
## 暗度陈仓 77 句

**1. 计策巧妙,神不知鬼不觉。**

The strategy was ingenious and executed with absolute stealth.

**2. 避实就虚,出奇制胜。**

Avoiding the strong and exploiting the weak, a surprise victory was achieved.

**3. 虚张声势,迷惑敌人。**

Creating a false sense of strength and presence to mislead the enemy.

**4. 借道陈仓,声东击西。**

Using the Chencang route as a cover, a feigned attack in the east while the real attack was in the west.

**5. 巧妙运用,兵不血刃。**

Clever application of strategy, leading to a bloodless victory.

**6. 灵活机动,出其不意。**

Flexibility and mobility, striking the enemy by surprise.

**7. 隐藏实力,伺机而动。**

Concealing strength and waiting for the opportune moment to act.

**8. 声东击西,攻其不备。**

Feigning an attack in the east while launching a surprise attack in the west, catching the enemy off guard.

**9. 以逸待劳,以弱胜强。**

Waiting for the enemy to tire and launch a counterattack, using weakness to defeat strength.

**10. 明修栈道,暗度陈仓。**

Publicly constructing a road to the mountain pass, while secretly using the Chencang route.

**11. 出奇制胜,兵不厌诈。**

A surprise victory is the ultimate goal, and cunning is not to be feared in warfare.

**12. 兵法无常,变化莫测。**

Military strategy is unpredictable and ever-changing.

**13. 敌明我暗,胜券在握。**

With the enemy exposed and our own movements hidden, victory is assured.

**14. 虚虚实实,真假难辨。**

Blending truth and deception, making it difficult for the enemy to discern reality.

**15. 利用地形,巧妙布阵。**

Utilizing terrain to our advantage, deploying troops strategically.

**16. 智计百出,计胜于力。**

Brilliant strategy and planning triumph over brute force.

**17. 兵贵神速,机不可失。**

Speed is paramount in warfare, opportunities must not be missed.

**18. 善谋者胜,不谋者败。**

Those who plan well succeed, those who don't are destined to fail.

**19. 知己知彼,百战不殆。**

Knowing oneself and one's enemy, a hundred battles will be won without fail.

**20. 兵无常势,水无常形。**

Military strategy is fluid and adaptable, like water, it changes with the terrain.

**21. 善于伪装,以假乱真。**

Skilled in disguise, using falsehoods to deceive.

**22. 利用心理,攻心为上。**

Exploiting psychological vulnerabilities, attacking the enemy's mind is the best strategy.

**23. 兵不厌诈,以诈为胜。**

Cunning and deception are not to be shunned in warfare, victory through trickery is acceptable.

**24. 虚实相生,声东击西。**

Creating a false sense of strength and movement in the east to distract from a real attack in the west.

**25. 避实击虚,攻其不备。**

Avoiding the enemy's strong points and attacking their weaknesses, catching them off guard.

**26. 随机应变,灵活多变。**

Adapting to changing circumstances, being flexible and unpredictable.

**27. 以静制动,以柔克刚。**

Using stillness to counter movement, overcoming strength with gentleness.

**28. 以弱胜强,以智取胜。**

Overcoming strength with weakness, using intelligence to secure victory.

**29. 兵贵精,不贵多。**

The value of troops lies in their quality, not their quantity.

**30. 以少胜多,以弱胜强。**

Winning with fewer troops, overcoming strength with weakness.

**31. 出奇制胜,兵不厌诈。**

A surprise victory is the ultimate goal, and cunning is not to be feared in warfare.

**32. 兵法无常,变化莫测。**

Military strategy is unpredictable and ever-changing.

**33. 敌明我暗,胜券在握。**

With the enemy exposed and our own movements hidden, victory is assured.

**34. 虚虚实实,真假难辨。**

Blending truth and deception, making it difficult for the enemy to discern reality.

**35. 利用地形,巧妙布阵。**

Utilizing terrain to our advantage, deploying troops strategically.

**36. 智计百出,计胜于力。**

Brilliant strategy and planning triumph over brute force.

**37. 兵贵神速,机不可失。**

Speed is paramount in warfare, opportunities must not be missed.

**38. 善谋者胜,不谋者败。**

Those who plan well succeed, those who don't are destined to fail.

