
## 抖音伤感语录痛到心里句子,97句


1. 失望到极致就是平静,再也不奢望,也不期待了。
2. 你永远不知道,你的一句话,会带给我怎样的绝望。
3. 没有人会记得你,除了你的难过。
4. 你总是说,我变了,可你从未想过,是你变了,我的心也跟着变了。
5. 我以为我的热情可以感动你,但我错了,你的心早已凉透了。
6. 后来,我终于明白,有些路,只能一个人走。
7. 我最怕的不是你不再爱我,而是你爱我的方式,让我感到窒息。
8. 我以为,只要我足够努力,就能得到你,但我错了,你根本不在意。
9. 你就像阳光,温暖了我的世界,却也让我在你的光辉下,变得渺小。
10. 我以为,我们可以一直走下去,但现实告诉我,我们终究会分道扬镳。
11. 我爱了你那么久,你却连我的名字都记不住。
12. 我以为我可以忘记你,但我发现,你已经深深地刻在我的心里。
13. 我以为,爱情可以战胜一切,但现实告诉我,爱情也无法抵抗时间的流逝。
14. 我以为,我们可以像童话故事一样,永远幸福地生活在一起,但现实告诉我,童话故事只存在于童话里。
15. 我以为,我可以一直这样爱你,但现实告诉我,我的爱也终将枯竭。
16. 你说,你喜欢我的善良,但我发现,你的善良,只留给了别人。
17. 我以为,我们可以像朋友一样,永远陪伴彼此,但现实告诉我,朋友之间也会有距离。
18. 我以为,我可以像孩子一样,永远天真无邪,但现实告诉我,我终究会长大。
19. 我以为,我们可以像家人一样,永远相亲相爱,但现实告诉我,家人也会有矛盾。
20. 我以为,我可以像太阳一样,永远照亮你,但现实告诉我,我终究会落山。
21. 我以为,我可以像星星一样,永远守护你,但现实告诉我,我终究会陨落。
22. 我以为,我可以像月亮一样,永远陪伴你,但现实告诉我,我终究会缺席。
23. 我以为,我可以像风一样,永远自由自在,但现实告诉我,我终究会被束缚。
24. 我以为,我可以像云一样,永远飘荡在你的天空,但现实告诉我,我终究会消散。
25. 我以为,我可以像雨一样,永远滋润你,但现实告诉我,我终究会枯竭。
26. 我以为,我可以像花一样,永远美丽绽放,但现实告诉我,我终究会凋谢。
27. 我以为,我可以像树一样,永远坚强挺拔,但现实告诉我,我终究会腐朽。
28. 我以为,我可以像石头一样,永远沉默不语,但现实告诉我,我终究会崩裂。
29. 我以为,我可以像沙子一样,永远细致柔软,但现实告诉我,我终究会变成尘埃。
30. 我以为,我可以像水一样,永远清澈透明,但现实告诉我,我终究会被污染。
31. 我以为,我可以像火一样,永远燃烧不灭,但现实告诉我,我终究会熄灭。
32. 我以为,我可以像空气一样,永远无处不在,但现实告诉我,我终究会消失。
33. 我以为,我可以像时间一样,永远流逝不停,但现实告诉我,我终究会停止。
34. 我以为,我可以像空间一样,永远无限广阔,但现实告诉我,我终究会有限。
35. 我以为,我可以像宇宙一样,永远神秘莫测,但现实告诉我,我终究会解开。
36. 我以为,我可以像生命一样,永远充满希望,但现实告诉我,我终究会终结。
37. 我以为,我可以像梦想一样,永远追求不停,但现实告诉我,我终究会放弃。
38. 我以为,我可以像爱情一样,永远甜蜜幸福,但现实告诉我,我终究会失去。
39. 我以为,我可以像友情一样,永远真诚可靠,但现实告诉我,我终究会背叛。
40. 我以为,我可以像亲情一样,永远温暖相伴,但现实告诉我,我终究会分离。
41. 我以为,我可以像命运一样,永远掌控一切,但现实告诉我,我终究会臣服。
42. 我以为,我可以像真理一样,永远永恒不变,但现实告诉我,我终究会进化。
43. 我以为,我可以像智慧一样,永远洞悉一切,但现实告诉我,我终究会迷惑。
44. 我以为,我可以像勇气一样,永远无所畏惧,但现实告诉我,我终究会胆怯。
45. 我以为,我可以像力量一样,永远无坚不摧,但现实告诉我,我终究会衰弱。
46. 我以为,我可以像信念一样,永远坚定不移,但现实告诉我,我终究会动摇。
47. 我以为,我可以像希望一样,永远照亮前方,但现实告诉我,我终究会黯淡。
48. 我以为,我可以像梦想一样,永远指引方向,但现实告诉我,我终究会迷失。
49. 我以为,我可以像爱情一样,永远充满激情,但现实告诉我,我终究会平淡。
50. 我以为,我可以像友情一样,永远充满乐趣,但现实告诉我,我终究会厌倦。
