
## 99个关于接吻和拥抱的句子,中英文对照:


1. 他的吻像夏日的微风,温柔而甜蜜。 / His kiss was like a summer breeze, gentle and sweet.

His kiss was like a summer breeze, gentle and sweet.

2. 她的吻像清晨的露珠,清凉而甘甜。 / Her kiss was like the morning dew, cool and sweet.

Her kiss was like the morning dew, cool and sweet.

3. 他们的吻充满着激情,仿佛要燃烧整个世界。 / Their kiss was full of passion, as if to burn the whole world.

Their kiss was full of passion, as if to burn the whole world.

4. 那是一个充满爱意的吻,温暖而充满希望。 / It was a kiss full of love, warm and hopeful.

It was a kiss full of love, warm and hopeful.

5. 他轻轻地吻着她的额头,表达着他的爱意。 / He gently kissed her forehead, expressing his love.

He gently kissed her forehead, expressing his love.

6. 他们的吻是无声的承诺,彼此相爱,永不分离。 / Their kiss was a silent promise, to love each other forever.

Their kiss was a silent promise, to love each other forever.

7. 那是一个带着苦涩的吻,像一杯浓烈的咖啡,苦涩中带着一丝甜。 / It was a kiss with a bitter taste, like a strong cup of coffee, bitter with a hint of sweetness.

It was a kiss with a bitter taste, like a strong cup of coffee, bitter with a hint of sweetness.

8. 他的吻像是魔法,让她忘记了所有的烦恼。 / His kiss was like magic, making her forget all her worries.

His kiss was like magic, making her forget all her worries.

9. 她的吻充满了希望,让他相信未来充满阳光。 / Her kiss was full of hope, making him believe that the future is bright.

Her kiss was full of hope, making him believe that the future is bright.

10. 他们之间的吻,是灵魂的交融,彼此的理解和默契。 / The kiss between them was a fusion of souls, a mutual understanding and tacit understanding.

The kiss between them was a fusion of souls, a mutual understanding and tacit understanding.

11. 她的嘴唇像花瓣般柔软,他的吻像春风般温柔。 / Her lips were as soft as petals, and his kiss as gentle as a spring breeze.

Her lips were as soft as petals, and his kiss as gentle as a spring breeze.

12. 他的吻带着一丝酒香,像是夜晚的星光,迷人而醉人。 / His kiss had a hint of wine, like the stars at night, charming and intoxicating.

His kiss had a hint of wine, like the stars at night, charming and intoxicating.

13. 他们的吻像是承诺,承诺着永远在一起。 / Their kiss was like a promise, a promise to be together forever.

Their kiss was like a promise, a promise to be together forever.

14. 那是一个充满悲伤的吻,像是告别,像是永远的离别。 / It was a kiss full of sadness, like a farewell, like a forever goodbye.

It was a kiss full of sadness, like a farewell, like a forever goodbye.

15. 他的吻带着一丝忧郁,像是秋天的落叶,飘零而伤感。 / His kiss had a touch of melancholy, like autumn leaves, drifting and sad.

His kiss had a touch of melancholy, like autumn leaves, drifting and sad.

16. 她的吻带着一丝苦涩,像是夏日的雨后,清新而短暂。 / Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the rain after a summer day, fresh and fleeting.

Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the rain after a summer day, fresh and fleeting.

17. 他们的吻,是彼此的慰藉,是心灵的港湾。 / Their kiss was a comfort to each other, a haven for their hearts.

Their kiss was a comfort to each other, a haven for their hearts.

18. 那是一个充满希望的吻,像是黎明前的曙光,充满着无限的可能性。 / It was a kiss full of hope, like the dawn before dawn, full of infinite possibilities.

It was a kiss full of hope, like the dawn before dawn, full of infinite possibilities.

19. 他的吻带着一丝甜蜜,像是初恋的滋味,青涩而美好。 / His kiss had a touch of sweetness, like the taste of first love, youthful and beautiful.

His kiss had a touch of sweetness, like the taste of first love, youthful and beautiful.

