
## 栖身为客句子,94句

**1. 人生如寄,世事无常。**

Life is like a temporary stay, worldly affairs are impermanent.

**2. 浪迹天涯,心系故土。**

Wandering across the land, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**3. 浮萍无根,四处漂泊。**

Like a rootless duckweed, I drift aimlessly.

**4. 远在他乡,思念家乡。**

Far away from home, I yearn for my hometown.

**5. 客居他乡,难免孤独。**

Living as a guest in a foreign land, loneliness is inevitable.

**6. 漂泊无定,心酸难言。**

Drifting without a fixed abode, my heart aches with unspoken sadness.

**7. 孤身一人,举目无亲。**

Alone, I have no relatives to turn to.

**8. 寄人篱下,处处受制。**

Living under someone else's roof, I am restricted in every way.

**9. 异乡客,思乡情浓。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my longing for home is intense.

**10. 他乡异客,难免思乡。**

Being a guest in a foreign land, it is natural to miss home.

**11. 游子在外,漂泊不定。**

A wanderer abroad, I drift aimlessly.

**12. 身处异乡,心系故土。**

Though I am in a foreign land, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**13. 漂泊四方,心怀梦想。**

Wandering far and wide, I hold onto my dreams.

**14. 他乡梦,故乡情。**

Dreams of a foreign land, yet my heart remains with my hometown.

**15. 漂泊无定,心系故土。**

Drifting aimlessly, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**16. 他乡客,心怀故土。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart holds onto my homeland.

**17. 漂泊人生,难免伤感。**

A drifting life is inevitably tinged with sadness.

**18. 游子在外,心酸难言。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart aches with unspoken sadness.

**19. 寄人篱下,心怀不安。**

Living under someone else's roof, my heart is filled with unease.

**20. 异乡客,难免孤独。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, loneliness is inevitable.

**21. 身处异乡,难免思乡。**

Being in a foreign land, it is natural to miss home.

**22. 他乡之客,心怀故乡。**

As a guest in a foreign land, my heart holds onto my hometown.

**23. 漂泊人生,心酸无泪。**

A drifting life is filled with unspoken heartache.

**24. 游子天涯,思乡无期。**

A wanderer abroad, my longing for home knows no end.

**25. 寄人篱下,难免心酸。**

Living under someone else's roof, my heart inevitably aches.

**26. 异乡情,故乡梦。**

A love for a foreign land, yet dreams of my hometown.

**27. 他乡客,心怀故土情。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart remains attached to my hometown.

**28. 漂泊不定,心系故乡。**

Drifting aimlessly, my heart remains connected to my hometown.

**29. 游子在外,心怀故乡梦。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**30. 寄人篱下,难免思乡。**

Living under someone else's roof, it is natural to miss home.

**31. 异乡之客,心系故土情深。**

As a guest in a foreign land, my love for my homeland runs deep.

**32. 他乡客,心怀故乡梦。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**33. 漂泊不定,心系故乡情。**

Drifting aimlessly, my heart remains attached to my hometown.

**34. 游子在外,心怀故乡梦。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**35. 寄人篱下,难免思乡情深。**

Living under someone else's roof, my longing for home runs deep.

**36. 异乡客,心怀故乡梦。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**37. 他乡情,故乡梦,心系故土。**

A love for a foreign land, yet dreams of my hometown, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**38. 漂泊无定,心怀故乡情深。**

Drifting aimlessly, my love for my hometown runs deep.

**39. 游子在外,心系故乡梦。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**40. 寄人篱下,难免思乡情浓。**

Living under someone else's roof, my longing for home is intense.

**41. 异乡客,心怀故乡情。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart remains attached to my hometown.

**42. 他乡梦,故乡情,心系故土。**

Dreams of a foreign land, yet my heart remains with my hometown, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**43. 漂泊不定,心怀故乡梦。**

Drifting aimlessly, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**44. 游子在外,心系故乡情。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart remains attached to my hometown.

**45. 寄人篱下,难免思乡梦。**

Living under someone else's roof, it is natural to dream of home.

**46. 异乡客,心怀故乡情深。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my love for my homeland runs deep.

**47. 他乡梦,故乡情,心系故土。**

Dreams of a foreign land, yet my heart remains with my hometown, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**48. 漂泊无定,心系故乡情。**

Drifting aimlessly, my heart remains attached to my hometown.

