
## 滚的我的世界的句子,61句

1. 我不想再做你的影子,我也有自己的光亮。

2. 你是风筝,我是线,放手吧,别再束缚我。

3. 我累了,不想再为你的错误买单。

4. 你的世界,我走不进去,我的世界,你也不配。

5. 我决定离开,不是因为我输了,而是我不想再继续输。

6. 你的冷漠,让我寒心,你的敷衍,让我心碎。

7. 我不需要你的同情,我需要的是你的尊重。

8. 我曾经以为你是我的全世界,现在我发现,你只是我世界里的一个过客。

9. 我选择离开,是因为我知道,你不会挽留。

10. 你的爱,太廉价,我不想再要。

11. 我宁愿独自一人,也不要被你伤害。

12. 你让我失望了,一次又一次。

13. 我累了,真的累了,我需要休息。

14. 我不会再回头,因为我知道,你不会回头。

15. 你的世界,太复杂,我不想再懂。

16. 我想要的是真心,而不是虚情假意。

17. 我已经决定放手,请你也不要再打扰我。

18. 我不想再被你的谎言欺骗。

19. 我累了,我想逃离你的世界。

20. 我需要的是一个可以依靠的人,而你,永远都不可靠。

21. 我不会再为你的错误辩解,因为我知道,你不会承认错误。

22. 你让我失望了,彻底地失望了。

23. 我决定离开,是因为我知道,我配得上更好的。

24. 我已经厌倦了你的冷言冷语,你的忽视。

25. 我需要的是一个可以理解我的人,而你,永远都无法理解我。

26. 你让我失去了自我,我想要找回我自己。

27. 我不想再被你的情绪所左右。

28. 我需要的是一个可以让我感到温暖的人,而你,永远都让我感到寒冷。

29. 我决定离开,是为了让我自己活得更精彩。

30. 我不需要你的同情,我只需要你尊重我的决定。

31. 你的世界,已经不再属于我,我的世界,也已经不再需要你。

32. 我已经决定离开,请你尊重我的选择。

33. 我累了,我需要一个安静的地方,一个可以让我放松的地方。

34. 我已经决定放下,不再去想你。

35. 我不想再为你的错误付出代价。

36. 你让我失去了对爱情的信任,让我对这个世界充满了失望。

37. 我决定离开,是因为我知道,我们不适合在一起。

38. 你让我感到窒息,我需要呼吸新鲜的空气。

39. 我需要的是一个可以让我感到安全的人,而你,永远都让我感到不安。

40. 我决定离开,是因为我知道,你永远不会改变。

41. 我不想再被你伤害,我不想再为你的错误负责。

42. 你让我失去了自我,我需要找回我自己。

43. 我累了,我需要一个可以让我感到温暖的家。

44. 我已经决定离开,请你不要再纠缠我。

45. 我不想再被你的情绪所影响。

46. 我需要的是一个可以让我感到快乐的人,而你,永远都让我感到悲伤。

47. 我已经决定离开,是为了让我自己活得更自由。

48. 我不想再被你的谎言所欺骗。

49. 我需要的是一个可以让我感到尊重的人,而你,永远都让我感到轻视。

50. 我决定离开,是因为我知道,我们之间没有未来。

51. 我已经决定放下,不再去想你,不再去爱你。

52. 我不想再被你的错误所拖累。

53. 我需要的是一个可以让我感到安全的人,而你,永远都让我感到恐惧。

54. 我决定离开,是为了让我自己活得更真实。

55. 我不想再被你的情绪所左右,我想要掌控自己的生活。

56. 我需要的是一个可以让我感到幸福的人,而你,永远都让我感到痛苦。

57. 我已经决定离开,是为了让我自己活得更精彩,更自由。

58. 我不想再被你的谎言所欺骗,我想要一个真实的爱人。

59. 我需要的是一个可以让我感到温暖的人,一个可以让我感到安全的人,一个可以让我感到幸福的人,而你,都不是。

60. 我决定离开,是因为我知道,我值得拥有更好的,我值得拥有幸福。

61. 我已经决定放下,不再去想你,不再去爱你,我要开始新的生活,我要活出自己的精彩。

## 英文翻译

1. I don't want to be your shadow anymore, I have my own light.

2. You are the kite, I am the string, let go, don't tie me down anymore.

3. I'm tired, I don't want to pay for your mistakes anymore.

4. Your world, I can't get into, my world, you don't deserve.

5. I decided to leave, not because I lost, but because I don't want to keep losing.

6. Your indifference makes me cold, your perfunctory makes me heartbroken.

7. I don't need your sympathy, I need your respect.

8. I used to think you were my whole world, now I realize you are just a passerby in my world.

9. I chose to leave, because I know you won't hold me back.

10. Your love is too cheap, I don't want it anymore.

11. I would rather be alone than be hurt by you.

12. You let me down, again and again.

13. I'm tired, really tired, I need a rest.

14. I will not turn back, because I know you will not turn back.

15. Your world is too complicated, I don't want to understand anymore.

16. What I want is sincerity, not hypocrisy.

17. I have decided to let go, please don't bother me anymore.

18. I don't want to be deceived by your lies anymore.

19. I'm tired, I want to escape your world.

20. I need someone to rely on, but you, you are never reliable.

21. I won't argue for your mistakes anymore, because I know you won't admit them.

