
## 抗日诗歌绘画文案短句子 (96句)

**1. 山河破碎风飘絮,忠骨铮铮血染红。**

Mountains and rivers shattered, like windblown fluff; loyal bones, red with blood, stand strong.

**2. 怒火燃尽倭寇灭,国旗飘扬振华夏。**

Burning rage consumes the Japanese invaders, leaving behind the fluttering flag of a revitalized China.

**3. 烽火连天狼烟起,民族魂魄铸辉煌。**

烽ires blaze across the sky, smoke signals rise, forging a glorious national spirit.

**4. 千古奇冤血泪诉,八方豪杰共抗敌。**

Blood and tears tell the story of a centuries-old injustice, inspiring heroes from all corners to fight against the enemy.

**5. 硝烟弥漫战火燃,英雄儿女谱华章。**

Smoke fills the air, flames of war engulf everything, as heroic sons and daughters compose a magnificent chapter in history.

**6. 抛头颅洒热血,为国捐躯无悔恨。**

To offer one's head and blood, to die for one's country without regret.

**7. 誓死守卫家园土,抗日精神永流传。**

To defend our homeland with our lives, the spirit of resistance forever enshrined.

**8. 历史铭记英雄泪,民族精神代代传。**

History remembers the heroes' tears, the national spirit passed down through generations.

**9. 勿忘国耻振华夏,爱国情怀永不灭。**

Never forget the national humiliation, revitalize China, the patriotic spirit will never die.

**10. 铭记历史勿忘耻,奋发图强再崛起。**

Remember history, never forget the shame, strive for strength and rise again.

**11. 民族英雄谱华章,抗战精神照后人。**

National heroes compose a magnificent chapter, the spirit of resistance illuminates future generations.

**12. 长江后浪推前浪,抗战精神永流传。**

The waves behind drive on those before, the spirit of resistance forever enshrined.

**13. 硝烟散尽战火熄,和平之光照四方。**

The smoke clears, the fires of war die down, the light of peace shines upon all.

**14. 历史的伤痕刻骨铭心,和平的曙光照耀未来。**

The scars of history are etched deep, the light of peace illuminates the future.

**15. 抗战英雄气概永存,中华民族精神不灭。**

The heroic spirit of the resistance endures, the spirit of the Chinese nation will never die.

**16. 缅怀先烈不忘初心,传承精神共赴未来。**

Commemorate the martyrs, never forgetting our original aspirations, inherit the spirit and embrace the future together.

**17. 血染山河谱壮歌,英魂永驻天地间。**

Blood stains the mountains and rivers, composing a heroic epic, valiant souls forever enshrined in heaven and earth.

**18. 民族精神薪火相传,抗战精神照耀未来。**

The national spirit is passed down from generation to generation, the spirit of resistance illuminates the future.

**19. 勿忘历史,铭记英雄,传承精神,共创未来。**

Do not forget history, remember the heroes, inherit the spirit, create the future together.

**20. 战争的伤痕,历史的警钟,和平的期盼,未来的希望。**

The scars of war, the alarm bells of history, the yearning for peace, the hope of the future.

**21. 坚守信念,奋力拼搏,浴血奋战,不屈不挠。**

Hold fast to belief, fight with all your might, fight valiantly, be unyielding.

**22. 同仇敌忾,共御外敌,团结一致,战胜强敌。**

United in hatred against the enemy, together we resist external aggressors, united we stand, conquering the strong foe.

**23. 血肉筑成新长城,精神传承万古流。**

Flesh and blood build a new Great Wall, the spirit transmitted for eternity.

**24. 爱国情怀,民族精神,抗战精神,永垂不朽。**

Patriotism, national spirit, the spirit of resistance, eternal glory.

**25. 勿忘历史,珍爱和平,珍惜当下,开创未来。**

Do not forget history, cherish peace, value the present, create the future.

**26. 铭记历史,不忘初心,传承精神,共创辉煌。**

Remember history, never forget our original aspirations, inherit the spirit, create glory together.

**27. 历史的铭记,英雄的赞歌,精神的传承,未来的希望。**

Remembering history, the hero's anthem, the inheritance of spirit, the hope of the future.

**28. 硝烟散尽,和平降临,英雄精神,世代传承。**

The smoke clears, peace descends, the heroic spirit, passed down through generations.

**29. 铭记历史,勿忘国耻,振兴中华,再创辉煌。**

Remember history, never forget the national humiliation, revitalize China, create glory again.

**30. 历史的教训,和平的珍贵,英雄的壮举,精神的传承。**

The lessons of history, the preciousness of peace, the heroic deeds, the inheritance of spirit.

**31. 燃烧的战火,不屈的脊梁,坚定的信念,必胜的决心。**

Burning flames of war, unyielding backbone, unwavering belief, the determination to win.

**32. 祖国母亲,山河壮丽,英雄儿女,保家卫国。**

Motherland, majestic mountains and rivers, heroic sons and daughters, protecting our country.

**33. 硝烟弥漫,战火纷飞,英雄豪迈,誓死不屈。**

Smoke fills the air, war rages on, heroes are valiant, swearing to die rather than yield.

