
## 好饿的毛毛虫句子 (85句)

**1. 一只小小的毛毛虫,从一颗小小的蛋里爬出来。**

A tiny caterpillar hatched from a tiny egg.

**2. 毛毛虫非常饿,它想要吃东西。**

The caterpillar was very hungry. It wanted to eat.

**3. 它先吃了一颗苹果,但是它还是觉得饿。**

It ate an apple, but it was still hungry.

**4. 它又吃了一颗梨子,但是它还是觉得饿。**

It ate a pear, but it was still hungry.

**5. 它接着吃了一颗李子,但是它还是觉得饿。**

It ate a plum, but it was still hungry.

**6. 它还吃了一颗草莓,一颗橘子,一颗桃子。**

It also ate a strawberry, an orange, and a peach.

**7. 可是它还是觉得很饿,它想要吃更多的东西。**

But it was still very hungry. It wanted to eat more.

**8. 它开始吃巧克力蛋糕,冰淇淋,一个腌黄瓜,一块奶酪,一块香肠。**

It started eating a piece of chocolate cake, an ice cream cone, a pickle, a piece of cheese, and a slice of salami.

**9. 毛毛虫吃得太多,它的肚子开始痛。**

The caterpillar ate too much, and its tummy started to hurt.

**10. 肚子痛得它无法动弹,它躺在那里休息。**

Its tummy hurt so much it couldn't move. It lay there and rested.

**11. 毛毛虫睡着了,它做了一个梦。**

The caterpillar fell asleep. It had a dream.

**12. 在梦里,它变成了一个漂亮的蝴蝶。**

In its dream, it turned into a beautiful butterfly.

**13. 它飞到花园里,在花朵上采蜜。**

It flew around the garden and sipped nectar from the flowers.

**14. 蝴蝶很高兴,它飞呀飞呀,飞到很远很远的地方。**

The butterfly was happy. It flew and flew and flew, far, far away.

**15. 毛毛虫醒来,它不再觉得饿了。**

The caterpillar woke up. It wasn't hungry anymore.

**16. 它不再是一只小小的毛毛虫,它变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶。**

It wasn't a tiny caterpillar anymore. It had become a beautiful butterfly.

**17. 它展开了翅膀,飞到花园里,在花朵上采蜜。**

It spread its wings and flew to the garden to sip nectar from the flowers.

**18. 毛毛虫的肚子不再痛了,它非常开心。**

The caterpillar's tummy didn't hurt anymore. It was very happy.

**19. 它在花园里飞来飞去,和其他的蝴蝶一起玩耍。**

It flew around the garden and played with other butterflies.

**20. 毛毛虫很高兴它变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶。**

The caterpillar was happy that it had become a beautiful butterfly.

**21. 毛毛虫从一颗小小的蛋里爬出来,它看起来很小。**

The caterpillar hatched from a tiny egg. It looked very small.

**22. 毛毛虫的颜色是绿色的,它身上有许多小黑点。**

The caterpillar was green and had many little black dots on its body.

**23. 毛毛虫的身体很柔软,它可以轻松地弯曲。**

The caterpillar's body was soft. It could bend easily.

**24. 毛毛虫有六条小腿,它们帮助它爬行。**

The caterpillar had six little legs that helped it to crawl.

**25. 毛毛虫还有许多小毛毛,它们覆盖着它的身体。**

The caterpillar also had many little hairs covering its body.

**26. 毛毛虫很饿,它想要找东西吃。**

The caterpillar was hungry. It wanted to find something to eat.

**27. 它爬到一颗苹果树上,它看到一颗红红的苹果。**

It climbed up an apple tree. It saw a red apple.

**28. 毛毛虫张开嘴巴,一口咬住了苹果。**

The caterpillar opened its mouth and took a bite of the apple.

**29. 苹果很甜,毛毛虫非常喜欢吃。**

The apple was sweet. The caterpillar loved eating it.

**30. 毛毛虫吃掉了整个苹果,它开始寻找更多的食物。**

The caterpillar ate the whole apple. It started searching for more food.

**31. 毛毛虫爬到一片梨树林里,它看到很多梨子。**

The caterpillar climbed into a pear orchard. It saw many pears.

**32. 毛毛虫吃掉了很多梨子,它觉得很满足。**

The caterpillar ate many pears. It felt satisfied.

