
## 如梦令承上启下的句子 (53句)

1. **梦境如烟,现实如潮,浮生若梦,谁主沉浮?** (The dream is like smoke, the reality like tide, life is like a dream, who controls the ebb and flow?)
2. **一曲新词,唱尽离愁,半生情谊,化作云烟。** (A new song, sung through the sadness of parting, half a life's friendship, turned to smoke and cloud.)
3. **夜深人静,思绪万千,往事如风,拂过心头。** (The night is deep and quiet, thoughts are countless, past events are like the wind, brushing over the heart.)
4. **花开花谢,月圆月缺,人生如梦,转瞬即逝。** (Flowers bloom and fade, the moon waxes and wanes, life is like a dream, fleeting in an instant.)
5. **红尘滚滚,世事无常,唯有真情,永驻心间。** (The world is full of turmoil, life is unpredictable, only true love remains in the heart.)
6. **一梦醒来,物是人非,往日欢笑,化作泪痕。** (Waking from a dream, everything has changed, past laughter has turned to tears.)
7. **镜花水月,虚幻缥缈,梦里繁华,醒后皆空。** (Mirror flowers and water moon, illusory and fleeting, prosperity in dreams, emptiness after waking.)
8. **人生如戏,戏如人生,悲欢离合,不过一场戏。** (Life is like a play, play is like life, joys and sorrows, all just a play.)
9. **梦里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。** (Searching for her a thousand times in my dream, suddenly I turn around, and there she is, by the flickering lights.)
10. **风月无情,情深意长,红尘过客,谁与共赏?** (Wind and moon are unfeeling, love is deep and long, passersby in the world, who will share the view with me?)
11. **一壶浊酒,一杯清茶,人生苦短,何必强求?** (A pot of turbid wine, a cup of clear tea, life is short, why force things?)
12. **花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。** (When the flowers are in bloom, pluck them while you can, don't wait until there are no flowers left to pluck the branches.)
13. **人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。** (When life is at its best, enjoy it to the fullest, don't let the golden goblet face the moon empty.)
14. **醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?** (Don't laugh at me sleeping drunk on the battlefield, how many soldiers from ancient wars ever returned?)
15. **人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。** (Since ancient times, who has not died, leave behind a loyal heart to shine in history.)
16. **天下英雄谁敌手?曹刘生子论短长。** (Who is the hero in the world? Cao and Liu, their sons are compared for their strengths and weaknesses.)
17. **功名利禄皆浮云,唯有真情永流传。** (Fame and fortune are like passing clouds, only true love endures forever.)
18. **落花有意随流水,流水无情恋落花。** (The fallen flowers have a mind to follow the stream, but the stream is indifferent to the fallen flowers.)
19. **世间万物皆无常,唯有真爱永存心。** (Everything in the world is impermanent, only true love remains in the heart.)
20. **梦里不知身是客,一觉醒来,已是百年身。** (In my dream, I didn't know I was a guest, waking up, I am already a hundred years old.)
21. **天涯何处无芳草,何必单恋一枝花?** (Where is there no fragrant grass in the world? Why be obsessed with only one flower?)
22. **水到渠成,事在人为,天命难违,顺其自然。** (When the water flows to the canal, it will be accomplished naturally, things depend on human effort, destiny is hard to defy, just go with the flow.)
23. **路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。** (The road is long and winding, I will seek knowledge from above and below.)
24. **海内存知己,天涯若比邻。** (If there are friends within the vast sea, even if they are at the ends of the earth, they are like neighbors.)
25. **人生苦短,及时行乐,莫等闲白了少年头。** (Life is short, enjoy the moment, don't let youth slip by idly.)
26. **一枝独秀不是春,百花齐放春满园。** (One flower alone does not make spring, a hundred flowers blooming fills the garden with spring.)
27. **天下兴亡,匹夫有责。** (The fate of the world rests on the shoulders of every man.)
28. **苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。** (If it benefits the country, I will die for it, why should I avoid misfortune or seek fortune?)
29. **心怀天下,志存高远,不负韶华,不负此生。** (With a heart for the world, aspirations reaching high, don't waste your prime, don't waste your life.)
30. **人生不如意事十之八九,何必为难自己?** (Nine out of ten things in life don't go as planned, why make things difficult for yourself?)
31. **知足常乐,心怀感恩,才能活得快乐。** (Be content with what you have, be grateful, only then can you live happily.)
32. **心存善念,行善积德,方能福泽绵长。** (With good thoughts in your heart, do good deeds and accumulate virtue, only then can you have lasting blessings.)
33. **心胸宽广,容纳百川,才能成就大事。** (With a broad mind, able to contain all rivers, only then can you achieve great things.)
34. **志存高远,脚踏实地,才能成就梦想。** (Set your sights high, be down-to-earth, only then can you achieve your dreams.)
35. **逆境磨练,方得始终,苦难考验,才能成长。** (Through adversity, one gains strength, through hardship, one grows.)
36. **不畏艰险,勇往直前,才能取得成功。** (Fear no danger, bravely forge ahead, only then can you achieve success.)
37. **塞翁失马,焉知非福?** (The old man at the border lost his horse, how do you know it's not a blessing?)
38. **天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。** (The weather is unpredictable, humans have good and bad fortune.)
39. **人生不如意事常八九,可与人言无二三。** (Nine out of ten things in life don't go as planned, there are only two or three things that can be shared with others.)
40. **人生一世,草木一秋,何必执着于过往?** (Life is like a blade of grass, a season for trees, why dwell on the past?)
41. **得失成败,皆是过眼云烟,唯有真情永驻心间。** (Gains and losses, success and failure, all are like passing clouds, only true love remains in the heart.)
42. **笑看风云,淡泊名利,才能活得自在。** (Laugh at the ups and downs of life, be indifferent to fame and fortune, only then can you live freely.)
43. **人生如梦,梦如人生,醒来何处是归宿?** (Life is like a dream, dream is like life, waking up, where is home?)
44. **缘分天注定,强求不得,随缘而行,才是真谛。** (Fate is predetermined, you can't force it, go with the flow, that is the truth.)
45. **花开花落,云卷云舒,人生不过一场轮回。** (Flowers bloom and fall, clouds gather and disperse, life is just a cycle.)
46. **人生路上,总有荆棘,不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹?** (On the road of life, there are always thorns, how can you see the rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?)
47. **山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。** (When you reach the end of the mountains and the water, you think there's no way forward, but then you see willows becoming green and flowers blooming, another village appears.)
48. **人生苦短,何必在意他人看法?** (Life is short, why care about what others think?)
49. **心若向阳,无畏寒冬,人生处处皆精彩。** (If your heart is facing the sun, you will not fear winter, life is full of wonders.)
50. **人生如戏,戏如人生,何必太认真?** (Life is like a play, play is like life, why take it too seriously?)
51. **得失成败,皆是过眼云烟,何必耿耿于怀?** (Gains and losses, success and failure, all are like passing clouds, why hold onto them?)
52. **人生无常,珍惜当下,莫负韶华。** (Life is unpredictable, cherish the present moment, don't waste your youth.)
53. **梦里花落知多少?** (How many flowers fall in the dream?)