**49. 游子在外,心怀故乡梦。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**50. 寄人篱下,难免思乡情深。**

Living under someone else's roof, my longing for home runs deep.

**51. 异乡客,心怀故乡梦。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**52. 他乡梦,故乡情,心系故土。**

Dreams of a foreign land, yet my heart remains with my hometown, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**53. 漂泊无定,心怀故乡梦。**

Drifting aimlessly, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**54. 游子在外,心系故乡情深。**

A wanderer abroad, my love for my hometown runs deep.

**55. 寄人篱下,难免思乡情浓。**

Living under someone else's roof, my longing for home is intense.

**56. 异乡客,心怀故乡情。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart remains attached to my hometown.

**57. 他乡梦,故乡情,心系故土。**

Dreams of a foreign land, yet my heart remains with my hometown, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**58. 漂泊无定,心怀故乡情深。**

Drifting aimlessly, my love for my hometown runs deep.

**59. 游子在外,心系故乡梦。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**60. 寄人篱下,难免思乡情浓。**

Living under someone else's roof, my longing for home is intense.

**61. 异乡客,心怀故乡情。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart remains attached to my hometown.

**62. 他乡梦,故乡情,心系故土。**

Dreams of a foreign land, yet my heart remains with my hometown, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**63. 漂泊无定,心怀故乡情深。**

Drifting aimlessly, my love for my hometown runs deep.

**64. 游子在外,心系故乡梦。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**65. 寄人篱下,难免思乡情浓。**

Living under someone else's roof, my longing for home is intense.

**66. 异乡客,心怀故乡情。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart remains attached to my hometown.

**67. 他乡梦,故乡情,心系故土。**

Dreams of a foreign land, yet my heart remains with my hometown, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**68. 漂泊无定,心怀故乡情深。**

Drifting aimlessly, my love for my hometown runs deep.

**69. 游子在外,心系故乡梦。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**70. 寄人篱下,难免思乡情浓。**

Living under someone else's roof, my longing for home is intense.

**71. 异乡客,心怀故乡情。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart remains attached to my hometown.

**72. 他乡梦,故乡情,心系故土。**

Dreams of a foreign land, yet my heart remains with my hometown, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**73. 漂泊无定,心怀故乡情深。**

Drifting aimlessly, my love for my hometown runs deep.

**74. 游子在外,心系故乡梦。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**75. 寄人篱下,难免思乡情浓。**

Living under someone else's roof, my longing for home is intense.

**76. 异乡客,心怀故乡情。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart remains attached to my hometown.

**77. 他乡梦,故乡情,心系故土。**

Dreams of a foreign land, yet my heart remains with my hometown, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**78. 漂泊无定,心怀故乡情深。**

Drifting aimlessly, my love for my hometown runs deep.

**79. 游子在外,心系故乡梦。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**80. 寄人篱下,难免思乡情浓。**

Living under someone else's roof, my longing for home is intense.

**81. 异乡客,心怀故乡情。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart remains attached to my hometown.

**82. 他乡梦,故乡情,心系故土。**

Dreams of a foreign land, yet my heart remains with my hometown, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**83. 漂泊无定,心怀故乡情深。**

Drifting aimlessly, my love for my hometown runs deep.

**84. 游子在外,心系故乡梦。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**85. 寄人篱下,难免思乡情浓。**

Living under someone else's roof, my longing for home is intense.

**86. 异乡客,心怀故乡情。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart remains attached to my hometown.

**87. 他乡梦,故乡情,心系故土。**

Dreams of a foreign land, yet my heart remains with my hometown, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**88. 漂泊无定,心怀故乡情深。**

Drifting aimlessly, my love for my hometown runs deep.

**89. 游子在外,心系故乡梦。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

**90. 寄人篱下,难免思乡情浓。**

Living under someone else's roof, my longing for home is intense.

**91. 异乡客,心怀故乡情。**

As a stranger in a foreign land, my heart remains attached to my hometown.

**92. 他乡梦,故乡情,心系故土。**

Dreams of a foreign land, yet my heart remains with my hometown, my heart remains attached to my homeland.

**93. 漂泊无定,心怀故乡情深。**

Drifting aimlessly, my love for my hometown runs deep.

**94. 游子在外,心系故乡梦。**

A wanderer abroad, my heart holds onto dreams of my hometown.

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