
## 硬气名言句子 (79句)

**1. 逆风而行,方显英雄本色。**

Only by going against the wind can one show their heroic nature.

**2. 强者不畏惧挑战,弱者才惧怕挑战。**

The strong do not fear challenges, only the weak do.

**3. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。**

There is no difficult task in the world, only those who lack the heart to do it.

**4. 不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹?**

How can one see a rainbow without going through the rain?

**5. 人生的路,是自己走出来的。**

The path of life is one that is walked by oneself.

**6. 跌倒了,爬起来,继续前行。**

Fall down, get up, and keep going.

**7. 失败乃成功之母。**

Failure is the mother of success.

**8. 坚持不懈,终会成功。**

Perseverance will ultimately lead to success.

**9. 命运掌握在自己手中。**

Destiny is in one's own hands.

**10. 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**

When heaven is about to bestow a great responsibility on a man, it will first test his mind with hardship, exhaust his body with toil, expose him to hunger, and subject him to poverty. It will confound his plans, so as to awaken his spirit and toughen his nature, and thereby enhance his abilities.

**11. 千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。**

Though ground and pounded countless times, it remains firm and strong, defying the winds from every direction.

**12. 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。**

A sharp sword is forged from tempering, and the plum blossom's fragrance comes from cold hardship.

**13. 不怕万丈深渊,只怕心存畏惧。**

Fear not a thousand-foot abyss, but fear a heart filled with dread.

**14. 人生不如意事十之八九,要学会乐观面对。**

Nine out of ten things in life will not go as one wishes, one must learn to face them with optimism.

**15. 做事要脚踏实地,一步一个脚印。**

One must be practical in their work, taking one step at a time.

**16. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。**

Do not consider good deeds too small to do, and do not consider evil deeds too small to avoid.

**17. 做人要正直善良,光明磊落。**

One should be upright and kind, honest and straightforward.

**18. 要学会宽容待人,海纳百川。**

One should learn to be tolerant and accepting of others, like the vast ocean embracing all rivers.

**19. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。**

Better to be a shattered jade than a whole tile.

**20. 狭路相逢勇者胜。**

When two paths meet, the brave shall prevail.

**21. 知耻而后勇。**

Knowing shame leads to bravery.

**22. 自强不息,厚德载物。**

Be strong and never cease striving, be virtuous and carry all things.

**23. 锲而不舍,金石可镂。**

If you keep chipping away, even metal and stone can be carved.

**24. 君子一言驷马难追。**

A gentleman's word is as good as his bond.

**25. 言必信,行必果。**

What one says must be trustworthy, and what one does must be resolute.

**26. 有志者事竟成。**

Those who have ambition will eventually succeed.

**27. 欲成大事,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**

Those who want to achieve great things must first temper their minds, labor their bodies, endure hunger, experience poverty, and have their plans thwarted. In this way, they will develop their hearts and toughen their nature, thereby enhancing their abilities.

**28. 锲而不舍,金石可镂。**

If you keep chipping away, even metal and stone can be carved.

**29. 失败乃成功之母。**

Failure is the mother of success.

**30. 逆境是通往成功的阶梯。**

Adversity is the stepping stone to success.

**31. 坚持到底,就是胜利。**

To persevere to the end is to win.

**32. 天生我才必有用。**

I was born with a purpose, and I will find it.

**33. 精诚所至,金石为开。**

If you are sincere, even metal and stone will yield.

**34. 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。**

The road ahead is long and winding, but I will keep searching up and down.

**35. 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。**

A sharp sword is forged from tempering, and the plum blossom's fragrance comes from cold hardship.

**36. 不积跬步,无以至千里。**

Without accumulating small steps, one cannot travel a thousand miles.

**37. 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。**

If you do not sing, then when you do, it will be a thunderous sound.

**38. 巾帼不让须眉。**

Women are no less capable than men.

**39. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。**

There is no difficult task in the world, only those who lack the heart to do it.

**40. 有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。**

Those who have ambition will eventually succeed, like the Qin dynasty, which was eventually conquered by Chu despite its mighty walls. Those who work diligently will be rewarded, like the state of Yue, which eventually conquered the state of Wu after years of hardship.

**41. 不畏艰险,勇往直前。**

Fear no danger, bravely move forward.

**42. 敢为人先,开拓进取。**

Dare to be the first, be open-minded and progressive.

