
## 天气忽冷忽热的句子 (87句)

1. 今天穿短袖,明天穿羽绒服,这天气真是让人摸不着头脑。

2. 早上出门还阳光明媚,下午就刮起了冷风,这天气真是说变就变。

3. 气温就像过山车一样,一会儿飙升,一会儿又骤降,真是让人应接不暇。

4. 出门前一定要做好功课,看天气预报,这天气太不靠谱了。

5. 今天穿毛衣会不会太热?还是穿外套?这天气真是让人纠结。

6. 这几天一直忽冷忽热,我的身体都快适应不过来了。

7. 这天气简直是“春夏秋冬”的集合体,让人捉摸不透。

8. 出门前看看天气预报,别像我一样,穿着短袖就被冻得瑟瑟发抖。

9. 这天气就像一个调皮的孩子,一会儿温暖,一会儿寒冷,让人难以捉摸。

10. 这天气太让人头疼了,穿多穿少都难受,真是让人无所适从。

11. 这天气变化无常,真是让人难以招架,一会儿热得汗流浃背,一会儿冷得直打哆嗦。

12. 这几天一直阴晴不定,让人真是心烦意乱。

13. 这天气就像一个谜,让人猜不透,一会儿阳光普照,一会儿乌云密布。

14. 出门一定要带件外套,这天气变化无常,别感冒了。

15. 这天气真是让人摸不着头脑,一会儿热得像夏天,一会儿冷得像冬天。

16. 这几天,早上出门冷得要穿厚外套,下午太阳出来就热得要脱衣服,真是让人难以适应。

17. 这天气真是让人捉摸不透,一会儿风和日丽,一会儿阴雨绵绵。

18. 这几天一直忽冷忽热,我的衣服都快要被我换烂了。

19. 这天气简直是“春风拂面”和“寒风凛冽”的混合体,让人难以适应。

20. 这天气太不靠谱了,出门前一定要做好准备,别被这天气捉弄了。

21. 这几天一直阴晴不定,就像一个调皮的孩子,一会儿晴空万里,一会儿乌云密布。

22. 这天气真是让人难以招架,一会儿穿短袖,一会儿穿羽绒服,真是让人应接不暇。

23. 出门前一定要看天气预报,这天气太不稳定了,别被忽冷忽热的天气打乱了计划。

24. 这天气就像一个魔术师,一会儿变出阳光,一会儿变出冷风,真是让人难以捉摸。

25. 这天气真让人头疼,一会儿热得满头大汗,一会儿冷得瑟瑟发抖,真是让人无所适从。

26. 这几天一直忽冷忽热,我的身体都快被这天气折磨坏了。

27. 这天气就像一个爱捉弄人的小精灵,一会儿送来温暖,一会儿又送来寒冷,让人难以适应。

28. 这天气真是让人琢磨不透,一会儿阳光明媚,一会儿阴雨绵绵,让人措手不及。

29. 出门前一定要带件外套,这天气变化无常,别被这天气捉弄了,感冒了就不好了。

30. 这天气真是让人摸不着头脑,一会儿热得像夏天,一会儿冷得像冬天,真是让人应接不暇。

31. 这天气简直是“四季轮回”的集合体,一会儿春风拂面,一会儿夏日炎炎,一会儿秋风瑟瑟,一会儿寒冬凛冽。

32. 这天气变化无常,真是让人难以招架,一会儿热得汗流浃背,一会儿冷得直打哆嗦,真是让人应接不暇。

33. 这几天一直阴晴不定,就像一个调皮的孩子,一会儿晴空万里,一会儿乌云密布,真是让人难以捉摸。

34. 这天气真是让人难以捉摸,一会儿风和日丽,一会儿阴雨绵绵,真是让人措手不及。

35. 出门前一定要做好功课,看天气预报,这天气太不靠谱了,别被这天气捉弄了。

36. 这天气真是让人摸不着头脑,一会儿热得像夏天,一会儿冷得像冬天,真是让人摸不着头脑。

37. 这天气就像一个魔术师,一会儿变出阳光,一会儿变出冷风,真是让人应接不暇。

38. 这天气太让人头疼了,一会儿热得满头大汗,一会儿冷得瑟瑟发抖,真是让人无所适从。

39. 这几天一直忽冷忽热,我的衣服都快要被我换烂了,真是让人应接不暇。

40. 这天气简直是“春风拂面”和“寒风凛冽”的混合体,真是让人难以适应。

41. 这天气太不靠谱了,出门前一定要做好准备,别被这天气捉弄了,感冒了就不好了。

42. 这几天一直阴晴不定,就像一个调皮的孩子,一会儿晴空万里,一会儿乌云密布,真是让人难以捉摸。

43. 这天气真是让人难以招架,一会儿穿短袖,一会儿穿羽绒服,真是让人应接不暇。

44. 出门前一定要看天气预报,这天气太不稳定了,别被忽冷忽热的天气打乱了计划。

45. 这天气就像一个魔术师,一会儿变出阳光,一会儿变出冷风,真是让人难以捉摸。

46. 这天气真让人头疼,一会儿热得满头大汗,一会儿冷得瑟瑟发抖,真是让人无所适从。

