
## 暗示身边有小人的句子,51句(含英文翻译)

1. 身边总有些人,在你面前笑脸相迎,背后却在嚼舌根。

Some people around you always greet you with a smile in front of you, but they gossip about you behind your back.

2. 有些人,你对他掏心掏肺,他却在你背后捅刀子。

Some people, you pour your heart out to them, but they stab you in the back.

3. 人心隔肚皮,谁知道谁是真,谁是假。

The heart is a mystery, who knows who is real and who is fake.

4. 你以为你对他好,他就会对你真心,结果却让你大跌眼镜。

You think you're being good to him, he'll be sincere to you, but the result is a huge disappointment.

5. 你以为你和他很熟,其实你对他只是一张脸,一个名字而已。

You think you know him well, but you're just a face, a name to him.

6. 有些人,你对他好,他可能不会记得,但是你对他不好,他绝对不会忘记。

Some people, you're good to them, they may not remember, but you're not good to them, they definitely won't forget.

7. 你以为你是他的朋友,其实你只是他利用的工具。

You think you are his friend, but you are just a tool he uses.

8. 你以为他对你真诚,其实他只是在演戏。

You think he is sincere to you, but he is just acting.

9. 你以为他很无辜,其实他才是最大的阴谋家。

You think he's innocent, but he's the biggest schemer.

10. 你以为他很善良,其实他只是在伪装自己。

You think he is kind, but he is just disguising himself.

11. 你以为他很弱小,其实他才是最可怕的对手。

You think he is weak, but he is the most formidable opponent.

12. 你以为他很忠诚,其实他早就背叛了你。

You think he is loyal, but he has already betrayed you.

13. 你以为他很可怜,其实他只是在博取你的同情。

You think he's pitiful, but he's just trying to get your sympathy.

14. 你以为他是你的朋友,其实他只是在利用你的善良。

You think he's your friend, but he's just taking advantage of your kindness.

15. 你以为他很无私,其实他只是为了自己的利益。

You think he's selfless, but he's just after his own interests.

16. 你以为他很真诚,其实他只是在说谎。

You think he's sincere, but he's just lying.

17. 你以为他很坦率,其实他只是在掩饰自己的真实想法。

You think he's frank, but he's just covering up his true thoughts.

18. 你以为他很正直,其实他只是在伪装自己的贪婪。

You think he's honest, but he's just disguising his greed.

19. 你以为他很可靠,其实他只是在玩弄你。

You think he's reliable, but he's just playing with you.

20. 你以为他很善良,其实他只是在利用你达到自己的目的。

You think he's kind, but he's just using you to achieve his goals.

21. 你以为他很聪明,其实他只是在耍小聪明。

You think he's smart, but he's just being clever.

22. 你以为他很勇敢,其实他只是在逞强。

You think he's brave, but he's just trying to be tough.

23. 你以为他很坚强,其实他只是在伪装自己的脆弱。

You think he's strong, but he's just disguising his vulnerability.

24. 你以为他很懂事,其实他只是在掩饰自己的任性。

You think he's sensible, but he's just covering up his stubbornness.

25. 你以为他很独立,其实他只是在依赖你。

You think he's independent, but he's just relying on you.

26. 你以为他很热情,其实他只是在敷衍你。

You think he's enthusiastic, but he's just going through the motions.

27. 你以为他很真诚,其实他只是在虚情假意。

You think he's sincere, but he's just being insincere.

28. 你以为他很友善,其实他只是在利用你。

You think he's friendly, but he's just using you.

29. 你以为他很单纯,其实他只是在伪装自己。

You think he's innocent, but he's just disguising himself.

30. 你以为他很优秀,其实他只是在吹牛。

You think he's excellent, but he's just bragging.

31. 你以为他很努力,其实他只是在装样子。

You think he's hard-working, but he's just putting on a show.

32. 你以为他很开心,其实他只是在强颜欢笑。

You think he's happy, but he's just putting on a brave face.

33. 你以为他很冷静,其实他只是在掩饰自己的慌张。

You think he's calm, but he's just covering up his panic.

34. 你以为他很自信,其实他只是在自欺欺人。

You think he's confident, but he's just fooling himself.

35. 你以为他很正直,其实他只是在追求自己的利益。

You think he's upright, but he's just pursuing his own interests.

36. 你以为他很爱护你,其实他只是在利用你。

You think he cares about you, but he's just using you.

37. 你以为他很关心你,其实他只是在假惺惺。

You think he cares about you, but he's just being insincere.

38. 你以为他很支持你,其实他只是在暗中使绊子。

You think he supports you, but he's just sabotaging you behind the scenes.

39. 你以为他很善良,其实他只是在装好人。

You think he's kind, but he's just pretending to be good.

40. 你以为他很真诚,其实他只是在说好话。

You think he's sincere, but he's just saying nice things.

41. 你以为他很可靠,其实他只是在忽悠你。

You think he's reliable, but he's just trying to fool you.

42. 你以为他很勇敢,其实他只是在逞强。

You think he's brave, but he's just trying to be tough.

43. 你以为他很聪明,其实他只是在耍小聪明。

You think he's smart, but he's just being clever.

44. 你以为他很懂你,其实他只是在揣测你。

You think he understands you, but he's just guessing.

45. 你以为他很爱护你,其实他只是在利用你的善良。

You think he cares about you, but he's just taking advantage of your kindness.

46. 你以为他很值得信任,其实他只是在欺骗你。

You think he's trustworthy, but he's just deceiving you.

47. 你以为他很无私,其实他只是为了自己的利益。

You think he's selfless, but he's just after his own interests.

48. 你以为他很忠诚,其实他只是在寻找机会背叛你。

You think he's loyal, but he's just looking for a chance to betray you.

49. 你以为他很正直,其实他只是在伪装自己。

You think he's honest, but he's just disguising himself.

50. 你以为他很善良,其实他只是在伪装自己的恶毒。

You think he's kind, but he's just disguising his viciousness.

51. 你以为他很弱小,其实他才是最可怕的对手。

You think he's weak, but he's the most formidable opponent.

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