20. 她的吻带着一丝苦涩,像是初秋的果实,成熟而充满回忆。 / Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the fruits of early autumn, mature and full of memories.

Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the fruits of early autumn, mature and full of memories.

21. 他们的吻,是彼此的救赎,是心灵的归宿。 / Their kiss was the redemption of each other, the home of their hearts.

Their kiss was the redemption of each other, the home of their hearts.

22. 那是一个充满思念的吻,像是远方的思念,绵绵不绝。 / It was a kiss full of longing, like a longing from afar, endless.

It was a kiss full of longing, like a longing from afar, endless.

23. 他的吻带着一丝温柔,像是母亲的怀抱,温暖而舒适。 / His kiss had a touch of tenderness, like a mother's embrace, warm and comforting.

His kiss had a touch of tenderness, like a mother's embrace, warm and comforting.

24. 她的吻带着一丝苦涩,像是初恋的告别,伤感而难忘。 / Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the farewell of first love, sad and unforgettable.

Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the farewell of first love, sad and unforgettable.

25. 他们的吻,是彼此的承诺,是爱情的誓言。 / Their kiss was a promise to each other, a vow of love.

Their kiss was a promise to each other, a vow of love.

26. 那是一个充满回忆的吻,像是过去的回忆,甜蜜而温馨。 / It was a kiss full of memories, like memories of the past, sweet and warm.

It was a kiss full of memories, like memories of the past, sweet and warm.

27. 他的吻带着一丝清香,像是清晨的露珠,清新而充满活力。 / His kiss had a touch of fragrance, like the morning dew, fresh and full of vitality.

His kiss had a touch of fragrance, like the morning dew, fresh and full of vitality.

28. 她的吻带着一丝苦涩,像是夏日的黄昏,美丽而短暂。 / Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the summer twilight, beautiful and fleeting.

Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the summer twilight, beautiful and fleeting.

29. 他们的吻,是彼此的依靠,是心灵的支柱。 / Their kiss was a support for each other, a pillar for their hearts.

Their kiss was a support for each other, a pillar for their hearts.

30. 那是一个充满幸福的吻,像是梦想成真,充满着无限的喜悦。 / It was a kiss full of happiness, like a dream come true, full of infinite joy.

It was a kiss full of happiness, like a dream come true, full of infinite joy.

31. 他的吻带着一丝甜蜜,像是爱情的开始,充满着无限的期待。 / His kiss had a touch of sweetness, like the beginning of love, full of infinite expectations.

His kiss had a touch of sweetness, like the beginning of love, full of infinite expectations.

32. 她的吻带着一丝苦涩,像是爱情的结束,伤感而充满回忆。 / Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the end of love, sad and full of memories.

Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the end of love, sad and full of memories.

33. 他们的吻,是彼此的救赎,是心灵的归宿。 / Their kiss was the redemption of each other, the home of their hearts.

Their kiss was the redemption of each other, the home of their hearts.

34. 那是一个充满希望的吻,像是黎明前的曙光,充满着无限的可能性。 / It was a kiss full of hope, like the dawn before dawn, full of infinite possibilities.

It was a kiss full of hope, like the dawn before dawn, full of infinite possibilities.

35. 他的吻带着一丝温柔,像是父亲的爱,温暖而坚定。 / His kiss had a touch of tenderness, like a father's love, warm and firm.

His kiss had a touch of tenderness, like a father's love, warm and firm.

36. 她的吻带着一丝苦涩,像是离别的滋味,伤感而难忘。 / Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the taste of parting, sad and unforgettable.

Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the taste of parting, sad and unforgettable.

37. 他们的吻,是彼此的承诺,是爱情的证明。 / Their kiss was a promise to each other, a testament to love.

Their kiss was a promise to each other, a testament to love.

38. 那是一个充满回忆的吻,像是过去的回忆,美好而温暖。 / It was a kiss full of memories, like memories of the past, beautiful and warm.

It was a kiss full of memories, like memories of the past, beautiful and warm.

39. 他的吻带着一丝清香,像是夏日的夜晚,凉爽而舒适。 / His kiss had a touch of fragrance, like a summer night, cool and comfortable.

