
## 清代学术概论 73句


1. 清代学术承袭明代,并受西方思想影响,呈现出多元化、开放性特征。

Qing Dynasty scholarship inherited from the Ming Dynasty and was also influenced by Western thought, presenting a diverse and open character.

2. 清代学术的发展,与社会政治、经济、文化背景密切相关。

The development of Qing Dynasty scholarship was closely related to the social, political, economic, and cultural context.

3. 清初顺治、康熙年间,以经学研究为主,儒学思想复兴。

In the early Qing Dynasty, during the reigns of Shunzhi and Kangxi, Confucian classics studies were prominent, leading to a revival of Confucian thought.

4. 康熙、雍正年间,理学得到进一步发展,形成了以程朱理学为主的学术体系。

During the reigns of Kangxi and Yongzheng, Neo-Confucianism further developed, forming an academic system dominated by Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism.

5. 乾隆年间,学术研究日益繁荣,形成了以考据学为中心的学术风气。

During the reign of Qianlong, academic research flourished, forming a scholarly atmosphere centered around textual criticism.


6. 清代学术主要流派包括经学、理学、考据学、史学、文学、哲学、医学等。

Major scholarly schools in the Qing Dynasty include classics studies, Neo-Confucianism, textual criticism, historiography, literature, philosophy, and medicine.

7. 经学以阐释经书为主,代表人物有顾炎武、王夫之、戴震等。

Classics studies primarily focused on interpreting the Confucian classics. Representative figures include Gu Yanwu, Wang Fuzhi, and Dai Zhen.

8. 理学以探讨宇宙人生哲学为主,代表人物有朱熹、王阳明、程颐、程颢等。

Neo-Confucianism focused on exploring the philosophy of the universe and human life. Representative figures include Zhu Xi, Wang Yangming, Cheng Yi, and Cheng Hao.

9. 考据学以考证史实、文献为主,代表人物有段玉裁、钱大昕、王鸣盛等。

Textual criticism focused on verifying historical facts and documents. Representative figures include Duan Yucai, Qian Daxin, and Wang Mingsheng.

10. 史学以考证史实、分析史事为主,代表人物有章学诚、赵翼、王鸣盛等。

Historiography focused on verifying historical facts and analyzing historical events. Representative figures include Zhang Xuecheng, Zhao Yi, and Wang Mingsheng.

11. 文学以诗词歌赋、小说戏曲为主,代表人物有曹雪芹、蒲松龄、洪昇等。

Literature focused on poetry, prose, operas, and dramas. Representative figures include Cao Xueqin, Pu Songling, and Hong Sheng.

12. 哲学以探讨宇宙人生哲理为主,代表人物有戴震、王夫之、李光地等。

Philosophy focused on exploring the philosophical principles of the universe and human life. Representative figures include Dai Zhen, Wang Fuzhi, and Li Guangdi.

13. 医学以中医理论、临床实践为主,代表人物有吴鞠通、叶天士、王清任等。

Medicine focused on traditional Chinese medical theory and clinical practice. Representative figures include Wu Jutong, Ye Tianshi, and Wang Qingren.


14. 清代学术重视实证研究,强调考据、辨伪、求真。

Qing Dynasty scholarship valued empirical research, emphasizing textual criticism, distinguishing authenticity, and seeking truth.

15. 清代学术注重学术规范,强调方法论,注重史料的搜集整理和研究。

Qing Dynasty scholarship emphasized academic norms, emphasizing methodology, and focusing on the collection, organization, and research of historical materials.

16. 清代学术注重批判精神,敢于质疑权威,挑战传统观念。

Qing Dynasty scholarship emphasized a critical spirit, daring to question authority and challenge traditional ideas.

17. 清代学术注重学术交流,形成了多种学术团体和学术期刊。

Qing Dynasty scholarship emphasized academic exchange, forming various academic societies and journals.

18. 清代学术注重学术传承,形成了师承关系和学术谱系。

Qing Dynasty scholarship emphasized academic inheritance, forming teacher-student relationships and academic lineages.


