
## 想改变却无能为力句子,59句,并把内容翻译成英文,然后把结果内容的段落带上html标签中的p标签

1. 想改變,卻無力回天。/ I want to change, but it's too late.

2. 改變的念頭在心中盤旋,卻被現實的枷鎖束縛。/ The desire for change swirls in my heart, yet is bound by the shackles of reality.

3. 望著眼前的困境,我無力改變,只能無奈地接受。/ Faced with this dilemma, I am powerless to change, only able to accept it with resignation.

4. 我知道我應該改變,但無力抗拒命運的安排。/ I know I should change, but I am powerless to resist the arrangement of fate.

5. 改變的道路布滿荆棘,我卻無力跨越。/ The path of change is filled with thorns, yet I am powerless to cross them.

6. 渴望改變,卻深陷泥潭,無法自拔。/ I yearn for change, yet I am stuck in the mire, unable to extricate myself.

7. 眼睜睜看著一切崩塌,卻無力阻止。/ I watch helplessly as everything collapses, unable to stop it.

8. 我想要改變,卻發現自己無能為力,只能眼睜睜看著一切變得更糟。/ I want to change, but I find myself powerless, only able to watch as everything gets worse.

9. 想要改變,卻被無形的阻力拖住腳步。/ I want to change, but an invisible force holds me back.

10. 無力感吞噬著我的意志,讓我對改變心灰意冷。/ A sense of powerlessness devours my will, making me lose hope for change.

11. 我渴望改變,但卻發現自己身處漩渦,被無情的命運擺布。/ I yearn for change, but I find myself caught in a vortex, at the mercy of fate.

12. 改變的渴望在心中燃燒,卻被現實的冰冷澆滅。/ The desire for change burns in my heart, but is extinguished by the cold of reality.

13. 我渴望改變,卻被自己的怯懦束縛住。/ I yearn for change, but I am bound by my own cowardice.

14. 改變的腳步沉重,我無力邁開。/ The steps of change are heavy, and I am powerless to take them.

15. 我想改變,卻發現自己被困在一個無形的牢籠裡。/ I want to change, but I find myself trapped in an invisible cage.

16. 眼看著機會從眼前溜走,卻無力抓住。/ I watch as opportunities slip away, powerless to grab them.

17. 改變的道路漫長而艱辛,我卻無力堅持。/ The path of change is long and arduous, and I am powerless to persevere.

18. 我想要改變,卻被自身的缺陷所阻礙。/ I want to change, but I am hindered by my own flaws.

19. 改變的渴望如烈火般燃燒,卻被現實的寒風吹滅。/ The desire for change burns like a wildfire, but is extinguished by the cold wind of reality.

20. 我渴望改變,卻被周圍的人所束縛。/ I yearn for change, but I am bound by the people around me.

21. 我想要改變,卻被過去的陰影所困擾。/ I want to change, but I am haunted by the shadows of the past.

22. 改變的道路布滿荊棘,我無力跨越,只能眼睜睜看著它離我遠去。/ The path of change is filled with thorns, and I am powerless to cross them, only able to watch as it slips away from me.

23. 我渴望改變,卻被內心的恐懼所囚禁。/ I yearn for change, but I am imprisoned by my own fears.

24. 改變的機會轉瞬即逝,我無力把握。/ The opportunity for change is fleeting, and I am powerless to seize it.

25. 我想要改變,卻發現自己被困在一個死胡同裡。/ I want to change, but I find myself trapped in a dead end.

26. 我渴望改變,卻被現實的壓力所壓垮。/ I yearn for change, but I am crushed by the pressures of reality.

27. 改變的希望在眼前閃爍,卻無法觸及。/ The hope for change flickers before me, yet I cannot reach it.

28. 我想要改變,卻發現自己只是滄海一粟,無力撼動這巨輪。/ I want to change, but I find myself just a drop in the ocean, powerless to move this giant wheel.

29. 改變的步伐沉重,我無力跨越,只能眼睜睜看著它遠去。/ The steps of change are heavy, and I am powerless to cross them, only able to watch as it disappears into the distance.

30. 我渴望改變,卻被周圍的環境所束縛。/ I yearn for change, but I am bound by the environment around me.

31. 改變的道路漫長而曲折,我無力堅持,只能在原地徘徊。/ The path of change is long and winding, and I am powerless to persevere, only able to linger in place.

32. 我想要改變,卻發現自己身處一個無法改變的系統裡。/ I want to change, but I find myself in a system that cannot be changed.

33. 我渴望改變,卻被自己的無知所蒙蔽。/ I yearn for change, but I am blinded by my own ignorance.

34. 改變的機會轉瞬即逝,我無力把握,只能眼睜睜看著它溜走。/ The opportunity for change is fleeting, and I am powerless to seize it, only able to watch as it slips away.

35. 我想要改變,卻發現自己被困在一個無解的循環裡。/ I want to change, but I find myself trapped in a never-ending cycle.

