
## 婚期已定句子 (84句)


1. 我们的婚期已定,我们将在 [日期] 举行婚礼。
2. 我们终于敲定了婚期,将在 [日期] 举办婚礼。
3. 我们决定在 [日期] 步入婚姻殿堂,现在婚期已定。
4. 婚期已定,我们将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,敬请期待!
5. 经过精心筹备,我们终于确定了婚期,将在 [日期] 举办婚礼。
6. 我们很高兴地宣布,我们的婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼。
7. 经过深思熟虑,我们决定在 [日期] 举办婚礼,婚期已定。
8. 我们的婚期终于确定了,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,我们迫不及待地期待着这一天。
9. 我们将永远铭记这一天,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举办婚礼。
10. 我们要结婚了!婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,我们非常兴奋。


11. 我终于找到了我生命中的另一半,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 与你共度一生。
12. 我们将携手共度余生,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,见证我们的爱情。
13. 我迫不及待地想要嫁给你,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 与你步入婚姻殿堂。
14. 我们将永远相爱,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,许下爱的誓言。
15. 你是我生命中的唯一,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 与你共度一生。
16. 我们将永远在一起,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,开启人生新篇章。
17. 我们的爱情故事即将迎来最美好的结局,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼。
18. 你是我的梦想,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 与你携手共度余生。
19. 我爱你胜过一切,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 与你步入婚姻殿堂。
20. 我将永远珍惜你,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 与你共度一生。


21. 我们终于要结婚了,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,敬请见证我们的大日子!
22. 婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举办婚礼,我们将在这一天正式“合法”在一起!
23. 我们终于要“脱单”了,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,敬请期待我们的盛大婚宴!
24. 婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,我们将正式告别“单身狗”身份!
25. 我们终于要成为“老夫老妻”了,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,敬请见证我们的爱情结晶!
26. 婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,我们将在这一天开启“幸福肥”的旅程!
27. 我们终于要“官宣”了,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,敬请期待我们的幸福时刻!
28. 婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,我们终于要拥有属于自己的“小窝”了!
29. 婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,我们将在这一天向全世界宣布我们的爱情!
30. 我们终于要“合体”了,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,敬请见证我们的爱情故事!


31. 我们要结婚了,婚期定在 [日期]。
32. 婚期已定,我们将于 [日期] 结婚。
33. 婚礼将在 [日期] 举行。
34. 我们将在 [日期] 举办婚礼。
35. 婚期定在 [日期],敬请期待。
36. 我们将在 [日期] 结婚,不见不散。
37. 婚礼将在 [日期] 举行,期待您的到来。
38. 婚期定在 [日期],期待与您共同见证我们的爱情。
39. 我们的婚礼将在 [日期] 举行,让我们一起迎接幸福。
40. 我们将在 [日期] 携手步入婚姻殿堂。


41. 感谢大家的祝福,我们的婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼。
42. 我们收到了许多祝福,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,与大家分享我们的喜悦。
43. 感谢大家一直以来的支持,我们的婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,期待您的光临。
44. 我们很感谢大家的祝福,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,让我们一起见证我们的幸福。
45. 感谢所有关心我们的人,我们的婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,期待与大家一起分享喜悦。
46. 我们的婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,感谢大家的祝福,让我们一起开启人生新篇章。
47. 非常感谢大家的关心,我们的婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,期待您的祝福。
48. 我们很幸运拥有你们的祝福,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,让我们共同见证爱的力量。
49. 感谢大家的祝福和支持,我们的婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,让我们一起创造幸福回忆。
50. 我们将永远铭记你们的祝福,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,让我们一起开启人生新篇章。


51. 我谨此宣布,我和 [伴侣姓名] 的婚期已定,将于 [日期] 在 [地点] 举行婚礼。
52. 我们很高兴地宣布,婚期已定,将于 [日期] 在 [地点] 举办婚礼,期待您的光临。
53. 我们诚挚地邀请您参加我们的婚礼,婚期已定,将于 [日期] 在 [地点] 举行。
54. 我们非常荣幸地邀请您参加我们的婚礼,婚期已定,将于 [日期] 在 [地点] 举行。
55. 为了庆祝我们即将步入婚姻殿堂,特此宣布婚期已定,将于 [日期] 在 [地点] 举行婚礼。
56. 我们将永远珍惜彼此,婚期已定,将于 [日期] 在 [地点] 举行婚礼,期待与您共同见证。
57. 我们即将携手共度余生,婚期已定,将于 [日期] 在 [地点] 举行婚礼,期待您的祝福。
58. 我们将永远铭记这一天,婚期已定,将于 [日期] 在 [地点] 举行婚礼,与您分享我们的喜悦。
59. 我们非常感谢您的支持和祝福,婚期已定,将于 [日期] 在 [地点] 举行婚礼,期待与您共同见证。
60. 我们将永远相爱,婚期已定,将于 [日期] 在 [地点] 举行婚礼,期待您的光临。