His kiss had a touch of fragrance, like a summer night, cool and comfortable.

40. 她的吻带着一丝苦涩,像是秋天的落叶,飘零而伤感。 / Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like autumn leaves, drifting and sad.

Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like autumn leaves, drifting and sad.

41. 他们的吻,是彼此的依靠,是心灵的港湾。 / Their kiss was a support for each other, a haven for their hearts.

Their kiss was a support for each other, a haven for their hearts.

42. 那是一个充满幸福的吻,像是梦想成真,充满着无限的喜悦。 / It was a kiss full of happiness, like a dream come true, full of infinite joy.

It was a kiss full of happiness, like a dream come true, full of infinite joy.

43. 他的吻带着一丝甜蜜,像是爱情的承诺,充满着无限的希望。 / His kiss had a touch of sweetness, like a promise of love, full of infinite hope.

His kiss had a touch of sweetness, like a promise of love, full of infinite hope.

44. 她的吻带着一丝苦涩,像是爱情的考验,伤感而充满考验。 / Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like a test of love, sad and full of challenges.

Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like a test of love, sad and full of challenges.

45. 他们的吻,是彼此的救赎,是心灵的归宿。 / Their kiss was the redemption of each other, the home of their hearts.

Their kiss was the redemption of each other, the home of their hearts.

46. 那是一个充满希望的吻,像是黎明前的曙光,充满着无限的可能性。 / It was a kiss full of hope, like the dawn before dawn, full of infinite possibilities.

It was a kiss full of hope, like the dawn before dawn, full of infinite possibilities.

47. 他的吻带着一丝温柔,像是春天的雨露,滋润而充满生机。 / His kiss had a touch of tenderness, like the spring rain, nourishing and full of vitality.

His kiss had a touch of tenderness, like the spring rain, nourishing and full of vitality.

48. 她的吻带着一丝苦涩,像是夏天的雨后,清新而短暂。 / Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the rain after a summer day, fresh and fleeting.

Her kiss had a touch of bitterness, like the rain after a summer day, fresh and fleeting.

49. 他们的吻,是彼此的承诺,是爱情的誓言。 / Their kiss was a promise to each other, a vow of love.

Their kiss was a promise to each other, a vow of love.

50. 那是一个充满回忆的吻,像是过去的回忆,甜蜜而温馨。 / It was a kiss full of memories, like memories of the past, sweet and warm.

It was a kiss full of memories, like memories of the past, sweet and warm.


51. 他紧紧地拥抱她,像要把她融化在他的怀抱里。 / He hugged her tightly, as if to melt her in his arms.

He hugged her tightly, as if to melt her in his arms.

52. 她的拥抱像冬日的阳光,温暖而充满希望。 / Her hug was like the winter sun, warm and hopeful.

Her hug was like the winter sun, warm and hopeful.

53. 他们的拥抱是无声的语言,表达着彼此的爱意。 / Their embrace was a silent language, expressing their love for each other.

Their embrace was a silent language, expressing their love for each other.

54. 那是一个充满安全感的拥抱,像坚强的后盾,让人安心。 / It was an embrace full of security, like a strong backing, reassuring.

It was an embrace full of security, like a strong backing, reassuring.

55. 他轻轻地拥着她,像羽毛般轻柔,让人感到舒适。 / He hugged her gently, as light as a feather, making her feel comfortable.

He hugged her gently, as light as a feather, making her feel comfortable.

56. 他们的拥抱是彼此的依靠,是心灵的港湾。 / Their embrace was a support for each other, a haven for their hearts.

Their embrace was a support for each other, a haven for their hearts.

57. 那是一个充满悲伤的拥抱,像最后的告别,让人心碎。 / It was an embrace full of sadness, like a final farewell, heartbreaking.

It was an embrace full of sadness, like a final farewell, heartbreaking.

58. 他紧紧地拥着她,像要把她融入他的生命。 / He hugged her tightly, as if to merge her into his life.

He hugged her tightly, as if to merge her into his life.

59. 她的拥抱像春天的雨露,滋润而充满生机。 / Her hug was like the spring rain, nourishing and full of vitality.

