
## 摩的载客句子 (51句)


1. **去哪?** - Where are you going?
2. **上车吧!** - Get in the car!
3. **您要去哪里?** - Where would you like to go?
4. **您要去哪?** - Where are you headed?
5. **坐哪?** - Where do you want to sit?


6. **去** **[目的地]** **多少钱?** - How much does it cost to go to [destination]?
7. **去** **[目的地]** **要多久?** - How long does it take to get to [destination]?
8. **到** **[目的地]** **多少钱?** - How much does it cost to get to [destination]?
9. **到** **[目的地]** **要多少钱?** - How much will it cost to go to [destination]?
10. **去** **[目的地]** **需要多少时间?** - How long will it take to get to [destination]?


11. **这边堵车,绕一下。** - There's traffic here, let's take a detour.
12. **前面修路,走这边。** - There's construction ahead, we'll take this way.
13. **这条路比较快。** - This road is faster.
14. **这路不好走,绕一下吧。** - This road is not easy to drive, let's take a detour.
15. **这边路况不太好,请您耐心等待。** - The road conditions aren't great here, please be patient.


16. **您放心,我开得稳。** - Don't worry, I drive safely.
17. **我开车很安全,您安心坐好。** - I drive safely, sit back and relax.
18. **我会尽快送您到目的地。** - I'll get you to your destination as quickly as possible.
19. **我保证安全,准时送到。** - I guarantee safety and on-time arrival.
20. **您有什么需要,随时叫我。** - Feel free to call me if you need anything.


21. **您是去** **[目的地]** **吗?** - Are you going to [destination]?
22. **今天天气真好!** - What a beautiful day!
23. **您是第一次来这里吗?** - Is this your first time here?
24. **您这边去** **[目的地]** **有什么好的地方推荐吗?** - Do you have any good places to recommend in [destination]?
25. **您是做什么的?** - What do you do for a living?


26. **到了,您请下车吧。** - We're here, please get out.
27. **您到地方了,请慢走。** - You've reached your destination, take care.
28. **谢谢您乘坐!** - Thank you for riding!
29. **一路平安!** - Safe travels!
30. **下次再来坐我的车吧!** - Come ride with me again next time!


31. **您要去哪里?** - Where are you going?
32. **多少钱?** - How much?
33. **等等我一下!** - Wait for me!
34. **可以开快点吗?** - Can you drive faster?
35. **麻烦您停一下,我要下车。** - Please stop, I need to get out.
36. **麻烦您帮我带点东西。** - Could you help me carry something?
37. **麻烦您开慢点,前面路不好走。** - Please slow down, the road ahead is not good.
38. **手机没电了,能借一下充电宝吗?** - My phone is dead, can I borrow a power bank?
39. **您能帮忙找一下吗?** - Could you help me find something?
40. **您知道这边有** **[地点]** **吗?** - Do you know where [place] is?
41. **能帮我带点东西吗?** - Could you help me carry something?
42. **我晕车,麻烦您开慢点。** - I get carsick, please drive slowly.
43. **您这边能停车吗?** - Can you park here?
44. **我需要去** **[地点]** **,您能带我去吗?** - I need to go to [place], can you take me there?
45. **我需要去** **[地点]** **,您能告诉我怎么走吗?** - I need to go to [place], can you tell me how to get there?
46. **您能帮我找一个** **[物品]** **吗?** - Could you help me find a [item]?
47. **您知道哪里有** **[地点]** **吗?** - Do you know where [place] is?
48. **您能告诉我** **[信息]** **吗?** - Can you tell me [information]?
49. **您能帮我一下吗?** - Could you help me?
50. **谢谢您!** - Thank you!
51. **再见!** - Goodbye!

## 英文翻译


Short Greetings


1. Where are you going?

2. Get in the car!

3. Where would you like to go?

4. Where are you headed?

5. Where do you want to sit?


Asking for Destination and Price


6. How much does it cost to go to [destination]?

7. How long does it take to get to [destination]?

8. How much does it cost to get to [destination]?

9. How much will it cost to go to [destination]?

10. How long will it take to get to [destination]?


Describing Route and Traffic Conditions


11. There's traffic here, let's take a detour.

12. There's construction ahead, we'll take this way.

13. This road is faster.

14. This road is not easy to drive, let's take a detour.

15. The road conditions aren't great here, please be patient.


Service Quality Assurance


16. Don't worry, I drive safely.

17. I drive safely, sit back and relax.

18. I'll get you to your destination as quickly as possible.

19. I guarantee safety and on-time arrival.

20. Feel free to call me if you need anything.


Interacting with Passengers


21. Are you going to [destination]?

22. What a beautiful day!

23. Is this your first time here?

24. Do you have any good places to recommend in [destination]?

25. What do you do for a living?


Ending the Trip


26. We're here, please get out.

27. You've reached your destination, take care.

28. Thank you for riding!

29. Safe travels!

30. Come ride with me again next time!




31. Where are you going?

32. How much?

33. Wait for me!

34. Can you drive faster?

35. Please stop, I need to get out.

36. Could you help me carry something?

37. Please slow down, the road ahead is not good.

38. My phone is dead, can I borrow a power bank?

39. Could you help me find something?

40. Do you know where [place] is?

41. Could you help me carry something?

42. I get carsick, please drive slowly.

43. Can you park here?

44. I need to go to [place], can you take me there?

45. I need to go to [place], can you tell me how to get there?

46. Could you help me find a [item]?

47. Do you know where [place] is?

48. Can you tell me [information]?

49. Could you help me?

50. Thank you!

51. Goodbye!

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