
## 开玩笑的聊天句子,67句

1. 你今天怎么看起来这么精神?是昨晚没睡好,还是梦里被鬼压床了?

2. 我最近在研究如何才能长生不老,你有什么秘诀吗?

3. 你说你有多爱我?用钱来衡量一下呗,我最近缺钱花。

4. 我决定戒掉手机,从现在开始只用电脑,你愿意做我的电脑管家吗?

5. 我最近在学习魔法,想问问你,你会不会变身?

6. 我发现你今天穿的衣服特别好看,能不能送我一件?

7. 你知道吗?我最近在学做饭,第一个作品就献给你了,你准备怎么夸我?

8. 我今天出门的时候,看到一只猫长得特别像你,我差点就给它买猫粮了。

9. 你说你长得好看,可是我怎么觉得你像个猴子?

10. 我今天看到一个帅哥,长得像你,可惜他比你矮了点。

11. 我最近在学习算命,你最近有什么烦心事吗?我可以帮你算算。

12. 你说你很聪明,可你怎么连我今天穿的什么衣服都记不住?

13. 你知道我的梦想是什么吗?就是有一天能成为像你一样的“天才”。

14. 我最近在学写诗,写了一首关于你的诗,要不要听听?

15. 你说你爱我,可是你连我的生日都记不住,这算哪门子爱啊?

16. 我最近在研究如何才能让我的钱包鼓起来,你有什么妙招吗?

17. 我今天出门的时候,看到一辆车牌号很奇怪,你猜是什么?

18. 你说你很幽默,可是你的笑话一点也不好笑,我真是佩服你。

19. 我最近在学习游泳,你能不能教教我?

20. 你说你很勤劳,可是你房间的卫生你多久打扫一次?

21. 我今天在街上看到一个乞丐,他长得特别像你,我差点就给他钱了。

22. 你说你很善良,可是你昨天抢了我一颗糖,这算哪门子善良啊?

23. 我最近在学习弹吉他,想弹一首你最喜欢的歌,你能不能告诉我歌名?

24. 你说你很温柔,可是你说话的声音太大了,震得我耳朵疼。

25. 我今天在超市里看到一个特别便宜的饮料,你猜是什么?

26. 你说你很会赚钱,可是你为什么总是借我的钱?

27. 我最近在学习开车,你能不能教教我?

28. 你说你很勇敢,可是你不敢坐过山车,这算哪门子勇敢啊?

29. 我今天在网上看到一个特别好玩的视频,你能不能分享给我看看?

30. 你说你很会做饭,可是你做出来的菜我都没法吃,这算哪门子会做饭啊?

31. 我最近在学习跳舞,你能不能教教我?

32. 你说你很会唱歌,可是你唱的歌跑调了,这算哪门子会唱歌啊?

33. 我今天在街上看到一个特别帅的男生,你猜他是不是你的粉丝?

34. 你说你很会拍照,可是你拍出来的照片总是糊的,这算哪门子会拍照啊?

35. 我最近在学习画画,想画一张你的肖像画,你能不能帮我做模特?

36. 你说你很会讲故事,可是你讲的故事总是很无聊,这算哪门子会讲故事啊?

37. 我今天在公园里看到一只特别可爱的兔子,你猜它是不是你的宠物?

38. 你说你很会玩游戏,可是你总是输,这算哪门子会玩游戏啊?

39. 我最近在学习写作,想写一篇关于你的文章,你能不能给我提供一些素材?

40. 你说你很会打篮球,可是你总是投不进,这算哪门子会打篮球啊?

41. 我今天在电影院里看到一部特别好看的电影,你猜是不是爱情片?

42. 你说你很会做手工,可是你做的东西总是很丑,这算哪门子会做手工啊?

43. 我最近在学习编程,想写一个程序来监控你,你同意吗?

44. 你说你很会化妆,可是你化出来的妆像是鬼,这算哪门子会化妆啊?

45. 我今天在书店里看到一本特别好看的书,你猜是不是小说?

46. 你说你很会设计,可是你设计的衣服我都不敢穿,这算哪门子会设计啊?

47. 我最近在学习表演,想演一部关于你的电影,你能不能帮我做剧本?

48. 你说你很会弹钢琴,可是你弹出来的曲子都是噪音,这算哪门子会弹钢琴啊?

49. 我今天在街上看到一个特别搞笑的小丑,你猜他是不是你的亲戚?

50. 你说你很会做演讲,可是你讲的都是废话,这算哪门子会做演讲啊?

51. 我最近在学习游泳,想跟你比赛,你敢吗?

52. 你说你很会玩游戏,可是你总是输给我,你该不会是故意输的吧?

53. 我今天在街上看到一个特别帅的男生,你猜他是不是你的男朋友?

54. 你说你很会做饭,可是你做出来的菜总是很咸,你该不会是故意放太多盐的吧?

55. 我最近在学习跳舞,想跟你一起跳双人舞,你愿意吗?

56. 你说你很会唱歌,可是你唱的歌总是走调,你该不会是故意跑调的吧?

57. 我今天在网上看到一个特别好玩的视频,你猜是不是关于你的?

58. 你说你很会写文章,可是你写的文章总是文不对题,你该不会是故意写错的吧?

59. 我最近在学习画画,想画一张你的肖像画,你能不能摆个酷酷的姿势?

60. 你说你很会玩游戏,可是你总是玩不过我,你该不会是故意放水吧?

61. 我今天在街上看到一个特别漂亮的女孩子,你猜她是不是你的粉丝?

62. 你说你很会做手工,可是你做的东西总是很丑,你该不会是故意做成这样吧?

63. 我最近在学习编程,想写一个程序来监控你的手机,你同意吗?

