
## 奈何缘浅句子 (72句)

**1. 奈何缘浅,情深缘浅,终究是过客。**

Alas, our connection is shallow, our love is deep but our fate is shallow, we are ultimately just passing through.

**2. 缘分这东西,就像握在手里的沙,攥得越紧,流失得越快。**

Fate is like sand in your hand. The tighter you grasp, the faster it slips away.

**3. 缘深缘浅,终有定数,强求不得。**

Deep or shallow, fate is predetermined, there's no point in forcing it.

**4. 有些人,注定只是生命中的过客,擦肩而过,便无缘再见。**

Some people are destined to be just passing through our lives, a fleeting encounter, and then we never see them again.

**5. 缘分,就像一场花开花落,美丽却短暂。**

Fate is like a blooming flower, beautiful but fleeting.

**6. 世上最远的距离,不是生与死,而是你就在我眼前,我却不能说我爱你。**

The farthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but between you being right in front of me, yet I can't say"I love you."

**7. 缘分,有时候,就像一场梦,醒来后,什么都变了。**

Fate, sometimes, is like a dream. When you wake up, everything is different.

**8. 我们相遇太晚,错过太多,注定无缘。**

We met too late, missed too much, destined to be without each other.

**9. 人世间,最难求的,莫过于真心,最难懂的,莫过于缘分。**

In this world, the most difficult thing to find is sincerity, and the most difficult thing to understand is fate.

**10. 缘分,就像一场游戏,输赢都无所谓,重要的是曾经拥有过。**

Fate is like a game. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, what matters is that you've had it once.

**11. 有些人,注定只能在梦里相见,现实中,却无缘相守。**

Some people, destined to be seen only in dreams, in reality, have no chance to be together.

**12. 缘分,就像一杯茶,苦涩过后,留下的只有淡淡清香。**

Fate is like a cup of tea. After the bitterness, only a faint fragrance remains.

**13. 有些缘分,注定只能擦肩而过,即使再相遇,也回不到过去。**

Some destinies are destined to only pass by, even if we meet again, we can't go back to the past.

**14. 缘分,就像天上的星星,遥不可及,却闪耀着光芒。**

Fate is like stars in the sky, out of reach, yet shining brightly.

**15. 我们终究是过客,在彼此的生命中匆匆而过,留下淡淡的思念。**

We are ultimately just passing through, fleetingly passing through each other's lives, leaving behind a faint longing.

**16. 缘分,就像一首歌曲,唱完就结束了,留下的只有回忆。**

Fate is like a song. When it's over, all that's left is the memory.

**17. 有些人,注定只能成为生命中的过客,即使曾经相遇,也无法相守一生。**

Some people, destined to be just passing through our lives, even if we met once, we can't stay together forever.

**18. 缘分,就像一朵花,美丽却易逝。**

Fate is like a flower, beautiful but transient.

**19. 我们相遇,只是为了彼此的成长,最终还是要分开。**

We met only for each other's growth, and ultimately, we have to separate.

**20. 有些爱,注定只能藏在心底,无法说出口。**

Some loves, destined to be hidden in the heart, can't be spoken.

**21. 缘分,就像一把锁,只有找到合适的钥匙才能打开。**

Fate is like a lock, only the right key can open it.

**22. 我们相遇,只是为了彼此的生命增添一抹色彩,然后,各自精彩。**

We met only to add a touch of color to each other's lives, and then, each of us shines brightly.

**23. 缘分,就像一阵风,吹过便消失了,留下的只有淡淡的清香。**

Fate is like a gust of wind, it passes and disappears, leaving only a faint fragrance.

**24. 有些缘分,注定只能在梦中相遇,现实中,却无法相守。**

Some destinies are destined to only meet in dreams, in reality, there's no chance to be together.

**25. 缘分,就像一场雨,来得快去得也快,留下的只有地上的一滩水。**

Fate is like a rain. It comes quickly and goes quickly, leaving only a puddle on the ground.

**26. 我们相遇,只是为了彼此的生命增添一抹色彩,然后,各自精彩。**

We met only to add a touch of color to each other's lives, and then, each of us shines brightly.

**27. 缘分,就像一杯茶,苦涩过后,留下的只有淡淡清香。**

Fate is like a cup of tea. After the bitterness, only a faint fragrance remains.

**28. 有些缘分,注定只能擦肩而过,即使再相遇,也回不到过去。**

Some destinies are destined to only pass by, even if we meet again, we can't go back to the past.

**29. 缘分,就像天上的星星,遥不可及,却闪耀着光芒。**

Fate is like stars in the sky, out of reach, yet shining brightly.

**30. 我们终究是过客,在彼此的生命中匆匆而过,留下淡淡的思念。**

We are ultimately just passing through, fleetingly passing through each other's lives, leaving behind a faint longing.

**31. 缘分,就像一首歌曲,唱完就结束了,留下的只有回忆。**

Fate is like a song. When it's over, all that's left is the memory.

**32. 有些人,注定只能成为生命中的过客,即使曾经相遇,也无法相守一生。**

Some people, destined to be just passing through our lives, even if we met once, we can't stay together forever.

**33. 缘分,就像一朵花,美丽却易逝。**

Fate is like a flower, beautiful but transient.

**34. 我们相遇,只是为了彼此的成长,最终还是要分开。**

We met only for each other's growth, and ultimately, we have to separate.

**35. 有些爱,注定只能藏在心底,无法说出口。**

Some loves, destined to be hidden in the heart, can't be spoken.

**36. 缘分,就像一把锁,只有找到合适的钥匙才能打开。**

Fate is like a lock, only the right key can open it.

