
## 混身疼的句子 (72句)


1. 我的全身像散架了一样,疼得厉害。 / My whole body feels like it's falling apart, I'm in so much pain.
2. 浑身酸痛,连动一动都难。 / My whole body aches, I can barely move.
3. 每根骨头都像是被人敲打过一样,疼得我直冒冷汗。 / Every bone in my body feels like it's been hammered, the pain makes me sweat.
4. 全身就像被火烧过一样,难受至极。 / My whole body feels like it's been burned, it's unbearable.
5. 肌肉酸痛,像是被石头压着一样,动弹不得。 / My muscles are so sore, it's like I'm being crushed by rocks.
6. 脑袋昏昏沉沉,全身无力,像被抽干了力气。 / My head is dizzy, my body is weak, I feel drained of energy.
7. 浑身疼痛,像被针扎了一样,疼得我直打哆嗦。 / My whole body aches, like I've been stabbed with needles, the pain makes me shiver.
8. 我感觉身体像是被撕裂了一样,疼痛难忍。 / I feel like my body is being torn apart, the pain is unbearable.
9. 骨头像是要碎裂了一样,疼得我无法入睡。 / My bones feel like they're going to shatter, the pain keeps me from sleeping.
10. 全身像被火烧过一样,疼得我无法呼吸。 / My whole body feels like it's been burned, the pain makes me unable to breathe.


11. 肩膀酸痛,抬都抬不起来。 / My shoulders are so sore, I can barely lift them.
12. 腰酸背痛,感觉像是被重物压着。 / My back is sore, it feels like I'm being crushed by something heavy.
13. 膝盖疼痛,走路都困难。 / My knees hurt, it's difficult to walk.
14. 手腕疼痛,连拿个杯子都费劲。 / My wrists hurt, I can't even hold a cup.
15. 脚踝疼痛,走路一瘸一拐。 / My ankles hurt, I'm limping.
16. 脖子僵硬,转都转不了。 / My neck is stiff, I can't even turn my head.
17. 胳膊酸痛,像是被抽干了力气。 / My arms are sore, they feel drained of energy.
18. 手指疼痛,连握笔都困难。 / My fingers hurt, it's difficult to even hold a pen.
19. 脚趾疼痛,穿鞋都难受。 / My toes hurt, it's uncomfortable to wear shoes.
20. 关节疼痛,像是被锈蚀了一样,动弹不得。 / My joints hurt, it's like they're rusted and can't move.


21. 肌肉酸痛,像是被重物压着一样,动弹不得。 / My muscles are so sore, it's like I'm being crushed by rocks.
22. 肌肉拉伤,走起路来一瘸一拐。 / I have a muscle strain, I'm limping.
23. 肌肉痉挛,疼痛难忍。 / My muscles are cramping, the pain is unbearable.
24. 肌肉疼痛,像是被针扎了一样,疼得我直打哆嗦。 / My muscles hurt, like I've been stabbed with needles, the pain makes me shiver.
25. 肌肉疼痛,像是被火烧过一样,难受至极。 / My muscles hurt, like they've been burned, it's unbearable.


26. 头疼欲裂,像是要爆炸一样。 / My head is splitting, like it's going to explode.
27. 头昏脑胀,像是喝醉了一样。 / My head is dizzy and foggy, like I'm drunk.
28. 头部疼痛,像是被重物压着一样,无法思考。 / My head hurts, like it's being crushed by something heavy, I can't think straight.
29. 头部疼痛,像是被针扎了一样,疼得我直冒冷汗。 / My head hurts, like I've been stabbed with needles, the pain makes me sweat.
30. 头部疼痛,像是被火烧过一样,难受至极。 / My head hurts, like it's been burned, it's unbearable.


31. 胸口疼痛,像是被人用刀子扎了一样。 / My chest hurts, like I've been stabbed with a knife.
32. 腹部疼痛,像是被人用拳头打了一样。 / My stomach hurts, like I've been punched.
33. 胃痛难忍,像是被火烧着了一样。 / My stomach hurts so bad, it's like it's burning.
34. 牙痛难忍,像是被针扎了一样。 / My teeth hurt so bad, it's like I'm being stabbed with needles.
35. 喉咙疼痛,像是被刀子割了一样。 / My throat hurts, like it's been cut with a knife.
36. 眼睛疼痛,像是被沙子迷了眼睛一样。 / My eyes hurt, like they've been blinded by sand.
37. 耳朵疼痛,像是被人用针扎了一样。 / My ears hurt, like they've been stabbed with needles.
38. 鼻腔疼痛,像是被人用辣椒粉喷了鼻子一样。 / My nose hurts, like it's been sprayed with chili powder.
39. 皮肤疼痛,像是被火烧过一样。 / My skin hurts, like it's been burned.
40. 全身疼痛,像是被折磨了一样,痛苦不堪。 / My whole body hurts, like I've been tortured, I'm in agony.


