
## 想时间过快点的句子,76句

1. 我希望时间可以快进,让我早点看到我们未来的样子。

2. 我盼望着时间的流逝,因为那意味着我们离梦想更近了。

3. 我希望时间可以像快门一样,按下快门,就来到我们想要到达的时刻。

4. 我想要一个遥控器,可以快进人生的进度条。

5. 我渴望时间飞逝,因为我迫不及待想要拥抱未来的精彩。

6. 我希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点实现我的目标。

7. 我期盼着时间像电影一样,可以快进到结尾,让我看到最后的结局。

8. 我想要时光机,让我快速到达想要去的未来。

9. 我真希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点摆脱眼前的困境。

10. 我希望时间可以加速,让我早点见到我思念的人。

11. 我希望时间能够快进,让我早点看到我们一起创造的未来。

12. 我期盼着时间的流逝,因为那意味着我离成长更近了。

13. 我希望时间能够像火箭一样,带着我快速飞向成功的彼岸。

14. 我想要一个魔杖,挥一挥,就能让时间快进。

15. 我渴望时间飞逝,因为我迫不及待想要体验未来的一切。

16. 我希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点实现我的梦想。

17. 我期盼着时间像音乐一样,可以快进到最动听的旋律。

18. 我想要一个魔法水晶球,让我看到未来的画面。

19. 我真希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点摆脱现在的烦恼。

20. 我希望时间可以加速,让我早点看到我的努力成果。

21. 我希望时间能够快进,让我早点看到我们共同经历的未来。

22. 我期盼着时间的流逝,因为那意味着我离自由更近了。

23. 我希望时间能够像河流一样,带着我快速流向幸福的终点。

24. 我想要一个时间旅行者,带我快速穿越到未来的世界。

25. 我渴望时间飞逝,因为我迫不及待想要迎接未来挑战。

26. 我希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点体验未来的一切。

27. 我期盼着时间像画卷一样,可以快进到最精彩的画面。

28. 我想要一个时间穿梭机,让我快速回到过去,弥补遗憾。

29. 我真希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点摆脱现在的痛苦。

30. 我希望时间可以加速,让我早点看到我的未来规划实现。

31. 我希望时间能够快进,让我早点看到我们共同创造的未来。

32. 我期盼着时间的流逝,因为那意味着我离成熟更近了。

33. 我希望时间能够像风一样,带着我快速吹向成功的彼岸。

34. 我想要一个时间魔法师,让我快速完成所有的事情。

35. 我渴望时间飞逝,因为我迫不及待想要迎接未来的挑战。

36. 我希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点实现我的目标。

37. 我期盼着时间像故事一样,可以快进到最精彩的结局。

38. 我想要一个时间机器,让我快速回到过去,改变一些事情。

39. 我真希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点摆脱现在的困境。

40. 我希望时间可以加速,让我早点看到我的梦想成真。

41. 我希望时间能够快进,让我早点看到我们共同经历的未来。

42. 我期盼着时间的流逝,因为那意味着我离幸福更近了。

43. 我希望时间能够像阳光一样,带着我快速照亮未来的道路。

44. 我想要一个时间胶囊,让我快速封存现在的美好,带到未来。

45. 我渴望时间飞逝,因为我迫不及待想要迎接未来的机遇。

46. 我希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点体验未来的美好。

47. 我期盼着时间像电影一样,可以快进到最精彩的片段。

48. 我想要一个时间地图,让我快速找到通往未来的道路。

49. 我真希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点摆脱现在的烦恼。

50. 我希望时间可以加速,让我早点看到我的努力成果。

51. 我希望时间能够快进,让我早点看到我们共同创造的未来。

52. 我期盼着时间的流逝,因为那意味着我离成长更近了。

53. 我希望时间能够像河流一样,带着我快速流向幸福的终点。

54. 我想要一个时间旅行者,带我快速穿越到未来的世界。

55. 我渴望时间飞逝,因为我迫不及待想要迎接未来的挑战。

56. 我希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点体验未来的一切。

57. 我期盼着时间像画卷一样,可以快进到最精彩的画面。

58. 我想要一个时间穿梭机,让我快速回到过去,弥补遗憾。

59. 我真希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点摆脱现在的痛苦。

60. 我希望时间可以加速,让我早点看到我的未来规划实现。

61. 我希望时间能够快进,让我早点看到我们共同经历的未来。

62. 我期盼着时间的流逝,因为那意味着我离成熟更近了。

63. 我希望时间能够像风一样,带着我快速吹向成功的彼岸。

64. 我想要一个时间魔法师,让我快速完成所有的事情。

65. 我渴望时间飞逝,因为我迫不及待想要迎接未来的挑战。

66. 我希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点实现我的目标。

67. 我期盼着时间像故事一样,可以快进到最精彩的结局。

68. 我想要一个时间机器,让我快速回到过去,改变一些事情。

69. 我真希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点摆脱现在的困境。

70. 我希望时间可以加速,让我早点看到我的梦想成真。

71. 我希望时间能够快进,让我早点看到我们共同经历的未来。

72. 我期盼着时间的流逝,因为那意味着我离幸福更近了。

73. 我希望时间能够像阳光一样,带着我快速照亮未来的道路。

74. 我想要一个时间胶囊,让我快速封存现在的美好,带到未来。

75. 我渴望时间飞逝,因为我迫不及待想要迎接未来的机遇。

76. 我希望时间能够快点过去,让我早点体验未来的美好。

## 英文翻译

1. I wish time could fast forward so I can see what our future looks like sooner.

2. I look forward to the passage of time, because it means we are closer to our dreams.

3. I wish time could be like a shutter, press the shutter, and we arrive at the moment we want to reach.

4. I want a remote control that can fast-forward the progress bar of life.

5. I crave for time to fly by, because I can't wait to embrace the wonders of the future.

6. I hope time can pass quickly so I can achieve my goals sooner.

7. I look forward to time being like a movie, able to fast-forward to the end, letting me see the final outcome.

8. I want a time machine to take me quickly to the future I want to go to.

9. I really wish time could pass quickly so I can get rid of the current predicament sooner.

10. I hope time can accelerate so I can see the person I miss sooner.

11. I hope time can fast-forward so I can see the future we create together sooner.

12. I look forward to the passage of time, because it means I am closer to growth.

13. I hope time can be like a rocket, taking me quickly to the shore of success.

14. I want a magic wand that can make time fast-forward with a wave.

15. I crave for time to fly by, because I can't wait to experience everything in the future.

16. I hope time can pass quickly so I can achieve my dreams sooner.

17. I look forward to time being like music, able to fast-forward to the most beautiful melody.

18. I want a magic crystal ball to let me see pictures of the future.

19. I really wish time could pass quickly so I can get rid of the current troubles sooner.

20. I hope time can accelerate so I can see the fruits of my labor sooner.

21. I hope time can fast-forward so I can see the future we experience together sooner.

