
## 清廉座右铭 (53句)


1. 清廉是立身之本,为政之基。
> Integrity is the foundation of a person's life and the cornerstone of governance.

Integrity is the foundation of a person's life and the cornerstone of governance.

2. 廉洁自律,方能行得正,站得稳。
> Self-discipline and integrity are the keys to walking the righteous path and standing firm.

Self-discipline and integrity are the keys to walking the righteous path and standing firm.

3. 为官清廉,心明如镜。
> To govern with integrity is to have a clear heart like a mirror.

To govern with integrity is to have a clear heart like a mirror.

4. 廉洁自律,不为物欲所动。
> Be self-disciplined and incorruptible, not swayed by material desires.

Be self-disciplined and incorruptible, not swayed by material desires.

5. 廉洁是公仆的底线,也是人民的期盼。
> Integrity is the bottom line for public servants and the expectation of the people.

Integrity is the bottom line for public servants and the expectation of the people.

6. 不义之财不可取,清白之身方能立。
> Ill-gotten gains should not be sought, only a clean body can stand tall.

Ill-gotten gains should not be sought, only a clean body can stand tall.

7. 正气浩然,廉洁为本。
> Righteousness fills the air, integrity is the foundation.

Righteousness fills the air, integrity is the foundation.

8. 心存公义,手握清廉。
> With a heart full of justice, hold onto integrity.

With a heart full of justice, hold onto integrity.

9. 不为名利所累,方能心系百姓。
> Only when you are not burdened by fame and fortune can you truly care for the people.

Only when you are not burdened by fame and fortune can you truly care for the people.

10. 廉洁是金,名利是尘。
> Integrity is gold, fame and fortune are dust.

Integrity is gold, fame and fortune are dust.


11. 严于律己,宽以待人。
> Be strict with yourself, be lenient with others.

Be strict with yourself, be lenient with others.

12. 一身正气,两袖清风。
> A righteous spirit, two sleeves of clean wind.

A righteous spirit, two sleeves of clean wind.

13. 不取不义之财,不为私欲所惑。
> Do not take ill-gotten gains, do not be seduced by selfish desires.

Do not take ill-gotten gains, do not be seduced by selfish desires.

14. 勤俭节约,不贪图享乐。
> Be diligent and frugal, do not indulge in pleasures.

Be diligent and frugal, do not indulge in pleasures.

15. 拒腐蚀,永不沾。
> Resist corruption, never be tainted.

Resist corruption, never be tainted.

16. 为民服务,清正廉洁。
> Serve the people, be honest and incorruptible.

Serve the people, be honest and incorruptible.

17. 清廉为民,一身正气。
> Integrity for the people, a righteous spirit.

Integrity for the people, a righteous spirit.

18. 不畏权势,不惧风险。
> Fear no power, fear no risks.

Fear no power, fear no risks.

19. 廉洁是最好的政治资本。
> Integrity is the best political capital.

Integrity is the best political capital.

20. 勤政廉洁,造福一方。
> Be diligent and incorruptible, benefit the region.

Be diligent and incorruptible, benefit the region.


21. 一念之差,毁掉一生。
> One wrong thought can ruin a lifetime.

One wrong thought can ruin a lifetime.

22. 手莫伸,伸手必被捉。
> Don't reach out, if you do, you'll be caught.

Don't reach out, if you do, you'll be caught.

23. 贪欲无度,必遭惩罚。
> Unbridled greed will be punished.

Unbridled greed will be punished.

24. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。
> Do not do evil because it is small, do not neglect good because it is small.

Do not do evil because it is small, do not neglect good because it is small.

25. 清正廉洁,警钟长鸣。
> Be honest and incorruptible, let the alarm bell ring long.

Be honest and incorruptible, let the alarm bell ring long.

26. 廉洁是生命,腐败是毒药。
> Integrity is life, corruption is poison.

Integrity is life, corruption is poison.

