
## 大寒玉大雪句子,68句,并翻译成英文


1. 大寒时节,玉树琼枝,银装素裹,美不胜收。
2. 雪落无声,寒风凛冽,却掩盖不住这冬日的美景。
3. 大雪纷飞,漫天飞舞,仿佛天女散花,美轮美奂。
4. 寒风刺骨,却抵挡不住人们观赏雪景的热情。
5. 白雪覆盖了山川河流,世界一片银装素裹。
6. 大寒时节,雪景如画,令人心旷神怡。
7. 冰天雪地,银装素裹,展现出冬日的壮丽与宁静。
8. 雪花飘落,晶莹剔透,仿佛冬日里的精灵。
9. 大寒节气,天寒地冻,却也别有一番风情。
10. 雪花飞舞,在空中留下美丽的轨迹。
11. 雪后初晴,阳光照耀,万物银装素裹,美不胜收。
12. 大雪覆盖了大地,带来一片宁静与祥和。
13. 寒冬腊月,雪落无声,仿佛时间都静止了。
14. 大雪纷飞,仿佛世界都变得纯净起来。
15. 雪花落在屋顶上,形成了一层厚厚的积雪。
16. 寒风凛冽,却掩盖不住人们的欢声笑语。
17. 大雪过后,万物都焕然一新。
18. 雪景如诗如画,令人流连忘返。
19. 大寒时节,雪景是冬日最美的礼物。
20. 冰天雪地,却也充满着生机与活力。
21. 大雪纷飞,仿佛一场冬日里的盛宴。
22. 雪花飘落,如同天上的星星,点缀着夜空。
23. 雪景如梦似幻,令人沉醉其中。
24. 大寒时节,雪景是冬日里最美的风景。
25. 冰雪覆盖了大地,世界仿佛披上了一件银色的外衣。
26. 雪花飘落,在阳光的照耀下闪耀着晶莹的光芒。
27. 大寒时节,雪景是冬日里最独特的美丽。
28. 冰天雪地,却也充满着浪漫的气息。
29. 雪花飘落,仿佛在诉说着冬日的童话故事。
30. 大雪纷飞,给人们带来了无限的快乐。
31. 雪景如画,令人仿佛置身于童话世界。
32. 大寒时节,雪景是冬日里最令人难忘的记忆。
33. 雪花飘落,如同冬日里的精灵,在空中翩翩起舞。
34. 寒风凛冽,却也无法阻挡人们对雪景的喜爱。
35. 大雪过后,世界变得更加纯净、更加美丽。
36. 冰天雪地,却也充满了无限的希望。
37. 雪景如画,令人心旷神怡,流连忘返。
38. 大寒时节,雪景是冬日里最美的风景线。
39. 雪花飘落,如同冬日里的小天使,给人们带来祝福。
40. 寒风刺骨,却也无法掩盖雪景的美丽。
41. 大雪过后,万物都披上了银色的外衣。
42. 雪景如梦似幻,令人仿佛置身于仙境。
43. 大寒时节,雪景是冬日里最独特的魅力。
44. 冰天雪地,却也充满了生机与活力。
45. 雪花飘落,如同冬日里的精灵,给人们带来快乐。
46. 寒风凛冽,却也无法阻挡人们对雪景的欣赏。
47. 大雪过后,世界变得更加纯净、更加美好。
48. 雪景如画,令人心旷神怡,流连忘返。
49. 大寒时节,雪景是冬日里最美的景象。
50. 雪花飘落,如同冬日里的小天使,给人们带来希望。
51. 寒风刺骨,却也无法掩盖雪景的魅力。
52. 大雪过后,万物都披上了银色的外套。
53. 雪景如梦似幻,令人仿佛置身于童话世界。
54. 大寒时节,雪景是冬日里最独特的美丽。
55. 冰天雪地,却也充满了生机与活力。
56. 雪花飘落,如同冬日里的精灵,给人们带来温暖。
57. 寒风凛冽,却也无法阻挡人们对雪景的热爱。
58. 大雪过后,世界变得更加纯净、更加祥和。
59. 雪景如画,令人心旷神怡,流连忘返。
60. 大寒时节,雪景是冬日里最美的风景线。
61. 雪花飘落,如同冬日里的小天使,给人们带来幸福。
62. 寒风刺骨,却也无法掩盖雪景的壮丽。
63. 大雪过后,万物都披上了银色的外衣。
64. 雪景如梦似幻,令人仿佛置身于仙境。
65. 大寒时节,雪景是冬日里最独特的美丽。
66. 冰天雪地,却也充满了生机与活力。
67. 雪花飘落,如同冬日里的精灵,给人们带来美好。
68. 寒风凛冽,却也无法阻挡人们对雪景的向往。


