
## 安徒生童话里的好句子 (51 句)

1. 所有的孩子都是天真的,但并不是所有的天真都是孩子气的。 - 《丑小鸭》

All children are innocent, but not all innocence is childish. - The Ugly Duckling

2. 人类的心灵就像天空,如果它是一片晴空,那么它就会反射出太阳和星星的光芒。 - 《海的女儿》

The human heart is like the sky. If it is clear, it will reflect the light of the sun and the stars. - The Little Mermaid

3. 美丽的东西总会在最后绽放。 - 《豌豆公主》

Beautiful things always bloom in the end. - The Princess and the Pea

4. 即使是最小的种子也可能长成一棵大树。 - 《拇指姑娘》

Even the smallest seed can grow into a big tree. - Thumbelina

5. 梦想是美丽的,即使它永远无法实现。 - 《卖火柴的小女孩》

Dreams are beautiful, even if they can never be realized. - The Little Match Girl

6. 当你热爱生命,生命也会热爱你。 - 《夜莺》

When you love life, life will love you back. - The Nightingale

7. 只要你心中充满希望,你永远不会孤单。 - 《皇帝的新衣》

As long as you have hope in your heart, you will never be alone. - The Emperor's New Clothes

8. 真正的美丽来自内心,而不是外表。 - 《白雪公主》

True beauty comes from within, not from appearances. - Snow White

9. 勇敢的人即使面对困难也从不放弃。 - 《勇敢的小裁缝》

The brave never give up, even in the face of difficulties. - The Brave Little Tailor

