
## 朱正廷道歉的句子 (90句)

**1. 真的很抱歉,我让大家失望了。**

I'm truly sorry, I let everyone down.

**2. 我深刻反省了自己的错误,并会努力改正。**

I've deeply reflected on my mistakes and will work hard to correct them.

**3. 这次事件让我意识到自己有很多不足,我会更加谨慎和自律。**

This incident made me realize I have many shortcomings. I will be more careful and disciplined.

**4. 我真诚地向所有受到伤害的人道歉,希望能够得到你们的原谅。**

I sincerely apologize to everyone who has been hurt and hope to receive your forgiveness.

**5. 我会吸取教训,成为一个更好的人。**

I will learn from my mistakes and become a better person.

**6. 我辜负了大家的信任,我深感抱歉。**

I have betrayed your trust and I am deeply sorry.

**7. 我会用实际行动来弥补我的过错。**

I will use my actions to make up for my mistakes.

**8. 我希望大家能够给我机会,让我重新证明自己。**

I hope you can give me a chance to prove myself again.

**9. 我对自己的行为感到羞愧,并愿意承担一切责任。**

I am ashamed of my actions and am willing to take full responsibility.

**10. 我会努力变得更加成熟和负责任。**

I will work hard to become more mature and responsible.

**11. 这次事件让我明白,公众人物应该更加注意自己的言行。**

This incident taught me that public figures should pay more attention to their words and actions.

**12. 我希望大家能够理解我的心情,并给我一些时间去反省和成长。**

I hope you can understand my feelings and give me some time to reflect and grow.

**13. 我会更加珍惜自己的羽毛,不会再犯同样的错误。**

I will cherish my reputation more and will not repeat the same mistake.

**14. 我会以实际行动来证明我的悔过之心。**

I will prove my remorse with concrete actions.

**15. 我会更加努力,不会让大家失望。**

I will work harder and will not let you down.

**16. 我犯了错误,但我不会逃避责任。**

I have made a mistake, but I will not escape responsibility.

**17. 我希望能够得到大家的宽容和理解。**

I hope to receive your tolerance and understanding.

**18. 我会更加严于律己,不断提升自己。**

I will hold myself to a higher standard and continuously improve myself.

**19. 我会用实际行动来挽回大家的信任。**

I will use concrete actions to regain your trust.

**20. 我会从这次事件中吸取教训,并将其作为自己成长的契机。**

I will learn from this incident and use it as an opportunity to grow.

**21. 我对自己的行为感到非常抱歉,并愿意接受一切批评和指责。**

I am very sorry for my actions and am willing to accept all criticism and blame.

**22. 我会努力成为一个更好的偶像,不会让大家失望。**

I will work hard to become a better idol and will not let you down.

**23. 我会更加注重自己的言行举止,并以此来树立榜样。**

I will pay more attention to my words and actions and use them to set a good example.

**24. 我会更加关注粉丝们的感受,并努力成为一个值得大家喜欢的偶像。**

I will pay more attention to my fans' feelings and strive to become an idol that everyone likes.

**25. 我对自己的行为感到羞愧,并希望能够得到大家的原谅。**

I am ashamed of my actions and hope to receive your forgiveness.

**26. 我会更加珍惜自己的机会,不会再犯同样的错误。**

I will cherish my opportunities more and will not repeat the same mistake.

**27. 我会更加努力,用实际行动来证明我的诚意。**

I will work harder and prove my sincerity with concrete actions.

**28. 我会更加严谨地对待自己的工作,并以此来回报大家的支持。**

I will treat my work with more rigor and use it to repay your support.

**29. 我会更加认真地对待自己的公众形象,并以此来树立良好的榜样。**

I will treat my public image more seriously and use it to set a good example.

**30. 我会更加谦虚和低调,并以此来赢得大家的尊重。**

I will be more humble and low-key, and use this to earn your respect.

**31. 我会更加珍惜与粉丝们的感情,并努力成为一个值得大家信赖的偶像。**

I will cherish my relationship with my fans and strive to become an idol that you can trust.

**32. 我会更加注重个人修养,并以此来提升自己的综合素质。**

I will pay more attention to my personal cultivation and use it to improve my overall quality.

**33. 我会更加努力学习,并以此来提升自己的专业能力。**

I will study harder and use it to improve my professional abilities.

**34. 我会更加珍惜自己的时间,并以此来实现自己的目标。**

I will cherish my time and use it to achieve my goals.

**35. 我会更加积极地参与公益活动,并以此来回馈社会。**

I will participate more actively in public welfare activities and use them to give back to society.

**36. 我会更加注重自己的健康,并以此来保持良好的状态。**

I will pay more attention to my health and use it to maintain a good condition.

**37. 我会更加努力地工作,并以此来回报大家的喜爱。**

I will work harder and use it to repay your love.

**38. 我会更加珍惜与团队成员之间的感情,并以此来共同进步。**

I will cherish my relationship with my team members and use it to make progress together.