19. 清代学术代表人物众多,其中以顾炎武、王夫之、戴震、钱大昕、段玉裁、章学诚、曹雪芹等最为著名。

There were many representative figures in Qing Dynasty scholarship, among which Gu Yanwu, Wang Fuzhi, Dai Zhen, Qian Daxin, Duan Yucai, Zhang Xuecheng, and Cao Xueqin are the most famous.

20. 顾炎武是明末清初经学家、思想家,提出“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”的著名思想。

Gu Yanwu was a classics scholar and thinker of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, who proposed the famous idea of"Everyone has a responsibility for the rise and fall of the nation."

21. 王夫之是明末清初经学家、思想家,著有《读通鉴论》等著作,对儒学思想有重大贡献。

Wang Fuzhi was a classics scholar and thinker of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, author of works such as"Reading the Zizhi Tongjian," making significant contributions to Confucian thought.

22. 戴震是清代经学家、哲学家,著有《孟子字义疏证》等著作,对儒学思想有重要贡献。

Dai Zhen was a classics scholar and philosopher of the Qing Dynasty, author of works such as"Annotations on the Meaning of Words in the Mencius," making important contributions to Confucian thought.

23. 钱大昕是清代考据学家,著有《十驾斋养新录》等著作,对史学研究有重要贡献。

Qian Daxin was a textual critic of the Qing Dynasty, author of works such as"Notes on the Ten-Drive Studio," making important contributions to historical research.

24. 段玉裁是清代经学家,著有《毛诗故训传》等著作,对经学研究有重要贡献。

Duan Yucai was a classics scholar of the Qing Dynasty, author of works such as"The Ancient Explanations and Transmissions of the Mao Poems," making important contributions to classics studies.

25. 章学诚是清代史学家,著有《文史通义》等著作,对史学研究有重要贡献。

Zhang Xuecheng was a historian of the Qing Dynasty, author of works such as"Comprehensive Principles of Literature and History," making important contributions to historical research.

26. 曹雪芹是清代小说家,著有《红楼梦》等著作,对中国古典文学发展有重大影响。

Cao Xueqin was a novelist of the Qing Dynasty, author of works such as"Dream of the Red Chamber," having a significant impact on the development of classical Chinese literature.

27. 洪昇是清代戏曲作家,著有《长生殿》等著作,对戏曲发展有重要贡献。

Hong Sheng was a playwright of the Qing Dynasty, author of works such as"The Hall of Eternal Life," making important contributions to the development of Chinese opera.

28. 蒲松龄是清代小说家,著有《聊斋志异》等著作,对中国古典文学发展有重要影响。

Pu Songling was a novelist of the Qing Dynasty, author of works such as"Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio," having a significant impact on the development of classical Chinese literature.

29. 吴鞠通是清代医学家,著有《温病条辨》等著作,对中医理论发展有重要贡献。

Wu Jutong was a medical practitioner of the Qing Dynasty, author of works such as"Treatises on Warm Diseases," making important contributions to the development of traditional Chinese medicine theory.

30. 叶天士是清代医学家,著有《临证指南医案》等著作,对中医临床实践有重要贡献。

Ye Tianshi was a medical practitioner of the Qing Dynasty, author of works such as"Guide to Clinical Practice," making important contributions to the practice of traditional Chinese medicine.

31. 王清任是清代医学家,著有《医林改错》等著作,对中医理论发展有重要贡献。

Wang Qingren was a medical practitioner of the Qing Dynasty, author of works such as"Corrections to the Medical Forest," making important contributions to the development of traditional Chinese medicine theory.


32. 清代学术对中国传统文化发展有重大影响,对后世学术研究有深远影响。

Qing Dynasty scholarship had a significant impact on the development of traditional Chinese culture and a profound influence on subsequent academic research.

33. 清代学术推动了中国古代文献的整理和研究,为后世学术研究奠定了基础。

Qing Dynasty scholarship promoted the collation and research of ancient Chinese literature, laying the foundation for subsequent academic research.

