
## 雪的句子 (98句)

1. 雪花轻盈地飘落,像无数个白色精灵在空中舞蹈。

2. 雪花落在树枝上,像给树木披上了一件洁白的棉衣。

3. 雪花落在屋顶上,像给房屋盖了一层厚厚的被子。

4. 雪花落在田野上,像给大地铺上了一张银色的地毯。

5. 雪花落在河面上,像给河面盖上了一层晶莹的薄冰。

6. 雪花落在孩子们的脸上,像给他们送来冬日的问候。

7. 雪花落在城市的街道上,像给城市增添了一份宁静与洁净。

8. 雪花落在山峰上,像给山峰披上了一件白色的斗篷。

9. 雪花落在草原上,像给草原铺上了一层厚厚的积雪。

10. 雪花落在森林里,像给森林披上了一件白色的外衣。

11. 雪花落在湖泊上,像给湖泊盖上了一层白色的冰面。

12. 雪花落在池塘里,像给池塘增添了一份静谧与美感。

13. 雪花落在草地上,像给草地盖上了一层白色的棉被。

14. 雪花落在花坛里,像给花坛增添了一份冬日的气息。

15. 雪花落在窗台上,像给窗户披上了一层白色的纱衣。

16. 雪花落在屋檐上,像给屋檐增添了一份冬日的韵味。

17. 雪花落在墙面上,像给墙壁增添了一份冬日的色彩。

18. 雪花落在路灯上,像给路灯增添了一份冬日的浪漫。

19. 雪花落在树干上,像给树干披上了一件白色的外衣。

20. 雪花落在桥梁上,像给桥梁增添了一份冬日的美丽。

21. 雪花落在河流上,像给河流增添了一份冬日的静谧。

22. 雪花落在山坡上,像给山坡增添了一份冬日的壮丽。

23. 雪花落在田埂上,像给田埂增添了一份冬日的朴实。

24. 雪花落在房顶上,像给房顶增添了一份冬日的温暖。

25. 雪花落在树根上,像给树根增添了一份冬日的坚韧。

26. 雪花落在草丛中,像给草丛增添了一份冬日的生机。

27. 雪花落在石阶上,像给石阶增添了一份冬日的静穆。

28. 雪花落在街道上,像给街道增添了一份冬日的洁净。

29. 雪花落在屋内,像给屋内增添了一份冬日的温暖。

30. 雪花落在花园里,像给花园增添了一份冬日的诗意。

31. 雪花落在山谷里,像给山谷增添了一份冬日的宁静。

32. 雪花落在海边,像给海边增添了一份冬日的壮阔。

33. 雪花落在旷野上,像给旷野增添了一份冬日的空旷。

34. 雪花落在沙漠里,像给沙漠增添了一份冬日的奇特。

35. 雪花落在冰川上,像给冰川增添了一份冬日的壮观。

36. 雪花落在极地,像给极地增添了一份冬日的纯净。

37. 雪花落在天空,像给天空增添了一份冬日的美丽。

38. 雪花落在夜空中,像给夜空增添了一份冬日的浪漫。

39. 雪花落在城市里,像给城市增添了一份冬日的宁静。

40. 雪花落在乡村里,像给乡村增添了一份冬日的淳朴。

41. 雪花落在田野里,像给田野增添了一份冬日的广阔。

42. 雪花落在森林里,像给森林增添了一份冬日的神秘。

43. 雪花落在湖泊里,像给湖泊增添了一份冬日的静谧。

44. 雪花落在河流里,像给河流增添了一份冬日的温柔。

45. 雪花落在山峰上,像给山峰增添了一份冬日的雄伟。

46. 雪花落在草原上,像给草原增添了一份冬日的广阔。

47. 雪花落在沙漠里,像给沙漠增添了一份冬日的奇特。

48. 雪花落在冰川上,像给冰川增添了一份冬日的壮观。

49. 雪花落在极地,像给极地增添了一份冬日的纯净。

50. 雪花落在世界的每个角落,像给世界增添了一份冬日的美丽。

51. 冬天来了,下雪了,世界一片银装素裹。

52. 雪花飘飘,像天空中下了一场鹅毛大雪。

53. 雪花纷纷扬扬,像无数个白色的精灵在空中飞舞。

54. 雪花落在树枝上,像给树木披上了一件白色的羽绒服。

55. 雪花落在屋顶上,像给房屋盖了一层厚厚的棉被。

56. 雪花落在田野上,像给大地铺上了一张银色的地毯。

57. 雪花落在河面上,像给河面盖上了一层晶莹的薄冰。

58. 雪花落在孩子们的手上,像给他们送来冬日的问候。

59. 雪花落在城市的街道上,像给城市增添了一份宁静与洁净。

60. 雪花落在山峰上,像给山峰披上了一件白色的斗篷。

61. 雪花落在草原上,像给草原铺上了一层厚厚的积雪。

62. 雪花落在森林里,像给森林披上了一件白色的外衣。

63. 雪花落在湖泊上,像给湖泊盖上了一层白色的冰面。

64. 雪花落在池塘里,像给池塘增添了一份静谧与美感。

65. 雪花落在草地上,像给草地盖上了一层白色的棉被。

66. 雪花落在花坛里,像给花坛增添了一份冬日的气息。

67. 雪花落在窗台上,像给窗户披上了一层白色的纱衣。

68. 雪花落在屋檐上,像给屋檐增添了一份冬日的韵味。

69. 雪花落在墙面上,像给墙壁增添了一份冬日的色彩。

70. 雪花落在路灯上,像给路灯增添了一份冬日的浪漫。

71. 雪花落在树干上,像给树干披上了一件白色的外衣。

72. 雪花落在桥梁上,像给桥梁增添了一份冬日的美丽。

73. 雪花落在河流上,像给河流增添了一份冬日的静谧。

74. 雪花落在山坡上,像给山坡增添了一份冬日的壮丽。

75. 雪花落在田埂上,像给田埂增添了一份冬日的朴实。

76. 雪花落在房顶上,像给房顶增添了一份冬日的温暖。

77. 雪花落在树根上,像给树根增添了一份冬日的坚韧。

78. 雪花落在草丛中,像给草丛增添了一份冬日的生机。

79. 雪花落在石阶上,像给石阶增添了一份冬日的静穆。

80. 雪花落在街道上,像给街道增添了一份冬日的洁净。

81. 雪花落在屋内,像给屋内增添了一份冬日的温暖。

82. 雪花落在花园里,像给花园增添了一份冬日的诗意。

83. 雪花落在山谷里,像给山谷增添了一份冬日的宁静。

84. 雪花落在海边,像给海边增添了一份冬日的壮阔。

85. 雪花落在旷野上,像给旷野增添了一份冬日的空旷。

86. 雪花落在沙漠里,像给沙漠增添了一份冬日的奇特。

87. 雪花落在冰川上,像给冰川增添了一份冬日的壮观。

88. 雪花落在极地,像给极地增添了一份冬日的纯净。

89. 雪花落在天空,像给天空增添了一份冬日的美丽。

90. 雪花落在夜空中,像给夜空增添了一份冬日的浪漫。

91. 雪花落在城市里,像给城市增添了一份冬日的宁静。

92. 雪花落在乡村里,像给乡村增添了一份冬日的淳朴。

93. 雪花落在田野里,像给田野增添了一份冬日的广阔。

94. 雪花落在森林里,像给森林增添了一份冬日的神秘。

95. 雪花落在湖泊里,像给湖泊增添了一份冬日的静谧。

96. 雪花落在河流里,像给河流增添了一份冬日的温柔。

97. 雪花落在山峰上,像给山峰增添了一份冬日的雄伟。

98. 雪花落在草原上,像给草原增添了一份冬日的广阔。

## 英文翻译

1. Snowflakes fall lightly, like countless white spirits dancing in the air.