27. 勿忘初心,方得始终。
> Never forget your original intention, and you will be able to persevere.

Never forget your original intention, and you will be able to persevere.

28. 廉洁自律,永葆本色。
> Be self-disciplined and incorruptible, forever maintain your true colors.

Be self-disciplined and incorruptible, forever maintain your true colors.

29. 洁身自好,不为物欲所累。
> Keep yourself clean and virtuous, do not be burdened by material desires.

Keep yourself clean and virtuous, do not be burdened by material desires.

30. 贪欲是深渊,清廉是灯塔。
> Greed is an abyss, integrity is a lighthouse.

Greed is an abyss, integrity is a lighthouse.


31. 清廉为美,廉洁为荣。
> Integrity is beauty, honesty is honor.

Integrity is beauty, honesty is honor.

32. 廉洁之风,遍布神州。
> The wind of integrity blows throughout China.

The wind of integrity blows throughout China.

33. 廉洁是力量,是精神,是灵魂。
> Integrity is strength, spirit, and soul.

Integrity is strength, spirit, and soul.

34. 为官一任,造福一方。
> Hold office for a term, benefit the region.

Hold office for a term, benefit the region.

35. 廉洁自律,成就人生。
> Self-discipline and integrity, achieve a fulfilling life.

Self-discipline and integrity, achieve a fulfilling life.

36. 廉洁是公仆的本色,也是人民的期盼。
> Integrity is the true nature of public servants and the expectation of the people.

Integrity is the true nature of public servants and the expectation of the people.

37. 清廉正气,荡涤尘埃。
> Integrity and righteousness, sweep away the dust.

Integrity and righteousness, sweep away the dust.

38. 廉洁是时代精神,也是民族精神。
> Integrity is the spirit of the times and the spirit of the nation.

Integrity is the spirit of the times and the spirit of the nation.

39. 清廉是公仆的责任,也是人民的福祉。
> Integrity is the responsibility of public servants and the well-being of the people.

Integrity is the responsibility of public servants and the well-being of the people.

40. 廉洁是社会进步的基石,也是国家强盛的保证。
> Integrity is the cornerstone of social progress and the guarantee of national prosperity.

Integrity is the cornerstone of social progress and the guarantee of national prosperity.


41. 清廉如水,滋润万物。
> Integrity is like water, nourishing all things.

Integrity is like water, nourishing all things.

42. 廉洁如风,吹拂人心。
> Integrity is like the wind, blowing through people's hearts.

Integrity is like the wind, blowing through people's hearts.

43. 清廉是灯塔,指引方向。
> Integrity is a lighthouse, guiding the way.

Integrity is a lighthouse, guiding the way.

44. 廉洁是希望,照亮未来。
> Integrity is hope, illuminating the future.

Integrity is hope, illuminating the future.

45. 清廉是力量,战胜邪恶。
> Integrity is strength, overcoming evil.

Integrity is strength, overcoming evil.

46. 廉洁是美德,传承文明。
> Integrity is virtue, carrying on civilization.

Integrity is virtue, carrying on civilization.

47. 清廉是根基,稳固社会。
> Integrity is the foundation, stabilizing society.

Integrity is the foundation, stabilizing society.

48. 廉洁是责任,守护家园。
> Integrity is responsibility, guarding our homeland.

Integrity is responsibility, guarding our homeland.

49. 清廉是目标,追求卓越。
> Integrity is the goal, pursuing excellence.

Integrity is the goal, pursuing excellence.

50. 廉洁是道路,通往光明。
> Integrity is the path, leading to the light.

Integrity is the path, leading to the light.

51. 清廉是信念,照亮人生。
> Integrity is belief, illuminating life.

Integrity is belief, illuminating life.

52. 廉洁是力量,推动发展。
> Integrity is power, driving development.

Integrity is power, driving development.

53. 清廉是希望,共创未来。
> Integrity is hope, creating a better future together.

Integrity is hope, creating a better future together.

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