
## 坛经悟性句子 (94句)

**1. 菩提本无树,明镜亦非台。**

The bodhi tree does not exist, nor is the mirror platform a reality.

**2. 本来无一物,何处惹尘埃。**

There is originally nothing, where does the dust come from?

**3. 心生则种种法生,心灭则种种法灭。**

When the mind arises, all phenomena arise; when the mind ceases, all phenomena cease.

**4. 一切有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观。**

All conditioned phenomena are like dreams, bubbles, shadows, and lightning; they should be viewed as such.

**5. 应无所住,而生其心。**

One should not dwell in anything, yet the mind arises.

**6. 善知识,莫将旧事挂心头。**

Good friends, do not burden your hearts with the past.

**7. 若人欲了知,三世一切佛,应观法界性,一切唯心造。**

If one wishes to understand all the Buddhas of the three times, one should observe the nature of the Dharma realm, all is created by the mind.

**8. 无念无想,无住无着。**

No thoughts, no ideas, no dwelling, no attachment.

**9. 自性本自清净,本自具足,本无动摇,本自具足一切功德。**

Our true nature is inherently pure, inherently complete, inherently unwavering, and inherently possessing all perfections.

**10. 直心是道场。**

A straight mind is the dharma ground.

**11. 见性成佛。**

To see one's true nature is to become a Buddha.

**12. 佛法无边,心量广大。**

The Dharma is boundless, the mind is vast.

**13. 一切众生皆有佛性。**

All beings have Buddha nature.

**14. 心即是佛。**

The mind is the Buddha.

**15. 放下屠刀,立地成佛。**

Lay down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha right here and now.

**16. 一念成佛,一念成魔。**

One thought can create a Buddha, one thought can create a demon.

**17. 迷时师度,悟时自度。**

When confused, a teacher guides you; when enlightened, you guide yourself.

**18. 一花一世界,一叶一如来。**

One flower is a whole world, one leaf is a Tathagata.

**19. 空即是色,色即是空。**

Emptiness is form, form is emptiness.

**20. 不著相,不执着。**

Don't cling to appearances, don't be attached.

**21. 一切法无我,一切法无生。**

All phenomena are selfless, all phenomena are unborn.

**22. 不识本心,长劫轮回。**

Not knowing one's true nature leads to endless cycles of rebirth.

**23. 心净则国土净。**

When the mind is pure, the land is pure.

**24. 佛性平等,无有差别。**

Buddha nature is equal, there is no difference.

**25. 法无定法。**

There is no fixed law in the Dharma.

**26. 修行无捷径。**

There are no shortcuts in practice.

**27. 随缘自在。**

Go with the flow, be at ease.

**28. 无住生心。**

A mind free from attachment arises.

**29. 不争不求,无欲无求。**

Not striving, not seeking, no desires, no wants.

**30. 万法归一。**

All phenomena return to one.

**31. 无相无形,无生无灭。**

Formless, shapeless, unborn, undying.

**32. 心如止水,波澜不惊。**

The mind is like still water, undisturbed by waves.

**33. 不畏生死,无惧轮回。**

Fearless of life and death, not afraid of rebirth.

**34. 随缘度众生。**

Guide beings according to their karma.

**35. 慈悲喜舍。**

Compassion, loving-kindness, joy, and equanimity.

**36. 戒定慧。**

Precepts, concentration, wisdom.

**37. 自性圆满。**

Our true nature is perfect.

**38. 不求人天福报。**

Don't seek rewards in human or heavenly realms.

**39. 一切唯心造。**

All is created by the mind.

**40. 放下执着,获得自在。**

Let go of attachment, achieve freedom.

**41. 破除我执,证得无我。**

Break through the ego, realize non-self.

**42. 身是菩提树,心如明镜台。**

The body is the bodhi tree, the mind is the mirror platform.

**43. 一切众生皆是佛。**

All beings are Buddhas.

**44. 心外无佛。**

There is no Buddha outside the mind.

**45. 观自在菩萨,行深般若波罗蜜多时,照见五蕴皆空,度一切苦厄。**

When the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara deeply practiced the paramita of perfect wisdom, he saw that the five aggregates are empty, and thus he liberated all suffering.

**46. 诸行无常,诸法无我。**

All conditioned phenomena are impermanent, all phenomena are selfless.

**47. 无为法,是真法。**

The Dharma of non-action is the true Dharma.

**48. 一念不生,万法皆空。**

When a single thought does not arise, all phenomena are empty.

**49. 无明是本,生死是果。**

Ignorance is the root, birth and death are the fruit.

**50. 无缘大慈,同体大悲。**

Great compassion without cause, great sorrow for all beings as one body.

**51. 法尚可捨,何况非法。**

Even the Dharma can be relinquished, let alone things that are not Dharma.

**52. 但莫憎爱,一切无碍。**

Just don't hate or love, everything is without hindrance.

**53. 无住而生其心,无住而行其事。**

A mind arising without attachment, actions done without attachment.

**54. 心生法生,心灭法灭。**

When the mind arises, phenomena arise; when the mind ceases, phenomena cease.

**55. 无我相,无人相,无众生相,无寿者相。**

No self-identity, no personal identity, no identity of beings, no identity of a lifespan.