**33. 毛毛虫又爬到一片李子树林里,它看到了许多李子。**

The caterpillar climbed into a plum orchard. It saw many plums.

**34. 毛毛虫吃掉了许多李子,它觉得很开心。**

The caterpillar ate many plums. It felt happy.

**35. 毛毛虫继续寻找食物,它爬到一个草莓园里。**

The caterpillar continued searching for food. It climbed into a strawberry patch.

**36. 毛毛虫吃掉了许多草莓,它觉得很兴奋。**

The caterpillar ate many strawberries. It felt excited.

**37. 毛毛虫又爬到一片橘子树林里,它看到了许多橘子。**

The caterpillar climbed into an orange orchard. It saw many oranges.

**38. 毛毛虫吃掉了许多橘子,它觉得很疲倦。**

The caterpillar ate many oranges. It felt tired.

**39. 毛毛虫又爬到一片桃子树林里,它看到了许多桃子。**

The caterpillar climbed into a peach orchard. It saw many peaches.

**40. 毛毛虫吃掉了许多桃子,它觉得很满足。**

The caterpillar ate many peaches. It felt satisfied.

**41. 毛毛虫吃饱了,它开始寻找一个安全的地方休息。**

The caterpillar was full. It started searching for a safe place to rest.

**42. 它爬到一片树叶上,它卷起身体,开始睡觉。**

It climbed onto a leaf. It curled up and went to sleep.

**43. 毛毛虫睡得很香,它做了一个梦。**

The caterpillar slept soundly. It had a dream.

**44. 在梦里,它看到自己变成了一个美丽的蝴蝶。**

In its dream, it saw itself transformed into a beautiful butterfly.

**45. 蝴蝶在花园里飞翔,它很自由,很开心。**

The butterfly flew around the garden. It was free and happy.

**46. 毛毛虫醒来,它已经不再是一只毛毛虫了。**

The caterpillar woke up. It was no longer a caterpillar.

**47. 它变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶,它展开了翅膀,飞到花园里。**

It had become a beautiful butterfly. It spread its wings and flew to the garden.

**48. 蝴蝶在花朵上采蜜,它很高兴它已经不再是一只毛毛虫了。**

The butterfly sipped nectar from the flowers. It was happy that it was no longer a caterpillar.

**49. 它飞到很远的地方,它看到了很多新的事物。**

It flew far away. It saw many new things.

**50. 蝴蝶和其他的蝴蝶一起玩耍,它们很开心。**

The butterfly played with other butterflies. They were happy.

**51. 蝴蝶很高兴它能自由地飞翔,它很高兴它不再是一只毛毛虫了。**

The butterfly was happy that it could fly freely. It was happy that it was no longer a caterpillar.

**52. 毛毛虫很小,它从一颗小小的蛋里爬出来。**

The caterpillar was small. It hatched from a tiny egg.

**53. 毛毛虫很饿,它想要找东西吃。**

The caterpillar was hungry. It wanted to find something to eat.

**54. 毛毛虫吃掉了很多东西,它吃掉了苹果,梨子,李子,草莓,橘子,桃子。**

The caterpillar ate many things. It ate apples, pears, plums, strawberries, oranges, and peaches.

**55. 毛毛虫还吃掉了巧克力蛋糕,冰淇淋,腌黄瓜,奶酪,香肠。**

The caterpillar also ate chocolate cake, ice cream, a pickle, cheese, and salami.

**56. 毛毛虫吃得太多,它的肚子开始痛。**

The caterpillar ate too much. Its tummy started to hurt.

**57. 毛毛虫睡着了,它做了一个梦。**

The caterpillar fell asleep. It had a dream.

**58. 在梦里,它看到了自己变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶。**

In its dream, it saw itself transformed into a beautiful butterfly.

**59. 毛毛虫醒来,它已经不再是一只毛毛虫了。**

The caterpillar woke up. It was no longer a caterpillar.

**60. 它变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶,它展开了翅膀,飞到花园里。**

It had become a beautiful butterfly. It spread its wings and flew to the garden.

**61. 蝴蝶在花朵上采蜜,它很高兴它不再是一只毛毛虫了。**

The butterfly sipped nectar from the flowers. It was happy that it was no longer a caterpillar.

