
## 保障意识句子 (59句)**安全保障**1. 安全意识,安全常在。

Safety awareness, safety always.

2. 安全第一,预防为主。

Safety first, prevention is the key.

3. 隐患险于明火,防范胜于救灾。

Hidden dangers are more dangerous than open flames, prevention is better than cure.

4. 安全是生命之本,责任重于泰山。

Safety is the foundation of life, responsibility is more important than Mount Tai.

5. 安全生产,人人有责。

Everyone has a responsibility for safe production.

6. 安全事故警钟长鸣,警示教育刻不容缓。

The bell of safety accidents is always ringing, safety education is urgent.

7. 增强安全意识,杜绝安全事故。

Strengthen safety awareness and eliminate safety accidents.

8. 安全无小事,细节决定成败。

No matter how small, safety is important, details determine success or failure.

9. 良好的安全意识是安全生产的重要保障。

Good safety awareness is an important guarantee for safe production.

10. 安全生产,从我做起,从现在做起。

Safe production starts with me, starts now.

**法律保障**11. 法律面前人人平等,维护法律尊严。

All are equal before the law, uphold the dignity of the law.

12. 知法守法,依法办事。

Know the law, abide by the law, act according to the law.

13. 法律是社会公平正义的最后一道防线。

Law is the last line of defense for social fairness and justice.

14. 增强法律意识,维护自身权益。

Strengthen legal awareness and protect your rights.

15. 维护法律的权威,维护社会稳定。

Maintain the authority of the law and maintain social stability.

16. 法律是社会文明进步的标志。

Law is a sign of social civilization and progress.

17. 法律保护人民,人民维护法律。

Law protects the people, people uphold the law.

18. 法律是公平和正义的保障。

Law is a guarantee of fairness and justice.

19. 遵守法律,是每个公民应尽的义务。

It is the duty of every citizen to abide by the law.

20. 法律的威严不可侵犯。

The majesty of the law is inviolable.

**权益保障**21. 保护自身权益,维护社会公平正义。

Protect your own rights and maintain social fairness and justice.

22. 权利和义务相辅相成,不可偏废。

Rights and obligations are complementary and should not be neglected.

23. 维护自身合法权益,是每个公民的权利。

It is the right of every citizen to protect their legitimate rights.

24. 增强维权意识,维护自身合法权益。

Strengthen the awareness of rights protection and protect your legitimate rights.

25. 知法懂法,依法维权。

Know the law, understand the law, defend your rights according to the law.

26. 人人享有平等的权利,人人承担应尽的义务。

Everyone enjoys equal rights and everyone bears their due obligations.

27. 权利是用来维护的,不是用来放弃的。

Rights are to be defended, not abandoned.

28. 维护自身权益,需要法律的保障。

Protecting your own rights requires the protection of the law.

29. 维护自身权益,需要勇气和智慧。

Protecting your own rights requires courage and wisdom.

30. 权益是神圣的,不可侵犯的。

Rights are sacred and inviolable.

**生命保障**31. 生命宝贵,安全第一。

Life is precious, safety first.

32. 保护生命健康,人人有责。

Everyone has a responsibility to protect life and health.

33. 生命只有一次,珍惜生命,珍爱生命。

Life is only once, cherish life, love life.

34. 生命是宝贵的财富,需要精心呵护。

Life is a precious treasure, it needs to be carefully cared for.

35. 生命健康是最大的财富,要积极维护。

Life and health are the greatest wealth, we need to actively maintain it.

36. 健康的生活方式,是生命保障的重要基础。

A healthy lifestyle is an important foundation for life security.

37. 生命健康,不可忽视。

Life and health cannot be ignored.

38. 保护生命健康,需要全社会共同努力。

Protecting life and health requires the joint efforts of the whole society.

39. 生命健康,值得珍视。

Life and health are worth cherishing.

40. 生命健康,人人有责。

Everyone has a responsibility for life and health.

**财产保障**41. 财产安全,保障生活。

Property security guarantees life.

42. 防盗防诈,财产安全。

Prevent theft and fraud, property security.

43. 保护财产安全,维护社会稳定。

Protect property security and maintain social stability.

44. 财产是劳动成果,需要保护。

Property is the result of labor and needs to be protected.

45. 财产安全,人人有责。

Everyone has a responsibility for property security.

46. 保护财产安全,需要提高防范意识。

Protecting property security requires an increased awareness of prevention.

47. 财产安全,离不开法律的保障。

Property security cannot be separated from the protection of the law.

48. 财产安全,需要全社会共同努力。

Property security requires the joint efforts of the whole society.

49. 财产安全,是社会和谐稳定的重要基础。

Property security is an important foundation for social harmony and stability.

50. 财产安全,是我们共同的责任。

Property security is our common responsibility.

**环境保障**51. 保护环境,人人有责。

Everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment.

52. 环境保护,功在当代,利在千秋。

Environmental protection benefits the present and future generations.

53. 环保意识,刻不容缓。

Environmental awareness is urgent.

54. 保护环境,就是保护我们自己。

Protecting the environment is protecting ourselves.

55. 绿色发展,可持续发展。

Green development, sustainable development.

56. 保护环境,从我做起,从现在做起。

Protect the environment, start with me, start now.

57. 环境保护,需要全社会的共同努力。

Environmental protection requires the joint efforts of the whole society.

58. 保护环境,是我们义不容辞的责任。

Protecting the environment is our duty.

59. 保护环境,就是保护我们的未来。

Protecting the environment is protecting our future.

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