
## 折腾不起了的句子 100 句

**1. 累了,真的累了,只想躺平,什么都不想做。**

I'm tired, really tired. I just want to lie flat and do nothing.

**2. 年纪大了,折腾不动了,安安稳稳过日子吧。**

I'm getting old, I can't keep up with the hustle and bustle anymore. Let's just live a peaceful and stable life.

**3. 经历过太多,看透了太多,也累了,只想平静地生活。**

I've been through too much, seen too much, and I'm tired. I just want to live a peaceful life.

**4. 曾经的梦想,现在已经成了负担,只想放下。**

My past dreams have become a burden, I just want to let them go.

**5. 追求过,拼搏过,现在只想享受生活。**

I've pursued, I've strived, now I just want to enjoy life.

**6. 不再执着于过去,不再幻想未来,只活在当下。**

I no longer cling to the past, no longer fantasize about the future, I just live in the present moment.

**7. 人生苦短,与其折腾,不如珍惜当下。**

Life is short, instead of struggling, cherish the present moment.

**8. 不再为虚无缥缈的东西奔波,只想做自己喜欢的事。**

I no longer run after things that are intangible, I just want to do what I love.

**9. 不再强求,不再攀比,只想安然度日。**

I no longer force, no longer compare, I just want to live in peace.

**10. 曾经的激情已经冷却,现在的我,只想平平淡淡。**

My past passion has cooled down, now I just want a simple life.

**11. 人生就像一场戏,演到最后,都是散场。**

Life is like a play, in the end, everyone leaves the stage.

**12. 每个人都有自己的故事,每个人都有自己的选择。**

Everyone has their own story, everyone has their own choices.

**13. 不必刻意去追求什么,顺其自然就好。**

Don't deliberately pursue anything, just let things happen naturally.

**14. 生活就是柴米油盐,平淡才是真。**

Life is about the ordinary things, simplicity is true.

**15. 人生不过一场修行,放下执念,才能获得解脱。**

Life is a practice, letting go of attachments leads to liberation.

**16. 人生苦短,别把时间浪费在不值得的人和事上。**

Life is short, don't waste time on people and things that are not worth it.

**17. 学会享受孤独,学会自处,才能真正找到自我。**

Learn to enjoy solitude, learn to be alone, and you will truly find yourself.

**18. 不必为了别人的眼光而活,活出自己的精彩。**

Don't live for the sake of others' opinions, live your own brilliance.

**19. 人生没有那么多“如果”,只有现在和未来。**

Life doesn't have so many"what ifs", only now and the future.

**20. 与其抱怨生活,不如改变自己。**

Instead of complaining about life, change yourself.

**21. 学会珍惜眼前人,珍惜眼前事。**

Learn to cherish the people around you, cherish the things around you.

**22. 人生的意义,不在于追求多少,而在于感受多少。**

The meaning of life lies not in how much you pursue, but in how much you feel.

**23. 不要把太多精力浪费在无意义的事情上。**

Don't waste too much energy on meaningless things.

**24. 不要把生活想的太复杂,简单才是幸福。**

Don't think of life as too complicated, simplicity is happiness.

**25. 学会放手,才能拥有更多。**

Learn to let go, and you will have more.

**26. 人生的意义,在于经历,在于感悟。**

The meaning of life lies in experience, in understanding.

**27. 学会享受生活,学会感恩,才能拥有真正的快乐。**

Learn to enjoy life, learn to be grateful, and you will have true happiness.

**28. 人生的道路,只有自己才能走。**

The path of life is one that only you can walk.

**29. 不要害怕跌倒,跌倒了再爬起来。**

Don't be afraid to fall, get up when you fall.

**30. 人生的意义,在于不断地探索,不断地成长。**

The meaning of life lies in continuous exploration, continuous growth.

**31. 人生苦短,不要为难自己。**

Life is short, don't make things difficult for yourself.

**32. 学会宽容,学会理解,才能获得真正的幸福。**

Learn to be tolerant, learn to understand, and you will achieve true happiness.

**33. 人生的意义,不在于拥有多少,而在于奉献多少。**

The meaning of life lies not in how much you have, but in how much you give.

