
## 对身边的人好点的句子,89句


1. 你是最棒的!你总是能让我笑!

You are the best! You always make me laugh!

2. 谢谢你一直都在!

Thank you for always being there!

3. 我很幸运有你!

I'm so lucky to have you!

4. 你真善良!

You are so kind!

5. 你真漂亮!

You are so beautiful!

6. 我真的欣赏你!

I really appreciate you!

7. 你今天看起来真棒!

You look amazing today!

8. 我为你的成功感到骄傲!

I'm so proud of your success!

9. 我爱你!

I love you!

10. 你永远是我最好的朋友!

You will always be my best friend!


11. 你可以的!

You can do it!

12. 我相信你!

I believe in you!

13. 别放弃!

Don't give up!

14. 我会一直支持你的!

I will always support you!

15. 你比你想象的更坚强!

You are stronger than you think!

16. 你很棒!

You are awesome!

17. 你真勇敢!

You are so brave!

18. 我相信你会取得成功!

I believe you will succeed!

19. 你是特别的!

You are special!

20. 你值得拥有最好的!

You deserve the best!


21. 谢谢你一直在我身边!

Thank you for always being there for me!

22. 谢谢你所有的帮助!

Thank you for all your help!

23. 我很感激你!

I am grateful for you!

24. 我真的很感谢你的支持!

I am truly thankful for your support!

25. 我很幸运有你作为我的朋友!

I am lucky to have you as my friend!

26. 你的存在让我的人生变得更加美好!

You make my life better just by being in it!

27. 谢谢你让我的一天变得如此美好!

Thank you for making my day so much better!

28. 谢谢你让我微笑!

Thank you for making me smile!

29. 我很感谢你出现在我的生命中!

I am grateful for you being in my life!

30. 你总是能让我感到快乐!

You always make me happy!


31. 你好吗?

How are you?

32. 你今天过得怎么样?

How was your day?

33. 我很担心你!

I'm worried about you!

34. 我想念你!

I miss you!

35. 需要我帮忙吗?

Do you need any help?

36. 我很乐意倾听你的心声!

I'm happy to listen to you!

37. 我会一直陪着你的!

I'll be here for you!

38. 别担心,一切都会好起来的!

Don't worry, everything will be alright!

39. 你值得被爱和关怀!

You deserve to be loved and cared for!

40. 你是我最珍贵的人!

You are my most precious person!


41. 你真棒!

You're amazing!

42. 你真聪明!

You're so smart!

43. 你真有才!

You're so talented!

44. 我真佩服你!

I admire you!

45. 你真独特!

You're unique!

46. 你真有创意!

You're so creative!

47. 你真有趣!

You're so funny!

48. 你真有魅力!

You're so charming!

49. 我真喜欢你的性格!

I really like your personality!

50. 你真让我感到惊叹!

You amaze me!


51. 我真的很高兴认识你!

I'm so glad to know you!

52. 我们的友谊对我来说非常珍贵!

Our friendship is very precious to me!

53. 我永远不会忘记你!

I will never forget you!

54. 我们是一辈子的朋友!

We're friends for life!

55. 我很高兴能与你分享我的喜悦!

I'm so happy to share my joys with you!

56. 我很乐意与你一起度过时光!

I'm happy to spend time with you!

57. 我们一起度过了很多美好的时光!

We've had so many great times together!

58. 我们的友谊是无价的!

Our friendship is priceless!

59. 我真的很珍惜我们的友谊!

I truly cherish our friendship!

60. 我很高兴你是我的朋友!

I'm so glad you're my friend!


61. 对不起!

I'm sorry!

62. 我错了!

I was wrong!

63. 请原谅我!

Please forgive me!

64. 我很抱歉我伤害了你!

I'm sorry I hurt you!

65. 我会尽力弥补我的错误!

I'll do my best to make up for my mistakes!

66. 我很感谢你的原谅!

I'm thankful for your forgiveness!

67. 我知道我做错了,我会吸取教训!

I know I made a mistake, I'll learn from it!

68. 我希望你能理解我的行为!

I hope you can understand my actions!

69. 我不想失去你!

I don't want to lose you!

70. 我会更加注意我的言行!

I'll be more careful with my words and actions!


71. 你今天过得怎么样?

How are you doing today?

72. 很高兴见到你!

It's nice to see you!

73. 祝你一切顺利!

I wish you all the best!

74. 我很乐意帮你!

I'm happy to help!

75. 让我们一起努力吧!

Let's work together!

76. 祝你一切顺利!

Good luck!

77. 你很棒!

You're great!

78. 祝你今天过得愉快!

Have a nice day!

79. 我相信你能做到!

I believe you can do it!

80. 我很支持你!

I'm behind you!


81. 你是我的一切!

You are everything to me!

82. 我爱你胜过一切!

I love you more than anything!

83. 你是我的全世界!

You're my whole world!

84. 我永远爱你!

I'll love you forever!

85. 你让我的生活充满意义!

You make my life worthwhile!

86. 你是我的阳光!

You are my sunshine!

87. 你是我的全部!

You are my everything!

88. 你是我生命中的奇迹!

You are a miracle in my life!

89. 我永远不会忘记你!

I'll never forget you!

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