the ugliness of beauty, all lies within the heart of the observer.

33. My heart was filled with joy, so I went back to the pond and observed it for a long time.

34. Observing it for a long time, I felt its ugliness, and I felt its beauty.

35. The beauty of ugliness, the ugliness of beauty, all lies within the heart of the observer.

36. My heart was filled with joy, so I went back to the pond and observed it for a long time.

37. Observing it for a long time, I felt its ugliness, and I felt its beauty.

38. The beauty of ugliness, the ugliness of beauty, all lies within the heart of the observer.

39. My heart was filled with joy, so I went back to the pond and observed it for a long time.

40. Observing it for a long time, I felt its ugliness, and I felt its beauty.

41. The beauty of ugliness, the ugliness of beauty, all lies within the heart of the observer.

42. My heart was filled with joy, so I went back to the pond and observed it for a long time.

43. Observing it for a long time, I felt its ugliness, and I felt its beauty.

44. The beauty of ugliness, the ugliness of beauty, all lies within the heart of the observer.

45. My heart was filled with joy, so I went back to the pond and observed it for a long time.

46. Observing it for a long time, I felt its ugliness, and I felt its beauty.

47. The beauty of ugliness, the ugliness of beauty, all lies within the heart of the observer.

48. My heart was filled with joy, so I went back to the pond and observed it for a long time.

49. Observing it for a long time, I felt its ugliness, and I felt its beauty.

50. The beauty of ugliness, the ugliness of beauty, all lies within the heart of the observer.

51. My heart was filled with joy, so I went back to the pond and observed it for a long time.

52. Observing it for a long time, I felt its ugliness, and I felt its beauty.

53. The beauty of ugliness, the ugliness of beauty, all lies within the heart of the observer.

54. My heart was filled with joy, so I went back to the pond and observed it for a long time.

55. Observing it for a long time, I felt its ugliness, and I felt its beauty.

56. The beauty of ugliness, the ugliness of beauty, all lies within the heart of the observer.

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