34. 清代学术丰富了中国思想文化体系,为中国文化发展注入了新的活力。

Qing Dynasty scholarship enriched the Chinese intellectual and cultural system, injecting new vitality into Chinese cultural development.

35. 清代学术对中国文化自信的重建发挥了重要作用,为中国文化发展提供了新的方向。

Qing Dynasty scholarship played an important role in rebuilding Chinese cultural confidence, providing a new direction for Chinese cultural development.


36. 清代学术是中华文明发展史上的重要篇章,具有独特的学术风格和重要的学术价值。

Qing Dynasty scholarship is an important chapter in the history of Chinese civilization, with a unique scholarly style and important academic value.

37. 清代学术重视考据,但也存在重考据轻义理的倾向,影响了学术的深度和广度。

Qing Dynasty scholarship emphasized textual criticism, but it also tended to prioritize textual criticism over philosophical principles, affecting the depth and breadth of scholarship.

38. 清代学术注重实证研究,但有时也陷入了文字考据的泥潭,缺乏对社会现实的关注。

Qing Dynasty scholarship emphasized empirical research, but sometimes it became bogged down in textual criticism, lacking attention to social reality.

39. 清代学术对西方思想的吸收和借鉴,推动了中国学术的开放和进步,但也带来了文化冲突和价值观念的挑战。

The absorption and borrowing of Western thought in Qing Dynasty scholarship promoted the openness and progress of Chinese scholarship, but it also brought cultural conflicts and challenges to value concepts.


40. 清代学术为现代学术研究奠定了基础,提供了丰富的史料和学术思想。

Qing Dynasty scholarship laid the foundation for modern academic research, providing rich historical materials and academic thought.

41. 清代学术的实证精神和批判意识,对现代学术研究具有启示意义。

The empirical spirit and critical awareness of Qing Dynasty scholarship are instructive for modern academic research.

42. 清代学术的局限性也为现代学术研究提供了警示,提醒我们要避免片面性,注重学术的深度和广度。

The limitations of Qing Dynasty scholarship also provide a warning for modern academic research, reminding us to avoid one-sidedness and to pay attention to the depth and breadth of scholarship.


43. 清代学术与社会生活息息相关,对社会发展具有重要的影响。

Qing Dynasty scholarship was closely related to social life and had a significant impact on social development.

44. 清代学术的兴盛,促进了社会文化教育的发展,提升了社会文明程度。

The prosperity of Qing Dynasty scholarship promoted the development of social culture and education, raising the level of social civilization.

45. 清代学术的批判精神和社会责任感,对社会改革和进步具有推动作用。

The critical spirit and social responsibility of Qing Dynasty scholarship played a role in promoting social reform and progress.


46. 清代学术是清代文化的重要组成部分,对清代文化的繁荣发展发挥了重要作用。

Qing Dynasty scholarship was an important part of Qing Dynasty culture, playing a vital role in the prosperity and development of Qing Dynasty culture.

47. 清代学术的思想体系和文化理念,对清代文学、艺术、戏剧、音乐等领域产生了深远影响。

The intellectual system and cultural concepts of Qing Dynasty scholarship had a profound influence on the fields of Qing Dynasty literature, art, drama, and music.

48. 清代学术的考据精神,推动了清代文化研究的深入发展,为清代文化研究奠定了坚实基础。

The textual criticism spirit of Qing Dynasty scholarship promoted the in-depth development of Qing Dynasty cultural research, laying a solid foundation for Qing Dynasty cultural research.


49. 清代学术的宝贵遗产,值得我们认真学习和传承。

The valuable legacy of Qing Dynasty scholarship deserves our careful study and inheritance.

50. 清代学术的思想精华和学术方法,可以为现代学术研究提供参考和借鉴。

The intellectual essence and scholarly methods of Qing Dynasty scholarship can provide reference and inspiration for modern academic research.