Her hug was like the spring rain, nourishing and full of vitality.

60. 他们的拥抱是彼此的承诺,承诺着永远在一起。 / Their embrace was a promise to each other, a promise to be together forever.

Their embrace was a promise to each other, a promise to be together forever.

61. 那是一个充满希望的拥抱,像黎明前的曙光,充满着无限的可能性。 / It was an embrace full of hope, like the dawn before dawn, full of infinite possibilities.

It was an embrace full of hope, like the dawn before dawn, full of infinite possibilities.

62. 他轻轻地拥着她,像月光般温柔,让人感到宁静。 / He hugged her gently, as gentle as moonlight, making her feel peaceful.

He hugged her gently, as gentle as moonlight, making her feel peaceful.

63. 她的拥抱像夏日的微风,温柔而甜蜜。 / Her hug was like a summer breeze, gentle and sweet.

Her hug was like a summer breeze, gentle and sweet.

64. 他们的拥抱是彼此的慰藉,是心灵的港湾。 / Their embrace was a comfort to each other, a haven for their hearts.

Their embrace was a comfort to each other, a haven for their hearts.

65. 那是一个充满回忆的拥抱,像过去的回忆,美好而温暖。 / It was an embrace full of memories, like memories of the past, beautiful and warm.

It was an embrace full of memories, like memories of the past, beautiful and warm.

66. 他紧紧地拥着她,像要把她融入他的世界。 / He hugged her tightly, as if to merge her into his world.

He hugged her tightly, as if to merge her into his world.

67. 她的拥抱像秋天的阳光,温暖而充满回忆。 / Her hug was like the autumn sun, warm and full of memories.

Her hug was like the autumn sun, warm and full of memories.

68. 他们的拥抱是彼此的依靠,是心灵的支柱。 / Their embrace was a support for each other, a pillar for their hearts.

Their embrace was a support for each other, a pillar for their hearts.

69. 那是一个充满思念的拥抱,像远方的思念,绵绵不绝。 / It was an embrace full of longing, like a longing from afar, endless.

It was an embrace full of longing, like a longing from afar, endless.

70. 他轻轻地拥着她,像羽毛般轻柔,让人感到安心。 / He hugged her gently, as light as a feather, making her feel reassured.

He hugged her gently, as light as a feather, making her feel reassured.

71. 她的拥抱像冬日的暖炉,温暖而充满慰藉。 / Her hug was like a winter stove, warm and comforting.

Her hug was like a winter stove, warm and comforting.

72. 他们的拥抱是彼此的承诺,承诺着永远相爱。 / Their embrace was a promise to each other, a promise to love each other forever.

Their embrace was a promise to each other, a promise to love each other forever.

73. 那是一个充满幸福的拥抱,像梦想成真,充满着无限的喜悦。 / It was an embrace full of happiness, like a dream come true, full of infinite joy.

It was an embrace full of happiness, like a dream come true, full of infinite joy.

74. 他紧紧地拥着她,像要把她融入他的生命。 / He hugged her tightly, as if to merge her into his life.

He hugged her tightly, as if to merge her into his life.

75. 她的拥抱像春天的阳光,温暖而充满生机。 / Her hug was like the spring sun, warm and full of vitality.

Her hug was like the spring sun, warm and full of vitality.

76. 他们的拥抱是彼此的依靠,是心灵的港湾。 / Their embrace was a support for each other, a haven for their hearts.

Their embrace was a support for each other, a haven for their hearts.

77. 那是一个充满希望的拥抱,像黎明前的曙光,充满着无限的可能性。 / It was an embrace full of hope, like the dawn before dawn, full of infinite possibilities.

It was an embrace full of hope, like the dawn before dawn, full of infinite possibilities.

78. 他轻轻地拥着她,像月光般温柔,让人感到温暖。 / He hugged her gently, as gentle as moonlight, making her feel warm.

He hugged her gently, as gentle as moonlight, making her feel warm.

79. 她的拥抱像夏日的雨露,滋润而充满生机。 / Her hug was like the summer rain, nourishing and full of vitality.