**37. 我们相遇,只是为了彼此的生命增添一抹色彩,然后,各自精彩。**

We met only to add a touch of color to each other's lives, and then, each of us shines brightly.

**38. 缘分,就像一阵风,吹过便消失了,留下的只有淡淡的清香。**

Fate is like a gust of wind, it passes and disappears, leaving only a faint fragrance.

**39. 有些缘分,注定只能在梦中相遇,现实中,却无法相守。**

Some destinies are destined to only meet in dreams, in reality, there's no chance to be together.

**40. 缘分,就像一场雨,来得快去得也快,留下的只有地上的一滩水。**

Fate is like a rain. It comes quickly and goes quickly, leaving only a puddle on the ground.

**41. 奈何缘浅,只能将这份爱深深埋藏在心底。**

Alas, our connection is shallow, I can only bury this love deep in my heart.

**42. 缘分这东西,强求不得,只有顺其自然。**

Fate is something you can't force, you just have to let it be.

**43. 有些人,注定只能成为生命中的过客,即使留恋,也无法改变。**

Some people, destined to be just passing through our lives, even if we linger, it can't be changed.

**44. 缘分,就像一首歌,听完就结束了,留下的只有旋律。**

Fate is like a song. When it's over, all that's left is the melody.

**45. 我们相遇,只是为了彼此的生命增添一抹色彩,然后,各自精彩。**

We met only to add a touch of color to each other's lives, and then, each of us shines brightly.

**46. 缘分,就像一杯茶,苦涩过后,留下的只有淡淡清香。**

Fate is like a cup of tea. After the bitterness, only a faint fragrance remains.

**47. 有些缘分,注定只能擦肩而过,即使再相遇,也回不到过去。**

Some destinies are destined to only pass by, even if we meet again, we can't go back to the past.

**48. 缘分,就像天上的星星,遥不可及,却闪耀着光芒。**

Fate is like stars in the sky, out of reach, yet shining brightly.

**49. 我们终究是过客,在彼此的生命中匆匆而过,留下淡淡的思念。**

We are ultimately just passing through, fleetingly passing through each other's lives, leaving behind a faint longing.

**50. 缘分,就像一首歌曲,唱完就结束了,留下的只有回忆。**

Fate is like a song. When it's over, all that's left is the memory.

**51. 有些人,注定只能成为生命中的过客,即使曾经相遇,也无法相守一生。**

Some people, destined to be just passing through our lives, even if we met once, we can't stay together forever.

**52. 缘分,就像一朵花,美丽却易逝。**

Fate is like a flower, beautiful but transient.

**53. 我们相遇,只是为了彼此的成长,最终还是要分开。**

We met only for each other's growth, and ultimately, we have to separate.

**54. 有些爱,注定只能藏在心底,无法说出口。**

Some loves, destined to be hidden in the heart, can't be spoken.

**55. 缘分,就像一把锁,只有找到合适的钥匙才能打开。**

Fate is like a lock, only the right key can open it.

**56. 我们相遇,只是为了彼此的生命增添一抹色彩,然后,各自精彩。**

We met only to add a touch of color to each other's lives, and then, each of us shines brightly.

**57. 缘分,就像一阵风,吹过便消失了,留下的只有淡淡的清香。**

Fate is like a gust of wind, it passes and disappears, leaving only a faint fragrance.

**58. 有些缘分,注定只能在梦中相遇,现实中,却无法相守。**

Some destinies are destined to only meet in dreams, in reality, there's no chance to be together.

**59. 缘分,就像一场雨,来得快去得也快,留下的只有地上的一滩水。**

Fate is like a rain. It comes quickly and goes quickly, leaving only a puddle on the ground.

**60. 奈何缘浅,只能将这份爱深深埋藏在心底。**

Alas, our connection is shallow, I can only bury this love deep in my heart.

**61. 缘分这东西,强求不得,只有顺其自然。**

Fate is something you can't force, you just have to let it be.

**62. 有些人,注定只能成为生命中的过客,即使留恋,也无法改变。**

Some people, destined to be just passing through our lives, even if we linger, it can't be changed.

**63. 缘分,就像一首歌,听完就结束了,留下的只有旋律。**

Fate is like a song. When it's over, all that's left is the melody.

**64. 我们相遇,只是为了彼此的生命增添一抹色彩,然后,各自精彩。**

We met only to add a touch of color to each other's lives, and then, each of us shines brightly.

**65. 缘分,就像一杯茶,苦涩过后,留下的只有淡淡清香。**

Fate is like a cup of tea. After the bitterness, only a faint fragrance remains.

**66. 有些缘分,注定只能擦肩而过,即使再相遇,也回不到过去。**

Some destinies are destined to only pass by, even if we meet again, we can't go back to the past.

**67. 缘分,就像天上的星星,遥不可及,却闪耀着光芒。**

Fate is like stars in the sky, out of reach, yet shining brightly.

**68. 我们终究是过客,在彼此的生命中匆匆而过,留下淡淡的思念。**

We are ultimately just passing through, fleetingly passing through each other's lives, leaving behind a faint longing.

**69. 缘分,就像一首歌曲,唱完就结束了,留下的只有回忆。**

Fate is like a song. When it's over, all that's left is the memory.

**70. 有些人,注定只能成为生命中的过客,即使曾经相遇,也无法相守一生。**

Some people, destined to be just passing through our lives, even if we met once, we can't stay together forever.

**71. 缘分,就像一朵花,美丽却易逝。**

Fate is like a flower, beautiful but transient.

**72. 我们相遇,只是为了彼此的成长,最终还是要分开。**

We met only for each other's growth, and ultimately, we have to separate.

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