51. 清代学术研究需要与时俱进,不断吸收新的学术成果,开拓新的研究领域。

Research on Qing Dynasty scholarship needs to keep pace with the times, constantly absorbing new academic achievements and exploring new research areas.

52. 清代学术研究要以史为鉴,以今为鉴,为中国文化发展做出新的贡献。

Research on Qing Dynasty scholarship should learn from history and the present, making new contributions to the development of Chinese culture.


53. 清代学术与西方文化的交流,促进了中国学术的开放和进步。

The exchange between Qing Dynasty scholarship and Western culture promoted the openness and progress of Chinese scholarship.

54. 清代学术与日本文化的交流,对日本学术发展产生了重要影响。

The exchange between Qing Dynasty scholarship and Japanese culture had a significant impact on the development of Japanese scholarship.

55. 清代学术与朝鲜文化的交流,促进了朝鲜学术的繁荣发展。

The exchange between Qing Dynasty scholarship and Korean culture promoted the prosperity and development of Korean scholarship.


56. 清代学术的社会责任感,促进了社会问题的解决。

The social responsibility of Qing Dynasty scholarship promoted the resolution of social problems.

57. 清代学术对社会问题的思考,为社会发展提供了新的思路。

Qing Dynasty scholarship's reflection on social problems provided new ideas for social development.

58. 清代学术的批判精神,推动了社会改革和进步。

The critical spirit of Qing Dynasty scholarship promoted social reform and progress.


59. 清代学术对科技发展具有重要的推动作用。

Qing Dynasty scholarship played a significant role in promoting scientific and technological development.

60. 清代学术的实证精神和考据方法,为科技发展提供了理论基础和研究方法。

The empirical spirit and textual criticism methods of Qing Dynasty scholarship provided a theoretical foundation and research methods for scientific and technological development.

61. 清代学术对科技的关注,促进了科技人才的培养。

Qing Dynasty scholarship's focus on science and technology promoted the cultivation of scientific and technological talent.


62. 清代学术对教育发展具有重要的推动作用。

Qing Dynasty scholarship played a significant role in promoting educational development.

63. 清代学术的思想体系和文化理念,对教育内容和教学方法产生了深远影响。

The intellectual system and cultural concepts of Qing Dynasty scholarship had a profound influence on educational content and teaching methods.

64. 清代学术的兴盛,促进了教育机构的发展,培养了大量人才。

The prosperity of Qing Dynasty scholarship promoted the development of educational institutions and cultivated a large number of talents.


65. 清代学术对宗教思想进行了一定的批判和反思。

Qing Dynasty scholarship engaged in some criticism and reflection on religious thought.

66. 清代学术与宗教的相互影响,丰富了中国文化内涵。

The mutual influence between Qing Dynasty scholarship and religion enriched the content of Chinese culture.

67. 清代学术对宗教问题的思考,为中国文化发展提供了新的视角。

Qing Dynasty scholarship's reflection on religious issues provided a new perspective for the development of Chinese culture.


68. 清代学术对艺术创作具有重要的启示意义。

Qing Dynasty scholarship has important implications for artistic creation.

69. 清代学术的思想体系和文化理念,对艺术创作的题材、风格、技巧等方面产生了深远影响。

The intellectual system and cultural concepts of Qing Dynasty scholarship had a profound influence on the subject matter, style, and techniques of artistic creation.

70. 清代学术的考据精神,推动了艺术史研究的深入发展。

The textual criticism spirit of Qing Dynasty scholarship promoted the in-depth development of art history research.


71. 清代学术对文学创作具有重要的影响。

Qing Dynasty scholarship had a significant impact on literary creation.

72. 清代学术的思想体系和文化理念,为文学创作提供了丰富的素材和思想源泉。

The intellectual system and cultural concepts of Qing Dynasty scholarship provided rich materials and intellectual sources for literary creation.

73. 清代学术的考据精神,推动了文学史研究的深入发展。

The textual criticism spirit of Qing Dynasty scholarship promoted the in-depth development of literary history research.

以上就是关于清代学术概论句子73句(清代学术概论句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
