
## 87 常用医学英语句子

1. **What seems to be the problem?** - 告诉我,您感觉哪里不舒服?

2. **Can you tell me more about your symptoms?** - 你能详细描述一下您的症状吗?

3. **When did the symptoms start?** - 您的症状是什么时候开始的?

4. **How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?** - 您已经出现这些症状多久了?

5. **Do you have any other symptoms?** - 您还有其他症状吗?

6. **Have you taken any medication for this?** - 您服用过任何药物治疗吗?

7. **Can you describe the pain?** - 你能描述一下疼痛的感觉吗?

8. **Where is the pain located?** - 疼痛位于哪里?

9. **Is the pain constant or intermittent?** - 疼痛是持续性的还是间歇性的?

10. **What makes the pain worse?** - 什么会加重疼痛?

11. **What makes the pain better?** - 什么会减轻疼痛?

12. **Do you have any allergies?** - 您有对什么过敏吗?

13. **Are you taking any other medications?** - 您正在服用其他药物吗?

14. **Do you smoke?** - 您吸烟吗?

15. **How much alcohol do you drink?** - 您每天喝多少酒?

16. **Do you have any family history of this condition?** - 您家族中有人患过这种疾病吗?

17. **I need to examine you.** - 我需要检查一下你。

18. **Please lie down on the examination table.** - 请躺在检查台上。

19. **I'm going to listen to your heart and lungs.** - 我要听一下您的心脏和肺部。

20. **I'm going to take your blood pressure.** - 我要测量一下您的血压。

21. **I'm going to check your reflexes.** - 我要检查一下您的反射。

22. **I'm going to take a blood sample.** - 我要抽取血样。

23. **I'm going to order some tests.** - 我要为您安排一些检查。

24. **I'm going to refer you to a specialist.** - 我要将您转诊给专科医生。

25. **I'm going to prescribe you some medication.** - 我要为您开一些药。

26. **Take this medication three times a day with food.** - 请在饭后每天服用三次这种药。

27. **You need to rest and drink plenty of fluids.** - 您需要休息,多喝水。

28. **You need to avoid smoking and alcohol.** - 您需要戒烟戒酒。

29. **You need to follow up with me in a week.** - 您需要一周后复诊。

30. **Please don't hesitate to call me if you have any questions.** - 如果您有任何疑问,请随时与我联系。

31. **I'm sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.** - 听到您身体不适,我感到很抱歉。

32. **I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better.** - 听到您感觉好多了,我感到很高兴。

33. **I'm here to help you.** - 我在这里帮助你。

34. **Please don't worry.** - 请不要担心。

35. **Everything will be alright.** - 一切都会好起来的。

36. **I understand how you are feeling.** - 我理解您的感受。

37. **You are in good hands.** - 您现在很安全。

38. **Please be patient.** - 请耐心等待。

39. **I will do my best to help you.** - 我会尽力帮助你。

40. **Please let me know if you have any concerns.** - 如果您有任何疑虑,请告诉我。

41. **I'm here to answer any questions you may have.** - 我在这里解答您可能遇到的任何问题。

42. **I'm here to provide you with the best possible care.** - 我在这里为您提供最好的护理。

43. **I'm here to support you throughout this process.** - 我在这里全程支持您。

44. **Please follow the instructions carefully.** - 请仔细遵循指示。

45. **You need to take this medication as prescribed.** - 您需要按处方服用这种药物。

46. **Please come back for a follow-up appointment.** - 请回来复诊。

47. **You need to be careful with this medication.** - 您需要小心服用这种药物。

48. **Please avoid driving or operating machinery.** - 请避免驾驶或操作机械。

49. **Please keep me informed of any changes in your condition.** - 如果您有任何身体状况的变化,请告诉我。

50. **You are doing great!** - 您做的很棒!

51. **You are making good progress.** - 您正在取得良好进展。

52. **You are a fighter!** - 您是一位斗士!

53. **We are here for you.** - 我们在这里支持你。

54. **Please don't give up hope.** - 请不要放弃希望。

55. **I'm confident that you will get better.** - 我相信你会好起来的。

56. **I'm proud of you.** - 我为你感到骄傲。

57. **You are a strong person.** - 您是一个坚强的人。

58. **You have a lot to live for.** - 您有许多值得珍惜的东西。

59. **Please take care of yourself.** - 请照顾好自己。

60. **You are a survivor.** - 您是一位幸存者。

61. **I'm here to listen.** - 我在这里倾听。

62. **I'm here to support you emotionally.** - 我在这里支持您在情感上。

63. **You are not alone in this.** - 您并不孤单。

64. **Please reach out for help if you need it.** - 如果您需要帮助,请伸出手。

65. **You are a valuable member of our community.** - 您是我们社区中宝贵的一员。

66. **We are all here to support you.** - 我们都来支持你。

67. **You are a blessing to us all.** - 您是我们的福气。

68. **I'm so sorry for your loss.** - 我为您的损失感到非常抱歉。

69. **Please accept my condolences.** - 请接受我的慰问。

70. **My thoughts and prayers are with you.** - 我的思念和祈祷与您同在。

71. **I hope you find peace and comfort.** - 我希望您能找到平静和安慰。

72. **Please know that you are loved and supported.** - 请知道您是被爱和支持的。

73. **We will get through this together.** - 我们会一起度过难关。

74. **I'm here to help you grieve.** - 我在这里帮助您悲伤。

75. **It's okay to feel sad.** - 感到悲伤是正常的。

76. **Please allow yourself to feel your emotions.** - 请允许自己感受自己的情绪。

77. **Please don't hesitate to reach out for support.** - 如果您需要支持,请不要犹豫。

78. **You are strong and resilient.** - 您是坚强而有韧性的。

79. **You are a survivor.** - 您是一位幸存者。

80. **You will heal in time.** - 您会随着时间的推移而愈合。

81. **Please focus on taking care of yourself.** - 请专注于照顾好自己。

82. **You are a beautiful person inside and out.** - 您内外兼具美丽。

83. **You are worthy of love and happiness.** - 您值得被爱和幸福。

84. **Please keep your head up.** - 请保持乐观。

85. **You are a fighter.** - 您是一位斗士。

86. **I believe in you.** - 我相信你。

87. **We are all in this together.** - 我们都在一起。

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