47. 这几天一直忽冷忽热,我的身体都快被这天气折磨坏了,真是让人难以适应。

48. 这天气就像一个爱捉弄人的小精灵,一会儿送来温暖,一会儿又送来寒冷,真是让人难以适应。

49. 这天气真是让人琢磨不透,一会儿阳光明媚,一会儿阴雨绵绵,真是让人措手不及。

50. 出门前一定要带件外套,这天气变化无常,别被这天气捉弄了,感冒了就不好了。

51. 这天气真是让人摸不着头脑,一会儿热得像夏天,一会儿冷得像冬天,真是让人应接不暇。

52. 这天气简直是“四季轮回”的集合体,一会儿春风拂面,一会儿夏日炎炎,一会儿秋风瑟瑟,一会儿寒冬凛冽,真是让人难以适应。

53. 这天气变化无常,真是让人难以招架,一会儿热得汗流浃背,一会儿冷得直打哆嗦,真是让人应接不暇。

54. 这几天一直阴晴不定,就像一个调皮的孩子,一会儿晴空万里,一会儿乌云密布,真是让人难以捉摸。

55. 这天气真是让人难以捉摸,一会儿风和日丽,一会儿阴雨绵绵,真是让人措手不及。

56. 出门前一定要做好功课,看天气预报,这天气太不靠谱了,别被这天气捉弄了。

57. 这天气真是让人摸不着头脑,一会儿热得像夏天,一会儿冷得像冬天,真是让人摸不着头脑。

58. 这天气就像一个魔术师,一会儿变出阳光,一会儿变出冷风,真是让人应接不暇。

59. 这天气太让人头疼了,一会儿热得满头大汗,一会儿冷得瑟瑟发抖,真是让人无所适从。

60. 这几天一直忽冷忽热,我的衣服都快要被我换烂了,真是让人应接不暇。

61. 这天气简直是“春风拂面”和“寒风凛冽”的混合体,真是让人难以适应。

62. 这天气太不靠谱了,出门前一定要做好准备,别被这天气捉弄了,感冒了就不好了。

63. 这几天一直阴晴不定,就像一个调皮的孩子,一会儿晴空万里,一会儿乌云密布,真是让人难以捉摸。

64. 这天气真是让人难以招架,一会儿穿短袖,一会儿穿羽绒服,真是让人应接不暇。

65. 出门前一定要看天气预报,这天气太不稳定了,别被忽冷忽热的天气打乱了计划。

66. 这天气就像一个魔术师,一会儿变出阳光,一会儿变出冷风,真是让人难以捉摸。

67. 这天气真让人头疼,一会儿热得满头大汗,一会儿冷得瑟瑟发抖,真是让人无所适从。

68. 这几天一直忽冷忽热,我的身体都快被这天气折磨坏了,真是让人难以适应。

69. 这天气就像一个爱捉弄人的小精灵,一会儿送来温暖,一会儿又送来寒冷,真是让人难以适应。

70. 这天气真是让人琢磨不透,一会儿阳光明媚,一会儿阴雨绵绵,真是让人措手不及。

71. 出门前一定要带件外套,这天气变化无常,别被这天气捉弄了,感冒了就不好了。

72. 这天气真是让人摸不着头脑,一会儿热得像夏天,一会儿冷得像冬天,真是让人应接不暇。

73. 这天气简直是“四季轮回”的集合体,一会儿春风拂面,一会儿夏日炎炎,一会儿秋风瑟瑟,一会儿寒冬凛冽,真是让人难以适应。

74. 这天气变化无常,真是让人难以招架,一会儿热得汗流浃背,一会儿冷得直打哆嗦,真是让人应接不暇。

75. 这几天一直阴晴不定,就像一个调皮的孩子,一会儿晴空万里,一会儿乌云密布,真是让人难以捉摸。

76. 这天气真是让人难以捉摸,一会儿风和日丽,一会儿阴雨绵绵,真是让人措手不及。

77. 出门前一定要做好功课,看天气预报,这天气太不靠谱了,别被这天气捉弄了。

78. 这天气真是让人摸不着头脑,一会儿热得像夏天,一会儿冷得像冬天,真是让人摸不着头脑。

79. 这天气就像一个魔术师,一会儿变出阳光,一会儿变出冷风,真是让人应接不暇。

80. 这天气太让人头疼了,一会儿热得满头大汗,一会儿冷得瑟瑟发抖,真是让人无所适从。

81. 这几天一直忽冷忽热,我的衣服都快要被我换烂了,真是让人应接不暇。

82. 这天气简直是“春风拂面”和“寒风凛冽”的混合体,真是让人难以适应。

83. 这天气太不靠谱了,出门前一定要做好准备,别被这天气捉弄了,感冒了就不好了。

84. 这几天一直阴晴不定,就像一个调皮的孩子,一会儿晴空万里,一会儿乌云密布,真是让人难以捉摸。

85. 这天气真是让人难以招架,一会儿穿短袖,一会儿穿羽绒服,真是让人应接不暇。

86. 出门前一定要看天气预报,这天气太不稳定了,别被忽冷忽热的天气打乱了计划。

87. 这天气就像一个魔术师,一会儿变出阳光,一会儿变出冷风,真是让人难以捉摸。

