
## 对政府不满的经典句子(84句)

**1. 人民的眼睛是雪亮的。**

The eyes of the people are sharp.

**2. 官僚主义是滋生腐败的温床。**

Bureaucracy is a breeding ground for corruption.

**3. 权力越大,责任越大。**

The greater the power, the greater the responsibility.

**4. 人民是国家的主人,政府是人民的公仆。**

The people are the masters of the country, and the government is the servant of the people.

**5. 当政府忘记人民,人民就会忘记政府。**

When the government forgets the people, the people will forget the government.

**6. 政府应该为人民服务,而不是统治人民。**

Government should serve the people, not rule them.

**7. 没有人民支持的政府,是站不住脚的。**

A government without the support of the people cannot stand.

**8. 人民的怒火,是政府无法忽视的。**

The anger of the people is something the government cannot ignore.

**9. 政府的职责是维护人民的利益,而不是自身的利益。**

The duty of the government is to protect the interests of the people, not its own interests.

**10. 政府应该对人民负责,而不是对权力负责。**

The government should be accountable to the people, not to power.

**11. 腐败是政府的毒瘤,必须彻底铲除。**

Corruption is a cancer of the government and must be eradicated.

**12. 政府应该透明,让人民监督。**

The government should be transparent and open to public scrutiny.

**13. 政府的公信力是其执政的基础。**

The credibility of the government is the foundation of its governance.

**14. 政府应该倾听人民的声音,而不是压制人民的声音。**

The government should listen to the voice of the people, not suppress it.

**15. 人民有权批评政府,政府有责任接受批评。**

The people have the right to criticize the government, and the government has the responsibility to accept criticism.

**16. 政府不能把人民当作工具,而应该把人民当作主人。**

The government cannot treat the people as tools, but should treat them as masters.

**17. 政府的目的是为了人民,而不是为了自身。**

The purpose of government is for the people, not for itself.

**18. 人民是国家的主人,政府是人民的公仆。**

The people are the masters of the country, and the government is the servant of the people.

**19. 政府应该以人为本,而不是以权为本。**

The government should be people-oriented, not power-oriented.

**20. 人民的利益高于一切,政府的职责是维护人民的利益。**

The interests of the people are above all, and the duty of the government is to protect the interests of the people.

**21. 政府应该为人民提供服务,而不是索取人民的利益。**

The government should provide services to the people, not take away their interests.

**22. 政府的权力来自人民,政府应该为人民负责。**

The power of the government comes from the people, and the government should be accountable to the people.

**23. 政府应该维护社会公平正义,而不是维护特权阶层的利益。**

The government should uphold social justice and fairness, not protect the interests of the privileged class.

**24. 政府应该以身作则,而不是以权谋私。**

The government should set an example, not seek personal gain through power.

**25. 政府的职责是为人民谋幸福,而不是为自身谋利益。**

The duty of the government is to seek happiness for the people, not to seek its own interests.

**26. 人民有权监督政府,政府有义务接受监督。**

The people have the right to supervise the government, and the government has the obligation to accept supervision.

**27. 政府应该透明公开,让人民了解政府的工作。**

The government should be transparent and open, allowing the people to understand the work of the government.

**28. 政府应该以人民为中心,而不是以权力为中心。**

The government should be people-centered, not power-centered.

**29. 政府应该尊重人民的权利,而不是侵犯人民的权利。**

The government should respect the rights of the people, not violate them.

**30. 政府应该维护社会秩序,而不是制造社会混乱。**

The government should maintain social order, not create social chaos.

**31. 政府应该为人民服务,而不是统治人民。**

The government should serve the people, not rule them.

**32. 政府应该为人民提供保障,而不是剥夺人民的权利。**

The government should provide security for the people, not deprive them of their rights.

**33. 政府应该以人民为本,而不是以自身为本。**

The government should be people-oriented, not self-oriented.

**34. 政府应该为人民创造公平竞争的环境,而不是为特权阶层提供特权。**

The government should create a fair and competitive environment for the people, not provide privileges for the privileged class.

**35. 政府应该尊重人民的意见,而不是压制人民的意见。**

The government should respect the opinions of the people, not suppress them.

**36. 政府应该为人民负责,而不是为自身负责。**

The government should be accountable to the people, not to itself.

**37. 政府应该为人民提供公共服务,而不是把公共资源浪费在无用的项目上。**

The government should provide public services to the people, not waste public resources on useless projects.

**38. 政府应该以人民的利益为重,而不是以自身的利益为重。**

The government should prioritize the interests of the people, not its own interests.

**39. 政府应该以人民为中心,而不是以权力为中心。**

The government should be people-centered, not power-centered.

**40. 政府应该尊重人民的自由,而不是限制人民的自由。**

The government should respect the freedom of the people, not restrict it.

**41. 政府应该维护社会公平正义,而不是维护特权阶层的利益。**

The government should uphold social justice and fairness, not protect the interests of the privileged class.

**42. 政府应该为人民提供安全保障,而不是制造社会不安。**

The government should provide security for the people, not create social unrest.

**43. 政府应该为人民提供优质的服务,而不是把人民当作工具。**

The government should provide quality services to the people, not treat them as tools.

**44. 政府应该以身作则,而不是以权谋私。**

The government should set an example, not seek personal gain through power.

**45. 政府应该倾听人民的声音,而不是压制人民的声音。**

The government should listen to the voice of the people, not suppress it.

**46. 政府应该为人民负责,而不是为自身负责。**

The government should be accountable to the people, not to itself.

**47. 政府应该以人为本,而不是以权为本。**

The government should be people-oriented, not power-oriented.

**48. 政府的权力来自人民,政府应该为人民服务。**

The power of the government comes from the people, and the government should serve the people.