41. 疼得我直冒冷汗。 / The pain makes me sweat.
42. 疼得我直打哆嗦。 / The pain makes me shiver.
43. 疼得我无法呼吸。 / The pain makes me unable to breathe.
44. 疼得我无法入睡。 / The pain keeps me from sleeping.
45. 疼得我无法思考。 / The pain makes me unable to think straight.
46. 疼得我痛苦不堪。 / The pain is unbearable.
47. 疼得我快要疯了。 / The pain is driving me crazy.
48. 疼得我快要死了。 / The pain is killing me.
49. 疼得我恨不得把自己的身体撕裂。 / The pain makes me want to rip my body apart.
50. 疼得我恨不得把自己的身体切碎。 / The pain makes me want to cut my body into pieces.


51. 像被针扎了一样。 / Like being stabbed with needles.
52. 像被火烧过一样。 / Like being burned.
53. 像被石头压着一样。 / Like being crushed by rocks.
54. 像被刀子割了一样。 / Like being cut with a knife.
55. 像被拳头打了一样。 / Like being punched.
56. 像被沙子迷了眼睛一样。 / Like being blinded by sand.
57. 像被人用辣椒粉喷了鼻子一样。 / Like being sprayed with chili powder.
58. 像被折磨了一样。 / Like being tortured.
59. 像散架了一样。 / Like falling apart.
60. 像被抽干了力气一样。 / Like being drained of energy.


61. 稍微有点疼。 / It hurts a little.
62. 疼得有点受不了。 / The pain is getting unbearable.
63. 疼得我快要疯了。 / The pain is driving me crazy.
64. 疼得我快要死了。 / The pain is killing me.
65. 疼得我恨不得把自己的身体撕裂。 / The pain makes me want to rip my body apart.
66. 疼得我恨不得把自己的身体切碎。 / The pain makes me want to cut my body into pieces.
67. 疼得我无法忍受。 / The pain is intolerable.
68. 疼得我无计可施。 / I'm helpless against the pain.
69. 疼得我只能躺着。 / The pain is so bad, I can only lie down.
70. 疼得我只能哭。 / The pain is so bad, I can only cry.
71. 疼得我只能昏过去。 / The pain is so bad, I pass out.
72. 疼得我什么都做不了。 / The pain is so bad, I can't do anything.

## 英文翻译

My whole body feels like it's falling apart, I'm in so much pain.

My whole body aches, I can barely move.

Every bone in my body feels like it's been hammered, the pain makes me sweat.

My whole body feels like it's been burned, it's unbearable.

My muscles are so sore, it's like I'm being crushed by rocks.

My head is dizzy, my body is weak, I feel drained of energy.

My whole body aches, like I've been stabbed with needles, the pain makes me shiver.

I feel like my body is being torn apart, the pain is unbearable.

My bones feel like they're going to shatter, the pain keeps me from sleeping.

My whole body feels like it's been burned, the pain makes me unable to breathe.

My shoulders are so sore, I can barely lift them.

My back is sore, it feels like I'm being crushed by something heavy.

My knees hurt, it's difficult to walk.

My wrists hurt, I can't even hold a cup.

My ankles hurt, I'm limping.

My neck is stiff, I can't even turn my head.

My arms are sore, they feel drained of energy.

My fingers hurt, it's difficult to even hold a pen.

My toes hurt, it's uncomfortable to wear shoes.

My joints hurt, it's like they're rusted and can't move.

My muscles are so sore, it's like I'm being crushed by rocks.

I have a muscle strain, I'm limping.

My muscles are cramping, the pain is unbearable.

My muscles hurt, like I've been stabbed with needles, the pain makes me shiver.

My muscles hurt, like they've been burned, it's unbearable.

My head is splitting, like it's going to explode.

My head is dizzy and foggy, like I'm drunk.

My head hurts, like it's being crushed by something heavy, I can't think straight.

My head hurts, like I've been stabbed with needles, the pain makes me sweat.

My head hurts, like it's been burned, it's unbearable.

My chest hurts, like I've been stabbed with a knife.

My stomach hurts, like I've been punched.

My stomach hurts so bad, it's like it's burning.

My teeth hurt so bad, it's like I'm being stabbed with needles.

My throat hurts, like it's been cut with a knife.

My eyes hurt, like they've been blinded by sand.

My ears hurt, like they've been stabbed with needles.

My nose hurts, like it's been sprayed with chili powder.

My skin hurts, like it's been burned.

My whole body hurts, like I've been tortured, I'm in agony.

The pain makes me sweat.

The pain makes me shiver.

The pain makes me unable to breathe.

The pain keeps me from sleeping.

The pain makes me unable to think straight.

The pain is unbearable.

The pain is driving me crazy.

The pain is killing me.

The pain makes me want to rip my body apart.

The pain makes me want to cut my body into pieces.

Like being stabbed with needles.

Like being burned.

Like being crushed by rocks.

Like being cut with a knife.

Like being punched.

Like being blinded by sand.

Like being sprayed with chili powder.

Like being tortured.

Like falling apart.

Like being drained of energy.

It hurts a little.

The pain is getting unbearable.

The pain is driving me crazy.

The pain is killing me.

The pain makes me want to rip my body apart.

The pain makes me want to cut my body into pieces.

The pain is intolerable.

I'm helpless against the pain.

The pain is so bad, I can only lie down.

The pain is so bad, I can only cry.

The pain is so bad, I pass out.

The pain is so bad, I can't do anything.

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