## English Translations:

1. It's crazy how the weather changes so drastically, one day it's short sleeves, the next it's a down jacket.

2. It was sunny and beautiful when I left the house this morning, but now it's windy and cold. This weather is so unpredictable.

3. The temperature is like a roller coaster, soaring one minute and plummeting the next. It's hard to keep up.

4. You have to be prepared and check the weather forecast before you go out, this weather is not reliable at all.

5. Should I wear a sweater today, or a jacket? It's too difficult to decide with this weather.

6. I can't seem to get used to the constant temperature fluctuations these days. It's been so hot and cold.

7. The weather has been a complete mix of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It's simply baffling.

8. Check the weather forecast before you go out, don't be like me, wearing a short sleeve and shivering with cold.

9. This weather is like a playful child, warm one moment and cold the next, making it hard to predict.

10. This weather is driving me crazy. It's uncomfortable to wear too much or too little. I don't know what to do.

11. The weather is so fickle, it's hard to cope with. One minute you're sweating, the next you're shivering.

12. The weather has been unpredictable these days, it's really annoying.

13. This weather is like a mystery, you never know what to expect. One minute the sun is shining, the next minute it's overcast.

14. Be sure to bring a jacket with you when you go out, the weather is unpredictable, don't catch a cold.

15. This weather is just crazy, one minute it's hot like summer, the next minute it's cold like winter.

16. These days, it's so cold in the morning that I have to wear a thick jacket, but when the sun comes out in the afternoon, it's so hot that I have to take my clothes off. I can't get used to it.

