
## 婚恋网打招呼的句子 (93句)


1. 您好,很高兴认识您!

Hello, nice to meet you!

2. 你好!看到你的照片,觉得很漂亮/帅气。

Hi! I think you are very beautiful/handsome in your photo.

3. 您好,想和你聊聊,可以吗?

Hello, would you like to chat?

4. 你的个人资料很吸引我,想进一步了解你。

Your profile caught my attention, I'd love to know more about you.

5. 你好,看到你对...很感兴趣,我也很感兴趣,想和你聊聊。

Hi, I saw you are interested in..., I am too, and I would like to chat with you.


6. 你好,请问你是从哪个星球来的?太美/帅了!

Hi, from which planet are you from? You are so beautiful/handsome!

7. 你好,你一定是上帝的杰作吧?太完美了!

Hello, you must be God's masterpiece! You are perfect!

8. 你好,你的笑容好温暖,让我忍不住想和你打招呼。

Hi, your smile is so warm, I can't help but say hello.

9. 你好,你的照片好漂亮/帅气,希望你的性格也像照片一样迷人。

Hi, your photo is so beautiful/handsome, I hope your personality is as charming as the photo.

10. 你好,我想知道,你的宠物是什么?我的宠物很希望和你交朋友。

Hi, I wonder, what is your pet? My pet is eager to make friends with you.


11. 你好,你的个人资料很真实,我很欣赏你的真诚。

Hello, your profile is very real, I appreciate your sincerity.

12. 你好,你的兴趣爱好跟我很相似,感觉我们很有共同话题。

Hi, your interests are similar to mine, I feel like we have a lot in common.

13. 你好,看到你的照片,我好像看到了我的梦中情人。

Hello, seeing your photo, I feel like I saw my dream lover.

14. 你好,你的个人资料让我很感动,你是一个很善良的人。

Hi, your profile touched me, you are a very kind person.

15. 你好,你的经历很丰富,我想向你学习。

Hello, you have a rich experience, I want to learn from you.


16. 你好,我是一个...,希望和你聊聊,互相了解。

Hello, I am a..., I hope to chat with you and get to know each other.

17. 你好,看到你的个人资料,感觉我们很合拍。

Hi, seeing your profile, I feel like we are a good match.

18. 你好,你的照片很特别,想了解你背后的故事。

Hi, your photo is special, I want to know the story behind it.

19. 你好,我正在寻找一个...,不知道你是否符合我的标准。

Hi, I am looking for a..., I wonder if you meet my standards.

20. 你好,你的个人资料很独特,我很想和你聊聊。

Hi, your profile is unique, I really want to chat with you.


21. 你好,祝你今天心情愉快!

Hi, have a nice day!

22. 你好,期待你的回复!

Hi, I look forward to your reply!

23. 你好,你的个人资料很有吸引力。

Hi, your profile is very attractive.

24. 你好,看到你的照片,感觉你很有气质。

Hi, seeing your photo, I feel you have a lot of temperament.

25. 你好,你的个人资料写得很精彩。

Hi, your profile is very well written.


26. 你好,你是做...工作的吗?我也对...很感兴趣。

Hi, do you work in...? I am also interested in....

27. 你好,你是...专业的吗?我很想向你学习。

Hi, are you a professional in...? I would love to learn from you.

28. 你好,看到你从事...行业,感觉你很有能力。

Hi, seeing you are in the... industry, I feel you are very capable.

29. 你好,你的职业很令人尊敬,我很欣赏你。

Hi, your profession is very respectable, I admire you.

30. 你好,你的工作经验很丰富,我很想和你交流。

Hi, you have rich work experience, I would love to communicate with you.


31. 你好,看到你很喜欢...,我也是,我们应该有很多共同话题。

Hi, I saw you love..., I do too, we should have a lot in common.

32. 你好,你的...爱好很独特,我很想了解你。

Hi, your... hobby is unique, I would love to know you.