22. You let me down, completely let me down.

23. I decided to leave, because I know I deserve better.

24. I'm tired of your cold words, your neglect.

25. I need someone who can understand me, but you, you can never understand me.

26. You made me lose myself, I want to find myself again.

27. I don't want to be controlled by your emotions anymore.

28. I need someone who can make me feel warm, but you, you always make me feel cold.

29. I decided to leave, so that I can live a more wonderful life.

30. I don't need your sympathy, I just need you to respect my decision.

31. Your world no longer belongs to me, my world no longer needs you.

32. I have decided to leave, please respect my choice.

33. I'm tired, I need a quiet place, a place where I can relax.

34. I have decided to let go, and stop thinking about you.

35. I don't want to pay for your mistakes anymore.

36. You made me lose faith in love, and filled me with disappointment in the world.

37. I decided to leave, because I know we are not suitable for each other.

38. You make me feel suffocated, I need to breathe fresh air.

39. I need someone who can make me feel safe, but you, you always make me feel uneasy.

40. I decided to leave, because I know you will never change.

41. I don't want to be hurt by you anymore, I don't want to be responsible for your mistakes anymore.

42. You made me lose myself, I need to find myself again.

43. I'm tired, I need a home that can make me feel warm.

44. I have decided to leave, please don't harass me anymore.

45. I don't want to be affected by your emotions anymore.

46. I need someone who can make me feel happy, but you, you always make me feel sad.

47. I decided to leave, so that I can live a freer life.

48. I don't want to be deceived by your lies anymore.

49. I need someone who can make me feel respected, but you, you always make me feel despised.

50. I decided to leave, because I know there is no future between us.

51. I have decided to let go, stop thinking about you, stop loving you.

52. I don't want to be dragged down by your mistakes anymore.

53. I need someone who can make me feel safe, but you, you always make me feel scared.

54. I decided to leave, so that I can live a more authentic life.

55. I don't want to be controlled by your emotions anymore, I want to control my own life.

56. I need someone who can make me feel happy, but you, you always make me feel pain.

57. I have decided to leave, so that I can live a more wonderful and free life.

58. I don't want to be deceived by your lies anymore, I want a real lover.

59. I need someone who can make me feel warm, someone who can make me feel safe, someone who can make me feel happy, but you, you are not.

60. I decided to leave, because I know I deserve better, I deserve happiness.

61. I have decided to let go, stop thinking about you, stop loving you, I am going to start a new life, I am going to live my own wonderful life.

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