Her hug was like the summer rain, nourishing and full of vitality.

80. 他们的拥抱是彼此的慰藉,是心灵的港湾。 / Their embrace was a comfort to each other, a haven for their hearts.

Their embrace was a comfort to each other, a haven for their hearts.

81. 那是一个充满回忆的拥抱,像过去的回忆,美好而温暖。 / It was an embrace full of memories, like memories of the past, beautiful and warm.

It was an embrace full of memories, like memories of the past, beautiful and warm.

82. 他紧紧地拥着她,像要把她融入他的世界。 / He hugged her tightly, as if to merge her into his world.

He hugged her tightly, as if to merge her into his world.

83. 她的拥抱像秋天的阳光,温暖而充满回忆。 / Her hug was like the autumn sun, warm and full of memories.

Her hug was like the autumn sun, warm and full of memories.

84. 他们的拥抱是彼此的依靠,是心灵的支柱。 / Their embrace was a support for each other, a pillar for their hearts.

Their embrace was a support for each other, a pillar for their hearts.

85. 那是一个充满思念的拥抱,像远方的思念,绵绵不绝。 / It was an embrace full of longing, like a longing from afar, endless.

It was an embrace full of longing, like a longing from afar, endless.

86. 他轻轻地拥着她,像羽毛般轻柔,让人感到安心。 / He hugged her gently, as light as a feather, making her feel reassured.

He hugged her gently, as light as a feather, making her feel reassured.

87. 她的拥抱像冬日的暖炉,温暖而充满慰藉。 / Her hug was like a winter stove, warm and comforting.

Her hug was like a winter stove, warm and comforting.

88. 他们的拥抱是彼此的承诺,承诺着永远相爱。 / Their embrace was a promise to each other, a promise to love each other forever.

Their embrace was a promise to each other, a promise to love each other forever.

89. 那是一个充满幸福的拥抱,像梦想成真,充满着无限的喜悦。 / It was an embrace full of happiness, like a dream come true, full of infinite joy.

It was an embrace full of happiness, like a dream come true, full of infinite joy.

90. 他紧紧地拥着她,像要把她融入他的生命。 / He hugged her tightly, as if to merge her into his life.

He hugged her tightly, as if to merge her into his life.

91. 她的拥抱像春天的阳光,温暖而充满生机。 / Her hug was like the spring sun, warm and full of vitality.

Her hug was like the spring sun, warm and full of vitality.

92. 他们的拥抱是彼此的依靠,是心灵的港湾。 / Their embrace was a support for each other, a haven for their hearts.

Their embrace was a support for each other, a haven for their hearts.

93. 那是一个充满希望的拥抱,像黎明前的曙光,充满着无限的可能性。 / It was an embrace full of hope, like the dawn before dawn, full of infinite possibilities.

It was an embrace full of hope, like the dawn before dawn, full of infinite possibilities.

94. 他轻轻地拥着她,像月光般温柔,让人感到温暖。 / He hugged her gently, as gentle as moonlight, making her feel warm.

He hugged her gently, as gentle as moonlight, making her feel warm.

95. 她的拥抱像夏日的雨露,滋润而充满生机。 / Her hug was like the summer rain, nourishing and full of vitality.

Her hug was like the summer rain, nourishing and full of vitality.

96. 他们的拥抱是彼此的慰藉,是心灵的港湾。 / Their embrace was a comfort to each other, a haven for their hearts.

Their embrace was a comfort to each other, a haven for their hearts.

97. 那是一个充满回忆的拥抱,像过去的回忆,美好而温暖。 / It was an embrace full of memories, like memories of the past, beautiful and warm.

It was an embrace full of memories, like memories of the past, beautiful and warm.

98. 他紧紧地拥着她,像要把她融入他的世界。 / He hugged her tightly, as if to merge her into his world.

He hugged her tightly, as if to merge her into his world.

99. 她的拥抱像秋天的阳光,温暖而充满回忆。 / Her hug was like the autumn sun, warm and full of memories.

Her hug was like the autumn sun, warm and full of memories.

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