**39. 知己知彼,百战不殆。**

Knowing oneself and one's enemy, a hundred battles will be won without fail.

**40. 兵无常势,水无常形。**

Military strategy is fluid and adaptable, like water, it changes with the terrain.

**41. 善于伪装,以假乱真。**

Skilled in disguise, using falsehoods to deceive.

**42. 利用心理,攻心为上。**

Exploiting psychological vulnerabilities, attacking the enemy's mind is the best strategy.

**43. 兵不厌诈,以诈为胜。**

Cunning and deception are not to be shunned in warfare, victory through trickery is acceptable.

**44. 虚实相生,声东击西。**

Creating a false sense of strength and movement in the east to distract from a real attack in the west.

**45. 避实击虚,攻其不备。**

Avoiding the enemy's strong points and attacking their weaknesses, catching them off guard.

**46. 随机应变,灵活多变。**

Adapting to changing circumstances, being flexible and unpredictable.

**47. 以静制动,以柔克刚。**

Using stillness to counter movement, overcoming strength with gentleness.

**48. 以弱胜强,以智取胜。**

Overcoming strength with weakness, using intelligence to secure victory.

**49. 兵贵精,不贵多。**

The value of troops lies in their quality, not their quantity.

**50. 以少胜多,以弱胜强。**

Winning with fewer troops, overcoming strength with weakness.

**51. 出奇制胜,兵不厌诈。**

A surprise victory is the ultimate goal, and cunning is not to be feared in warfare.

**52. 兵法无常,变化莫测。**

Military strategy is unpredictable and ever-changing.

**53. 敌明我暗,胜券在握。**

With the enemy exposed and our own movements hidden, victory is assured.

**54. 虚虚实实,真假难辨。**

Blending truth and deception, making it difficult for the enemy to discern reality.

**55. 利用地形,巧妙布阵。**

Utilizing terrain to our advantage, deploying troops strategically.

**56. 智计百出,计胜于力。**

Brilliant strategy and planning triumph over brute force.

**57. 兵贵神速,机不可失。**

Speed is paramount in warfare, opportunities must not be missed.

**58. 善谋者胜,不谋者败。**

Those who plan well succeed, those who don't are destined to fail.

**59. 知己知彼,百战不殆。**

Knowing oneself and one's enemy, a hundred battles will be won without fail.

**60. 兵无常势,水无常形。**

Military strategy is fluid and adaptable, like water, it changes with the terrain.

**61. 善于伪装,以假乱真。**

Skilled in disguise, using falsehoods to deceive.

**62. 利用心理,攻心为上。**

Exploiting psychological vulnerabilities, attacking the enemy's mind is the best strategy.

**63. 兵不厌诈,以诈为胜。**

Cunning and deception are not to be shunned in warfare, victory through trickery is acceptable.

**64. 虚实相生,声东击西。**

Creating a false sense of strength and movement in the east to distract from a real attack in the west.

**65. 避实击虚,攻其不备。**

Avoiding the enemy's strong points and attacking their weaknesses, catching them off guard.

**66. 随机应变,灵活多变。**

Adapting to changing circumstances, being flexible and unpredictable.

**67. 以静制动,以柔克刚。**

Using stillness to counter movement, overcoming strength with gentleness.

**68. 以弱胜强,以智取胜。**

Overcoming strength with weakness, using intelligence to secure victory.

**69. 兵贵精,不贵多。**

The value of troops lies in their quality, not their quantity.

**70. 以少胜多,以弱胜强。**

Winning with fewer troops, overcoming strength with weakness.

**71. 出奇制胜,兵不厌诈。**

A surprise victory is the ultimate goal, and cunning is not to be feared in warfare.

**72. 兵法无常,变化莫测。**

Military strategy is unpredictable and ever-changing.

**73. 敌明我暗,胜券在握。**

With the enemy exposed and our own movements hidden, victory is assured.

**74. 虚虚实实,真假难辨。**

Blending truth and deception, making it difficult for the enemy to discern reality.

**75. 利用地形,巧妙布阵。**

Utilizing terrain to our advantage, deploying troops strategically.

**76. 智计百出,计胜于力。**

Brilliant strategy and planning triumph over brute force.

**77. 兵贵神速,机不可失。**

Speed is paramount in warfare, opportunities must not be missed.

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