61. 我们即将步入人生新阶段,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼。
62. 我们将永远相伴,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,开启人生新篇章。
63. 我们将携手共度余生,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,敬请见证我们的爱情。
64. 我们将永远铭记这一天,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,让我们一起创造幸福回忆。
65. 我们将永远珍惜彼此,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,期待与您共同见证我们的爱情。
66. 我们将永远相爱,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,让我们一起开启人生新篇章。
67. 我们将永远铭记这一天,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,与您分享我们的喜悦。
68. 我们将永远珍惜彼此,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,期待您的光临。
69. 我们将永远相爱,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,期待您的祝福。
70. 我们将永远铭记这一天,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,让我们一起见证爱的力量。


71. 我们将在 [日期] 举行 [婚礼主题] 婚礼,婚期已定,期待与您共同见证我们的爱情。
72. 婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行 [婚礼主题] 婚礼,让我们一起开启人生新篇章。
73. 我们将以 [婚礼主题] 为主题举行婚礼,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 与您分享我们的喜悦。
74. 婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行 [婚礼主题] 婚礼,期待您的到来,见证我们的幸福。
75. 我们将在 [日期] 举行 [婚礼主题] 婚礼,婚期已定,让我们一起创造幸福回忆。
76. 婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行 [婚礼主题] 婚礼,期待与您共同见证我们的爱情。
77. 我们将以 [婚礼主题] 为主题举行婚礼,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行,让我们一起开启人生新篇章。
78. 婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行 [婚礼主题] 婚礼,期待您的祝福,让我们一起见证爱的力量。
79. 我们将在 [日期] 举行 [婚礼主题] 婚礼,婚期已定,让我们一起创造幸福回忆。
80. 婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行 [婚礼主题] 婚礼,期待与您共同见证我们的爱情。


81. 我的爱人,我们将在 [日期] 结婚,婚期已定,我很期待这一天!
82. 宝贝,婚期已定,我们将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,你准备好了吗?
83. 我们终于要结婚了,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,我会永远爱你!
84. 我的爱人,我迫不及待地想要嫁给你,婚期已定,将在 [日期] 举行婚礼,让我们一起创造幸福的未来!

## 英文翻译

**Traditional expressions:**

1. Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date].

2. We have finally decided on the wedding date, we will be getting married on [Date].

3. We have decided to tie the knot on [Date], our wedding date is now set.

4. Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], stay tuned!

5. After careful planning, we have finally decided on our wedding date, we will be getting married on [Date].

6. We are delighted to announce that our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date].

7. After careful consideration, we have decided to get married on [Date], our wedding date is set.

8. Our wedding date is finally set, we will be getting married on [Date], we can't wait for this day.

9. We will forever remember this day, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date].

10. We are getting married! Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], we are so excited.

**Romantic expressions:**

11. I have finally found the love of my life, our wedding date is set, I will spend the rest of my life with you on [Date].

12. We will spend the rest of our lives together, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], witnessing our love.

13. I can't wait to marry you, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date].

14. We will always love each other, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], making our vows of love.

15. You are the only one for me, our wedding date is set, I will spend the rest of my life with you on [Date].

16. We will be together forever, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], starting a new chapter in our lives.

17. Our love story is about to reach its most beautiful ending, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date].

18. You are my dream, our wedding date is set, I will spend the rest of my life with you on [Date].

19. I love you more than anything, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date].

20. I will cherish you forever, our wedding date is set, I will spend the rest of my life with you on [Date].

**Humorous expressions:**

21. We are finally getting married, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], witness our big day!

22. Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], we will be officially"legal" together on this day!

23. We are finally getting off the"single" boat, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], look forward to our grand wedding feast!

24. Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], we will officially say goodbye to our"single dog" status!

25. We are finally going to be"old married couple", our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], witness the crystallization of our love!

26. Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], we will officially start our"happy fat" journey on this day!

27. We are finally going to"make it official", our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], look forward to our happy moments!

28. Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], we are finally going to have our own"nest"!

29. Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], we will be announcing our love to the world on this day!

30. We are finally going to"merge" together, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], witness our love story!