33. 你好,你的...爱好也很棒,我们可以一起...。

Hi, your... hobby is also great, we can... together.

34. 你好,看到你对...很了解,我很想向你学习。

Hi, I saw you know a lot about..., I would love to learn from you.

35. 你好,你的...爱好让我很佩服,我很想和你交流。

Hi, I admire your... hobby, I would love to communicate with you.


36. 你好,你看起来很阳光/开朗,我很喜欢你的性格。

Hi, you look very sunny/optimistic, I like your personality.

37. 你好,你给人一种很温暖/亲切的感觉,我很想和你做朋友。

Hi, you give me a warm/friendly feeling, I would love to be friends with you.

38. 你好,你的性格很吸引我,希望我们能聊得来。

Hi, your personality attracts me, I hope we can get along.

39. 你好,你看起来很独立/自信,我很欣赏你。

Hi, you look very independent/confident, I admire you.

40. 你好,你的性格很真诚/善良,我很想和你交流。

Hi, your personality is very sincere/kind, I would love to communicate with you.


41. 你好,你的眼睛真漂亮/迷人,让我无法移开目光。

Hi, your eyes are so beautiful/charming, I can't take my eyes off them.

42. 你好,你的笑容好温暖/甜蜜,让人感觉很舒服。

Hi, your smile is so warm/sweet, it makes people feel comfortable.

43. 你好,你的身材真棒,很符合我的审美。

Hi, your figure is awesome, it meets my aesthetic standards.

44. 你好,你的气质很优雅/迷人,让我忍不住想和你搭讪。

Hi, your temperament is elegant/charming, I can't help but chat with you.

45. 你好,你的五官真精致,简直就是上帝的杰作。

Hi, your features are so exquisite, it's simply God's masterpiece.


46. 你好,你看起来很年轻/成熟,我很喜欢你的气质。

Hi, you look very young/mature, I like your temperament.

47. 你好,你年龄跟我很相近,感觉我们会有很多共同话题。

Hi, you are about the same age as me, I feel like we will have a lot in common.

48. 你好,你比我大/小几岁,我很欣赏你的阅历/活力。

Hi, you are a few years older/younger than me, I admire your experience/vitality.

49. 你好,你年龄跟我差距有点大,不知道你是否介意。

Hi, you are a bit older/younger than me, I wonder if you mind.

50. 你好,希望年龄不是问题,我们可以互相了解。

Hi, I hope age is not a problem, we can get to know each other.


51. 你好,你学历很高,我很佩服你的才华。

Hi, you have a high education, I admire your talent.

52. 你好,你的学历背景跟我很相似,感觉我们会有很多共同话题。

Hi, your educational background is similar to mine, I feel like we will have a lot in common.

53. 你好,你对...方面的知识很了解,我很想向你学习。

Hi, you know a lot about..., I would love to learn from you.

54. 你好,你的学历很适合我的标准,我很想和你聊聊。

Hi, your education meets my standards, I would love to chat with you.

55. 你好,你的学历很优秀,希望我们能有共同的目标。

Hi, you have a great education, I hope we can have common goals.


56. 你好,你来自...家庭,我很欣赏你的家教。

Hi, you are from a... family, I admire your upbringing.

57. 你好,你对家庭的重视让我很感动,我很想和你交流。

Hi, I am touched by your emphasis on family, I would love to communicate with you.

58. 你好,你的家庭背景很适合我,我很想和你聊聊。

Hi, your family background suits me, I would love to chat with you.

59. 你好,你的家庭背景很不错,希望我们能互相理解。

Hi, your family background is very good, I hope we can understand each other.

60. 你好,希望家庭背景不是问题,我们可以互相了解。

Hi, I hope family background is not a problem, we can get to know each other.


61. 你好,你看起来很喜欢...,我也是,我们应该有很多共同话题。

Hi, you seem to love..., I do too, we should have a lot in common.

62. 你好,你的生活方式很吸引我,我很想了解你。

Hi, your lifestyle attracts me, I would love to know you.