17. The weather is so unpredictable, one minute it's sunny, the next minute it's raining.

18. It's been so hot and cold these days, I'm about to wear out all my clothes.

19. This weather is a combination of"gentle breeze" and"freezing wind," it's really hard to adjust to.

20. The weather is so unreliable, you have to be prepared before going out, don't get caught by the weather.

21. These days, it's always been cloudy and sunny, like a naughty kid, one minute the sky is clear, the next minute it's cloudy.

22. This weather is really hard to handle. One minute you're wearing short sleeves, the next minute you're wearing a down jacket. It's just too much.

23. Make sure you check the weather forecast before you go out, the weather is so unstable, don't let the hot and cold weather ruin your plans.

24. This weather is like a magician, one minute it conjures up sunshine, the next minute it conjures up cold winds, it's just unpredictable.

25. This weather is really giving me a headache. One minute you're sweating, the next minute you're shivering, it's really hard to deal with.

26. It's been so hot and cold these days, my body is about to give up on me.

27. This weather is like a mischievous little elf, one minute it brings warmth, the next minute it brings cold, it's hard to get used to.

28. The weather is so unpredictable, one minute it's sunny and beautiful, the next minute it's rainy and gloomy. It catches you off guard.

29. Make sure you bring a jacket with you when you go out, the weather is unpredictable, don't get caught by the weather and catch a cold.

30. This weather is just crazy, one minute it's hot like summer, the next minute it's cold like winter. It's just too much.

31. This weather is a complete mix of"four seasons", one minute it's spring breeze, the next minute it's summer heat, the next minute it's autumn wind, and the next minute it's winter frost. It's just too much.

32. The weather is so fickle, it's hard to cope with. One minute you're sweating, the next minute you're shivering. It's just too much.

33. These days, it's always been cloudy and sunny, like a naughty kid, one minute the sky is clear, the next minute it's cloudy. It's just too much.

34. The weather is so unpredictable, one minute it's sunny and beautiful, the next minute it's rainy and gloomy. It catches you off guard.

35. Make sure you check the weather forecast before you go out, the weather is so unstable, don't let the hot and cold weather ruin your plans.

36. This weather is just crazy, one minute it's hot like summer, the next minute it's cold like winter. It's just too much.

37. This weather is like a magician, one minute it conjures up sunshine, the next minute it conjures up cold winds. It's just too much.

38. This weather is really giving me a headache. One minute you're sweating, the next minute you're shivering, it's really hard to deal with.

39. It's been so hot and cold these days, I'm about to wear out all my clothes. It's just too much.

40. This weather is a combination of"gentle breeze" and"freezing wind", it's really hard to adjust to.

41. The weather is so unreliable, you have to be prepared before going out, don't get caught by the weather and catch a cold.

42. These days, it's always been cloudy and sunny, like a naughty kid, one minute the sky is clear, the next minute it's cloudy. It's just too much.

43. This weather is really hard to handle. One minute you're wearing short sleeves, the next minute you're wearing a down jacket. It's just too much.

44. Make sure you check the weather forecast before you go out, the weather is so unstable, don't let the hot and cold weather ruin your plans.

45. This weather is like a magician, one minute it conjures up sunshine, the next minute it conjures up cold winds. It's just too much.

46. This weather is really giving me a headache. One minute you're sweating, the next minute you're shivering, it's really hard to deal with.

47. It's been so hot and cold these days, my body is about to give up on me. It's just too much.

48. This weather is like a mischievous little elf, one minute it brings warmth, the next minute it brings cold. It's just too much.

49. The weather is so unpredictable, one minute it's sunny and beautiful, the next minute it's rainy and gloomy. It catches you off guard.

50. Make sure you bring a jacket with you when you go out, the weather is unpredictable, don't get caught by the weather and catch a cold.

51. This weather is just crazy, one minute it's hot like summer, the next minute it's cold like winter. It's just too much.

52. This weather is a complete mix of"four seasons", one minute it's spring breeze, the next minute it's summer heat, the next minute it's autumn wind, and the next minute it's winter frost. It's just too much.

53. The weather is so fickle, it's hard to cope with. One minute you're sweating, the next minute you're shivering. It's just too much.