**56. 一切法皆如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观。**

All phenomena are like dreams, bubbles, shadows, and lightning; they should be viewed as such.

**57. 不思善,不思恶,心无善恶,无善无恶,名为真善。**

Not thinking of good, not thinking of evil, the mind without good and evil, without good and without evil, is called true goodness.

**58. 无住生心,无住行道。**

A mind arising without attachment, practicing the path without attachment.

**59. 不住色声香味触法,不入灭尽定。**

Not dwelling on form, sound, smell, taste, touch, or Dharma, not entering the state of complete extinction.

**60. 无相布施,无相持戒,无相忍辱,无相精进,无相禅定,无相般若。**

Giving without attachment, keeping precepts without attachment, practicing patience without attachment, practicing diligence without attachment, practicing meditation without attachment, practicing wisdom without attachment.

**61. 见一切法,皆如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观。**

See all phenomena as like dreams, bubbles, shadows, and lightning; they should be viewed as such.

**62. 远离一切相,一切法无我。**

Stay away from all appearances, all phenomena are selfless.

**63. 无住心生,无住心行。**

A mind arising without attachment, a mind acting without attachment.

**64. 无心无念,无住无着。**

No mind, no thoughts, no dwelling, no attachment.

**65. 不为善,不为恶,无善无恶,名为善。**

Not doing good, not doing evil, neither good nor evil, is called goodness.

**66. 无念为宗,无相为体,无住为本。**

No thought as the foundation, no form as the essence, no dwelling as the root.

**67. 心无挂碍,无挂碍故,无有恐怖,远离颠倒梦想。**

The mind is free from obstructions, free from obstructions, there is no fear, far from delusions and fantasies.

**68. 一切有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观。**

All conditioned phenomena are like dreams, bubbles, shadows, and lightning; they should be viewed as such.

**69. 一切法无常,一切法无我。**

All phenomena are impermanent, all phenomena are selfless.

**70. 应无所住,而生其心。**

One should not dwell in anything, yet the mind arises.

**71. 直心是道场。**

A straight mind is the dharma ground.

**72. 无心无念,无住无着。**

No mind, no thoughts, no dwelling, no attachment.

**73. 不执着一切法,不执着空。**

Don't cling to any phenomena, don't cling to emptiness.

**74. 一切法皆空,一切法无我,一切法无生,一切法无灭。**

All phenomena are empty, all phenomena are selfless, all phenomena are unborn, all phenomena are undying.

**75. 无相布施,无相持戒,无相忍辱,无相精进,无相禅定,无相般若。**

Giving without attachment, keeping precepts without attachment, practicing patience without attachment, practicing diligence without attachment, practicing meditation without attachment, practicing wisdom without attachment.

**76. 不生不灭,不垢不净,不增不减。**

Unborn, undying, neither pure nor impure, neither increasing nor decreasing.

**77. 无住生心,无住行道。**

A mind arising without attachment, practicing the path without attachment.

**78. 无我相,无人相,无众生相,无寿者相。**

No self-identity, no personal identity, no identity of beings, no identity of a lifespan.

**79. 一切法皆如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观。**

All phenomena are like dreams, bubbles, shadows, and lightning; they should be viewed as such.

**80. 不思善,不思恶,心无善恶,无善无恶,名为真善。**

Not thinking of good, not thinking of evil, the mind without good and evil, without good and without evil, is called true goodness.

**81. 无念为宗,无相为体,无住为本。**

No thought as the foundation, no form as the essence, no dwelling as the root.

**82. 心无挂碍,无挂碍故,无有恐怖,远离颠倒梦想。**

The mind is free from obstructions, free from obstructions, there is no fear, far from delusions and fantasies.

**83. 一切有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观。**

All conditioned phenomena are like dreams, bubbles, shadows, and lightning; they should be viewed as such.

**84. 一切法无常,一切法无我。**

All phenomena are impermanent, all phenomena are selfless.

**85. 应无所住,而生其心。**

One should not dwell in anything, yet the mind arises.

**86. 直心是道场。**

A straight mind is the dharma ground.

**87. 无心无念,无住无着。**

No mind, no thoughts, no dwelling, no attachment.

**88. 不执着一切法,不执着空。**

Don't cling to any phenomena, don't cling to emptiness.

**89. 一切法皆空,一切法无我,一切法无生,一切法无灭。**

All phenomena are empty, all phenomena are selfless, all phenomena are unborn, all phenomena are undying.

**90. 无相布施,无相持戒,无相忍辱,无相精进,无相禅定,无相般若。**

Giving without attachment, keeping precepts without attachment, practicing patience without attachment, practicing diligence without attachment, practicing meditation without attachment, practicing wisdom without attachment.

**91. 不生不灭,不垢不净,不增不减。**

Unborn, undying, neither pure nor impure, neither increasing nor decreasing.

**92. 无住生心,无住行道。**

A mind arising without attachment, practicing the path without attachment.

**93. 无我相,无人相,无众生相,无寿者相。**

No self-identity, no personal identity, no identity of beings, no identity of a lifespan.

**94. 一切法皆如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观。**

All phenomena are like dreams, bubbles, shadows, and lightning; they should be viewed as such.

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