51. 我以为,我可以像亲情一样,永远充满温暖,但现实告诉我,我终究会疏远。
52. 我以为,我可以像命运一样,永远充满变数,但现实告诉我,我终究会平静。
53. 我以为,我可以像真理一样,永远充满智慧,但现实告诉我,我终究会愚昧。
54. 我以为,我可以像勇气一样,永远充满力量,但现实告诉我,我终究会软弱。
55. 我以为,我可以像力量一样,永远充满活力,但现实告诉我,我终究会衰老。
56. 我以为,我可以像信念一样,永远充满希望,但现实告诉我,我终究会绝望。
57. 我以为,我可以像希望一样,永远充满光明,但现实告诉我,我终究会黑暗。
58. 我以为,我可以像梦想一样,永远充满美好,但现实告诉我,我终究会痛苦。
59. 我以为,我可以像爱情一样,永远充满甜蜜,但现实告诉我,我终究会悲伤。
60. 我以为,我可以像友情一样,永远充满快乐,但现实告诉我,我终究会孤独。
61. 我以为,我可以像亲情一样,永远充满温暖,但现实告诉我,我终究会冷淡。
62. 我以为,我可以像命运一样,永远充满奇迹,但现实告诉我,我终究会平凡。
63. 我以为,我可以像真理一样,永远充满智慧,但现实告诉我,我终究会无知。
64. 我以为,我可以像勇气一样,永远充满力量,但现实告诉我,我终究会懦弱。
65. 我以为,我可以像力量一样,永远充满活力,但现实告诉我,我终究会无力。
66. 我以为,我可以像信念一样,永远充满希望,但现实告诉我,我终究会绝望。
67. 我以为,我可以像希望一样,永远充满光明,但现实告诉我,我终究会黑暗。
68. 我以为,我可以像梦想一样,永远充满美好,但现实告诉我,我终究会痛苦。
69. 我以为,我可以像爱情一样,永远充满甜蜜,但现实告诉我,我终究会悲伤。
70. 我以为,我可以像友情一样,永远充满快乐,但现实告诉我,我终究会孤独。
71. 我以为,我可以像亲情一样,永远充满温暖,但现实告诉我,我终究会冷淡。
72. 我以为,我可以像命运一样,永远充满奇迹,但现实告诉我,我终究会平凡。
73. 我以为,我可以像真理一样,永远充满智慧,但现实告诉我,我终究会无知。
74. 我以为,我可以像勇气一样,永远充满力量,但现实告诉我,我终究会懦弱。
75. 我以为,我可以像力量一样,永远充满活力,但现实告诉我,我终究会无力。
76. 我以为,我可以像信念一样,永远充满希望,但现实告诉我,我终究会绝望。
77. 我以为,我可以像希望一样,永远充满光明,但现实告诉我,我终究会黑暗。
78. 我以为,我可以像梦想一样,永远充满美好,但现实告诉我,我终究会痛苦。
79. 我以为,我可以像爱情一样,永远充满甜蜜,但现实告诉我,我终究会悲伤。
80. 我以为,我可以像友情一样,永远充满快乐,但现实告诉我,我终究会孤独。
81. 我以为,我可以像亲情一样,永远充满温暖,但现实告诉我,我终究会冷淡。
82. 我以为,我可以像命运一样,永远充满奇迹,但现实告诉我,我终究会平凡。
83. 我以为,我可以像真理一样,永远充满智慧,但现实告诉我,我终究会无知。
84. 我以为,我可以像勇气一样,永远充满力量,但现实告诉我,我终究会懦弱。
85. 我以为,我可以像力量一样,永远充满活力,但现实告诉我,我终究会无力。
86. 我以为,我可以像信念一样,永远充满希望,但现实告诉我,我终究会绝望。
87. 我以为,我可以像希望一样,永远充满光明,但现实告诉我,我终究会黑暗。
88. 我以为,我可以像梦想一样,永远充满美好,但现实告诉我,我终究会痛苦。
89. 我以为,我可以像爱情一样,永远充满甜蜜,但现实告诉我,我终究会悲伤。
90. 我以为,我可以像友情一样,永远充满快乐,但现实告诉我,我终究会孤独。
91. 我以为,我可以像亲情一样,永远充满温暖,但现实告诉我,我终究会冷淡。
92. 我以为,我可以像命运一样,永远充满奇迹,但现实告诉我,我终究会平凡。
93. 我以为,我可以像真理一样,永远充满智慧,但现实告诉我,我终究会无知。
94. 我以为,我可以像勇气一样,永远充满力量,但现实告诉我,我终究会懦弱。
95. 我以为,我可以像力量一样,永远充满活力,但现实告诉我,我终究会无力。
96. 我以为,我可以像信念一样,永远充满希望,但现实告诉我,我终究会绝望。
97. 我以为,我可以像希望一样,永远充满光明,但现实告诉我,我终究会黑暗。