**49. 政府应该维护社会稳定,而不是制造社会动荡。**

The government should maintain social stability, not create social upheaval.

**50. 政府应该为人民创造公平竞争的环境,而不是为特权阶层提供特权。**

The government should create a fair and competitive environment for the people, not provide privileges for the privileged class.

**51. 政府应该尊重人民的信仰,而不是限制人民的信仰。**

The government should respect the beliefs of the people, not restrict them.

**52. 政府应该保护人民的财产安全,而不是侵犯人民的财产安全。**

The government should protect the property security of the people, not violate it.

**53. 政府应该为人民提供教育机会,而不是剥夺人民的教育权利。**

The government should provide educational opportunities for the people, not deprive them of their right to education.

**54. 政府应该为人民提供医疗保障,而不是让人民陷入医疗困境。**

The government should provide health insurance for the people, not leave them in a medical predicament.

**55. 政府应该为人民提供住房保障,而不是让人民陷入住房困难。**

The government should provide housing security for the people, not leave them in housing difficulties.

**56. 政府应该为人民提供就业机会,而不是让人民陷入失业困境。**

The government should provide employment opportunities for the people, not leave them in unemployment difficulties.

**57. 政府应该为人民提供社会福利,而不是让人民陷入贫困。**

The government should provide social welfare for the people, not leave them in poverty.

**58. 政府应该为人民提供法律保护,而不是让人民陷入法律困境。**

The government should provide legal protection for the people, not leave them in legal difficulties.

**59. 政府应该为人民提供安全保障,而不是制造社会不安。**

The government should provide security for the people, not create social unrest.

**60. 政府应该为人民创造良好的生活环境,而不是让人民生活在恶劣的环境中。**

The government should create a good living environment for the people, not let them live in a harsh environment.

**61. 政府应该为人民提供便捷的公共交通,而不是让人民陷入交通拥堵。**

The government should provide convenient public transportation for the people, not let them be stuck in traffic jams.

**62. 政府应该为人民提供清洁的空气和水,而不是让人民生活在污染的环境中。**

The government should provide clean air and water for the people, not let them live in a polluted environment.

**63. 政府应该为人民提供安全的食品,而不是让人民吃有毒的食品。**

The government should provide safe food for the people, not let them eat toxic food.

**64. 政府应该为人民提供优质的教育,而不是让人民接受低质量的教育。**

The government should provide quality education for the people, not let them receive low-quality education.

**65. 政府应该为人民提供公平的医疗服务,而不是让人民接受不公平的医疗服务。**

The government should provide fair medical services for the people, not let them receive unfair medical services.

**66. 政府应该为人民提供良好的住房,而不是让人民住破烂的房子。**

The government should provide good housing for the people, not let them live in dilapidated houses.

**67. 政府应该为人民提供就业机会,而不是让人民失业。**

The government should provide employment opportunities for the people, not let them be unemployed.

**68. 政府应该为人民提供社会福利,而不是让人民陷入贫困。**

The government should provide social welfare for the people, not let them fall into poverty.

**69. 政府应该为人民提供法律保障,而不是让人民受到不公正的待遇。**

The government should provide legal protection for the people, not let them be treated unfairly.

**70. 政府应该为人民创造良好的生活环境,而不是让人民生活在恶劣的环境中。**

The government should create a good living environment for the people, not let them live in a harsh environment.

**71. 政府应该为人民提供便捷的公共交通,而不是让人民陷入交通拥堵。**

The government should provide convenient public transportation for the people, not let them be stuck in traffic jams.

**72. 政府应该为人民提供清洁的空气和水,而不是让人民生活在污染的环境中。**

The government should provide clean air and water for the people, not let them live in a polluted environment.

**73. 政府应该为人民提供安全的食品,而不是让人民吃有毒的食品。**

The government should provide safe food for the people, not let them eat toxic food.

**74. 政府应该为人民提供优质的教育,而不是让人民接受低质量的教育。**

The government should provide quality education for the people, not let them receive low-quality education.

**75. 政府应该为人民提供公平的医疗服务,而不是让人民接受不公平的医疗服务。**

The government should provide fair medical services for the people, not let them receive unfair medical services.

**76. 政府应该为人民提供良好的住房,而不是让人民住破烂的房子。**

The government should provide good housing for the people, not let them live in dilapidated houses.

**77. 政府应该为人民提供就业机会,而不是让人民失业。**

The government should provide employment opportunities for the people, not let them be unemployed.

**78. 政府应该为人民提供社会福利,而不是让人民陷入贫困。**

The government should provide social welfare for the people, not let them fall into poverty.

**79. 政府应该为人民提供法律保障,而不是让人民受到不公正的待遇。**

The government should provide legal protection for the people, not let them be treated unfairly.

**80. 政府应该为人民创造良好的生活环境,而不是让人民生活在恶劣的环境中。**

The government should create a good living environment for the people, not let them live in a harsh environment.

**81. 政府应该为人民提供便捷的公共交通,而不是让人民陷入交通拥堵。**

The government should provide convenient public transportation for the people, not let them be stuck in traffic jams.

**82. 政府应该为人民提供清洁的空气和水,而不是让人民生活在污染的环境中。**

The government should provide clean air and water for the people, not let them live in a polluted environment.

**83. 政府应该为人民提供安全的食品,而不是让人民吃有毒的食品。**

The government should provide safe food for the people, not let them eat toxic food.

**84. 政府应该为人民提供优质的教育,而不是让人民接受低质量的教育。**

The government should provide quality education for the people, not let them receive low-quality education.

以上就是关于对政府不满的经典句子84句(对政府不满的经典句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
