
## 末劝大度句子 (66句)

1. 海纳百川,有容乃大;壁立千仞,无欲则刚。

2. 宰相肚里能撑船,君子量大福无边。

3. 退一步海阔天空,忍一时风平浪静。

4. 冤冤相报何时了,得饶人处且饶人。

5. 宽容待人,厚德载物,方能成就大事。

6. 凡事留一线,日后好相见。

7. 心胸豁达,才能成就一番事业。

8. 放下恩怨,才能轻装上阵。

9. 忍耐是最大的智慧,宽容是最好的武器。

10. 与人方便,自己方便。

11. 计较得失,只会徒增烦恼。

12. 心胸狭隘,只会阻碍进步。

13. 懂得宽恕,才能获得真正的自由。

14. 大度是一种美德,也是一种智慧。

15. 忍一时之气,免百日之忧。

16. 凡事不必斤斤计较,要学会海纳百川。

17. 忍耐是一种美德,宽容是一种力量。

18. 懂得宽容,才能赢得人心。

19. 放下执念,才能获得真正的快乐。

20. 凡事多想一想,多忍一忍,便会心平气和。

21. 大度是一种境界,也是一种修养。

22. 宰相肚里能撑船,大人不记小人过。

23. 海阔天空任鸟飞,风轻云淡任鱼游。

24. 忍耐是金,宽容是玉。

25. 懂得宽容,才能化解矛盾。

26. 忍一时之气,免百日之恨。

27. 凡事不要太计较,要学会一笑置之。

28. 心胸开阔,才能容纳更多的东西。

29. 忍让是最好的武器,宽恕是最好的治疗。

30. 凡事不要太执着,要学会顺其自然。

31. 心胸狭窄,只会让自己痛苦不堪。

32. 懂得宽容,才能与人相处融洽。

33. 放下恩怨,才能获得内心的平静。

34. 凡事不要太计较,要学会看开一点。

35. 宽容是一种美德,也是一种智慧。

36. 忍耐是最好的报复,宽容是最大的成功。

37. 懂得宽容,才能化解心中的怨恨。

38. 凡事不要太较真,要学会一笑置之。

39. 放下执念,才能获得真正的自由。

40. 凡事不要太计较,要学会看淡一点。

41. 心胸开阔,才能容纳更多的人。

42. 忍让是最大的智慧,宽恕是最好的武器。

43. 凡事不要太执着,要学会随遇而安。

44. 心胸狭窄,只会让自己失去朋友。

45. 懂得宽容,才能赢得尊重。

46. 放下恩怨,才能获得心灵的解放。

47. 凡事不要太计较,要学会放下包袱。

48. 宽容是一种美德,也是一种责任。

49. 忍耐是最好的防守,宽容是最好的进攻。

50. 懂得宽容,才能化解心中的怒火。

51. 凡事不要太较真,要学会看开一点。

52. 放下执念,才能获得真正的快乐。

53. 凡事不要太计较,要学会看淡一点。

54. 心胸开阔,才能容纳更多的事物。

55. 忍让是最大的智慧,宽恕是最好的武器。

56. 凡事不要太执着,要学会随遇而安。

57. 心胸狭窄,只会让自己失去朋友。

58. 懂得宽容,才能赢得尊重。

59. 放下恩怨,才能获得心灵的解放。

60. 凡事不要太计较,要学会放下包袱。

61. 宽容是一种美德,也是一种责任。

62. 忍耐是最好的防守,宽容是最好的进攻。

63. 懂得宽容,才能化解心中的怒火。

64. 凡事不要太较真,要学会看开一点。

65. 放下执念,才能获得真正的快乐。

66. 凡事不要太计较,要学会看淡一点。

## English Translations

1. The sea can hold a hundred rivers; the great man is not afraid of difficulties.

2. A prime minister's belly is big enough to hold a boat; a gentleman is blessed with boundless magnanimity.

3. Take one step back, and you'll find a vast expanse of sky; tolerate for a moment, and you'll find peace and calm.

4. When will the endless cycle of revenge end? When you can, forgive.

5. Be tolerant to others, carry virtue on your shoulders; only then can you achieve great things.

6. Leave a thread of hope for everything; it will come in handy in the future.

7. A broad mind is necessary to achieve great things.

8. Let go of grudges and you can travel light.

9. Patience is the greatest wisdom, tolerance is the best weapon.

10. Make things easy for others and you'll make things easy for yourself.

11. Worrying about gains and losses will only lead to more trouble.

12. A narrow mind will only hinder progress.

13. To understand forgiveness is to gain true freedom.

14. Magnanimity is a virtue, and it is also wisdom.

15. Tolerate anger for a moment, and you'll avoid a hundred days of worry.

16. Don't sweat the small stuff, learn to embrace the vastness like the sea.

17. Patience is a virtue, tolerance is a power.

18. To understand tolerance is to win hearts and minds.

19. Let go of obsessions and you'll find true happiness.

20. Think more, tolerate more, and you'll find peace of mind.

21. Magnanimity is a realm of being, and also a cultivation of character.

22. A prime minister's belly is big enough to hold a boat; a superior doesn't hold a grudge against an inferior.

23. The vast sky lets birds fly freely; the gentle breeze and light clouds let fish swim freely.

24. Patience is gold, tolerance is jade.

25. To understand tolerance is to resolve conflict.

26. Tolerate anger for a moment, and you'll avoid a hundred days of hate.

27. Don't sweat the small stuff, learn to let it go with a smile.

28. A broad mind is able to hold more things.

29. Tolerance is the best weapon, forgiveness is the best cure.

30. Don't be too attached to things, learn to let things take their course.

31. A narrow mind will only bring you endless suffering.

32. To understand tolerance is to get along with others harmoniously.

33. Let go of grudges and you'll find inner peace.

34. Don't sweat the small stuff, learn to let things go.

35. Magnanimity is a virtue, and it is also wisdom.

36. Patience is the best revenge, tolerance is the greatest success.

37. To understand tolerance is to let go of the hatred in your heart.

38. Don't sweat the small stuff, learn to let it go with a smile.

39. Let go of obsessions and you'll find true freedom.

40. Don't sweat the small stuff, learn to let things go.

41. A broad mind is able to hold more people.

42. Patience is the greatest wisdom, tolerance is the best weapon.

43. Don't be too attached to things, learn to adapt to any situation.

44. A narrow mind will only cause you to lose friends.

45. To understand tolerance is to earn respect.

46. Let go of grudges and you'll find liberation of the soul.

47. Don't sweat the small stuff, learn to let go of your burdens.

48. Magnanimity is a virtue, and it is also a responsibility.

49. Patience is the best defense, tolerance is the best offense.

50. To understand tolerance is to let go of the anger in your heart.

51. Don't sweat the small stuff, learn to let things go.

52. Let go of obsessions and you'll find true happiness.

53. Don't sweat the small stuff, learn to let things go.

54. A broad mind is able to hold more things.

55. Patience is the greatest wisdom, tolerance is the best weapon.

56. Don't be too attached to things, learn to adapt to any situation.

57. A narrow mind will only cause you to lose friends.

58. To understand tolerance is to earn respect.

59. Let go of grudges and you'll find liberation of the soul.

60. Don't sweat the small stuff, learn to let go of your burdens.

61. Magnanimity is a virtue, and it is also a responsibility.

62. Patience is the best defense, tolerance is the best offense.

63. To understand tolerance is to let go of the anger in your heart.

64. Don't sweat the small stuff, learn to let things go.

65. Let go of obsessions and you'll find true happiness.

66. Don't sweat the small stuff, learn to let things go.

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