
## 扣扣留言大全爱情句子 (79句)


1. 你就像阳光,照亮我的生活。
> You are like the sunshine, illuminating my life.

You are like the sunshine, illuminating my life.

2. 遇见你,是我生命中最美好的意外。
> Meeting you is the best accident in my life.

Meeting you is the best accident in my life.

3. 想把你藏起来,做我的专属小秘密。
> I want to hide you away and make you my exclusive little secret.

I want to hide you away and make you my exclusive little secret.

4. 我喜欢你,胜过喜欢任何东西。
> I like you more than anything else.

I like you more than anything else.

5. 你是我的全部,我的世界。
> You are my everything, my world.

You are my everything, my world.

6. 愿你每天都像阳光一样灿烂。
> May you be as bright as the sunshine every day.

May you be as bright as the sunshine every day.

7. 我想做你的太阳,照耀你一生。
> I want to be your sun, shining on you for life.

I want to be your sun, shining on you for life.

8. 你是我生命中的唯一,我的爱人。
> You are the only one in my life, my love.

You are the only one in my life, my love.

9. 你的出现,让我的生活充满阳光。
> Your appearance has filled my life with sunshine.

Your appearance has filled my life with sunshine.

10. 爱你,胜过一切。
> Love you more than anything.

Love you more than anything.


11. 想念你,就像呼吸一样自然。
> Missing you is as natural as breathing.

Missing you is as natural as breathing.

12. 你的笑容,是我最美的风景。
> Your smile is the most beautiful scenery for me.

Your smile is the most beautiful scenery for me.

13. 你是我的梦想,也是我的现实。
> You are my dream and my reality.

You are my dream and my reality.

14. 我想和你一起,看日出日落。
> I want to watch the sunrise and sunset with you.

I want to watch the sunrise and sunset with you.

15. 我爱你,就像爱我的生命一样。
> I love you like I love my life.

I love you like I love my life.

16. 你是我生命中的诗,永远读不厌。
> You are the poem of my life, I will never tire of reading you.

You are the poem of my life, I will never tire of reading you.

17. 想做你的影子,永远陪伴你左右。
> I want to be your shadow, always by your side.

I want to be your shadow, always by your side.

18. 你在我心中,是最美的风景。
> You are the most beautiful scenery in my heart.

You are the most beautiful scenery in my heart.

19. 你是我生命中的星辰,指引我前行的方向。
> You are the stars in my life, guiding me in the direction I should go.

You are the stars in my life, guiding me in the direction I should go.

20. 你的爱,是我生命中最温暖的阳光。
> Your love is the warmest sunshine in my life.

Your love is the warmest sunshine in my life.


21. 宝贝,你辛苦了,记得照顾好自己。
> Baby, you've worked hard, remember to take care of yourself.

Baby, you've worked hard, remember to take care of yourself.

22. 你开心就好,其他的都不重要。
> As long as you're happy, nothing else matters.

As long as you're happy, nothing else matters.

23. 想你了,很想很想。
> I miss you, I miss you very much.

I miss you, I miss you very much.

24. 你是我生命中最重要的人,没有之一。
> You are the most important person in my life, no one else.

You are the most important person in my life, no one else.

25. 愿你一切安好,永远幸福快乐。
> May you be well and happy forever.

May you be well and happy forever.

26. 我会一直陪着你,不离不弃。
> I will always be with you, never leaving.

I will always be with you, never leaving.

27. 你永远是我心中最美的风景。
> You are always the most beautiful scenery in my heart.

You are always the most beautiful scenery in my heart.

28. 你是我生命中的阳光,照亮我前行的路。
> You are the sunshine in my life, illuminating my path.

You are the sunshine in my life, illuminating my path.

29. 你的爱,是我最大的幸福。
> Your love is my greatest happiness.

Your love is my greatest happiness.

30. 宝贝,晚安,好梦!
> Baby, good night, sweet dreams!

Baby, good night, sweet dreams!


31. 很想你,很想很想。
> I miss you so much, I miss you so much.

I miss you so much, I miss you so much.

32. 你不在身边,感觉好空虚。
> I feel so empty without you.

I feel so empty without you.

33. 你就像天上的星星,永远闪耀在我的心中。
> You are like the stars in the sky, shining forever in my heart.

You are like the stars in the sky, shining forever in my heart.

34. 想念你的笑,你的眼,你的温柔。
> I miss your smile, your eyes, your tenderness.

I miss your smile, your eyes, your tenderness.

35. 每一天,都在想你。
> Every day, I think of you.

Every day, I think of you.

36. 希望我们能永远在一起。
> I hope we can be together forever.

I hope we can be together forever.

37. 你是我心中永远的牵挂。
> You are always my concern in my heart.

You are always my concern in my heart.

38. 你不在身边,我的心好痛。
> My heart hurts when you're not here.

My heart hurts when you're not here.

39. 你的声音,是我最美的旋律。
> Your voice is the most beautiful melody for me.

