
## 对动物明贬实褒的句子 (71句)

**1. 这只猫真是懒,一天到晚就知道睡觉,真是让人又爱又恨。**

This cat is so lazy, all it does is sleep all day, it's both love and hate.

**2. 这条狗真笨,每次都学不会新技能,不过我还是喜欢它。**

This dog is so dumb, it can't learn new skills, but I still love it.

**3. 这只兔子真是胆小,一点声音就吓的躲起来,不过它的毛绒绒的,很可爱。**

This rabbit is so timid, it hides at the slightest sound, but its fur is fluffy and adorable.

**4. 这只鹦鹉真吵,整天吱呀吱呀叫个不停,不过它会说话,还挺有趣。**

This parrot is so noisy, it squawks all day long, but it can talk, which is quite funny.

**5. 这只松鼠真贪吃,总是偷吃别人的食物,不过它那小巧玲珑的样子很讨人喜欢。**

This squirrel is so greedy, it always steals other people's food, but its small and exquisite appearance is very likable.

**6. 这条金鱼真傻,只会呆呆地游来游去,不过它那金色的鳞片很漂亮。**

This goldfish is so silly, it just swims around stupidly, but its golden scales are beautiful.

**7. 这只乌龟真慢,爬行速度比蜗牛还慢,不过它那坚硬的甲壳很酷。**

This turtle is so slow, it crawls slower than a snail, but its hard shell is cool.

**8. 这只小猪真胖,吃得比谁都快,不过它的肥肉看起来很美味。**

This piglet is so fat, it eats faster than anyone, but its fat looks delicious.

**9. 这只鸡真爱睡,一有机会就趴在地上休息,不过它下的蛋很香。**

This chicken loves to sleep, it lies down to rest at every opportunity, but the eggs it lays are very fragrant.

**10. 这只鸭子真丑,羽毛看起来脏兮兮的,不过它会游泳,很厉害。**

This duck is so ugly, its feathers look dirty, but it can swim, which is very impressive.

**11. 这只羊真呆,总是撞到东西,不过它那温顺的性格让人很舒服。**

This sheep is so stupid, it always bumps into things, but its gentle nature is very comfortable.

**12. 这匹马真野,总是想逃跑,不过它那健壮的身躯让人很敬畏。**

This horse is so wild, it always wants to run away, but its strong physique is awe-inspiring.

**13. 这只猴子真调皮,总是捣乱,不过它那灵活的动作很可爱。**

This monkey is so naughty, it always causes trouble, but its agile movements are adorable.

**14. 这只熊真笨拙,走路总是跌跌撞撞,不过它那庞大的身躯很威武。**

This bear is so clumsy, it always stumbles when it walks, but its massive size is majestic.

**15. 这条蛇真可怕,身体又细又长,不过它的毒液可以治病。**

This snake is so scary, it's thin and long, but its venom can cure diseases.

**16. 这只蜘蛛真恶心,总是结网,不过它能消灭害虫,很有用。**

This spider is so disgusting, it always spins webs, but it can kill pests, which is very useful.

**17. 这只苍蝇真讨厌,总是嗡嗡叫,不过它可以帮助传播花粉,很厉害。**

This fly is so annoying, it always buzzes, but it can help spread pollen, which is amazing.

**18. 这只蚊子真烦人,总是叮人,不过它可以为其他生物提供食物。**

This mosquito is so annoying, it always bites people, but it can provide food for other creatures.

**19. 这只老鼠真狡猾,总是偷东西,不过它很聪明,也很勤劳。**

This rat is so cunning, it always steals things, but it is very intelligent and hardworking.

**20. 这只蟑螂真脏,总是出现在阴暗潮湿的地方,不过它能分解有机物,很有用。**

This cockroach is so dirty, it always appears in dark and damp places, but it can decompose organic matter, which is useful.

**21. 这只猫真爱撒娇,总是蹭你的腿,不过它很温柔,也很忠诚。**

This cat loves to be pampered, it always rubs against your legs, but it is very gentle and loyal.

**22. 这条狗真粘人,总是跟着你,不过它很热情,也很善良。**

This dog is so clingy, it always follows you, but it is very enthusiastic and kind.

**23. 这只兔子真可爱,耳朵长长的,不过它很胆小,也很脆弱。**

This rabbit is so cute, it has long ears, but it is very timid and fragile.

**24. 这只鹦鹉真聪明,能模仿人类说话,不过它很吵,也很容易生气。**

This parrot is so intelligent, it can imitate human speech, but it is very noisy and easily gets angry.

**25. 这只松鼠真淘气,总是爬树,不过它很灵活,也很机灵。**

This squirrel is so playful, it always climbs trees, but it is very agile and clever.