1. The Great Cold season, jade trees and branches covered in snow, a beautiful sight.

2. The snow falls silently, the cold wind is biting, but it can't hide the beauty of this winter landscape.

3. Heavy snow falls, flying and dancing in the air, like heavenly flowers scattering, beautiful beyond compare.

4. The piercing cold wind cannot deter people's enthusiasm for admiring the snowy scenery.

5. White snow covers mountains and rivers, the world is covered in silver.

6. During the Great Cold, the snow scene is like a painting, refreshing the mind and invigorating the spirit.

7. Ice and snow cover the land, a magnificent and tranquil winter scene.

8. Snowflakes fall, crystal clear, like winter sprites.

9. The Great Cold season, freezing cold, yet has its own unique charm.

10. Snowflakes dance, leaving beautiful trails in the air.

11. After the snow, the sun shines, everything is covered in silver, a beautiful sight.

12. The heavy snow covers the land, bringing peace and harmony.

13. In the cold winter months, the snow falls silently, as if time has stopped.

14. The heavy snow falls, as if the world becomes pure.

15. Snowflakes fall on the rooftops, forming a thick layer of snow.

16. The biting cold wind cannot hide the laughter and joy of the people.

17. After the heavy snow, everything is renewed.

18. The snowy scenery is like poetry and painting, captivating the soul.

19. During the Great Cold, the snow scene is the most beautiful gift of winter.

20. Ice and snow cover the land, yet it's full of life and energy.

21. The heavy snow falls, like a winter feast.

22. Snowflakes fall, like stars in the sky, decorating the night sky.

23. The snowy scenery is like a dream, intoxicating the soul.

24. During the Great Cold, the snow scene is the most beautiful winter landscape.

25. Ice and snow cover the land, the world seems to be wearing a silver coat.

26. Snowflakes fall, shining brightly under the sun's rays.

27. During the Great Cold, the snow scene is the most unique beauty of winter.

28. Ice and snow cover the land, yet there's a romantic atmosphere.

29. Snowflakes fall, as if telling winter fairy tales.

30. The heavy snow falls, bringing endless joy to people.

31. The snowy scenery is like a painting, making people feel like they are in a fairy tale world.

32. During the Great Cold, the snow scene is the most unforgettable memory of winter.

33. Snowflakes fall, like winter sprites, dancing in the air.

34. The biting cold wind cannot stop people's love for the snowy scenery.

35. After the heavy snow, the world becomes purer and more beautiful.

36. Ice and snow cover the land, yet it's full of hope.

37. The snowy scenery is like a painting, refreshing the mind and invigorating the spirit, captivating the soul.

38. During the Great Cold, the snow scene is the most beautiful scenery of winter.

39. Snowflakes fall, like little winter angels, bringing blessings to people.

40. The biting cold wind cannot hide the beauty of the snow scene.

41. After the heavy snow, everything is covered in a silver coat.

42. The snowy scenery is like a dream, making people feel like they are in a wonderland.

43. During the Great Cold, the snow scene is the most unique charm of winter.

44. Ice and snow cover the land, yet it's full of life and energy.

45. Snowflakes fall, like winter sprites, bringing joy to people.

46. The biting cold wind cannot stop people's appreciation of the snowy scenery.

47. After the heavy snow, the world becomes purer and more beautiful.

48. The snowy scenery is like a painting, refreshing the mind and invigorating the spirit, captivating the soul.

49. During the Great Cold, the snow scene is the most beautiful sight of winter.

50. Snowflakes fall, like little winter angels, bringing hope to people.

51. The biting cold wind cannot hide the charm of the snow scene.

52. After the heavy snow, everything is covered in a silver coat.

53. The snowy scenery is like a dream, making people feel like they are in a fairy tale world.

54. During the Great Cold, the snow scene is the most unique beauty of winter.

55. Ice and snow cover the land, yet it's full of life and energy.

56. Snowflakes fall, like winter sprites, bringing warmth to people.

57. The biting cold wind cannot stop people's love for the snowy scenery.

58. After the heavy snow, the world becomes purer and more peaceful.

59. The snowy scenery is like a painting, refreshing the mind and invigorating the spirit, captivating the soul.

60. During the Great Cold, the snow scene is the most beautiful scenery of winter.

61. Snowflakes fall, like little winter angels, bringing happiness to people.

62. The biting cold wind cannot hide the magnificence of the snow scene.

63. After the heavy snow, everything is covered in a silver coat.

64. The snowy scenery is like a dream, making people feel like they are in a wonderland.

65. During the Great Cold, the snow scene is the most unique beauty of winter.

66. Ice and snow cover the land, yet it's full of life and energy.

67. Snowflakes fall, like winter sprites, bringing beauty to people.

68. The biting cold wind cannot stop people's longing for the snowy scenery.

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