
## 医生的常用英语句子 (76句)

1. **What brings you in today?** (今天您来看病是为了什么?)

2. **Can you tell me more about your symptoms?** (能告诉我更多关于您症状的信息吗?)

3. **How long have you been experiencing this?** (您已经出现这种症状多久了?)

4. **Have you had this before?** (您以前有出现过这种情况吗?)

5. **Have you taken any medication for this?** (您有服用过任何药物吗?)

6. **Where does it hurt?** (哪里疼?)

7. **Can you point to the area?** (你能指一下那个部位吗?)

8. **Can you describe the pain?** (你能描述一下疼痛的感觉吗?)

9. **Is the pain constant or intermittent?** (疼痛是持续的还是间歇性的?)

10. **Is the pain sharp, dull, or throbbing?** (疼痛是尖锐的、钝的还是搏动的?)

11. **Does anything make the pain better or worse?** (有什么东西会让疼痛好转或加重?)

12. **Do you have any other symptoms?** (您还有其他症状吗?)

13. **Have you been feeling tired lately?** (您最近有感到疲倦吗?)

14. **Have you been losing weight without trying?** (您有在没有刻意的情况下减轻体重吗?)

15. **Have you been experiencing any fever?** (您有发烧吗?)

16. **Have you been having any trouble sleeping?** (您睡眠方面有问题吗?)

17. **Have you been feeling nauseous or vomiting?** (您有恶心或呕吐的感觉吗?)

18. **Have you been having any diarrhea or constipation?** (您有腹泻或便秘吗?)

19. **Have you been experiencing any dizziness or lightheadedness?** (您有头晕或头昏眼花的感觉吗?)

20. **Have you been experiencing any shortness of breath?** (您有呼吸短促吗?)

21. **Have you been coughing?** (您有咳嗽吗?)

22. **Have you been experiencing any chest pain?** (您有胸痛吗?)

23. **Have you been experiencing any muscle weakness?** (您有肌肉无力吗?)

24. **Have you been experiencing any numbness or tingling?** (您有麻木或刺痛的感觉吗?)

25. **Have you been experiencing any changes in your vision?** (您有视力变化吗?)

26. **Have you been experiencing any changes in your hearing?** (您有听力变化吗?)

27. **Have you been experiencing any changes in your sense of smell or taste?** (您有嗅觉或味觉的变化吗?)

28. **Have you been experiencing any changes in your skin?** (您有皮肤变化吗?)

29. **Have you been experiencing any problems with your urination?** (您有排尿方面的问题吗?)

30. **Have you been experiencing any problems with your bowel movements?** (您有排便方面的问题吗?)

31. **Have you been experiencing any problems with your sexual function?** (您有性功能方面的问题吗?)

32. **I'm going to need to examine you now.** (我现在需要检查您一下。)

33. **Please lie down on the examination table.** (请躺到检查台上。)

34. **I'm going to take your temperature.** (我要测量一下您的体温。)

35. **I'm going to check your blood pressure.** (我要检查一下您的血压。)

36. **I'm going to listen to your heart.** (我要听一下您的心跳。)

37. **I'm going to listen to your lungs.** (我要听一下您的肺部。)

38. **I'm going to check your abdomen.** (我要检查一下您的腹部。)

39. **I'm going to examine your throat.** (我要检查一下您的喉咙。)

40. **I'm going to check your ears.** (我要检查一下您的耳朵。)

41. **I'm going to check your eyes.** (我要检查一下您的眼睛。)

42. **I'm going to check your reflexes.** (我要检查一下您的反射。)

43. **I'm going to order some tests.** (我要做一些检查。)

44. **I'm going to prescribe you some medication.** (我要给您开一些药。)

45. **You need to take this medication twice a day.** (您需要每天服用两次这种药物。)

46. **You need to take this medication with food.** (您需要在吃饭时服用这种药物。)

47. **You need to avoid alcohol while taking this medication.** (您在服用这种药物时需要避免饮酒。)

48. **You need to avoid driving while taking this medication.** (您在服用这种药物时需要避免驾驶。)

49. **I'm going to refer you to a specialist.** (我要转诊给您一位专家。)

50. **You need to follow up with me in two weeks.** (您需要在两周内复诊。)

51. **I'm going to give you a sick note.** (我要给您开一张病假条。)

52. **You need to rest and drink plenty of fluids.** (您需要休息并多喝水。)

53. **You need to avoid strenuous activity.** (您需要避免剧烈运动。)

54. **You need to eat a healthy diet.** (您需要吃健康的饮食。)

55. **You need to get enough sleep.** (您需要获得足够的睡眠。)

56. **You need to manage your stress levels.** (您需要管理您的压力水平。)

57. **You need to quit smoking.** (您需要戒烟。)

58. **You need to limit your alcohol intake.** (您需要限制酒精的摄入。)

59. **You need to lose weight.** (您需要减肥。)

60. **You need to exercise regularly.** (您需要定期锻炼。)

61. **I understand that you are worried.** (我理解您很担心。)

62. **This is a serious condition.** (这是一个严重的病症。)

63. **I will do my best to help you.** (我会尽力帮助您。)

64. **You are in good hands.** (您现在处于安全可靠的环境中。)

65. **Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions.** (请随时向我提问。)

66. **I will explain everything in detail.** (我会详细解释一切。)

67. **I will be with you every step of the way.** (我会陪伴您走过每一步。)

68. **You are doing well.** (您正在康复中。)

69. **You are making great progress.** (您正在取得很大的进步。)

70. **You are strong and resilient.** (您很坚强且有韧性。)

71. **I am proud of you.** (我为你们感到自豪。)

72. **You are an inspiration to me.** (您是我的榜样。)

73. **I am here for you.** (我一直在您身边。)

74. **You are not alone.** (您并不孤单。)

75. **I believe in you.** (我相信您。)

76. **You are going to be okay.** (您会没事的。)

以上就是关于医生常用英语句子76句(医生常用英语句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
