
## 对宝贝说晚安句子,79句


1. 宝贝,晚安啦,做个好梦!

Good night, sweetie. Sweet dreams!

2. 月亮出来了,星星也出来了,该睡觉啦!

The moon and stars are out. Time for bed!

3. 宝贝,今天玩得开心吗?现在该休息啦,明天我们继续玩!

Did you have fun today, sweetie? Time to rest now so we can play again tomorrow!

4. 宝贝,你今天真棒!晚安啦,明天会更棒!

You were amazing today, sweetie! Good night. Tomorrow will be even better!

5. 闭上眼睛,梦里全是小兔子和小熊!

Close your eyes and dream of bunnies and teddy bears!

6. 晚安,我的宝贝,愿你今晚睡得香甜!

Good night, my love. May your sleep be sweet tonight!

7. 爸爸/妈妈爱你,晚安!

Mommy/Daddy loves you. Good night!

8. 宝贝,你是我的一切!晚安!

You are my everything, sweetie. Good night!

9. 晚安,宝贝,愿你梦里有彩虹和糖果!

Good night, sweetie. May you dream of rainbows and candy!

10. 睡前故事讲完了,该睡觉啦,晚安!

The bedtime story is over. Time for sleep. Good night!

11. 宝贝,明天要早起,现在乖乖睡觉吧!

Sweetie, you have to wake up early tomorrow. Time to go to sleep now!

12. 宝贝,你睡着了,我就偷偷亲你一下!

Sweetie, when you fall asleep, I’ll sneak a kiss on you!

13. 宝贝,晚安,明天我们一起去看日出!

Good night, sweetie. Let's watch the sunrise together tomorrow!

14. 宝贝,晚安,愿你梦见你最喜欢的小动物!

Good night, sweetie. May you dream of your favorite animals!

15. 宝贝,晚安,愿你梦里有花香和鸟鸣!

Good night, sweetie. May you dream of flowers and birdsong!

16. 宝贝,晚安,愿你梦里有飞翔和冒险!

Good night, sweetie. May you dream of flying and adventures!

17. 宝贝,晚安,愿你梦里有甜蜜的糖果和香甜的水果!

Good night, sweetie. May you dream of sweet candy and delicious fruit!


18. 宝贝,爸爸/妈妈爱你,胜过世界上的一切!晚安!

Sweetie, Mommy/Daddy loves you more than anything in the world! Good night!

19. 宝贝,你是我生命中的阳光!晚安!

Sweetie, you are the sunshine in my life! Good night!

20. 宝贝,你是我最珍贵的宝贝!晚安!

Sweetie, you are my most precious treasure! Good night!

21. 宝贝,你是我永远的宝贝!晚安!

Sweetie, you are my baby forever! Good night!

22. 宝贝,你是我生命中最美好的礼物!晚安!

Sweetie, you are the best gift in my life! Good night!

23. 宝贝,你是爸爸/妈妈的全部!晚安!

Sweetie, you are everything to Mommy/Daddy! Good night!

24. 宝贝,你永远都是爸爸/妈妈的小公主/小王子!晚安!

Sweetie, you will always be Mommy/Daddy's little princess/prince! Good night!

25. 宝贝,爸爸/妈妈爱你,就像星星爱着月亮!晚安!

Sweetie, Mommy/Daddy loves you like the stars love the moon! Good night!


26. 宝贝,晚安,别梦到怪兽!

Good night, sweetie. Don't dream of monsters!

27. 宝贝,晚安,做个美梦,别梦到爸爸/妈妈!

Good night, sweetie. Have a good dream, but don't dream of Mommy/Daddy!

28. 宝贝,晚安,做梦的时候别忘了爸爸/妈妈!

Good night, sweetie. Don't forget Mommy/Daddy in your dreams!

29. 宝贝,晚安,别梦游!

Good night, sweetie. Don't sleepwalk!

30. 宝贝,晚安,别梦到考试!

Good night, sweetie. Don't dream about exams!

31. 宝贝,晚安,别梦到吃太多!

Good night, sweetie. Don't dream about eating too much!

32. 宝贝,晚安,明天要早起,别赖床!

Good night, sweetie. Don't sleep in tomorrow, you have to wake up early!

33. 宝贝,晚安,做个美梦,梦到爸爸/妈妈给你买好多玩具!

Good night, sweetie. Have a good dream and dream that Mommy/Daddy bought you a lot of toys!


34. 宝贝,晚安,爸爸/妈妈好想你!

Good night, sweetie. Mommy/Daddy misses you so much!

35. 宝贝,晚安,希望你梦到爸爸/妈妈!

Good night, sweetie. I hope you dream of Mommy/Daddy!

36. 宝贝,晚安,爸爸/妈妈明天会来看你!

Good night, sweetie. Mommy/Daddy will see you tomorrow!

37. 宝贝,晚安,爸爸/妈妈在梦里等你!

Good night, sweetie. Mommy/Daddy will wait for you in your dreams!

38. 宝贝,晚安,爸爸/妈妈爱你,一直到永远!

Good night, sweetie. Mommy/Daddy loves you, forever and ever!


39. 宝贝,晚安,愿你今晚睡个好觉,明天一切顺利!

Good night, sweetie. May you sleep well tonight and everything will be smooth tomorrow!