**26. 这条金鱼真漂亮,金色的鳞片闪闪发光,不过它很脆弱,也很容易生病。**

This goldfish is so beautiful, its golden scales sparkle, but it is very fragile and easily gets sick.

**27. 这只乌龟真长寿,寿命很长,不过它行动缓慢,也很怕冷。**

This turtle is so long-lived, it has a long lifespan, but it moves slowly and is very afraid of cold.

**28. 这只小猪真贪吃,吃什么都香,不过它很懒,也很容易发胖。**

This piglet is so greedy, everything it eats tastes delicious, but it is very lazy and easily gains weight.

**29. 这只鸡真爱下蛋,总是勤勤恳恳地工作,不过它很胆小,也很容易被吓到。**

This chicken loves to lay eggs, it always works diligently, but it is very timid and easily startled.

**30. 这只鸭子真爱干净,总是整理羽毛,不过它很吵,也很容易攻击人。**

This duck loves to be clean, it always preens its feathers, but it is very noisy and easily attacks people.

**31. 这只羊真温顺,总是咩咩叫,不过它很胆小,也很容易迷路。**

This sheep is so gentle, it always bleats, but it is very timid and easily gets lost.

**32. 这匹马真强壮,可以拉很重的货物,不过它很敏感,也很容易受到惊吓。**

This horse is so strong, it can pull very heavy loads, but it is very sensitive and easily startled.

**33. 这只猴子真灵活,可以在树枝间跳跃,不过它很调皮,也很容易偷东西。**

This monkey is so agile, it can jump between branches, but it is very naughty and easily steals things.

**34. 这只熊真强大,可以打败很多敌人,不过它很笨拙,也很容易被人抓住。**

This bear is so powerful, it can defeat many enemies, but it is very clumsy and easily caught.

**35. 这条蛇真狡猾,可以躲藏在草丛中,不过它很冷血,也很容易被人类杀死。**

This snake is so cunning, it can hide in the grass, but it is cold-blooded and easily killed by humans.

**36. 这只蜘蛛真勤劳,总是织网,不过它很恶心,也很容易让人害怕。**

This spider is so hardworking, it always weaves webs, but it is disgusting and easily scares people.

**37. 这只苍蝇真讨厌,总是嗡嗡叫,不过它很厉害,也很容易传播疾病。**

This fly is so annoying, it always buzzes, but it is amazing and easily spreads diseases.

**38. 这只蚊子真烦人,总是叮人,不过它很小,也很容易被消灭。**

This mosquito is so annoying, it always bites people, but it is small and easily eliminated.

**39. 这只老鼠真聪明,总是找到食物,不过它很狡猾,也很容易传播疾病。**

This rat is so intelligent, it always finds food, but it is cunning and easily spreads diseases.

**40. 这只蟑螂真顽强,总是很难杀死,不过它很脏,也很容易让人反感。**

This cockroach is so tenacious, it is always difficult to kill, but it is dirty and easily makes people disgusted.

**41. 这只猫真优雅,走路轻盈,不过它很傲娇,也很容易生气。**

This cat is so elegant, it walks lightly, but it is arrogant and easily gets angry.

**42. 这条狗真忠诚,总是陪伴主人,不过它很爱吃,也很容易被诱惑。**

This dog is so loyal, it always accompanies its owner, but it loves to eat and is easily tempted.

**43. 这只兔子真温柔,总是静静地吃草,不过它很胆小,也很容易被吓到。**

This rabbit is so gentle, it always eats grass quietly, but it is very timid and easily startled.

**44. 这只鹦鹉真善解人意,总是模仿人类说话,不过它很吵,也很容易学会坏习惯。**

This parrot is so understanding, it always imitates human speech, but it is very noisy and easily learns bad habits.

**45. 这只松鼠真可爱,总是蹦蹦跳跳,不过它很贪吃,也很容易被人类捕捉。**

This squirrel is so cute, it always jumps around, but it is greedy and easily caught by humans.

**46. 这条金鱼真有趣,总是摇头晃脑,不过它很脆弱,也很容易受到惊吓。**

This goldfish is so funny, it always shakes its head and wags its tail, but it is very fragile and easily startled.

**47. 这只乌龟真坚强,可以背负很重的重量,不过它行动缓慢,也很容易被人踩到。**

This turtle is so strong, it can carry heavy weights, but it moves slowly and is easily stepped on.

**48. 这只小猪真可爱,总是哼哼叫,不过它很懒,也很容易被主人嫌弃。**

This piglet is so cute, it always grunts, but it is lazy and easily disliked by its owner.

**49. 这只鸡真勤劳,总是下蛋,不过它很胆小,也很容易被其他动物攻击。**

This chicken is so hardworking, it always lays eggs, but it is very timid and easily attacked by other animals.

