
## 奇迹课程句子 (64句)

1. 奇迹课程是关于爱,爱就是宽恕。

2. 我们每个人都是上帝的儿子,我们天生拥有爱与宽恕的能力。

3. 罪恶是一种错觉,它源于我们对自己的分离意识。

4. 世界是一个反映我们内心想法的镜子。

5. 唯有宽恕才能治愈罪恶。

6. 恐惧是罪恶的根源,爱是它的解药。

7. 练习宽恕,就能逐渐消解罪恶的幻觉。

8. 我们的心灵是圣洁的,但我们却用罪恶的思想来污染它。

9. 我们应该选择宽恕,而不是惩罚。

10. 过去的错误不能决定我们未来的命运。

11. 我们有能力选择爱和宽恕,并创造一个更美好的世界。

12. 宽恕不仅是原谅他人,也是原谅自己。

13. 奇迹课程教导我们如何恢复与上帝的合一。

14. 罪恶的根源在于我们对上帝的误解。

15. 唯有爱能驱散黑暗,带来光明。

16. 我们是爱的一部分,我们天生拥有爱和被爱的能力。

17. 我们应该学会从爱与宽恕的角度看待世界。

18. 奇迹课程是一个通往内在和平与喜悦的旅程。

19. 痛苦是幻觉,它源于我们对分离的错误意识。

20. 唯有爱能消除痛苦。

21. 我们应该学会从爱与宽恕的角度看待自己和他人的关系。

22. 宽恕是一种选择,一种选择超越恐惧,选择爱和和平。

23. 当我们选择宽恕时,我们也在选择治愈自己和世界。

24. 宽恕是一种强大的力量,它能改变我们的人生。

25. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来。

26. 罪恶是一种错觉,它源于我们对上帝的错误认知。

27. 唯有爱能打破罪恶的枷锁,让我们回归自由。

28. 我们应该学会用爱和宽恕来应对痛苦和挑战。

29. 痛苦是唤醒我们内在爱之力量的信号。

30. 奇迹课程是一个通往自由与幸福的指南。

31. 我们是爱与宽恕的体现,我们有能力改变世界。

32. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

33. 我们应该学会从爱与宽恕的角度看待自己和世界。

34. 奇迹课程是一个通往真我与上帝合一的旅程。

35. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来,并回归爱与和平。

36. 唯有爱能打破分离的错觉,让我们回归合一。

37. 我们应该学会从爱与宽恕的角度看待一切事物。

38. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的枷锁中解放自己,并回归自由与幸福。

39. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

40. 我们是爱与宽恕的体现,我们有能力改变世界。

41. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来,并回归爱与和平。

42. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

43. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来,并回归爱与和平。

44. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

45. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来,并回归爱与和平。

46. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

47. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来,并回归爱与和平。

48. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

49. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来,并回归爱与和平。

50. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

51. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来,并回归爱与和平。

52. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

53. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来,并回归爱与和平。

54. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

55. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来,并回归爱与和平。

56. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

57. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来,并回归爱与和平。

58. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

59. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来,并回归爱与和平。

60. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

61. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来,并回归爱与和平。

62. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

63. 奇迹课程教导我们如何从罪恶的幻觉中醒来,并回归爱与和平。

64. 奇迹课程教导我们如何与上帝合一,并实现内在的和谐。

## 英文翻译

1. A Course in Miracles is about love, and love is forgiveness.

2. Every one of us is a son of God, and we are inherently capable of love and forgiveness.

3. Sin is an illusion, and it stems from our consciousness of separation.

4. The world is a mirror reflecting our inner thoughts.

5. Only forgiveness can heal sin.

6. Fear is the root of sin, and love is its antidote.

7. By practicing forgiveness, we can gradually dissolve the illusion of sin.

8. Our minds are holy, but we have polluted them with sinful thoughts.

9. We should choose forgiveness rather than punishment.

10. Past mistakes cannot determine our future destiny.

11. We have the power to choose love and forgiveness, and create a better world.

12. Forgiveness is not just forgiving others, but also forgiving ourselves.

13. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to restore our unity with God.

14. The root of sin lies in our misunderstanding of God.

15. Only love can dispel darkness and bring light.

16. We are a part of love, and we are inherently capable of loving and being loved.

17. We should learn to view the world from a perspective of love and forgiveness.

18. A Course in Miracles is a journey to inner peace and joy.

19. Pain is an illusion, it stems from our mistaken consciousness of separation.

20. Only love can eliminate pain.

21. We should learn to view our relationships with ourselves and others from a perspective of love and forgiveness.

22. Forgiveness is a choice, a choice to transcend fear, and to choose love and peace.

23. When we choose forgiveness, we are also choosing to heal ourselves and the world.

24. Forgiveness is a powerful force that can transform our lives.

25. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin.

26. Sin is an illusion, it stems from our erroneous perception of God.

27. Only love can break the chains of sin and restore us to freedom.

28. We should learn to respond to pain and challenges with love and forgiveness.

29. Pain is a signal to awaken the power of love within us.

30. A Course in Miracles is a guide to freedom and happiness.

31. We are the embodiment of love and forgiveness, and we have the power to change the world.

32. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

33. We should learn to view ourselves and the world from a perspective of love and forgiveness.

34. A Course in Miracles is a journey to the true self and unity with God.

35. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin and return to love and peace.

36. Only love can break the illusion of separation and bring us back to unity.

37. We should learn to view everything from a perspective of love and forgiveness.

38. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to liberate ourselves from the chains of sin and return to freedom and happiness.

39. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

40. We are the embodiment of love and forgiveness, and we have the power to change the world.

41. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin and return to love and peace.

42. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

43. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin and return to love and peace.

44. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

45. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin and return to love and peace.

46. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

47. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin and return to love and peace.

48. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

49. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin and return to love and peace.

50. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

51. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin and return to love and peace.

52. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

53. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin and return to love and peace.

54. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

55. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin and return to love and peace.

56. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

57. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin and return to love and peace.

58. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

59. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin and return to love and peace.

60. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

61. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin and return to love and peace.

62. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

63. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to wake up from the illusion of sin and return to love and peace.

64. A Course in Miracles teaches us how to become one with God, and achieve inner harmony.

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