36. 我渴望改變,卻被自己的惰性所拖累。/ I yearn for change, but I am weighed down by my own laziness.

37. 改變的道路漫長而崎嶇,我無力堅持,只能在中途放棄。/ The path of change is long and rugged, and I am powerless to persevere, only able to give up halfway.

38. 我想要改變,卻發現自己只是這世界的一粒塵埃,無力改變這一切。/ I want to change, but I find myself just a speck of dust in this world, powerless to change anything.

39. 我渴望改變,卻被自己的無能所困擾。/ I yearn for change, but I am troubled by my own incompetence.

40. 改變的希望如曇花一現,我無力抓住,只能眼睜睜看著它消散。/ The hope for change is like a fleeting bloom, and I am powerless to grab it, only able to watch as it dissipates.

41. 我想要改變,卻發現自己被困在一個無法逃脫的牢籠裡。/ I want to change, but I find myself trapped in a cage from which I cannot escape.

42. 我渴望改變,卻被現實的冰冷澆滅了熱情。/ I yearn for change, but the coldness of reality extinguishes my enthusiasm.

43. 改變的道路漫長而艱辛,我無力堅持,只能在中途放棄,回到原點。/ The path of change is long and arduous, and I am powerless to persevere, only able to give up halfway and return to where I started.

44. 我想要改變,卻發現自己身處一個無法改變的命運中。/ I want to change, but I find myself in a destiny that cannot be changed.

45. 我渴望改變,卻被自己的無知所蒙蔽,看不到改變的可能性。/ I yearn for change, but I am blinded by my own ignorance, unable to see the possibility of change.

46. 改變的機會轉瞬即逝,我無力把握,只能眼睜睜看著它溜走,成為一個永遠的遺憾。/ The opportunity for change is fleeting, and I am powerless to seize it, only able to watch as it slips away, becoming a permanent regret.

47. 我想要改變,卻發現自己被困在一個無解的循環裡,永遠無法脫離。/ I want to change, but I find myself trapped in a never-ending cycle, forever unable to break free.

48. 我渴望改變,卻被自己的惰性所拖累,無法邁出改變的第一步。/ I yearn for change, but I am weighed down by my own laziness, unable to take the first step towards change.

49. 改變的道路漫長而崎嶇,我無力堅持,只能在中途放棄,回到原點,成為一個永遠的失敗者。/ The path of change is long and rugged, and I am powerless to persevere, only able to give up halfway and return to where I started, becoming a permanent failure.

50. 我想要改變,卻發現自己只是這世界的一粒塵埃,無力改變這一切,只能在無奈中接受現狀。/ I want to change, but I find myself just a speck of dust in this world, powerless to change anything, only able to accept the status quo with resignation.

51. 我渴望改變,卻被自己的無能所困擾,只能眼睜睜看著機會從眼前溜走。/ I yearn for change, but I am troubled by my own incompetence, only able to watch as opportunities slip away.

52. 改變的希望如曇花一現,我無力抓住,只能眼睜睜看著它消散,成為一個永遠的夢。/ The hope for change is like a fleeting bloom, and I am powerless to grab it, only able to watch as it dissipates, becoming a permanent dream.

53. 我想要改變,卻發現自己被困在一個無法逃脫的牢籠裡,只能在絕望中掙扎。/ I want to change, but I find myself trapped in a cage from which I cannot escape, only able to struggle in despair.

54. 我渴望改變,卻被現實的冰冷澆滅了熱情,只能在冷漠中麻木。/ I yearn for change, but the coldness of reality extinguishes my enthusiasm, only able to numb myself in indifference.

55. 改變的道路漫長而艱辛,我無力堅持,只能在中途放棄,回到原點,成為一個永遠的失敗者,只能在後悔中度過餘生。/ The path of change is long and arduous, and I am powerless to persevere, only able to give up halfway and return to where I started, becoming a permanent failure, only able to spend the rest of my life in regret.

56. 我想要改變,卻發現自己身處一個無法改變的命運中,只能在無力中屈服。/ I want to change, but I find myself in a destiny that cannot be changed, only able to submit in powerlessness.

57. 我渴望改變,卻被自己的無知所蒙蔽,看不到改變的可能性,只能在迷茫中徘徊。/ I yearn for change, but I am blinded by my own ignorance, unable to see the possibility of change, only able to wander in confusion.

58. 改變的機會轉瞬即逝,我無力把握,只能眼睜睜看著它溜走,成為一個永遠的遺憾,只能在悔恨中度過餘生。/ The opportunity for change is fleeting, and I am powerless to seize it, only able to watch as it slips away, becoming a permanent regret, only able to spend the rest of my life in remorse.

59. 我想要改變,卻發現自己被困在一個無解的循環裡,永遠無法脫離,只能在無望中沉淪。/ I want to change, but I find myself trapped in a never-ending cycle, forever unable to break free, only able to sink into despair.

以上就是关于想改变却无能为力句子59句(想改变却无能为力句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