**50. 这只鸭子真有趣,总是嘎嘎叫,不过它很爱干净,也很容易被人类驯服。**

This duck is so funny, it always quacks, but it loves to be clean and is easily domesticated by humans.

**51. 这只羊真温顺,总是咩咩叫,不过它很胆小,也很容易被人类伤害。**

This sheep is so gentle, it always bleats, but it is very timid and easily hurt by humans.

**52. 这匹马真高贵,总是昂首挺胸,不过它很敏感,也很容易被人类欺骗。**

This horse is so noble, it always holds its head high, but it is very sensitive and easily deceived by humans.

**53. 这只猴子真聪明,总是模仿人类动作,不过它很调皮,也很容易被人类利用。**

This monkey is so intelligent, it always imitates human actions, but it is very naughty and easily exploited by humans.

**54. 这只熊真威武,总是独来独往,不过它很笨拙,也很容易被人追捕。**

This bear is so majestic, it always walks alone, but it is very clumsy and easily hunted by people.

**55. 这条蛇真神秘,总是潜藏在黑暗中,不过它很冷血,也很容易被人类误解。**

This snake is so mysterious, it always hides in the dark, but it is cold-blooded and easily misunderstood by humans.

**56. 这只蜘蛛真可怕,总是织网捕捉猎物,不过它很勤劳,也很容易被人类消灭。**

This spider is so scary, it always weaves webs to catch prey, but it is hardworking and easily eliminated by humans.

**57. 这只苍蝇真烦人,总是嗡嗡叫,不过它很厉害,也很容易传播疾病。**

This fly is so annoying, it always buzzes, but it is amazing and easily spreads diseases.

**58. 这只蚊子真讨厌,总是叮人,不过它很小,也很容易被人类消灭。**

This mosquito is so annoying, it always bites people, but it is small and easily eliminated by humans.

**59. 这只老鼠真狡猾,总是偷东西,不过它很聪明,也很容易被人类驯服。**

This rat is so cunning, it always steals things, but it is intelligent and easily domesticated by humans.

**60. 这只蟑螂真顽强,总是很难杀死,不过它很脏,也很容易被人厌恶。**

This cockroach is so tenacious, it is always difficult to kill, but it is dirty and easily disliked by people.

**61. 这只猫真可爱,总是喵喵叫,不过它很调皮,也很容易把东西弄坏。**

This cat is so cute, it always meows, but it is naughty and easily breaks things.

**62. 这条狗真忠诚,总是陪伴主人,不过它很爱叫,也很容易把邻居吵醒。**

This dog is so loyal, it always accompanies its owner, but it loves to bark and easily wakes up the neighbours.

**63. 这只兔子真温柔,总是静静地吃草,不过它很胆小,也很容易被人捉住。**

This rabbit is so gentle, it always eats grass quietly, but it is very timid and easily caught.

**64. 这只鹦鹉真聪明,总是模仿人类说话,不过它很吵,也很容易被人忽略。**

This parrot is so intelligent, it always imitates human speech, but it is very noisy and easily ignored by people.

**65. 这只松鼠真可爱,总是蹦蹦跳跳,不过它很贪吃,也很容易被其他动物欺负。**

This squirrel is so cute, it always jumps around, but it is greedy and easily bullied by other animals.

**66. 这条金鱼真漂亮,总是摇头晃脑,不过它很脆弱,也很容易被污染的水杀死。**

This goldfish is so beautiful, it always shakes its head and wags its tail, but it is very fragile and easily killed by polluted water.

**67. 这只乌龟真长寿,总是活得很久,不过它行动缓慢,也很容易被人类忽视。**

This turtle is so long-lived, it always lives a long time, but it moves slowly and is easily overlooked by humans.

**68. 这只小猪真贪吃,总是吃很多东西,不过它很懒,也很容易被人类圈养。**

This piglet is so greedy, it always eats a lot, but it is lazy and easily raised by humans.

**69. 这只鸡真勤劳,总是下蛋,不过它很胆小,也很容易被人类宰杀。**

This chicken is so hardworking, it always lays eggs, but it is very timid and easily slaughtered by humans.

**70. 这只鸭子真有趣,总是嘎嘎叫,不过它很爱干净,也很容易被人类食用。**

This duck is so funny, it always quacks, but it loves to be clean and is easily consumed by humans.

**71. 这只羊真温顺,总是咩咩叫,不过它很胆小,也很容易被人类屠宰。**

This sheep is so gentle, it always bleats, but it is very timid and easily slaughtered by humans.

以上就是关于对动物明贬实褒的句子71句(对动物明贬实褒的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