2. Snowflakes fall on the branches, as if putting on a white cotton coat for the trees.

3. Snowflakes fall on the roof, like putting a thick quilt on the house.

4. Snowflakes fall on the fields, like laying a silver carpet on the earth.

5. Snowflakes fall on the river surface, like covering the river surface with a layer of crystal clear ice.

6. Snowflakes fall on the children's faces, like sending them winter greetings.

7. Snowflakes fall on the city streets, like adding a sense of peace and cleanliness to the city.

8. Snowflakes fall on the mountain peaks, like putting on a white cloak for the mountain peaks.

9. Snowflakes fall on the grassland, like putting a thick layer of snow on the grassland.

10. Snowflakes fall in the forest, like putting on a white coat for the forest.

11. Snowflakes fall on the lake, like covering the lake with a white ice surface.

12. Snowflakes fall in the pond, like adding a sense of tranquility and beauty to the pond.

13. Snowflakes fall on the grass, like covering the grass with a white blanket.

14. Snowflakes fall in the flower beds, like adding a touch of winter to the flower beds.

15. Snowflakes fall on the windowsill, like putting on a white veil for the window.

16. Snowflakes fall on the eaves, like adding a touch of winter charm to the eaves.

17. Snowflakes fall on the wall, like adding a touch of winter color to the wall.

18. Snowflakes fall on the street lamp, like adding a touch of winter romance to the street lamp.

19. Snowflakes fall on the trunk, like putting on a white coat for the trunk.

20. Snowflakes fall on the bridge, like adding a touch of winter beauty to the bridge.

21. Snowflakes fall on the river, like adding a touch of winter tranquility to the river.

22. Snowflakes fall on the hillside, like adding a touch of winter magnificence to the hillside.

23. Snowflakes fall on the ridge, like adding a touch of winter simplicity to the ridge.

24. Snowflakes fall on the roof, like adding a touch of winter warmth to the roof.

25. Snowflakes fall on the tree roots, like adding a touch of winter tenacity to the tree roots.

26. Snowflakes fall in the grass, like adding a touch of winter vitality to the grass.

27. Snowflakes fall on the stone steps, like adding a touch of winter serenity to the stone steps.

28. Snowflakes fall on the street, like adding a touch of winter cleanliness to the street.

29. Snowflakes fall in the house, like adding a touch of winter warmth to the house.

30. Snowflakes fall in the garden, like adding a touch of winter poetry to the garden.

31. Snowflakes fall in the valley, like adding a touch of winter tranquility to the valley.

32. Snowflakes fall by the sea, like adding a touch of winter grandeur to the sea.

33. Snowflakes fall on the wilderness, like adding a touch of winter vastness to the wilderness.

34. Snowflakes fall in the desert, like adding a touch of winter strangeness to the desert.