63. 你好,你的生活方式很健康/积极,我很欣赏你。

Hi, your lifestyle is very healthy/positive, I admire you.

64. 你好,你的生活方式跟我很相似,感觉我们很有共同话题。

Hi, your lifestyle is similar to mine, I feel like we have a lot in common.

65. 你好,你的生活方式很丰富/精彩,我很想和你交流。

Hi, your lifestyle is very rich/exciting, I would love to communicate with you.


66. 你好,你的价值观跟我很一致,感觉我们很有共同语言。

Hi, your values are consistent with mine, I feel like we have a lot in common.

67. 你好,你的价值观很正能量,我很欣赏你。

Hi, your values are very positive, I admire you.

68. 你好,你的价值观很独特,我很想了解你。

Hi, your values are unique, I would love to know you.

69. 你好,你的价值观跟我有些不同,我很想和你交流。

Hi, your values are a bit different from mine, I would love to communicate with you.

70. 你好,希望价值观不是问题,我们可以互相了解。

Hi, I hope values are not a problem, we can get to know each other.


71. 你好,你看起来很温柔/强势,我很欣赏你。

Hi, you look very gentle/strong, I admire you.

72. 你好,你看起来很独立/依赖,我很想了解你。

Hi, you look very independent/dependent, I would love to know you.

73. 你好,你看起来很幽默/严肃,我很想和你聊聊。

Hi, you look very humorous/serious, I would love to chat with you.

74. 你好,你看起来很乐观/悲观,我很想和你交流。

Hi, you look very optimistic/pessimistic, I would love to communicate with you.

75. 你好,你看起来很热情/冷淡,我很想和你做朋友。

Hi, you look very enthusiastic/cold, I would love to be friends with you.


76. 你好,你是...星座的嗎?我听说...星座的人...。

Hi, are you a... zodiac sign? I heard people of... zodiac sign....

77. 你好,你的星座跟我很合拍,感觉我们很有缘分。

Hi, your zodiac sign is a good match for me, I feel like we are destined to be together.

78. 你好,你的星座跟我有点冲突,不知道你会不会介意。

Hi, your zodiac sign is a bit conflicting with mine, I wonder if you mind.

79. 你好,希望星座不是问题,我们可以互相了解。

Hi, I hope zodiac sign is not a problem, we can get to know each other.

80. 你好,你的星座很神秘,我很想了解你。

Hi, your zodiac sign is very mysterious, I would love to know you.


81. 你好,你的照片很有特色,我很想了解你。

Hi, your photo is very unique, I would love to know you.

82. 你好,你的个人资料写得很用心,我很欣赏你。

Hi, your profile is very thoughtful, I admire you.

83. 你好,你的个人资料很有吸引力,我很想和你聊聊。

Hi, your profile is very attractive, I would love to chat with you.

84. 你好,你的照片很漂亮/帅气,我忍不住想和你打招呼。

Hi, your photo is so beautiful/handsome, I can't help but say hello.

85. 你好,你的个人资料写得很真实,我很欣赏你的真诚。

Hi, your profile is very real, I appreciate your sincerity.

86. 你好,你的兴趣爱好跟我很相似,感觉我们很有共同话题。

Hi, your interests are similar to mine, I feel like we have a lot in common.

87. 你好,你的照片很特别,想了解你背后的故事。

Hi, your photo is special, I want to know the story behind it.

88. 你好,我正在寻找一个...,不知道你是否符合我的标准。

Hi, I am looking for a..., I wonder if you meet my standards.

89. 你好,你的个人资料很独特,我很想和你聊聊。

Hi, your profile is unique, I really want to chat with you.

90. 你好,祝你今天心情愉快!

Hi, have a nice day!

91. 你好,期待你的回复!

Hi, I look forward to your reply!

92. 你好,你的个人资料很有吸引力。

Hi, your profile is very attractive.

93. 你好,看到你的照片,感觉你很有气质。

Hi, seeing your photo, I feel you have a lot of temperament.

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