**62. 毛毛虫从一颗小小的蛋里爬出来,它很小,很饿。**

The caterpillar hatched from a tiny egg. It was small and hungry.

**63. 毛毛虫吃掉了很多东西,它吃掉了苹果,梨子,李子,草莓,橘子,桃子。**

The caterpillar ate many things. It ate apples, pears, plums, strawberries, oranges, and peaches.

**64. 毛毛虫还吃掉了巧克力蛋糕,冰淇淋,腌黄瓜,奶酪,香肠。**

The caterpillar also ate chocolate cake, ice cream, a pickle, cheese, and salami.

**65. 毛毛虫吃得太多,它的肚子开始痛,它开始睡觉。**

The caterpillar ate too much. Its tummy started to hurt. It went to sleep.

**66. 毛毛虫做了一个梦,它梦见自己变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶。**

The caterpillar had a dream. It dreamed that it became a beautiful butterfly.

**67. 毛毛虫醒来,它已经不再是一只毛毛虫了,它变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶。**

The caterpillar woke up. It was no longer a caterpillar. It had become a beautiful butterfly.

**68. 蝴蝶展开了翅膀,飞到花园里,它很高兴它不再是一只毛毛虫了。**

The butterfly spread its wings and flew to the garden. It was happy that it was no longer a caterpillar.

**69. 毛毛虫很饿,它需要吃东西。**

The caterpillar was hungry. It needed to eat.

**70. 它吃了一颗苹果,一颗梨子,一颗李子,一颗草莓,一颗橘子,一颗桃子。**

It ate an apple, a pear, a plum, a strawberry, an orange, and a peach.

**71. 毛毛虫还吃了一块巧克力蛋糕,一块冰淇淋,一根腌黄瓜,一块奶酪,一片香肠。**

The caterpillar also ate a piece of chocolate cake, an ice cream cone, a pickle, a piece of cheese, and a slice of salami.

**72. 毛毛虫吃得太多,它的肚子开始痛,它睡着了。**

The caterpillar ate too much. Its tummy started to hurt. It went to sleep.

**73. 毛毛虫做了一个梦,它梦见自己变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶。**

The caterpillar had a dream. It dreamed that it became a beautiful butterfly.

**74. 毛毛虫醒来,它已经不再是一只毛毛虫了,它变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶。**

The caterpillar woke up. It was no longer a caterpillar. It had become a beautiful butterfly.

**75. 蝴蝶展开了翅膀,飞到花园里,它很高兴它不再是一只毛毛虫了。**

The butterfly spread its wings and flew to the garden. It was happy that it was no longer a caterpillar.

**76. 毛毛虫很小,它从一颗小小的蛋里爬出来,它很饿,它想要找东西吃。**

The caterpillar was small. It hatched from a tiny egg. It was hungry and wanted to find something to eat.

**77. 它吃了一颗苹果,但是它还是觉得饿。**

It ate an apple, but it was still hungry.

**78. 它又吃了一颗梨子,但是它还是觉得饿。**

It ate a pear, but it was still hungry.

**79. 它接着吃了一颗李子,但是它还是觉得饿。**

It ate a plum, but it was still hungry.

**80. 它还吃了一颗草莓,一颗橘子,一颗桃子。**

It also ate a strawberry, an orange, and a peach.

**81. 但是它还是觉得很饿,它想要吃更多的东西。**

But it was still very hungry. It wanted to eat more.

**82. 它开始吃巧克力蛋糕,冰淇淋,一个腌黄瓜,一块奶酪,一块香肠。**

It started eating a piece of chocolate cake, an ice cream cone, a pickle, a piece of cheese, and a slice of salami.

**83. 毛毛虫吃得太多,它的肚子开始痛,它无法动弹,它躺在那里休息。**

The caterpillar ate too much. Its tummy started to hurt. It couldn't move. It lay there and rested.

**84. 毛毛虫睡着了,它做了一个梦,它梦见自己变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶。**

The caterpillar fell asleep. It had a dream. It dreamed that it became a beautiful butterfly.

**85. 毛毛虫醒来,它已经不再是一只毛毛虫了,它变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶,它展开了翅膀,飞到花园里,它很高兴它不再是一只毛毛虫了。**

The caterpillar woke up. It was no longer a caterpillar. It had become a beautiful butterfly. It spread its wings and flew to the garden. It was happy that it was no longer a caterpillar.

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