
## 蓝精灵和格格巫的句子,59句,并把内容翻译成英文


1. 蓝精灵是一群居住在蘑菇屋里的快乐小精灵。

The Smurfs are a group of happy little creatures that live in mushroom houses.

2. 格格巫是一个邪恶的巫师,他总是想抓住蓝精灵。

Gargamel is an evil wizard who is always trying to capture the Smurfs.

3. 格格巫的宠物猫阿兹猫总是帮助他捉蓝精灵。

Gargamel's pet cat, Azrael, always helps him catch the Smurfs.

4. 蓝精灵的领袖是聪明的爸爸蓝。

The leader of the Smurfs is the intelligent Papa Smurf.

5. 蓝精灵经常帮助别人,他们善良而勇敢。

The Smurfs often help others, they are kind and brave.

6. 格格巫总是想用魔法把蓝精灵变成金子。

Gargamel always wants to use magic to turn the Smurfs into gold.

7. 蓝精灵团结一致,他们可以战胜任何困难。

The Smurfs are united, they can overcome any difficulty.

8. 格格巫的魔法总是被蓝精灵的智慧和团结打败。

Gargamel's magic is always defeated by the Smurfs' wisdom and unity.

9. 蓝精灵生活在一个充满欢乐和友谊的世界里。

The Smurfs live in a world full of joy and friendship.

10. 格格巫永远无法抓住蓝精灵,因为他总是被他们的智慧和团结所打败。

Gargamel can never capture the Smurfs because he is always defeated by their wisdom and unity.


11. 蓝精灵都是蓝色的,他们每个人都有自己的性格。

The Smurfs are all blue, and each one has their own personality.

12. 笨笨蓝总是迷路,但他心地善良。

Clumsy Smurf is always getting lost, but he has a kind heart.

13. 贪吃蓝总是喜欢吃东西,他很爱吃甜食。

Greedy Smurf always loves to eat, he loves sweets.

14. 懒洋洋蓝总是喜欢睡觉,他总是睡得很香。

Lazy Smurf always loves to sleep, he always sleeps soundly.

15. 粗心蓝总是丢三落四,但他很有创意。

Hefty Smurf is always forgetful, but he is very creative.

16. 健壮蓝很强壮,他总是保护其他蓝精灵。

Brainy Smurf is strong, he always protects the other Smurfs.

17. 聪明的蓝精灵懂得很多知识,他总是帮助大家解决问题。

Brainy Smurf knows a lot, he always helps everyone solve problems.

18. 捣蛋蓝总是喜欢恶作剧,但他心地善良。

Jokey Smurf always likes to play pranks, but he has a kind heart.

19. 害羞蓝总是很害羞,但他很善良。

Bashful Smurf is always shy, but he is kind.

20. 勇敢蓝总是很勇敢,他总是保护大家。

Gutsy Smurf is always brave, he always protects everyone.


21. 格格巫是一个很老的巫师,他总是穿着黑色的衣服。

Gargamel is a very old wizard, he always wears black clothes.

22. 格格巫的鼻子很大,他总是露出邪恶的笑容。

Gargamel has a big nose, and he always has an evil smile.

23. 格格巫的魔法很强大,但他总是被蓝精灵打败。

Gargamel's magic is very powerful, but he is always defeated by the Smurfs.

24. 格格巫很贪婪,他总是想得到蓝精灵的魔法。

Gargamel is greedy, he always wants to get the Smurfs' magic.

25. 格格巫很狡猾,他总是想出各种阴谋诡计。

Gargamel is cunning, he always comes up with all sorts of schemes.

26. 格格巫很嫉妒,他总是嫉妒蓝精灵的快乐生活。

Gargamel is jealous, he is always jealous of the Smurfs' happy life.

27. 格格巫很孤独,他总是渴望得到朋友。

Gargamel is lonely, he always yearns for friends.

28. 格格巫很可怜,因为他总是被自己的贪婪和嫉妒所困扰。

Gargamel is pitiful because he is always plagued by his own greed and jealousy.


29. 蓝精灵经常和格格巫捉迷藏。

The Smurfs often play hide-and-seek with Gargamel.

30. 格格巫总是想用陷阱抓住蓝精灵。

Gargamel always tries to capture the Smurfs with traps.