35. Snowflakes fall on the glacier, like adding a touch of winter magnificence to the glacier.

36. Snowflakes fall in the polar regions, like adding a touch of winter purity to the polar regions.

37. Snowflakes fall in the sky, like adding a touch of winter beauty to the sky.

38. Snowflakes fall in the night sky, like adding a touch of winter romance to the night sky.

39. Snowflakes fall in the city, like adding a touch of winter tranquility to the city.

40. Snowflakes fall in the countryside, like adding a touch of winter simplicity to the countryside.

41. Snowflakes fall in the field, like adding a touch of winter vastness to the field.

42. Snowflakes fall in the forest, like adding a touch of winter mystery to the forest.

43. Snowflakes fall in the lake, like adding a touch of winter tranquility to the lake.

44. Snowflakes fall in the river, like adding a touch of winter gentleness to the river.

45. Snowflakes fall on the mountain peak, like adding a touch of winter grandeur to the mountain peak.

46. Snowflakes fall on the grassland, like adding a touch of winter vastness to the grassland.

47. Snowflakes fall in the desert, like adding a touch of winter strangeness to the desert.

48. Snowflakes fall on the glacier, like adding a touch of winter magnificence to the glacier.

49. Snowflakes fall in the polar regions, like adding a touch of winter purity to the polar regions.

50. Snowflakes fall in every corner of the world, like adding a touch of winter beauty to the world.

51. Winter has come, it's snowing, and the world is covered in silver.

52. Snowflakes are floating, like a鹅毛大雪 (goose feather snowstorm) in the sky.

53. Snowflakes are falling in abundance, like countless white spirits dancing in the air.

54. Snowflakes fall on the branches, like putting on a white down jacket for the trees.

55. Snowflakes fall on the roof, like putting a thick quilt on the house.

56. Snowflakes fall on the fields, like laying a silver carpet on the earth.

57. Snowflakes fall on the river surface, like covering the river surface with a layer of crystal clear ice.

58. Snowflakes fall on the children's hands, like sending them winter greetings.

59. Snowflakes fall on the city streets, like adding a sense of peace and cleanliness to the city.

60. Snowflakes fall on the mountain peaks, like putting on a white cloak for the mountain peaks.

61. Snowflakes fall on the grassland, like putting a thick layer of snow on the grassland.

62. Snowflakes fall in the forest, like putting on a white coat for the forest.

63. Snowflakes fall on the lake, like covering the lake with a white ice surface.

64. Snowflakes fall in the pond, like adding a sense of tranquility and beauty to the pond.

65. Snowflakes fall on the grass, like covering the grass with a white blanket.

66. Snowflakes fall in the flower beds, like adding a touch of winter to the flower beds.

67. Snowflakes fall on the windowsill, like putting on a white veil for the window.