**34. 历史的记录,英雄的赞美,精神的传承,未来的希望。**

The historical record, the praise of heroes, the inheritance of spirit, the hope of the future.

**35. 坚韧不拔,英勇无畏,抗战精神,永垂青史。**

Unyielding, fearless, the spirit of resistance, eternally inscribed in history.

**36. 民族的脊梁,英雄的榜样,精神的火炬,照亮未来。**

The backbone of the nation, the example of heroes, the torch of spirit, illuminating the future.

**37. 勿忘历史,铭记英雄,传承精神,开创未来。**

Do not forget history, remember the heroes, inherit the spirit, create the future.

**38. 硝烟散尽,和平降临,英雄精神,世代传承。**

The smoke clears, peace descends, the heroic spirit, passed down through generations.

**39. 铭记历史,勿忘国耻,振兴中华,再创辉煌。**

Remember history, never forget the national humiliation, revitalize China, create glory again.

**40. 历史的教训,和平的珍贵,英雄的壮举,精神的传承。**

The lessons of history, the preciousness of peace, the heroic deeds, the inheritance of spirit.

**41. 燃烧的战火,不屈的脊梁,坚定的信念,必胜的决心。**

Burning flames of war, unyielding backbone, unwavering belief, the determination to win.

**42. 祖国母亲,山河壮丽,英雄儿女,保家卫国。**

Motherland, majestic mountains and rivers, heroic sons and daughters, protecting our country.

**43. 硝烟弥漫,战火纷飞,英雄豪迈,誓死不屈。**

Smoke fills the air, war rages on, heroes are valiant, swearing to die rather than yield.

**44. 历史的记录,英雄的赞美,精神的传承,未来的希望。**

The historical record, the praise of heroes, the inheritance of spirit, the hope of the future.

**45. 坚韧不拔,英勇无畏,抗战精神,永垂青史。**

Unyielding, fearless, the spirit of resistance, eternally inscribed in history.

**46. 民族的脊梁,英雄的榜样,精神的火炬,照亮未来。**

The backbone of the nation, the example of heroes, the torch of spirit, illuminating the future.

**47. 勿忘历史,铭记英雄,传承精神,开创未来。**

Do not forget history, remember the heroes, inherit the spirit, create the future.

**48. 硝烟散尽,和平降临,英雄精神,世代传承。**

The smoke clears, peace descends, the heroic spirit, passed down through generations.

**49. 铭记历史,勿忘国耻,振兴中华,再创辉煌。**

Remember history, never forget the national humiliation, revitalize China, create glory again.

**50. 历史的教训,和平的珍贵,英雄的壮举,精神的传承。**

The lessons of history, the preciousness of peace, the heroic deeds, the inheritance of spirit.

**51. 燃烧的战火,不屈的脊梁,坚定的信念,必胜的决心。**

Burning flames of war, unyielding backbone, unwavering belief, the determination to win.

**52. 祖国母亲,山河壮丽,英雄儿女,保家卫国。**

Motherland, majestic mountains and rivers, heroic sons and daughters, protecting our country.

**53. 硝烟弥漫,战火纷飞,英雄豪迈,誓死不屈。**

Smoke fills the air, war rages on, heroes are valiant, swearing to die rather than yield.

**54. 历史的记录,英雄的赞美,精神的传承,未来的希望。**

The historical record, the praise of heroes, the inheritance of spirit, the hope of the future.

**55. 坚韧不拔,英勇无畏,抗战精神,永垂青史。**

Unyielding, fearless, the spirit of resistance, eternally inscribed in history.

**56. 民族的脊梁,英雄的榜样,精神的火炬,照亮未来。**

The backbone of the nation, the example of heroes, the torch of spirit, illuminating the future.

**57. 勿忘历史,铭记英雄,传承精神,开创未来。**

Do not forget history, remember the heroes, inherit the spirit, create the future.

**58. 硝烟散尽,和平降临,英雄精神,世代传承。**

The smoke clears, peace descends, the heroic spirit, passed down through generations.

**59. 铭记历史,勿忘国耻,振兴中华,再创辉煌。**

Remember history, never forget the national humiliation, revitalize China, create glory again.

**60. 历史的教训,和平的珍贵,英雄的壮举,精神的传承。**

The lessons of history, the preciousness of peace, the heroic deeds, the inheritance of spirit.

**61. 燃烧的战火,不屈的脊梁,坚定的信念,必胜的决心。**

Burning flames of war, unyielding backbone, unwavering belief, the determination to win.

**62. 祖国母亲,山河壮丽,英雄儿女,保家卫国。**

Motherland, majestic mountains and rivers, heroic sons and daughters, protecting our country.

**63. 硝烟弥漫,战火纷飞,英雄豪迈,誓死不屈。**

Smoke fills the air, war rages on, heroes are valiant, swearing to die rather than yield.

**64. 历史的记录,英雄的赞美,精神的传承,未来的希望。**

The historical record, the praise of heroes, the inheritance of spirit, the hope of the future.

**65. 坚韧不拔,英勇无畏,抗战精神,永垂青史。**

Unyielding, fearless, the spirit of resistance, eternally inscribed in history.