Disappointment to the extreme is calm, no longer expect, no longer expect.


You never know, your words, will bring me what kind of despair.


No one will remember you, except your sadness.


You always say, I changed, but you never thought, you changed, my heart changed with it.


I thought my enthusiasm could touch you, but I was wrong, your heart has long been cold.


Later, I finally understand, some roads, you can only walk alone.


I am most afraid not that you no longer love me, but that the way you love me makes me feel suffocated.


I thought, as long as I worked hard enough, I could get you, but I was wrong, you don't care at all.


You are like the sun, warming my world, but also making me small in your brilliance.


I thought we could go on forever, but reality tells me we will eventually part ways.


I loved you for so long, but you can't even remember my name.


I thought I could forget you, but I found that you are deeply engraved in my heart.


I thought love could conquer all, but reality tells me love can't resist the passage of time.


I thought we could be like fairy tales, living happily ever after, but reality tells me fairy tales only exist in fairy tales.


I thought I could love you like this forever, but reality tells me my love will eventually dry up.


You said you like my kindness, but I found that your kindness is only for others.


I thought we could be friends, accompany each other forever, but reality tells me there is also distance between friends.


I thought I could be like a child, forever innocent, but reality tells me I will eventually grow up.


I thought we could be like family, forever loving each other, but reality tells me that family will also have conflicts.


I thought I could be like the sun, forever illuminating you, but reality tells me I will eventually set.


I thought I could be like a star, forever guarding you, but reality tells me I will eventually fall.


I thought I could be like the moon, forever accompanying you, but reality tells me I will eventually be absent.


I thought I could be like the wind, forever free, but reality tells me I will eventually be bound.


I thought I could be like clouds, forever floating in your sky, but reality tells me I will eventually dissipate.


I thought I could be like rain, forever nourishing you, but reality tells me I will eventually dry up.


I thought I could be like flowers, forever blooming beautifully, but reality tells me I will eventually wither.


I thought I could be like trees, forever strong and upright, but reality tells me I will eventually decay.


I thought I could be like stones, forever silent, but reality tells me I will eventually crack.


I thought I could be like sand, forever fine and soft, but reality tells me I will eventually become dust.


I thought I could be like water, forever clear and transparent, but reality tells me I will eventually be polluted.


I thought I could be like fire, forever burning, but reality tells me I will eventually extinguish.


I thought I could be like air, forever everywhere, but reality tells me I will eventually disappear.


I thought I could be like time, forever flowing, but reality tells me I will eventually stop.


I thought I could be like space, forever boundless, but reality tells me I will eventually be limited.


I thought I could be like the universe, forever mysterious, but reality tells me I will eventually be unraveled.


I thought I could be like life, forever filled with hope, but reality tells me I will eventually end.


I thought I could be like dreams, forever chasing after, but reality tells me I will eventually give up.


I thought I could be like love, forever sweet and happy, but reality tells me I will eventually lose it.


I thought I could be like friendship, forever sincere and reliable, but reality tells me I will eventually betray it.


I thought I could be like family, forever warm and accompanied, but reality tells me I will eventually separate.


I thought I could be like destiny, forever controlling everything, but reality tells me I will eventually submit.


I thought I could be like truth, forever eternal, but reality tells me I will eventually evolve.


I thought I could be like wisdom, forever knowing everything, but reality tells me I will eventually be confused.


I thought I could be like courage, forever fearless, but reality tells me I will eventually be cowardly.


I thought I could be like strength, forever invincible, but reality tells me I will eventually weaken.