40. 宝贝,晚安,愿你今晚一切安好!

Good night, sweetie. May everything be fine tonight!

41. 宝贝,晚安,愿你健康快乐!

Good night, sweetie. May you be healthy and happy!

42. 宝贝,晚安,愿你梦想成真!

Good night, sweetie. May your dreams come true!

43. 宝贝,晚安,愿你平安喜乐!

Good night, sweetie. May you be safe and joyful!


44. 宝贝,晚安,明天我们一起去公园玩吧!

Good night, sweetie. Let's go to the park tomorrow!

45. 宝贝,晚安,明天我们一起做蛋糕!

Good night, sweetie. Let's make a cake together tomorrow!

46. 宝贝,晚安,明天我们一起看电影!

Good night, sweetie. Let's watch a movie together tomorrow!

47. 宝贝,晚安,明天我们一起学游泳!

Good night, sweetie. Let's learn to swim together tomorrow!

48. 宝贝,晚安,明天我们一起去旅行!

Good night, sweetie. Let's go on a trip together tomorrow!

49. 宝贝,晚安,明天我们要参加比赛,加油!

Good night, sweetie. We have a competition tomorrow, good luck!

50. 宝贝,晚安,明天要上幼儿园,不要迟到!

Good night, sweetie. You have kindergarten tomorrow, don't be late!

51. 宝贝,晚安,明天要见朋友,要开心哦!

Good night, sweetie. You are meeting your friends tomorrow, have fun!

52. 宝贝,晚安,明天要考试,要认真哦!

Good night, sweetie. You have a test tomorrow, take it seriously!

53. 宝贝,晚安,明天要表演,要加油哦!

Good night, sweetie. You have a performance tomorrow, good luck!

54. 宝贝,晚安,明天我们要参加活动,要准备好了哦!

Good night, sweetie. We have an event tomorrow, be prepared!

55. 宝贝,晚安,明天要搬家,要整理好东西哦!

Good night, sweetie. We are moving tomorrow, organize your things!

56. 宝贝,晚安,明天要学习新知识,要认真哦!

Good night, sweetie. We are learning new things tomorrow, be attentive!

57. 宝贝,晚安,明天要参加聚会,要穿得漂漂亮亮哦!

Good night, sweetie. We have a party tomorrow, dress up nicely!

58. 宝贝,晚安,明天要和家人一起吃饭,要开心哦!

Good night, sweetie. We are having a family dinner tomorrow, have fun!

59. 宝贝,晚安,明天要出去玩,要做好准备哦!

Good night, sweetie. We are going out tomorrow, be ready!


60. 宝贝,晚安,愿你今晚睡个好觉,明天充满活力!

Good night, sweetie. May you sleep well tonight and be full of energy tomorrow!

61. 宝贝,晚安,愿你今晚睡个好觉,明天一切顺利!

Good night, sweetie. May you sleep well tonight and everything will be smooth tomorrow!

62. 宝贝,晚安,愿你今晚睡个好觉,明天学习进步!

Good night, sweetie. May you sleep well tonight and make progress in your studies tomorrow!

63. 宝贝,晚安,愿你今晚睡个好觉,明天考试顺利!

Good night, sweetie. May you sleep well tonight and have a smooth exam tomorrow!

64. 宝贝,晚安,愿你今晚睡个好觉,明天工作顺利!

Good night, sweetie. May you sleep well tonight and have a smooth workday tomorrow!


65. 宝贝,晚安,愿你梦里全是美好的事物!

Good night, sweetie. May your dreams be filled with beautiful things!

66. 宝贝,晚安,愿你拥有一个美好的夜晚!

Good night, sweetie. May you have a wonderful night!

67. 宝贝,晚安,愿你拥有一个甜蜜的梦!

Good night, sweetie. May you have a sweet dream!

68. 宝贝,晚安,愿你拥有一个幸福的睡眠!

Good night, sweetie. May you have a happy sleep!

69. 宝贝,晚安,愿你拥有一个平静的夜晚!

Good night, sweetie. May you have a peaceful night!


70. 宝贝,晚安,谢谢你今天带给我的快乐!

Good night, sweetie. Thank you for making me happy today!

71. 宝贝,晚安,谢谢你今天带给我的惊喜!

Good night, sweetie. Thank you for surprising me today!

72. 宝贝,晚安,谢谢你今天带给我的感动!

Good night, sweetie. Thank you for touching me today!

73. 宝贝,晚安,谢谢你今天带给我的温暖!

Good night, sweetie. Thank you for warming me today!


74. 宝贝,晚安,期待明天和你一起玩耍!

Good night, sweetie. I look forward to playing with you tomorrow!

75. 宝贝,晚安,期待明天和你一起学习!

Good night, sweetie. I look forward to learning with you tomorrow!

76. 宝贝,晚安,期待明天和你一起创造美好的回忆!

Good night, sweetie. I look forward to creating wonderful memories with you tomorrow!

77. 宝贝,晚安,期待明天和你一起迎接新的挑战!

Good night, sweetie. I look forward to facing new challenges with you tomorrow!

78. 宝贝,晚安,期待明天和你一起分享快乐!

Good night, sweetie. I look forward to sharing joy with you tomorrow!


79. 宝贝,晚安,爱你的爸爸/妈妈!

Good night, sweetie. Mommy/Daddy loves you!

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