## 英文翻译 (HTML p标签)

1. The dream is like smoke, the reality like tide, life is like a dream, who controls the ebb and flow?

2. A new song, sung through the sadness of parting, half a life's friendship, turned to smoke and cloud.

3. The night is deep and quiet, thoughts are countless, past events are like the wind, brushing over the heart.

4. Flowers bloom and fade, the moon waxes and wanes, life is like a dream, fleeting in an instant.

5. The world is full of turmoil, life is unpredictable, only true love remains in the heart.

6. Waking from a dream, everything has changed, past laughter has turned to tears.

7. Mirror flowers and water moon, illusory and fleeting, prosperity in dreams, emptiness after waking.

8. Life is like a play, play is like life, joys and sorrows, all just a play.

9. Searching for her a thousand times in my dream, suddenly I turn around, and there she is, by the flickering lights.

10. Wind and moon are unfeeling, love is deep and long, passersby in the world, who will share the view with me?

11. A pot of turbid wine, a cup of clear tea, life is short, why force things?

12. When the flowers are in bloom, pluck them while you can, don't wait until there are no flowers left to pluck the branches.

13. When life is at its best, enjoy it to the fullest, don't let the golden goblet face the moon empty.

14. Don't laugh at me sleeping drunk on the battlefield, how many soldiers from ancient wars ever returned?

15. Since ancient times, who has not died, leave behind a loyal heart to shine in history.

16. Who is the hero in the world? Cao and Liu, their sons are compared for their strengths and weaknesses.

17. Fame and fortune are like passing clouds, only true love endures forever.

18. The fallen flowers have a mind to follow the stream, but the stream is indifferent to the fallen flowers.

19. Everything in the world is impermanent, only true love remains in the heart.

20. In my dream, I didn't know I was a guest, waking up, I am already a hundred years old.

21. Where is there no fragrant grass in the world? Why be obsessed with only one flower?

22. When the water flows to the canal, it will be accomplished naturally, things depend on human effort, destiny is hard to defy, just go with the flow.

23. The road is long and winding, I will seek knowledge from above and below.

24. If there are friends within the vast sea, even if they are at the ends of the earth, they are like neighbors.

25. Life is short, enjoy the moment, don't let youth slip by idly.

26. One flower alone does not make spring, a hundred flowers blooming fills the garden with spring.

27. The fate of the world rests on the shoulders of every man.

28. If it benefits the country, I will die for it, why should I avoid misfortune or seek fortune?

29. With a heart for the world, aspirations reaching high, don't waste your prime, don't waste your life.

30. Nine out of ten things in life don't go as planned, why make things difficult for yourself?

31. Be content with what you have, be grateful, only then can you live happily.

32. With good thoughts in your heart, do good deeds and accumulate virtue, only then can you have lasting blessings.

33. With a broad mind, able to contain all rivers, only then can you achieve great things.

34. Set your sights high, be down-to-earth, only then can you achieve your dreams.

35. Through adversity, one gains strength, through hardship, one grows.

36. Fear no danger, bravely forge ahead, only then can you achieve success.

37. The old man at the border lost his horse, how do you know it's not a blessing?

38. The weather is unpredictable, humans have good and bad fortune.

39. Nine out of ten things in life don't go as planned, there are only two or three things that can be shared with others.

40. Life is like a blade of grass, a season for trees, why dwell on the past?

41. Gains and losses, success and failure, all are like passing clouds, only true love remains in the heart.

42. Laugh at the ups and downs of life, be indifferent to fame and fortune, only then can you live freely.

43. Life is like a dream, dream is like life, waking up, where is home?

44. Fate is predetermined, you can't force it, go with the flow, that is the truth.

45. Flowers bloom and fall, clouds gather and disperse, life is just a cycle.

46. On the road of life, there are always thorns, how can you see the rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?

47. When you reach the end of the mountains and the water, you think there's no way forward, but then you see willows becoming green and flowers blooming, another village appears.

48. Life is short, why care about what others think?

49. If your heart is facing the sun, you will not fear winter, life is full of wonders.

50. Life is like a play, play is like life, why take it too seriously?

51. Gains and losses, success and failure, all are like passing clouds, why hold onto them?

52. Life is unpredictable, cherish the present moment, don't waste your youth.

53. How many flowers fall in the dream?

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