I thought I could be like faith, forever unwavering, but reality tells me I will eventually waver.


I thought I could be like hope, forever illuminating the way ahead, but reality tells me I will eventually dim.


I thought I could be like dreams, forever guiding the direction, but reality tells me I will eventually lose my way.


I thought I could be like love, forever filled with passion, but reality tells me I will eventually be bland.


I thought I could be like friendship, forever filled with fun, but reality tells me I will eventually get bored.


I thought I could be like family, forever filled with warmth, but reality tells me I will eventually grow distant.


I thought I could be like destiny, forever full of variables, but reality tells me I will eventually be calm.


I thought I could be like truth, forever full of wisdom, but reality tells me I will eventually be ignorant.


I thought I could be like courage, forever full of strength, but reality tells me I will eventually be weak.


I thought I could be like strength, forever full of vitality, but reality tells me I will eventually grow old.


I thought I could be like faith, forever full of hope, but reality tells me I will eventually despair.


I thought I could be like hope, forever full of light, but reality tells me I will eventually be dark.


I thought I could be like dreams, forever full of beauty, but reality tells me I will eventually be painful.


I thought I could be like love, forever full of sweetness, but reality tells me I will eventually be sad.


I thought I could be like friendship, forever full of happiness, but reality tells me I will eventually be lonely.


I thought I could be like family, forever full of warmth, but reality tells me I will eventually be indifferent.


I thought I could be like destiny, forever full of miracles, but reality tells me I will eventually be ordinary.


I thought I could be like truth, forever full of wisdom, but reality tells me I will eventually be ignorant.


I thought I could be like courage, forever full of strength, but reality tells me I will eventually be weak.


I thought I could be like strength, forever full of vitality, but reality tells me I will eventually be powerless.


I thought I could be like faith, forever full of hope, but reality tells me I will eventually despair.


I thought I could be like hope, forever full of light, but reality tells me I will eventually be dark.


I thought I could be like dreams, forever full of beauty, but reality tells me I will eventually be painful.


I thought I could be like love, forever full of sweetness, but reality tells me I will eventually be sad.


I thought I could be like friendship, forever full of happiness, but reality tells me I will eventually be lonely.


I thought I could be like family, forever full of warmth, but reality tells me I will eventually be indifferent.


I thought I could be like destiny, forever full of miracles, but reality tells me I will eventually be ordinary.


I thought I could be like truth, forever full of wisdom, but reality tells me I will eventually be ignorant.


I thought I could be like courage, forever full of strength, but reality tells me I will eventually be weak.


I thought I could be like strength, forever full of vitality, but reality tells me I will eventually be powerless.


I thought I could be like faith, forever full of hope, but reality tells me I will eventually despair.


I thought I could be like hope, forever full of light, but reality tells me I will eventually be dark.


I thought I could be like dreams, forever full of beauty, but reality tells me I will eventually be painful.


I thought I could be like love, forever full of sweetness, but reality tells me I will eventually be sad.


I thought I could be like friendship, forever full of happiness, but reality tells me I will eventually be lonely.


I thought I could be like family, forever full of warmth, but reality tells me I will eventually be indifferent.


I thought I could be like destiny, forever full of miracles, but reality tells me I will eventually be ordinary.


I thought I could be like truth, forever full of wisdom, but reality tells me I will eventually be ignorant.


I thought I could be like courage, forever full of strength, but reality tells me I will eventually be weak.


I thought I could be like strength, forever full of vitality, but reality tells me I will eventually be powerless.


I thought I could be like faith, forever full of hope, but reality tells me I will eventually despair.


I thought I could be like hope, forever full of light, but reality tells me I will eventually be dark.


I thought I could be like dreams, forever full of beauty, but reality tells me I will eventually be painful.


I thought I could be like love, forever full of sweetness, but reality tells me I will eventually be sad.


I thought I could be like friendship, forever full of happiness, but reality tells me I will eventually be lonely.


I thought I could be like family, forever full of warmth, but reality tells me I will eventually be indifferent.


I thought I could be like destiny, forever full of miracles, but reality tells me I will eventually be ordinary.


I thought I could be like truth, forever full of wisdom, but reality tells me I will eventually be ignorant.


I thought I could be like courage, forever full of strength, but reality tells me I will eventually be weak.


I thought I could be like strength, forever full of vitality, but reality tells me I will eventually be powerless.


I thought I could be like faith, forever full of hope, but reality tells me I will eventually despair.


I thought I could be like hope, forever full of light, but reality tells me I will eventually be dark.

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