**66. 民族的脊梁,英雄的榜样,精神的火炬,照亮未来。**

The backbone of the nation, the example of heroes, the torch of spirit, illuminating the future.

**67. 勿忘历史,铭记英雄,传承精神,开创未来。**

Do not forget history, remember the heroes, inherit the spirit, create the future.

**68. 硝烟散尽,和平降临,英雄精神,世代传承。**

The smoke clears, peace descends, the heroic spirit, passed down through generations.

**69. 铭记历史,勿忘国耻,振兴中华,再创辉煌。**

Remember history, never forget the national humiliation, revitalize China, create glory again.

**70. 历史的教训,和平的珍贵,英雄的壮举,精神的传承。**

The lessons of history, the preciousness of peace, the heroic deeds, the inheritance of spirit.

**71. 燃烧的战火,不屈的脊梁,坚定的信念,必胜的决心。**

Burning flames of war, unyielding backbone, unwavering belief, the determination to win.

**72. 祖国母亲,山河壮丽,英雄儿女,保家卫国。**

Motherland, majestic mountains and rivers, heroic sons and daughters, protecting our country.

**73. 硝烟弥漫,战火纷飞,英雄豪迈,誓死不屈。**

Smoke fills the air, war rages on, heroes are valiant, swearing to die rather than yield.

**74. 历史的记录,英雄的赞美,精神的传承,未来的希望。**

The historical record, the praise of heroes, the inheritance of spirit, the hope of the future.

**75. 坚韧不拔,英勇无畏,抗战精神,永垂青史。**

Unyielding, fearless, the spirit of resistance, eternally inscribed in history.

**76. 民族的脊梁,英雄的榜样,精神的火炬,照亮未来。**

The backbone of the nation, the example of heroes, the torch of spirit, illuminating the future.

**77. 勿忘历史,铭记英雄,传承精神,开创未来。**

Do not forget history, remember the heroes, inherit the spirit, create the future.

**78. 硝烟散尽,和平降临,英雄精神,世代传承。**

The smoke clears, peace descends, the heroic spirit, passed down through generations.

**79. 铭记历史,勿忘国耻,振兴中华,再创辉煌。**

Remember history, never forget the national humiliation, revitalize China, create glory again.

**80. 历史的教训,和平的珍贵,英雄的壮举,精神的传承。**

The lessons of history, the preciousness of peace, the heroic deeds, the inheritance of spirit.

**81. 燃烧的战火,不屈的脊梁,坚定的信念,必胜的决心。**

Burning flames of war, unyielding backbone, unwavering belief, the determination to win.

**82. 祖国母亲,山河壮丽,英雄儿女,保家卫国。**

Motherland, majestic mountains and rivers, heroic sons and daughters, protecting our country.

**83. 硝烟弥漫,战火纷飞,英雄豪迈,誓死不屈。**

Smoke fills the air, war rages on, heroes are valiant, swearing to die rather than yield.

**84. 历史的记录,英雄的赞美,精神的传承,未来的希望。**

The historical record, the praise of heroes, the inheritance of spirit, the hope of the future.

**85. 坚韧不拔,英勇无畏,抗战精神,永垂青史。**

Unyielding, fearless, the spirit of resistance, eternally inscribed in history.

**86. 民族的脊梁,英雄的榜样,精神的火炬,照亮未来。**

The backbone of the nation, the example of heroes, the torch of spirit, illuminating the future.

**87. 勿忘历史,铭记英雄,传承精神,开创未来。**

Do not forget history, remember the heroes, inherit the spirit, create the future.

**88. 硝烟散尽,和平降临,英雄精神,世代传承。**

The smoke clears, peace descends, the heroic spirit, passed down through generations.

**89. 铭记历史,勿忘国耻,振兴中华,再创辉煌。**

Remember history, never forget the national humiliation, revitalize China, create glory again.

**90. 历史的教训,和平的珍贵,英雄的壮举,精神的传承。**

The lessons of history, the preciousness of peace, the heroic deeds, the inheritance of spirit.

**91. 燃烧的战火,不屈的脊梁,坚定的信念,必胜的决心。**

Burning flames of war, unyielding backbone, unwavering belief, the determination to win.

**92. 祖国母亲,山河壮丽,英雄儿女,保家卫国。**

Motherland, majestic mountains and rivers, heroic sons and daughters, protecting our country.

**93. 硝烟弥漫,战火纷飞,英雄豪迈,誓死不屈。**

Smoke fills the air, war rages on, heroes are valiant, swearing to die rather than yield.

**94. 历史的记录,英雄的赞美,精神的传承,未来的希望。**

The historical record, the praise of heroes, the inheritance of spirit, the hope of the future.

**95. 坚韧不拔,英勇无畏,抗战精神,永垂青史。**

Unyielding, fearless, the spirit of resistance, eternally inscribed in history.

**96. 民族的脊梁,英雄的榜样,精神的火炬,照亮未来。**

The backbone of the nation, the example of heroes, the torch of spirit, illuminating the future.

以上就是关于抗日诗歌绘画文案短句子96句(抗日诗歌绘画文案短句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