**Concise expressions:**

31. We're getting married, the wedding date is set for [Date].

32. The wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date].

33. The wedding will be held on [Date].

34. We will be getting married on [Date].

35. The wedding date is set on [Date], stay tuned.

36. We will be getting married on [Date], don't miss it.

37. The wedding will be held on [Date], we look forward to your presence.

38. The wedding date is set on [Date], we look forward to witnessing our love with you.

39. Our wedding will be held on [Date], let's welcome happiness together.

40. We will be walking down the aisle together on [Date].

**Expressions of gratitude:**

41. Thank you for your blessings, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date].

42. We have received so many blessings, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], sharing our joy with you.

43. Thank you for your continuous support, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], we look forward to your presence.

44. We are so grateful for your blessings, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], let's witness our happiness together.

45. Thank you to everyone who cares about us, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], we look forward to sharing our joy with you.

46. Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], thank you for your blessings, let's start a new chapter in our lives together.

47. Thank you for your concern, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], we look forward to your blessings.

48. We are so lucky to have your blessings, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], let's witness the power of love together.

49. Thank you for your blessings and support, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], let's create happy memories together.

50. We will forever remember your blessings, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], let's start a new chapter in our lives together.

**Formal expressions:**

51. I hereby announce that I, [Partner's name], and I have set our wedding date, which will be held on [Date] at [Location].

52. We are delighted to announce that our wedding date is set, and we will be getting married on [Date] at [Location]. We look forward to your presence.

53. We sincerely invite you to attend our wedding, our wedding date is set, and it will be held on [Date] at [Location].

54. We are honored to invite you to our wedding, our wedding date is set, and it will be held on [Date] at [Location].

55. In celebration of our upcoming wedding, we hereby announce our wedding date, which will be held on [Date] at [Location].

56. We will always cherish each other, our wedding date is set, and it will be held on [Date] at [Location]. We look forward to witnessing our love with you.

57. We are about to spend the rest of our lives together, our wedding date is set, and it will be held on [Date] at [Location]. We look forward to your blessings.

58. We will forever remember this day, our wedding date is set, and it will be held on [Date] at [Location]. We will share our joy with you.

59. We are so grateful for your support and blessings, our wedding date is set, and it will be held on [Date] at [Location]. We look forward to witnessing our love with you.

60. We will always love each other, our wedding date is set, and it will be held on [Date] at [Location]. We look forward to your presence.

**Other expressions:**

61. We are about to enter a new stage of life, our wedding date is set, and we will be getting married on [Date].

62. We will always be together, our wedding date is set, and we will be getting married on [Date], starting a new chapter in our lives.

63. We will spend the rest of our lives together, our wedding date is set, and we will be getting married on [Date], witness our love.

64. We will forever remember this day, our wedding date is set, and we will be getting married on [Date], let's create happy memories together.

65. We will always cherish each other, our wedding date is set, and we will be getting married on [Date], we look forward to witnessing our love with you.

66. We will always love each other, our wedding date is set, and we will be getting married on [Date], let's start a new chapter in our lives together.

67. We will forever remember this day, our wedding date is set, and we will be getting married on [Date], sharing our joy with you.

68. We will always cherish each other, our wedding date is set, and we will be getting married on [Date], we look forward to your presence.

69. We will always love each other, our wedding date is set, and we will be getting married on [Date], we look forward to your blessings.

70. We will forever remember this day, our wedding date is set, and we will be getting married on [Date], let's witness the power of love together.

**Expressions combined with wedding theme:**

71. We will be getting married on [Date] with a [Wedding theme] wedding, our wedding date is set, we look forward to witnessing our love with you.

72. Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date] with a [Wedding theme] wedding, let's start a new chapter in our lives together.

73. We will be getting married on [Date] with a [Wedding theme] themed wedding, our wedding date is set, we will share our joy with you.

74. Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date] with a [Wedding theme] wedding, we look forward to your presence, witness our happiness.

75. We will be getting married on [Date] with a [Wedding theme] wedding, our wedding date is set, let's create happy memories together.

76. Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date] with a [Wedding theme] wedding, we look forward to witnessing our love with you.

77. We will be getting married on [Date] with a [Wedding theme] themed wedding, our wedding date is set, let's start a new chapter in our lives together.

78. Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date] with a [Wedding theme] wedding, we look forward to your blessings, let's witness the power of love together.

79. We will be getting married on [Date] with a [Wedding theme] wedding, our wedding date is set, let's create happy memories together.

80. Our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date] with a [Wedding theme] wedding, we look forward to witnessing our love with you.

**Expressions of interaction with partners:**

81. My love, we will be getting married on [Date], our wedding date is set, I'm looking forward to this day!

82. Baby, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], are you ready?

83. We're finally getting married, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], I will love you forever!

84. My love, I can't wait to marry you, our wedding date is set, we will be getting married on [Date], let's create a happy future together!

以上就是关于婚期已定句子84句(婚期已定句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