54. These days, it's always been cloudy and sunny, like a naughty kid, one minute the sky is clear, the next minute it's cloudy. It's just too much.

55. The weather is so unpredictable, one minute it's sunny and beautiful, the next minute it's rainy and gloomy. It catches you off guard.

56. Make sure you check the weather forecast before you go out, the weather is so unstable, don't let the hot and cold weather ruin your plans.

57. This weather is just crazy, one minute it's hot like summer, the next minute it's cold like winter. It's just too much.

58. This weather is like a magician, one minute it conjures up sunshine, the next minute it conjures up cold winds. It's just too much.

59. This weather is really giving me a headache. One minute you're sweating, the next minute you're shivering, it's really hard to deal with.

60. It's been so hot and cold these days, I'm about to wear out all my clothes. It's just too much.

61. This weather is a combination of"gentle breeze" and"freezing wind", it's really hard to adjust to.

62. The weather is so unreliable, you have to be prepared before going out, don't get caught by the weather and catch a cold.

63. These days, it's always been cloudy and sunny, like a naughty kid, one minute the sky is clear, the next minute it's cloudy. It's just too much.

64. This weather is really hard to handle. One minute you're wearing short sleeves, the next minute you're wearing a down jacket. It's just too much.

65. Make sure you check the weather forecast before you go out, the weather is so unstable, don't let the hot and cold weather ruin your plans.

66. This weather is like a magician, one minute it conjures up sunshine, the next minute it conjures up cold winds. It's just too much.

67. This weather is really giving me a headache. One minute you're sweating, the next minute you're shivering, it's really hard to deal with.

68. It's been so hot and cold these days, my body is about to give up on me. It's just too much.

69. This weather is like a mischievous little elf, one minute it brings warmth, the next minute it brings cold. It's just too much.

70. The weather is so unpredictable, one minute it's sunny and beautiful, the next minute it's rainy and gloomy. It catches you off guard.

71. Make sure you bring a jacket with you when you go out, the weather is unpredictable, don't get caught by the weather and catch a cold.

72. This weather is just crazy, one minute it's hot like summer, the next minute it's cold like winter. It's just too much.

73. This weather is a complete mix of"four seasons", one minute it's spring breeze, the next minute it's summer heat, the next minute it's autumn wind, and the next minute it's winter frost. It's just too much.

74. The weather is so fickle, it's hard to cope with. One minute you're sweating, the next minute you're shivering. It's just too much.

75. These days, it's always been cloudy and sunny, like a naughty kid, one minute the sky is clear, the next minute it's cloudy. It's just too much.

76. The weather is so unpredictable, one minute it's sunny and beautiful, the next minute it's rainy and gloomy. It catches you off guard.

77. Make sure you check the weather forecast before you go out, the weather is so unstable, don't let the hot and cold weather ruin your plans.

78. This weather is just crazy, one minute it's hot like summer, the next minute it's cold like winter. It's just too much.

79. This weather is like a magician, one minute it conjures up sunshine, the next minute it conjures up cold winds. It's just too much.

80. This weather is really giving me a headache. One minute you're sweating, the next minute you're shivering, it's really hard to deal with.

81. It's been so hot and cold these days, I'm about to wear out all my clothes. It's just too much.

82. This weather is a combination of"gentle breeze" and"freezing wind", it's really hard to adjust to.

83. The weather is so unreliable, you have to be prepared before going out, don't get caught by the weather and catch a cold.

84. These days, it's always been cloudy and sunny, like a naughty kid, one minute the sky is clear, the next minute it's cloudy. It's just too much.

85. This weather is really hard to handle. One minute you're wearing short sleeves, the next minute you're wearing a down jacket. It's just too much.

86. Make sure you check the weather forecast before you go out, the weather is so unstable, don't let the hot and cold weather ruin your plans.

87. This weather is like a magician, one minute it conjures up sunshine, the next minute it conjures up cold winds. It's just too much.

以上就是关于对天气忽冷忽热的句子87句(对天气忽冷忽热的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