**34. 学会放下,才能获得真正的自由。**

Learn to let go, and you will achieve true freedom.

**35. 人生的意义,在于追寻,在于创造。**

The meaning of life lies in pursuit, in creation.

**36. 不要害怕孤独,孤独也是一种美。**

Don't be afraid of solitude, solitude is also a kind of beauty.

**37. 人生的意义,在于体验,在于感受。**

The meaning of life lies in experiencing, in feeling.

**38. 学会感恩,学会珍惜,才能获得真正的幸福。**

Learn to be grateful, learn to cherish, and you will achieve true happiness.

**39. 人生的意义,不在于结果,而在于过程。**

The meaning of life lies not in the outcome, but in the process.

**40. 学会享受生活,学会放松,才能获得真正的快乐。**

Learn to enjoy life, learn to relax, and you will achieve true happiness.

**41. 人生的意义,在于不断地学习,不断地进步。**

The meaning of life lies in continuous learning, continuous progress.

**42. 不要害怕失败,失败也是一种成功。**

Don't be afraid of failure, failure is also a kind of success.

**43. 人生的意义,在于寻找,在于发现。**

The meaning of life lies in searching, in discovering.

**44. 学会爱自己,学会爱别人,才能获得真正的幸福。**

Learn to love yourself, learn to love others, and you will achieve true happiness.

**45. 人生的意义,在于付出,在于奉献。**

The meaning of life lies in giving, in dedicating.

**46. 不要害怕失去,失去也是一种收获。**

Don't be afraid to lose, losing is also a kind of gain.

**47. 人生的意义,在于追求,在于梦想。**

The meaning of life lies in pursuit, in dreams.

**48. 学会珍惜当下,珍惜眼前人,珍惜眼前事。**

Learn to cherish the present moment, cherish the people around you, cherish the things around you.

**49. 人生的意义,不在于拥有多少,而在于感受多少。**

The meaning of life lies not in how much you have, but in how much you feel.

**50. 学会享受生活,学会感恩,才能拥有真正的快乐。**

Learn to enjoy life, learn to be grateful, and you will have true happiness.

**51. 人生的意义,在于不断地探索,不断地成长。**

The meaning of life lies in continuous exploration, continuous growth.

**52. 不要把太多精力浪费在无意义的事情上。**

Don't waste too much energy on meaningless things.

**53. 不要把生活想的太复杂,简单才是幸福。**

Don't think of life as too complicated, simplicity is happiness.

**54. 学会放手,才能拥有更多。**

Learn to let go, and you will have more.

**55. 人生的意义,在于经历,在于感悟。**

The meaning of life lies in experience, in understanding.

**56. 不要为了别人的眼光而活,活出自己的精彩。**

Don't live for the sake of others' opinions, live your own brilliance.

**57. 人生没有那么多“如果”,只有现在和未来。**

Life doesn't have so many"what ifs", only now and the future.

**58. 与其抱怨生活,不如改变自己。**

Instead of complaining about life, change yourself.

**59. 学会享受孤独,学会自处,才能真正找到自我。**

Learn to enjoy solitude, learn to be alone, and you will truly find yourself.

**60. 人生苦短,别把时间浪费在不值得的人和事上。**

Life is short, don't waste time on people and things that are not worth it.

**61. 人生不过一场修行,放下执念,才能获得解脱。**

Life is a practice, letting go of attachments leads to liberation.

**62. 生活就是柴米油盐,平淡才是真。**

Life is about the ordinary things, simplicity is true.

**63. 不必刻意去追求什么,顺其自然就好。**

Don't deliberately pursue anything, just let things happen naturally.

**64. 每个人都有自己的故事,每个人都有自己的选择。**

Everyone has their own story, everyone has their own choices.

**65. 人生就像一场戏,演到最后,都是散场。**

Life is like a play, in the end, everyone leaves the stage.

**66. 曾经的激情已经冷却,现在的我,只想平平淡淡。**

My past passion has cooled down, now I just want a simple life.

**67. 不再强求,不再攀比,只想安然度日。**

I no longer force, no longer compare, I just want to live in peace.