64. 你说你很会化妆,可是你化出来的妆像是鬼,你该不会是故意吓人吧?

65. 我今天在书店里看到一本特别好看的书,你猜是不是关于你的?

66. 你说你很会设计,可是你设计的衣服我都不敢穿,你该不会是故意设计成这样吧?

67. 我最近在学习表演,想演一部关于你的电影,你能不能帮我写个剧本?

## 英文翻译:

1. Why do you look so energetic today? Did you not sleep well last night, or did you get sleep paralysis in your dream?

2. I've been researching how to live forever recently, do you have any secrets?

3. How much do you say you love me? Measure it with money, I need money lately.

4. I decided to quit my phone, from now on I'll only use the computer, would you be my computer manager?

5. I've been learning magic recently, I want to ask you, can you transform?

6. You know what? I think the clothes you're wearing today are really nice, can you give me one?

7. I've been learning how to cook recently, my first work is for you, how are you going to praise me?

8. When I went out today, I saw a cat that looked exactly like you, I almost bought it cat food.

9. You say you are beautiful, but why do I think you look like a monkey?

10. I saw a handsome guy today, he looks like you, but he's a bit shorter than you.

11. I've been learning fortune telling recently, do you have anything bothering you recently? I can help you figure it out.

12. You say you're smart, but how come you can't even remember what I'm wearing today?

13. Do you know what my dream is? It's to be a"genius" like you one day.

14. I've been learning to write poetry recently, I wrote a poem about you, want to hear it?

15. You say you love me, but you can't even remember my birthday, what kind of love is that?

16. I've been researching how to make my wallet bulge recently, do you have any tricks?

17. I saw a car with a strange license plate number when I went out today, guess what it is?

18. You say you're humorous, but your jokes are not funny at all, I really admire you.

19. I've been learning to swim recently, can you teach me?

20. You say you're hardworking, but how often do you clean your room?

21. I saw a beggar on the street today, he looked exactly like you, I almost gave him money.

22. You say you're kind, but you stole a candy from me yesterday, what kind of kindness is that?

23. I've been learning to play the guitar recently, I want to play your favorite song, can you tell me the name?

24. You say you're gentle, but your voice is too loud, it hurts my ears.

25. I saw a really cheap drink at the supermarket today, guess what it is?

26. You say you're good at making money, but why are you always borrowing money from me?

27. I've been learning to drive recently, can you teach me?

28. You say you're brave, but you're afraid to ride a roller coaster, what kind of bravery is that?

29. I saw a really funny video online today, can you share it with me?

30. You say you're good at cooking, but I can't eat the food you cook, what kind of cooking is that?

31. I've been learning to dance recently, can you teach me?

32. You say you're good at singing, but your singing is off-key, what kind of singing is that?

33. I saw a really handsome guy on the street today, guess if he's your fan?

34. You say you're good at taking pictures, but the pictures you take are always blurry, what kind of photography is that?

35. I've been learning to draw recently, I want to draw a portrait of you, can you be my model?

36. You say you're good at telling stories, but the stories you tell are always boring, what kind of storytelling is that?

37. I saw a really cute rabbit in the park today, guess if it's your pet?

38. You say you're good at playing games, but you always lose, what kind of gaming is that?

39. I've been learning to write recently, I want to write an article about you, can you give me some materials?

40. You say you're good at playing basketball, but you always miss, what kind of basketball playing is that?

41. I saw a really good movie at the cinema today, guess if it's a romance?

42. You say you're good at making crafts, but the things you make are always ugly, what kind of crafting is that?

43. I've been learning to program recently, I want to write a program to monitor you, do you agree?

44. You say you're good at makeup, but the makeup you do looks like a ghost, what kind of makeup is that?

45. I saw a really good book at the bookstore today, guess if it's a novel?

46. You say you're good at design, but I wouldn't dare wear the clothes you designed, what kind of design is that?

47. I've been learning to act recently, I want to star in a movie about you, can you help me write the script?

48. You say you're good at playing the piano, but the music you play is all noise, what kind of piano playing is that?

49. I saw a really funny clown on the street today, guess if he's your relative?

50. You say you're good at giving speeches, but you just talk nonsense, what kind of speechmaking is that?

51. I've been learning to swim recently, I want to race you, are you up for it?

52. You say you're good at playing games, but you always lose to me, you wouldn't be losing on purpose, would you?

53. I saw a really handsome guy on the street today, guess if he's your boyfriend?

54. You say you're good at cooking, but the food you cook is always salty, you wouldn't be putting too much salt on purpose, would you?

55. I've been learning to dance recently, I want to dance with you, would you like to?

56. You say you're good at singing, but your singing is always off-key, you wouldn't be singing off-key on purpose, would you?

57. I saw a really funny video online today, guess if it's about you?

58. You say you're good at writing articles, but the articles you write are always off-topic, you wouldn't be writing them wrong on purpose, would you?

59. I've been learning to draw recently, I want to draw a portrait of you, can you strike a cool pose?

60. You say you're good at playing games, but you always lose to me, you wouldn't be throwing the game on purpose, would you?

61. I saw a really beautiful girl on the street today, guess if she's your fan?

62. You say you're good at making crafts, but the things you make are always ugly, you wouldn't be making them that way on purpose, would you?

63. I've been learning to program recently, I want to write a program to monitor your phone, do you agree?

64. You say you're good at makeup, but the makeup you do looks like a ghost, you wouldn't be trying to scare people on purpose, would you?

65. I saw a really good book at the bookstore today, guess if it's about you?

66. You say you're good at design, but I wouldn't dare wear the clothes you designed, you wouldn't be designing them that way on purpose, would you?

67. I've been learning to act recently, I want to star in a movie about you, can you help me write the script?

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