22. I look forward to the passage of time, because it means I am closer to freedom.

23. I hope time can be like a river, taking me quickly to the end of happiness.

24. I want a time traveler to take me quickly through time to the future world.

25. I crave for time to fly by, because I can't wait to face future challenges.

26. I hope time can pass quickly so I can experience everything in the future sooner.

27. I look forward to time being like a scroll, able to fast-forward to the most wonderful picture.

28. I want a time machine to take me quickly back to the past to make up for regrets.

29. I really wish time could pass quickly so I can get rid of the current pain sooner.

30. I hope time can accelerate so I can see my future plans realized sooner.

31. I hope time can fast-forward so I can see the future we create together sooner.

32. I look forward to the passage of time, because it means I am closer to maturity.

33. I hope time can be like the wind, taking me quickly to the shore of success.

34. I want a time magician to help me finish everything quickly.

35. I crave for time to fly by, because I can't wait to face future challenges.

36. I hope time can pass quickly so I can achieve my goals sooner.

37. I look forward to time being like a story, able to fast-forward to the most wonderful ending.

38. I want a time machine to take me quickly back to the past to change some things.

39. I really wish time could pass quickly so I can get rid of the current predicament sooner.

40. I hope time can accelerate so I can see my dreams come true sooner.

41. I hope time can fast-forward so I can see the future we experience together sooner.

42. I look forward to the passage of time, because it means I am closer to happiness.

43. I hope time can be like sunshine, taking me quickly to illuminate the road to the future.

44. I want a time capsule to quickly seal the present beauty and bring it to the future.

45. I crave for time to fly by, because I can't wait to embrace future opportunities.

46. I hope time can pass quickly so I can experience the beauty of the future sooner.

47. I look forward to time being like a movie, able to fast-forward to the most wonderful parts.

48. I want a time map to help me quickly find the road to the future.

49. I really wish time could pass quickly so I can get rid of the current troubles sooner.

50. I hope time can accelerate so I can see the fruits of my labor sooner.

51. I hope time can fast-forward so I can see the future we create together sooner.

52. I look forward to the passage of time, because it means I am closer to growth.

53. I hope time can be like a river, taking me quickly to the end of happiness.

54. I want a time traveler to take me quickly through time to the future world.

55. I crave for time to fly by, because I can't wait to face future challenges.

56. I hope time can pass quickly so I can experience everything in the future sooner.

57. I look forward to time being like a scroll, able to fast-forward to the most wonderful picture.

58. I want a time machine to take me quickly back to the past to make up for regrets.

59. I really wish time could pass quickly so I can get rid of the current pain sooner.

60. I hope time can accelerate so I can see my future plans realized sooner.

61. I hope time can fast-forward so I can see the future we experience together sooner.

62. I look forward to the passage of time, because it means I am closer to maturity.

63. I hope time can be like the wind, taking me quickly to the shore of success.

64. I want a time magician to help me finish everything quickly.

65. I crave for time to fly by, because I can't wait to face future challenges.

66. I hope time can pass quickly so I can achieve my goals sooner.

67. I look forward to time being like a story, able to fast-forward to the most wonderful ending.

68. I want a time machine to take me quickly back to the past to change some things.

69. I really wish time could pass quickly so I can get rid of the current predicament sooner.

70. I hope time can accelerate so I can see my dreams come true sooner.

71. I hope time can fast-forward so I can see the future we experience together sooner.

72. I look forward to the passage of time, because it means I am closer to happiness.

73. I hope time can be like sunshine, taking me quickly to illuminate the road to the future.

74. I want a time capsule to quickly seal the present beauty and bring it to the future.

75. I crave for time to fly by, because I can't wait to embrace future opportunities.

76. I hope time can pass quickly so I can experience the beauty of the future sooner.

以上就是关于想时间过快点的句子76句(想时间过快点的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