68. Snowflakes fall on the eaves, like adding a touch of winter charm to the eaves.

69. Snowflakes fall on the wall, like adding a touch of winter color to the wall.

70. Snowflakes fall on the street lamp, like adding a touch of winter romance to the street lamp.

71. Snowflakes fall on the trunk, like putting on a white coat for the trunk.

72. Snowflakes fall on the bridge, like adding a touch of winter beauty to the bridge.

73. Snowflakes fall on the river, like adding a touch of winter tranquility to the river.

74. Snowflakes fall on the hillside, like adding a touch of winter magnificence to the hillside.

75. Snowflakes fall on the ridge, like adding a touch of winter simplicity to the ridge.

76. Snowflakes fall on the roof, like adding a touch of winter warmth to the roof.

77. Snowflakes fall on the tree roots, like adding a touch of winter tenacity to the tree roots.

78. Snowflakes fall in the grass, like adding a touch of winter vitality to the grass.

79. Snowflakes fall on the stone steps, like adding a touch of winter serenity to the stone steps.

80. Snowflakes fall on the street, like adding a touch of winter cleanliness to the street.

81. Snowflakes fall in the house, like adding a touch of winter warmth to the house.

82. Snowflakes fall in the garden, like adding a touch of winter poetry to the garden.

83. Snowflakes fall in the valley, like adding a touch of winter tranquility to the valley.

84. Snowflakes fall by the sea, like adding a touch of winter grandeur to the sea.

85. Snowflakes fall on the wilderness, like adding a touch of winter vastness to the wilderness.

86. Snowflakes fall in the desert, like adding a touch of winter strangeness to the desert.

87. Snowflakes fall on the glacier, like adding a touch of winter magnificence to the glacier.

88. Snowflakes fall in the polar regions, like adding a touch of winter purity to the polar regions.

89. Snowflakes fall in the sky, like adding a touch of winter beauty to the sky.

90. Snowflakes fall in the night sky, like adding a touch of winter romance to the night sky.

91. Snowflakes fall in the city, like adding a touch of winter tranquility to the city.

92. Snowflakes fall in the countryside, like adding a touch of winter simplicity to the countryside.

93. Snowflakes fall in the field, like adding a touch of winter vastness to the field.

94. Snowflakes fall in the forest, like adding a touch of winter mystery to the forest.

95. Snowflakes fall in the lake, like adding a touch of winter tranquility to the lake.

96. Snowflakes fall in the river, like adding a touch of winter gentleness to the river.

97. Snowflakes fall on the mountain peak, like adding a touch of winter grandeur to the mountain peak.

98. Snowflakes fall on the grassland, like adding a touch of winter vastness to the grassland.

以上就是关于对雪表达句子98句(对雪表达句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