**68. 不再为虚无缥缈的东西奔波,只想做自己喜欢的事。**

I no longer run after things that are intangible, I just want to do what I love.

**69. 人生苦短,与其折腾,不如珍惜当下。**

Life is short, instead of struggling, cherish the present moment.

**70. 不再执着于过去,不再幻想未来,只活在当下。**

I no longer cling to the past, no longer fantasize about the future, I just live in the present moment.

**71. 追求过,拼搏过,现在只想享受生活。**

I've pursued, I've strived, now I just want to enjoy life.

**72. 曾经的梦想,现在已经成了负担,只想放下。**

My past dreams have become a burden, I just want to let them go.

**73. 经历过太多,看透了太多,也累了,只想平静地生活。**

I've been through too much, seen too much, and I'm tired. I just want to live a peaceful life.

**74. 年纪大了,折腾不动了,安安稳稳过日子吧。**

I'm getting old, I can't keep up with the hustle and bustle anymore. Let's just live a peaceful and stable life.

**75. 累了,真的累了,只想躺平,什么都不想做。**

I'm tired, really tired. I just want to lie flat and do nothing.

**76. 我已经没有精力去折腾了,只想安安静静地生活。**

I don't have the energy to hustle anymore. I just want to live a quiet and peaceful life.

**77. 生活已经很艰难了,不想再折腾了。**

Life is already hard enough. I don't want to struggle anymore.

**78. 我已经过了那个拼命的年纪,现在只想安稳。**

I'm past the age of striving. Now I just want stability.

**79. 我已经疲惫不堪,不想再折腾了。**

I'm exhausted. I don't want to struggle anymore.

**80. 我已经看透了,不想再折腾了。**

I've seen through it all. I don't want to struggle anymore.

**81. 我已经厌倦了这种生活,只想逃离。**

I'm tired of this life. I just want to escape.

**82. 我已经没有梦想了,只想平平淡淡地过日子。**

I don't have dreams anymore. I just want to live a simple life.

**83. 我已经没有力气去折腾了,只想休息。**

I don't have the strength to struggle anymore. I just want to rest.

**84. 我已经失去了奋斗的动力,只想安然度日。**

I've lost the drive to strive. I just want to live in peace.

**85. 我已经无欲无求,只想安安静静地生活。**

I have no desires or ambitions. I just want to live a quiet and peaceful life.

**86. 我已经没有目标了,只想随遇而安。**

I don't have any goals anymore. I just want to go with the flow.

**87. 我已经没有勇气去折腾了,只想安稳地生活。**

I don't have the courage to struggle anymore. I just want to live a stable life.

**88. 我已经失去了梦想,只想安然度日。**

I've lost my dreams. I just want to live in peace.

**89. 我已经厌倦了这种生活,只想改变。**

I'm tired of this life. I just want to change.

**90. 我已经没有激情了,只想安安静静地生活。**

I don't have any passion anymore. I just want to live a quiet and peaceful life.

**91. 我已经没有希望了,只想安然度日。**

I don't have any hope anymore. I just want to live in peace.

**92. 我已经放弃了,只想安安静静地生活。**

I've given up. I just want to live a quiet and peaceful life.

**93. 我已经失去了目标,只想随遇而安。**

I've lost my goals. I just want to go with the flow.

**94. 我已经没有勇气去折腾了,只想安稳地生活。**

I don't have the courage to struggle anymore. I just want to live a stable life.

**95. 我已经失去了梦想,只想安然度日。**

I've lost my dreams. I just want to live in peace.

**96. 我已经厌倦了这种生活,只想改变。**

I'm tired of this life. I just want to change.

**97. 我已经没有激情了,只想安安静静地生活。**

I don't have any passion anymore. I just want to live a quiet and peaceful life.

**98. 我已经没有希望了,只想安然度日。**

I don't have any hope anymore. I just want to live in peace.

**99. 我已经放弃了,只想安安静静地生活。**

I've given up. I just want to live a quiet and peaceful life.

**100. 我已经失去了目标,只想随遇而安。**

I've lost my goals. I just want to go with the flow.

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