Your voice is the most beautiful melody for me.

40. 想你,就像呼吸一样自然。
> Missing you is as natural as breathing.

Missing you is as natural as breathing.


41. 我喜欢你,很久很久了。
> I've liked you for a long, long time.

I've liked you for a long, long time.

42. 你愿意做我的女朋友/男朋友吗?
> Will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?

Will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?

43. 你就是我生命中的唯一,我爱你。
> You are the only one in my life, I love you.

You are the only one in my life, I love you.

44. 我想要和你在一起,一辈子。
> I want to be with you forever.

I want to be with you forever.

45. 你是我心目中最完美的女孩/男孩。
> You are the most perfect girl/boy in my mind.

You are the most perfect girl/boy in my mind.

46. 我爱你,胜过爱我自己。
> I love you more than myself.

I love you more than myself.

47. 遇见你,是我这辈子最大的幸运。
> Meeting you is the greatest luck of my life.

Meeting you is the greatest luck of my life.

48. 你是我生命中的阳光,照亮我的世界。
> You are the sunshine in my life, illuminating my world.

You are the sunshine in my life, illuminating my world.

49. 你愿意嫁给我/娶我吗?
> Will you marry me?

Will you marry me?

50. 我希望我的余生,都能和你在一起。
> I hope to spend the rest of my life with you.

I hope to spend the rest of my life with you.


51. 加油,你一定可以的!
> Come on, you can do it!

Come on, you can do it!

52. 相信自己,你最棒!
> Believe in yourself, you're the best!

Believe in yourself, you're the best!

53. 不要放弃,坚持下去,你一定能成功!
> Don't give up, keep going, you will succeed!

Don't give up, keep going, you will succeed!

54. 你很棒,不要妄自菲薄。
> You are great, don't belittle yourself.

You are great, don't belittle yourself.

55. 我永远支持你,无论发生什么。
> I will always support you, no matter what happens.

I will always support you, no matter what happens.

56. 你比你想象的更强大,相信自己!
> You are stronger than you think, believe in yourself!

You are stronger than you think, believe in yourself!

57. 你一定可以克服一切困难,加油!
> You can overcome any difficulty, come on!

You can overcome any difficulty, come on!

58. 你永远是我的骄傲,加油!
> You are always my pride, come on!

You are always my pride, come on!

59. 我相信你,你一定能实现你的梦想!
> I believe in you, you can achieve your dreams!

I believe in you, you can achieve your dreams!

60. 不要害怕失败,跌倒了再爬起来,你依然是最棒的!
> Don't be afraid of failure, get up after falling, you're still the best!

Don't be afraid of failure, get up after falling, you're still the best!


61. 最近还好吗?
> How are you doing lately?

How are you doing lately?

62. 记得要按时吃饭,别饿着自己。
> Remember to eat on time, don't starve yourself.

Remember to eat on time, don't starve yourself.

63. 天气冷了,多穿点衣服,别感冒了。
> It's cold, wear more clothes, don't catch a cold.

It's cold, wear more clothes, don't catch a cold.

64. 有什么事,记得告诉我,我会一直陪着你。
> If anything happens, remember to tell me, I'll always be with you.

If anything happens, remember to tell me, I'll always be with you.

65. 别太辛苦了,要注意休息。
> Don't work too hard, pay attention to rest.

Don't work too hard, pay attention to rest.

66. 记得要开心,别总是闷闷不乐的。
> Remember to be happy, don't always be down in the dumps.

Remember to be happy, don't always be down in the dumps.

67. 要照顾好自己,我等你回来。
> Take care of yourself, I'll wait for you to come back.

Take care of yourself, I'll wait for you to come back.

68. 有什么困难,记得跟我说,我会尽力帮助你。
> If you have any difficulties, remember to tell me, I will try my best to help you.

If you have any difficulties, remember to tell me, I will try my best to help you.

69. 你开心,我就开心,你幸福,我就幸福。
> I'm happy when you're happy, I'm happy when you're happy.

I'm happy when you're happy, I'm happy when you're happy.

70. 我希望你永远幸福,永远快乐。
> I hope you will always be happy, always happy.

I hope you will always be happy, always happy.


71. 你真是个大笨蛋!
> You're such a big idiot!

You're such a big idiot!

72. 你今天怎么这么可爱!
> Why are you so cute today!

Why are you so cute today!

73. 你真是个小迷糊!
> You're such a little forgetful!

You're such a little forgetful!

74. 你真是个小淘气!
> You're such a little rascal!

You're such a little rascal!

75. 你真是个小吃货!
> You're such a little foodie!

You're such a little foodie!

76. 你真是个小懒虫!
> You're such a little lazybones!

You're such a little lazybones!

77. 你真是个小傻瓜!
> You're such a little fool!

You're such a little fool!

78. 你真是个小坏蛋!
> You're such a little baddie!

You're such a little baddie!

79. 你真是个小可爱!
> You're such a little cutie!

You're such a little cutie!

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