31. 蓝精灵总是用他们的智慧和团结打败格格巫。

The Smurfs always defeat Gargamel with their wisdom and unity.

32. 格格巫总是想把蓝精灵变成金子,因为他想要他们的魔法。

Gargamel always wants to turn the Smurfs into gold because he wants their magic.

33. 蓝精灵总是用他们的魔法打败格格巫的魔法。

The Smurfs always defeat Gargamel's magic with their magic.

34. 格格巫总是很生气,因为他总是被蓝精灵打败。

Gargamel is always angry because he is always defeated by the Smurfs.

35. 蓝精灵总是很高兴,因为他们总是打败格格巫。

The Smurfs are always happy because they always defeat Gargamel.

36. 格格巫总是说:“我要抓住你们,蓝精灵们!”

Gargamel always says:"I'm going to catch you, Smurfs!"

37. 蓝精灵总是说:“我们永远不会被你抓住,格格巫!”

The Smurfs always say:"We'll never be caught by you, Gargamel!"

38. 格格巫总是被蓝精灵的智慧和团结所打败。

Gargamel is always defeated by the Smurfs' wisdom and unity.

39. 蓝精灵总是很勇敢,他们不怕格格巫。

The Smurfs are always brave, they are not afraid of Gargamel.

40. 格格巫总是很狡猾,他总是想出新的阴谋诡计。

Gargamel is always cunning, he always comes up with new schemes.


41. 蓝精灵住在蘑菇屋里,他们每天都过着快乐的生活。

The Smurfs live in mushroom houses, and they live happy lives every day.

42. 蓝精灵喜欢玩游戏,他们经常一起玩捉迷藏。

The Smurfs love to play games, and they often play hide-and-seek together.

43. 蓝精灵喜欢唱歌跳舞,他们总是充满欢乐。

The Smurfs love to sing and dance, and they are always full of joy.

44. 蓝精灵喜欢帮助别人,他们总是乐于助人。

The Smurfs love to help others, and they are always willing to help.

45. 蓝精灵喜欢吃蓝莓,他们总是把蓝莓做成各种美味的甜点。

The Smurfs love to eat blueberries, and they always make all sorts of delicious desserts with them.

46. 蓝精灵喜欢在森林里散步,他们总是可以找到各种有趣的东西。

The Smurfs love to walk in the forest, and they can always find all sorts of interesting things.

47. 蓝精灵喜欢和爸爸蓝一起学习知识,他们总是充满求知欲。

The Smurfs love to learn with Papa Smurf, and they are always curious.

48. 蓝精灵喜欢互相帮助,他们总是团结一致。

The Smurfs love to help each other, and they are always united.

49. 蓝精灵喜欢过节日,他们总是把节日过得非常热闹。

The Smurfs love to celebrate holidays, and they always make them very lively.

50. 蓝精灵喜欢和动物做朋友,他们总是与动物和谐相处。

The Smurfs love to make friends with animals, and they always get along with them harmoniously.


51. 格格巫住在森林里的小屋里,他总是很孤独。

Gargamel lives in a small cottage in the forest, and he is always lonely.

52. 格格巫总是想捉住蓝精灵,因为他想要他们的魔法。

Gargamel always wants to capture the Smurfs because he wants their magic.

53. 格格巫总是用魔法做各种奇怪的实验。

Gargamel always uses magic to do all sorts of strange experiments.

54. 格格巫总是和阿兹猫一起捉蓝精灵。

Gargamel always catches Smurfs with Azrael.

55. 格格巫总是很生气,因为他总是被蓝精灵打败。

Gargamel is always angry because he is always defeated by the Smurfs.

56. 格格巫总是很嫉妒,因为他总是嫉妒蓝精灵的快乐生活。

Gargamel is always jealous because he is always jealous of the Smurfs' happy life.

57. 格格巫总是很贪婪,他总是想得到更多的魔法。

Gargamel is always greedy, he always wants to get more magic.

58. 格格巫总是很可怜,因为他总是被自己的贪婪和嫉妒所困扰。

Gargamel is always pitiful because he is always plagued by his own greed and jealousy.

59. 格格巫总是希望有一天能够打败蓝精灵,但他总是失败。

Gargamel always hopes that one day he can defeat the Smurfs, but he always fails.

以上就是关于蓝精灵和格格巫的句子59句(蓝精灵和格格巫的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