**43. 百折不挠,永不言败。**

Unwavering, never giving up.

**44. 宁为鸡头,不为凤尾。**

Better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

**45. 山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。**

When the mountains end and the waters dry up, one thinks there is no way forward, but then there is a village where willow trees are green and flowers are blooming.

**46. 不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。**

Without accumulating small steps, one cannot travel a thousand miles. Without accumulating small streams, one cannot form a river or the sea.

**47. 雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。**

The long and arduous path to the stronghold is like iron, but now I will step forward and start anew.

**48. 人无远虑,必有近忧。**

Those who have no far-reaching plans will inevitably have immediate worries.

**49. 逆水行舟,不进则退。**

Like a boat rowing against the current, if you don't move forward, you will fall behind.

**50. 知己知彼,百战不殆。**

To know oneself and one's enemy, to fight a hundred battles and not be defeated.

**51. 不破楼兰终不还。**

I will not return until I conquer Loulan.

**52. 天生我才必有用,千金散尽还复来。**

I was born with a purpose, and I will find it. Even if I spend all my wealth, it will come back to me.

**53. 不经一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香。**

Without experiencing bitter cold, how can the plum blossom's fragrance permeate the air?

**54. 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。**

A sharp sword is forged from tempering, and the plum blossom's fragrance comes from cold hardship.

**55. 人活着就要活出精彩,活出意义。**

One should live a life of brilliance and meaning.

**56. 人生就像一场旅行,重要的是沿途的风景,而不是目的地。**

Life is like a journey. What matters is the scenery along the way, not the destination.

**57. 人生苦短,及时行乐。**

Life is short, enjoy it while you can.

**58. 活出自我,做最好的自己。**

Be true to yourself, and be the best you can be.

**59. 不要把时间浪费在不值得的人和事上。**

Don't waste your time on people and things that aren't worth it.

**60. 学会爱自己,才能更好地爱别人。**

Learn to love yourself, so you can better love others.

**61. 人生的价值在于奉献,而不是索取。**

The value of life lies in giving, not taking.

**62. 人生的意义在于追求梦想,实现自我。**

The meaning of life lies in pursuing dreams and realizing oneself.

**63. 生命只有一次,要活出精彩。**

Life is but once, live it to the fullest.

**64. 不怕输,只怕不敢拼。**

Don't fear losing, fear not daring to fight.

**65. 要学会在逆境中寻找机会,在失败中汲取教训。**

Learn to find opportunities in adversity and draw lessons from failure.

**66. 不要害怕犯错,因为只有犯错才能进步。**

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because only by making mistakes can you grow.

**67. 不要轻易放弃,因为坚持下去往往会有意想不到的收获。**

Don't give up easily, because persistence often leads to unexpected gains.

**68. 人生的路是自己走出来的,要勇敢地去追寻自己的梦想。**

The path of life is one that is walked by oneself, bravely pursue your dreams.

**69. 不要被困难打败,因为你永远不知道自己有多强大。**

Don't be defeated by difficulties, because you never know how strong you are.

**70. 人生就像一场马拉松,坚持到底就能赢得胜利。**

Life is like a marathon, if you persevere to the end, you will win.

**71. 不要让任何人告诉你你不能做什么,因为只有你自己才能决定你的命运。**

Don't let anyone tell you what you can't do, because only you can decide your destiny.

**72. 人生的意义不在于你拥有了什么,而在于你贡献了什么。**

The meaning of life is not in what you possess, but in what you contribute.

**73. 不要害怕孤独,因为只有在孤独中才能找到真正的自我。**

Don't fear loneliness, because only in loneliness can you find your true self.

**74. 不要把时间浪费在无意义的事情上,因为时间是宝贵的。**

Don't waste your time on meaningless things, because time is precious.

**75. 学会感恩,因为你所拥有的都是宝贵的。**

Learn to be grateful, because what you have is precious.

**76. 不要把希望寄托在别人身上,因为只有你自己才能拯救自己。**

Don't place your hope in others, because only you can save yourself.

**77. 学会宽容,因为宽容是一种美德。**

Learn to be tolerant, because tolerance is a virtue.

**78. 学会独立,因为独立是一种力量。**

Learn to be independent, because independence is a strength.

**79. 不要害怕改变,因为改变是成长的必然。**

Don't fear change, because change is inevitable for growth.

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