10. 友谊是人生中最宝贵的财富。 - 《小锡兵》

Friendship is the most precious treasure in life. - The Steadfast Tin Soldier

11. 每个人的心中都住着一位公主。 - 《野天鹅》

There is a princess in everyone's heart. - The Wild Swans

12. 真正的幸福来自内心,而不是物质上的满足。 - 《幸运的彼得》

True happiness comes from within, not from material possessions. - Lucky Peter

13. 你所爱的人是你命运的一部分。 - 《小克劳斯和大克劳斯》

The people you love are a part of your destiny. - Little Claus and Big Claus

14. 善良的人总是受到祝福。 - 《小红帽》

Kind people are always blessed. - Little Red Riding Hood

15. 当你相信自己时,你就能做到任何事。 - 《打火石》

When you believe in yourself, you can do anything. - The Tinderbox

16. 每个人的心中都有一个秘密花园。 - 《花园里的玫瑰》

Everyone has a secret garden in their heart. - The Rose in the Garden

17. 勇敢是战胜恐惧的最好武器。 - 《拇指姑娘》

Courage is the best weapon against fear. - Thumbelina

18. 真正的友谊永远不会消失。 - 《小锡兵》

True friendship never fades. - The Steadfast Tin Soldier

19. 善良的魔法总是会战胜邪恶。 - 《白雪公主》

The magic of kindness will always overcome evil. - Snow White

20. 生命就像一场旅行,充满了未知的冒险。 - 《丑小鸭》

Life is like a journey, full of unknown adventures. - The Ugly Duckling

21. 梦想可以让你飞翔,即使你只有双脚。 - 《卖火柴的小女孩》

Dreams can let you fly, even if you only have two feet. - The Little Match Girl

22. 美丽的东西并不总是完美。 - 《豌豆公主》

Beautiful things are not always perfect. - The Princess and the Pea

23. 真正的美丽来自内心,而不是外表。 - 《夜莺》

True beauty comes from within, not from appearances. - The Nightingale

24. 坚强的人即使在逆境中也能找到希望。 - 《皇帝的新衣》

Strong people can find hope even in adversity. - The Emperor's New Clothes

25. 你所看到的并不总是真实的。 - 《小红帽》

What you see is not always real. - Little Red Riding Hood

26. 真正的爱情是无私的,无条件的。 - 《海的女儿》

True love is selfless and unconditional. - The Little Mermaid

27. 我们都应该相信自己的内心。 - 《打火石》

We should all believe in our hearts. - The Tinderbox

28. 善良是世界上最强大的力量。 - 《野天鹅》

Kindness is the most powerful force in the world. - The Wild Swans

29. 我们都应该珍惜生活中简单而美好的事物。 - 《幸运的彼得》

We should all cherish the simple and beautiful things in life. - Lucky Peter

30. 即使是最渺小的人也能成就大事。 - 《勇敢的小裁缝》

Even the smallest people can achieve great things. - The Brave Little Tailor

31. 生命中充满了奇迹,只要你用心去感受。 - 《花园里的玫瑰》

Life is full of wonders, as long as you feel it with your heart. - The Rose in the Garden

32. 永远不要放弃你的梦想,即使它们看起来遥不可及。 - 《卖火柴的小女孩》

Never give up on your dreams, even if they seem out of reach. - The Little Match Girl

33. 友谊可以让你战胜一切困难。 - 《小锡兵》

Friendship can help you overcome any difficulty. - The Steadfast Tin Soldier

34. 每个人的内心都有一颗星星,照亮着他们的人生道路。 - 《丑小鸭》

Every person has a star in their heart, lighting the way through life. - The Ugly Duckling

35. 爱是世界上最伟大的力量。 - 《夜莺》

Love is the greatest power in the world. - The Nightingale

36. 美丽来自于你的内心,而不是你的外表。 - 《白雪公主》

Beauty comes from your heart, not your appearance. - Snow White

37. 即使是最小的种子也可以长成参天大树。 - 《拇指姑娘》

Even the smallest seed can grow into a towering tree. - Thumbelina

38. 不要害怕做你自己,因为你就是独一无二的。 - 《皇帝的新衣》

Don't be afraid to be yourself, because you are unique. - The Emperor's New Clothes

39. 不要被外表的欺骗所迷惑,因为真正的美丽来自内心。 - 《小红帽》

Don't be fooled by appearances, because true beauty comes from within. - Little Red Riding Hood

40. 爱是无私的,它可以超越任何困难。 - 《海的女儿》

Love is selfless and can overcome any difficulty. - The Little Mermaid

41. 相信你自己,你就能成就任何事。 - 《打火石》

Believe in yourself, and you can achieve anything. - The Tinderbox

42. 永远不要忘记你来自哪里。 - 《野天鹅》

Never forget where you come from. - The Wild Swans

43. 生活中充满了欢乐,只要你用心去感受。 - 《幸运的彼得》

Life is full of joy, as long as you feel it with your heart. - Lucky Peter

44. 即使是最渺小的人也能拥有伟大的梦想。 - 《勇敢的小裁缝》

Even the smallest person can have great dreams. - The Brave Little Tailor

45. 善良是通往幸福的桥梁。 - 《花园里的玫瑰》

Kindness is the bridge to happiness. - The Rose in the Garden

46. 永远不要放弃你的希望,因为希望可以让你战胜任何困难。 - 《卖火柴的小女孩》

Never give up your hope, because hope can help you overcome any difficulty. - The Little Match Girl

47. 友谊可以让你在人生道路上充满力量。 - 《小锡兵》

Friendship can give you strength on your life's journey. - The Steadfast Tin Soldier

48. 每一个人都有自己的闪光点,值得被世人欣赏。 - 《丑小鸭》

Every person has their own sparkle, worth being admired by the world. - The Ugly Duckling

49. 爱是世界上最伟大的力量,它可以化解任何仇恨。 - 《夜莺》

Love is the greatest power in the world, and it can melt any hatred. - The Nightingale

50. 美丽来自于你的内心,而不是你的外表。 - 《白雪公主》

Beauty comes from your heart, not your appearance. - Snow White

51. 即使是最小的种子也可以长成参天大树。 - 《拇指姑娘》

Even the smallest seed can grow into a towering tree. - Thumbelina

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