**39. 我会更加努力地提升自己,并以此来成为一个更好的自己。**

I will work harder to improve myself and use it to become a better version of myself.

**40. 我会更加积极地面对未来,并以此来创造更多精彩。**

I will face the future more positively and use it to create more brilliance.

**41. 我很抱歉我的行为给您带来了困扰。**

I am sorry that my behavior has caused you any inconvenience.

**42. 我知道我错了,我将为此负责。**

I know I was wrong and I will take responsibility for it.

**43. 我辜负了您的期望,我深感愧疚。**

I have failed to meet your expectations and I am deeply ashamed.

**44. 我会尽力弥补我的过失,请您原谅我。**

I will do my best to make up for my mistakes. Please forgive me.

**45. 我会吸取教训,避免再犯同样的错误。**

I will learn from this experience and avoid making the same mistake again.

**46. 我真诚地向您道歉,希望您能给我一次改过自新的机会。**

I sincerely apologize to you and hope you can give me a chance to redeem myself.

**47. 我为我的行为感到羞愧,并愿意承担一切后果。**

I am ashamed of my actions and am willing to accept all consequences.

**48. 我会更加谨慎地思考和行动,避免再伤害到任何人。**

I will be more careful in my thoughts and actions and avoid hurting anyone again.

**49. 我会用行动来证明我的悔过之心。**

I will prove my remorse with actions.

**50. 我会努力成为一个更好的人,不辜负您的期望。**

I will work hard to become a better person and not disappoint your expectations.

**51. 我真的很抱歉,我给您带来了麻烦。**

I am truly sorry, I have caused you trouble.

**52. 我错了,我应该更加注意自己的言行。**

I was wrong. I should have paid more attention to my words and actions.

**53. 我真诚地向您道歉,希望您能理解我。**

I sincerely apologize to you and hope you can understand me.

**54. 我会更加努力地工作,以回报您的信任。**

I will work harder to repay your trust.

**55. 我会更加珍惜与您的关系,避免再犯同样的错误。**

I will cherish our relationship more and avoid making the same mistake again.

**56. 我深深地感到抱歉,我给您带来了伤害。**

I am deeply sorry, I have caused you harm.

**57. 我会用实际行动来弥补我的过失。**

I will use concrete actions to make up for my mistakes.

**58. 我会更加认真地反省自己的行为,并以此来警醒自己。**

I will reflect more seriously on my behavior and use it to warn myself.

**59. 我会更加努力地学习和成长,不辜负您的期望。**

I will work harder to learn and grow and not disappoint your expectations.

**60. 我会更加注意自己的言行举止,并以此来树立良好的形象。**

I will pay more attention to my words and actions and use them to build a positive image.

**61. 我会更加珍惜您的支持,并以此来激励自己不断进步。**

I will cherish your support and use it to motivate myself to make continuous progress.

**62. 我会更加尊重您的感受,并以此来维护我们之间的关系。**

I will respect your feelings more and use it to maintain our relationship.

**63. 我会更加努力地工作,以回馈您的爱和支持。**

I will work harder to repay your love and support.

**64. 我会更加珍惜与您的缘分,并以此来珍惜我们之间的友谊。**

I will cherish our connection more and use it to cherish our friendship.

**65. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来提升自己的能力。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to improve my abilities.

**66. 我会更加努力地工作,并以此来实现自己的梦想。**

I will work harder and use it to achieve my dreams.

**67. 我会更加珍惜您的帮助,并以此来不断进步。**

I will cherish your help and use it to make continuous progress.

**68. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来回报您的期望。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to repay your expectations.

**69. 我会更加努力地工作,并以此来创造更大的价值。**

I will work harder and use it to create more value.

**70. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来实现自己的目标。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to achieve my goals.

**71. 我会更加珍惜您的教诲,并以此来不断成长。**

I will cherish your guidance and use it to grow continuously.

**72. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来回报您的爱。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to repay your love.

**73. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来实现自己的梦想。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to achieve my dreams.

**74. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来创造更好的未来。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to create a better future.

**75. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来成为一个更好的人。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to become a better person.

**76. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来回馈社会。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to give back to society.

**77. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来创造更大的价值。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to create more value.

**78. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来实现自己的目标。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to achieve my goals.

**79. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来实现自己的梦想。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to achieve my dreams.

**80. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来创造更好的未来。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to create a better future.

**81. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来成为一个更好的人。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to become a better person.

**82. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来回馈社会。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to give back to society.

**83. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来创造更大的价值。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to create more value.

**84. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来实现自己的目标。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to achieve my goals.

**85. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来实现自己的梦想。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to achieve my dreams.

**86. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来创造更好的未来。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to create a better future.

**87. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来成为一个更好的人。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to become a better person.

**88. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来回馈社会。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to give back to society.

**89. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来创造更大的价值。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to create more value.

**90. 我会更加努力地学习,并以此来实现自己的目标。**

I will work harder to learn and use it to achieve my goals.

以上就是关于朱正廷道歉的句子90句(朱正廷道歉的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
